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Ladies, Shall we play, name the baby's birthday?

How will we break the tie?  

  1. 1. How will we break the tie?

    • Brown Hair/Brown Eyes
    • Brown Hair/Blue Eyes
    • Blond Hair/Blue Eyes
    • Blond Hair/Brown Eyes
    • Red Hair/Green Eyes
    • Other

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I'm 36 weeks, 100% effaced and 2-3 cm dialated... so, I'm 99.9% certain the baby will be here earlier than the due date (as is my norm).


I officially hit 37 weeks on Jan 1st. So what will the baby's birthday be?


On a secondary topic, we have four children. Two with blond hair and blue eyes. Two with brown hair and brown eyes. Abby will officially give our family more girls than boys -- but what will the haircolor and eyes be?


For the record, I have brown hair/brown eyes. My husband has brown hair/green eyes


Grandparents: Brown/Blue; Brown/Green; Brown/Green and Red/Green


I get my brown eyes through some genetic fluke of "dominant recessive" gene thing... I lovingly refer to myself about being the walking recessive gene (because I have things no one else for three generations have seen).

Edited by LisaK in VA
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How exciting! I could never imagine how each babe would look. Ours all start out with blue eyes and after their first birthday change to green, hazel, or an interesting blue hazel. Most start out with a dark bit of hair, but that changes, too. My one redhead is now a blonde turning to brown, lol. The boys all have red beards when they start growing them. Best wishes to you and all your family :001_smile:

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I can't remember if you said it's a girl or boy. It makes a difference to my answer, as I believe females are always late for appointments.

*Ducking out* :gnorsi:

It's a girl... she'll be our 3rd. My oldest girl was 13 days early. My youngest girl was 8 days early. The only Johnny Come Lately was #1 (and I swear, it was because my mom had be doing housework and walking everywhere! Because, as soon as I took a day to just lie around, he came :lol:)

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I'm 36 weeks, 100% effaced and 2-3 cm dialated... so, I'm 99.9% certain the baby will be here earlier than the due date (as is my norm).


I officially hit 37 weeks on Jan 1st. So what will the baby's birthday be?


On a secondary topic, we have four children. Two with blond hair and blue eyes. Two with brown hair and brown eyes. Abby will officially give our family more girls than boys -- but what will the haircolor and eyes be?


For the record, I have brown hair/brown eyes. My husband has brown hair/green eyes


Grandparents: Brown/Blue; Brown/Green; Brown/Green and Red/Green


I get my brown eyes through some genetic fluke of "dominant recessive" gene thing... I lovingly refer to myself about being the walking recessive gene (because I have things no one else for three generations have seen).


No way do I think you will make it as far as 1-11-00...I'm going to say 1-3-09.


Maybe this little girl will be a blue eyed red head. ;) I love the name Abby.

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No way do I think you will make it as far as 1-11-00...I'm going to say 1-3-09.



100% effaced and 2-3cm dialated makes me rethink my original guess, too. I think I'd like to subtract a week.


I just never went into labor with mine. No dialating, 0% effaced. They had to be pried out.

Edited by Blessedfamily
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I'm 36 weeks, 100% effaced and 2-3 cm dialated... so, I'm 99.9% certain the baby will be here earlier than the due date (as is my norm).


I officially hit 37 weeks on Jan 1st. So what will the baby's birthday be?


On a secondary topic, we have four children. Two with blond hair and blue eyes. Two with brown hair and brown eyes. Abby will officially give our family more girls than boys -- but what will the haircolor and eyes be?


For the record, I have brown hair/brown eyes. My husband has brown hair/green eyes


Grandparents: Brown/Blue; Brown/Green; Brown/Green and Red/Green


I get my brown eyes through some genetic fluke of "dominant recessive" gene thing... I lovingly refer to myself about being the walking recessive gene (because I have things no one else for three generations have seen).


Hmm, OK. I've hung around on message boards long enough to hear plenty of "My babies are always early!" and "I'm already 3 cm dilated!" stories proven unexpectedly incorrect, so my guess is January 17.


What do we get if we win? IMO, it sounds like you're the one who ends up with the reward :glare: :lol:


Oh, and I think brown hair/brown eyes...

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I had just never went into labor with mine. No dialating, 0% effaced. They had to be pried out.
Same with me! My first was 3 weeks early cuz my water broke and they forced him out. My other two just wouldn't budge!


I'm rooting for January 7, and just for fun I guessed blonde hair, brown eyes.

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100% effaced and 2-3cm dialated makes me rethink my original guess, too. I think I'd like to subtract a week.


I had just never went into labor with mine. No dialating, 0% effaced. They had to be pried out.


One week before birth, I was 3cm and 80% effaced.


I posted 'other' on the poll because I am going with red hair/blue eyes.

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I'm just trying to have a little fun these last few weeks... I've been sick the vast majority of this pregnancy, and it's seemed to get worse as the pregnancy goes forward (2-3x a day most recently).


So, having fun with some virtual friends on these little things helps take the edge off a bit. Ya' know?


My husband and I think it would be absolutely hillarious to have a red-headed girl (because then we'd have a brunette, a blond and a red-head). Odds are probably against it, but it's funny to think about never-the-less.


Thank you all for playing -- it's fun for me (I know I'm the only one getting a real "prize" out of it, so thank you even more!)

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Hmm, OK. I've hung around on message boards long enough to hear plenty of "My babies are always early!" and "I'm already 3 cm dilated!" stories proven unexpectedly incorrect, so my guess is January 17.


What do we get if we win? IMO, it sounds like you're the one who ends up with the reward :glare: :lol:


Oh, and I think brown hair/brown eyes...


I'll guess the 14th. I was 2 cm dilated and 100% effaced 3 weeks before my due date with baby number one. I knew I would be late, but the doctors and the nurse were rather shocked that I gave birth 11 days past my due date. I walked around for 4 weeks at 2-3 cms.


going with the dominance issue - brown/brown.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ok I voted Brown/brown because that was what my Abigail was that was born in Aug.

We have brown/brown blond/brown Red/brown Red/green and blond/blue No my kids really don't look alike! But to have red hair it has to be a gene on both sides. My husbands moms family is red except my MIL. And my great grandma was red.

I'm going with Jan 13th

Edited by mom2agang
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100% effaced and 2-3cm dialated makes me rethink my original guess, too. I think I'd like to subtract a week.


I just never went into labor with mine. No dialating, 0% effaced. They had to be pried out.


I've gone weeks at 100% effaced and 2-3 cm. I have also had no effacement and no dialation and had a baby that night. When you've had several children, none of that matters anymore.


I'll vote the 16th.

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I've gone weeks at 100% effaced and 2-3 cm. I have also had no effacement and no dialation and had a baby that night. When you've had several children, none of that matters anymore.


I'll vote the 16th.


Well NOW ya tell me.


Hmmph. (says Scarlett--mother of one)

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