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5 Day Cleaning Challenge!

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Hey, wanna join us?


A couple of us are spending thirty minutes a day cleaning house so by Jan. 1 we'll be ready to face the year and do some real sorting out.


This isn't an all-day clean fest. This is just 30 minutes.


You set your timer, put on some music and clean like crazy! Then you stop and do something else. We're on day two, but don't feel like you've missed the boat.


Here is the blog entry: 5 Days To A Clean Slate

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You motivated me enough that I started already. ;)

Actually, I love Boxing Day. It is my once a year cleaning day, so we started a few days ago. We are on the office right now. I may post pictures.....


Thanks for the many posts about keeping things simple. I love them!

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but I aim to put in more time than 30 minutes / day as dh took our dc away yesterday & they won't return until late friday night! My progress so far...


  • my wardrobe emptied & vacumed
  • linens for our bed sorted & put neatly in the wardrobe
  • my clothing, that I like, fit, & wear put in my wardrobe
  • all boxes, baskets, etc. from previous "stash & dash" cleanings put in lounge for sorting
  • the hall closet emptied & vacumed
  • all boxes, etc. from our library put in lounge for sorting
  • library vacumed & history / science resources tidied
  • laundry washed, dried, & folded
  • ds#2's bedding washed, dried, & folded
  • recipes found for plum sauce & sweet pickle relish
  • dishwasher run



But I forgot two of FlyLady's biggest helps...wear shoes & go to bed at a reasonable hour. My calves are in pain & I've slept the morning away. :(


This thread should help to keep me focused, as I don't want to waste my week without getting the sorting done.



Edited by Deb in NZ
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I started today without even knowing. :)


We've had stuff laying all over the trailer ever since we got back from our trip. I finally unpacked and put most of the stuff away.


Tomorrow I attack the bedroom and maybe even arrange/declutter under the bed (our bed lifts up and we have storage under the bed).


Hey! How about some pictures???!!!

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I did NOT want to do this today - on top of all the other stuff I do all day - and kept watching the boards and noticed this thread never got bumped so I figured no-one would do it. But I did it anyway and I'm really glad I did! I cleaned up the trailer diningroom (I clean the outside diningroom every day) and put away all the books and crap that had accumulated there and then Cleaned Off My Bedside TABLE!!! Of course, no pictures. :)


So, thanks for the thread and the silent encouragement. Now I need to figure out what, out of the million items that need doing, will be done tomorrow.

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Yesterday I made a dent in the boxes / baskets of STUFF I moved to the lounge day 1. I sorted through 5 big boxes + a high junky plastic shelf unit & have 1 box books + 4 bags of odd & ends to donate to the local teenage mum's school, 1 box of papers for recycling, & half a bag of rubbish. I even found a few things that had gone AWOL over the years. It doesn't yet look like I've made to much progress, but bit by bit I know I can get through it.


Earlier in the day I made a quick trip to the shop for the few things I needed to do my relish & jams, returned library books that were due, & treated myself to 10 dvds at the rental shop. Shoes & an earlier bedtime did help yesterday. FlyLady does have good ideas. Now if I can remember to drink my water & feed me...



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4 laundry baskets of stuff sorted, 5 pints of plum sauce made, & both dd's & ds's paper runs completed. I'm finding some treasures hidden among the junk. Today I found a letter written to me from my sister. :Angel_anim:She died 3 years ago this thursday. I, also, found a bag of mending that included jeans that my boys are now 4 sizes too big.:sad:Guess I don't need to patch those anymore. I still have about another dozen boxes to go. There's hope I'll be finished before the family returns on friday night. Thanks for starting this thread. It helps to be accountable to someone.



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An hour and a half later, the bathroom is clean. I'm taking a break and starting on the toyroom/laundry area. After that I'm hitting the school room.


The three go together because the laundry is going from the bathroom, once I get the laundry done, it needs to be put away. It is currently scattered in the toy/laundry area. My clothes closet is in the school room so that goes back to cleaning up the laundry.


Don't worry, I understand what I'm doing. Tomorrow is the kitchen. Thursday is the bedroom. Friday is the living room and Saturday we put away Christmas decorations. Right now the living room is the holding area for the Christmas stuff scattered about the house.

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Ooo I unknowingly started this as well :)

Saturday I took down all Christmas decor...even my wintery snowmen..I was just feeling cluttered this year, so, down it all came.

Then yesterday I tackled the library and the upstairs hall closet...as well as the usual tidying in the living room and kitchen cleanings.

Today I vacuumed the entire upstairs. The kids cleaned their rooms and the bathrooms yesterday. They did a sufficient job, I'm ok with it.


I'm running low on motivation though...can you offer me a boost Jennifer? I need one to tackle the large pantry :p

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Want to do it together tomorrow? That is when I'm scheduled to clean the kitchen out - cupboards, closets, oven, etc.



Ok, I'm in! It really isn't a huge, time-consuming job...I don't think LOL I just don't *want* to do it :p

Ok, tomorrow then..and I'm going to be held accountable..alright. :) Thanks!


(give me a kick in the morning will ya?)

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Ok, I'm in! It really isn't a huge, time-consuming job...I don't think LOL I just don't *want* to do it :p

Ok, tomorrow then..and I'm going to be held accountable..alright. :) Thanks!


(give me a kick in the morning will ya?)


Will do.


Mine is a huge time consuming job. Especially since I haven't done anything in there yet today. I will have to pick up a bit so I have space to cook dinner.


On a good note, I'm done for the day with the heavy duty cleaning. I've gotten the three rooms I wanted to do done.


It was 11:42 when I posted I finished the bathroom. It is now 2:45 when I'm finished the other two rooms. I've been keeping busy.

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Oh, Oh, Oh.....can I join in that tomorrow? I've just GOT to get our fridge cleaned out! We've done some cleaning in there already, but the fridge is the last hold-out---I just don't wanna do it!!! But if your two do it, I will!!! Can you kick me too?


We have 2 1/2 bathrooms, so I forced my poor children to deep clean them today! Well, my ds17 did the 1/2 bath, ds 15 and dd11 did the bath the kids use, and I tackled the master bath. We had spot cleaned but not deep cleaned, so it was quite the job! The kids did great--they were motivated by wanting to get on the computers, so I said they couldn't get on 'til it was done. And if it wasn't done well, they still wouldn't get on the computers! Their bathrooms were VERY clean, I was very pleased! I had them come check mine when I was done as well. I was able to pass with flying colors too! :)


Thanks for the motivation! Well, my kids may not thank you, but I do :lol:, it was soooo good to get that done!!!

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Want to do it together tomorrow? That is when I'm scheduled to clean the kitchen out - cupboards, closets, oven, etc.


Yes! I'll be in on it too. I had to skip today due to job hunting and I might have to drive to Cancun tomorrow, but otherwise, I'll be jumping back in tomorrow. I think I'll tackle the upstairs.

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I've emptied 6 more boxes. My New Year's resolution is to never let mail & junkmail pile up!!! I think there is over 3 bags alone of junkmail that is over 4 years old sitting on the front porch to put out for recycling tomorrow morning. I have 2 days left before my family returns & I have a lot still on my list. I may not get the cleaning done, but I do want to finish sorting the dozen boxes left & put the bags of gear to donate into the car boot for my next trip to town. My family probably won't notice a big difference as most of these boxes were hidden in closets & piled down the hallway & the middle of our library.

My goals for the next 2 days:

***Thursday = finish sorting the last dozen or so boxes & put away gear that is left.

***Friday = make pickle relish, bake cookies, make up kids' beds, vacume & mop floors, & clean out fridges.

***Saturday = air camping gear, do a zillion loads of stinky camping/sailing clothing, & listen to the tall tales from the week. :laugh:


Happy New Year---2009 begins in 20 minutes :party:

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I'm late, but I did manage to get both of the Christmas down and put away yesterday. There are two more small ones upstairs...but the kids can do their own rooms this weekend.


My refrigerator and the inside of the microwave are making me crazy...uck...I do not want to clean the microwave this early.

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Slow start here this morning. I've had several "don't want to get out of bed" moments the past week. So, I'm just now up and getting the baby down for his nap. Then, hopefully, I'll get started. All the children are playing outside, so at least I have that working for me. :)

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I'm taking a break. I have 1/3 of the kitchen done. I had to pry the knobs for the stove off with a screwdriver. I don't know if they were just that disgustingly gross or if they have never been off to be cleaned before. I'm going to have to try a Magic Eraser on the cabinet fronts. Which means I'm going to have to do that later. I'm stuck at home without a vehicle.


Okay, on to another spot.

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I'm so glad you guys have been doing this!


If you've read my blog you'll see I'm not supposed to be READING this week (stupid Artist's Way group!) So I've been trying not to get on this forum or I'll read. I'm glad I broke the rule and checked in because I haven't had any comments on the blog for a day or so and thought everyone had given up, LOL.


I'll be sure to post more pics - and if anyone has some pics they want to add to the blog, email me at lenandjennifer at gmail.com. I don't know if you can post pictures in your comments. I really wish people could.


Does anyone else know the answer to that?


By the way - consider yourselves kicked in the butt or gently encouraged to do DAY 5!!!!! (whichever type of motivation you prefer)


Wait until you see what I have on tap for tomorrow!

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Done! I reorganized the pantry.

I told you it wasn't a huge job...it was just a matter of getting started..and I'm seriously lacking gumption this week :p


But...it's done. Totes closed back up, shoved to the back, stacked. Floor vacuumed. Things put back on shelf in an order that makes sense to me. Hopefully my 9 yr old, who puts away dishes, will agree :p Some of the kids arts/crafts stuff is reorganized in plastic shoe boxes and put on a shelf as well. It's up high...to help prevent chaos from the littles dragging it out without permission. But the elders can get to it just fine...the 5 yr old can with a chair. So..we should be good there. Building boxes stored beneath the bottom shelf. The rack on the side purged and reorganized to the best of my ability...not knowing just what to do with some of hubs junk drawer kind of stuff. At least it's contained in ziploc bags :)




Now can I nap? For a month? *sigh*

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Done! I reorganized the pantry.

I told you it wasn't a huge job...it was just a matter of getting started..and I'm seriously lacking gumption this week :p


But...it's done. Totes closed back up, shoved to the back, stacked. Floor vacuumed. Things put back on shelf in an order that makes sense to me. Hopefully my 9 yr old, who puts away dishes, will agree :p Some of the kids arts/crafts stuff is reorganized in plastic shoe boxes and put on a shelf as well. It's up high...to help prevent chaos from the littles dragging it out without permission. But the elders can get to it just fine...the 5 yr old can with a chair. So..we should be good there. Building boxes stored beneath the bottom shelf. The rack on the side purged and reorganized to the best of my ability...not knowing just what to do with some of hubs junk drawer kind of stuff. At least it's contained in ziploc bags :)




Now can I nap? For a month? *sigh*


I'm glad you got it done. I hate those days that I have to push so very hard to get started.


I told dh that he needs to pick up pizza on his way home because I didn't want to mess up the kitchen by cooking.

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I am making pizza tonight.


Luckily the kids got in so much trouble the other day about breaking the dishwasher that they're doing a stellar job cleaning up the kitchen after meals.


I went through all my kitchen cupboards, pulled everything out, got rid of stuff and wiped them down. Since I halved my kitchen earlier this fall it went pretty quickly....and I have a LOT of cabinets.

Edited by JennifersLost
bad english
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