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Tuesday Tacklers, Jump In!


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Tuesday is trash/recycle day here and the neighborhood is filled with beeping from the big trucks backing down the small streets.

I am packed, but haven’t loaded my car yet. Enjoying my coffee on the porch again. Dd is asleep. 

Load my car ✔️ 
Drive home - listening to Stephen Fry’s reading of HP. We did Jim Dale’s before. ✔️ 

Do my laundry ✔️ 
Finish packing for the next trip ✔️ 
Double check time to leave for the airport with Dh, so we are on the same page. ✔️ 
Shower ✔️ 
Do PT exercises

Dinner is coconut curry shrimp bc it’s fast and yummy. Dh is in charge of making sure all ingredients are there.  ✔️ 

Have a good day!

Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning! 


  • dental appointment
  • take ds to Pure Hockey (underwear and socks)
  • laundry
  • dinner: pork chops and tortellini, spinach salad
  • take ds to a skill class

It's a humid, warm day already so the windows are all getting closed for the rest of the week.  The AC might go on tonight upstairs.  Ugh. 

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@ScoutTN do you fly out already tonight? Or tomorrow? Have a safe trip home, and a safe trip to the work conference! 

@HomeAgain - the hockey place sells specific underthings for hockey players?? Beyond the normal athletic things one needs for sports? As we don't have hockey here really, I am clueless....is it long underwear, because of the ice?  Socks I get, they'd need to be thicker and probably with padding...? We have fencing socks (although a lot of folks use soccer socks, and baseball socks work, and I just use any knee-high sock at all....) Anyway, just rambling & curious! It would never dawn on me you'd have to go to a hockey specific store for his underthings! 

Also, sorry for your heat; I know it's crazy-hot all over the country, even in places not normally so warm. Stay hydrated!

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Okay, my day today...

We have a tropical something sending gobs of rain tonight/tomorrow, so my 1 pm tutoring rescheduled to 11, since we don't know exactly when the rain will start. My tomorrow person rescheduled to Friday, since tomorrow is the predicted worst of it. So, today:

....morning electronic chores
....go tutor this morning

....stop at Goodwill, drop off the books/things I purged
....stop at HEB, do our normal Weds grocery run b/c tomorrow = rain (they're saying over a foot)
....maybe stop at Target, get some soft collapsible bins for the trunk

....come home, work on sewing things (the skirt)
....hopefully any of the people I emailed yesterday email me back, deal with those as they come in
.....dinner tonight - Middle is cooking (although, DH forgot to put away the leftovers, so that went in the  trash; I'll pick up a rotisserie chx instead)
....Forged in Fire? SweetTooth? or DH & I watch Masters of the Air?  whatever everyone picks
....veg out, go to bed

Have a good day, everyone, and those of you with unseasonable/out of the ordinary heat, be safe! 

Edited by TheReader
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Good morning! 

Feels good to get to sleep in! 

Dh is off to school for a strategic planning meeting and lunch there. We're going to Costco after he gets home. 

  • coffee
  • pick a devotion plan to do for the summer and start it 
  • shower and get ready
  • laundry
  • plan summer review work for my students 
  • breakfast for lunch
  • go to Costco
  • unload the car and put stuff away
  • dinner
  • tidy kitchen
  • play a game
  • watch something and relax
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Had coffee and did my devotion

I was able to plan the summer review work for two groups. 

I got an email from a potential featured artist for the quilt exhibit this fall. I answered her questions and hope she will agree to come on board. She sent me pictures of some very good pieces. 


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Got a few strips sewn together on the skirt

Purged a bit more from the 3rd shelf, so going to wait to finish that before I drop off at Goodwill rather than make 2 trips

Heading to tutor, then the store, then Hobby Lobby (need to buy wide rickrack for the skirt), then home

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I'm spreading weed cloth and burying it in 16 cubic yards of mulch to help keep down these  #@#$%@$@@* goatheads. I need 27 c.y. to cover this area... the rest will be delivered Friday. I'm about 2/3 finished with the initial layer of mulch but will then need to go back and fill in thinner spots. It's supposed to get up to 98° later this week so I'm scrambling to get it done while it's still 70° (currently on a little nursing break as I type this). 

I also need to make lunches, eggs, chop veggies, do laundry, and have my kids do a bit of schoolwork in between helping with the mulch. 

Edited by wisdomandtreasures
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Good Afternoon

Pup run done

several phone calls done a few more to do 

humid here today with thunderstorm threats weed whip another day

lost a hub cap last week found replacement so put that on today

water indoor plants

clean produce harvest lettuces from outside


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4 hours ago, TheReader said:


@HomeAgain - the hockey place sells specific underthings for hockey players?? Beyond the normal athletic things one needs for sports? As we don't have hockey here really, I am clueless....is it long underwear, because of the ice?  Socks I get, they'd need to be thicker and probably with padding...? We have fencing socks (although a lot of folks use soccer socks, and baseball socks work, and I just use any knee-high sock at all....) Anyway, just rambling & curious! It would never dawn on me you'd have to go to a hockey specific store for his underthings! 

Also, sorry for your heat; I know it's crazy-hot all over the country, even in places not normally so warm. Stay hydrated!

🤣  It does sound weird, doesn't it?

DS wears a pair of compression shorts under his breezers (the padded shorts you see on a player).  The compression shorts are the underwear.  There's a place for a cup and velcro tabs in the front and back.  Girls have a slightly different version that is made for their body type and cup.

The socks aren't really socks at all.  They're knit tubes that cover the shin/knee guards.  Kids can hold them up with tape, but many of them wear the compression shorts with the velcro tabs, which act as placement for the sock tops.  DS doesn't like the fabric socks because they get too hot, but tends to shred the knit ones - especially when he doesn't put his gear away properly. We usually buy 3-4 pairs of practice socks during a season because of this.


It was a mostly successful trip.  They didn't have his usual underwear so he's trying a new brand.  He'll have 3, with a tight squeeze into an outgrown pair to make 4 for summer camp.  Two pairs of socks were acquired in blue and white, a departure from the Johnny Cash look he has been sporting for a few years. Also in the cart: hand cream, laces, deodorizer....but not the $400 stick he was begging for.  I'm calling it a win.


My mouth is still numb from my filling.  We have a few hours before we need to leave again.

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Home - tutored, talked with that mom about curriculum and tutoring plans for the fall; we agreed to continue at 2.5 hours/once week, so that will be nice! I need to map out my route from there to where I go after and see if I will be able to stay as long as we think, or if I'll need to come earlier to make up for it. 

Grocery shopped 

got the rickrack for my project

groceries all put away

eating, then putting the new car in the garage, then taking a nap

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Peeking my head in to say hi!

The last few weeks have been a blur of graduations and end of school year stuff and medical.  The last of our house guests departed yesterday and I spent the day on laundry and cleaning out the guest room.  I'm going to spend the next bit kind of re-setting everything.  I went through the kids' bathroom this afternoon and cleaned it well and wiped out drawers, went through everything and replaced toothbrushes and wiped out dopp kits, checked toiletry supplies, etc. I just finished wiping down the curling and flat irons with rubbing alcohol and am taking a break to drink water before I do one last push to finish it all. We just have so many people sharing that bathroom that it gets some really heavy use but no one takes accountability beyond themselves except for light cleaning. 🤔  

I think I have about 6 more loads of laundry before I am fully caught up, and a to-do list a mile long. I hope to get to being mostly caught up by this weekend.

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worked some more on the skirt 

need to do a little hand stitching on the mending job for the friend, so doing that while Middle & DS cook dinner

sources tell me the rain won't hit till we are home from fencing, so we are planning to go

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Home from fencing

Oldest texted, he's getting a sore throat - must be going around all the camps (negative for Covid). Reminded him what he can take for it, and he says it's not too bad. :sigh: 

Heading to bed

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I have no "before" picture so here's after the first row of weed cloth (about 4 ft wide) and mulch yesterday vs today. Almost done... now I just need to go find all the spots where the mulch isn't thick enough and put more on. Anyway, whew, I am pooped! And so bruised from swinging buckets around all day. 😛




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Got home, picked up veggies, made dinner, unpacked and did laundry, repacked, showered.

Chatted with Dd by text and call. 

Had a temporary panic when Dd couldn’t remember the lock code on her suitcase that I am using. Good now.

I am lying on a heating pad bc I somehow strained something in my lower back this evening and get a sharp pain if I move wrong. Wish I could have a couple days of rest and PT before this trip! Hopefully it will be better in the morning?! I took some ibuprofen. Might add a half of a muscle relaxer, though I don’t like how dopey they make me. 

Leaving for MI early. Excited about traveling (I haven’t been on a plane since 2011.), about meeting co-workers, and about the actual training. Not excited about some of the details: college dorms, sharing a room, cafeteria food, being stranded on a campus with no transportation. 

Hope to be asleep here very soon! 



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