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Tackling Monday Together, 4.8.24


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good morning!

I'm up early, having my coffee (DH left the pot all set up, ready to go, with a "Just press start" post-it note on top for me) before time to get going. Dishwasher is running, and I'll dump the food into the crockpot & turn it on right before I leave. 

today I'm at co-op all day, with all of the "look, above those clouds, an eclipse is happening! Yay! So here's what that means..." activities and crafts - should be a fun day, whether we see any of it or not. 

then, come home, finishing touches on dinner, and hope the guys made it home in time for us to turn around later and take Middle to class, and see who is showing up to fencing (or not). 

Happy Eclipse Day, everyone! May your skies be clear and your view be good!

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Posted (edited)

Good morning!

Dh is off to school with all his food for the day. He works at the charter school tonight. 

I did some Bible study already. 

  • 4 Zoom sessions
  • food and coffee for me
  • tidy house
  • 1 new in-person student 
  • a couple of errands out
  • go to an exercise class with my walking friends
  • prep for tomorrow 
  • watch something and relax
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Good morning!

  • coffee
  • violin
  • schoolwork
  • shower
  • wash ds's sports gear and lay it out to dry
  • Disney prep
  • figure out dinner tonight
  • take ds to his hair appointment (which is during the eclipse.  Oops)
  • see how far ds can make it through Dumbo tonight.  He's never seen it and doesn't believe me that it really is an appalling movie.
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Ds is at school. I have coffee and have done some housekeeping.

Accepted the substitute job. Hope the onboarding is quick.

Call Social Security office for an appointment. Possibly rearrange other things after that? Let mom know what is scheduled. ✔️ 

Tutor online ✔️ 
Order dog food ✔️ 
Staff meeting and lunch ✔️ 
Trader Joes ✔️ 
Tutor in person ✔️ 
Make dinner  ✔️ 
Go to Ds’ game tonight? ✔️ 

Remind Dh about call with lawyer’s office tomorrow.

Sometime, I need to work in YNAB.  Did some. More to go.


Edited by ScoutTN
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Two hours of schoolwork done. The next assignment is making my own presentation video.  I absolutely loathe "creative" projects in science courses.

I may skip that one for today and go on to the second set of readings and writing assignments.  Nothing is due until Friday, so it'll give me time to work my brain around a plan for the video.

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7 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

The man at the SSA office was very rude on the phone. They do not take appointments for what mom needs to get help with, so tomorrow will be a long drive with a long wait. Ugh!

I have never enjoyed going to the SSA office.  Even the DMV is more bearable. 

I hope yours is surprisingly pleasant and organized.

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Good Morning

raining all day today, so probably won’t see any percentage of the eclipse 

catch up household chore day: laundry, floors,sorting, bathrooms

got new harness for pup hoping it works better

Watch reluctant traveler Eugene Levy


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15 minutes ago, HomeAgain said:

I have never enjoyed going to the SSA office.  Even the DMV is more bearable. 

I hope yours is surprisingly pleasant and organized.

The customer service rep from the 1-800 number was super nice and helpful last week. I guess I should have known that this was bound to go downhill. 

Hopefully we can get these details updated, including my POA and the online acct, so any future issues will not require in-person hassle.

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Congrats @ScoutTN!




planner: sketch out the week, plan meals


order a birthday present & have it shipped

schedule dr appts--partially done! My primary care dr has no appointments open until late September. 😞 Having to call for a work-in for a few months from now. Crazy. 

schedule academic eval for homeschool

life insurance stuff

school with Youngest

more continuing ed hours for me

drop off thing for kid4


help ds by sitting with him while he finishes up presentation (I plan to read a book to help pass the time.)

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Y'all. I get that my family can't rewear clothes right now during peak pollening due to allergy issues, but I feel like so much of my life revolves around laundry. I am so, so glad that I am not stirring a vat of clothes with boiling water and can just push buttons on a machine that does most of the work. 

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10 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:


Y'all. I get that my family can't rewear clothes right now during peak pollening due to allergy issues, but I feel like so much of my life revolves around laundry. I am so, so glad that I am not stirring a vat of clothes with boiling water and can just push buttons on a machine that does most of the work. 

SAME.   We are just coming out of winter which they are wearing so many layers.  But man that and driving are my main jobs.  Yes my kids can do laundry but they are so busy with school, activities, and ballet that I try to take something off their plate during the school year.  Plus usually they start a load and then forget to move it because they are so busy.  I normally do several loads a day and just stay up on it.  But if anything messes with that schedule then I am paying for it later

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Ds’ team lost again. Zero wins this season and only 14 boys left on the team. And two are hurt. (Lacrosse has 10 players on the field.) The other team was not really much better, but they had 13 boys on the sidelines to sub, better offense, and played more physically. Sigh. Driving home with Dh now.  (Ds is riding the bus.) No way will any homework be happening tonight. Football season is so much easier; only 1 game a week and not on a school night. 

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3 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

Ds’ team lost again. Zero wins this season and only 14 boys left on the team. And two are hurt. The other team was not really much better, but they had 13 boys on the sidelines to sub and better offense. Sigh. Driving home with Dh now.  (Ds is riding the bus.) No way will any homework be happening tonight. Football season is so much easier; only 1 game a week and not on a school night. 


DS had that year a while back.  It is incredibly demoralizing to put yourself out there again and again during that kind of season.  I feel for them.

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Ate dinner. Yummy eggroll in a bowl and fried rice that I made before we left.

Moved laundry along.

Thought about tomorrow.
Need to figure out something easy to do for dinner. I will be gone most of the day. Crock pot maybe? Thursday is soup night and church dinner on Wed is lemon artichoke chx. 

Next up: drink more water and read my book. Third in a trilogy and I can’t wait to see what happens. 

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@ScoutTN, congratulations on the job, but I'm sorry about ds's loss and the rude SS person. 

The hip-hop dance class was different but fun. I could do most everything and kept up, so that was encouraging. Maybe I'm not too old or out of shape! 

I talked to my older sister for a while tonight. I might go to her house and spend the night later this week. 

Texted with ds. He is considering moving in with dd for the summer and getting a job in Chattanooga rather than living at home. He didn't grow up here, so this has never felt like home to him. It's a small, boring town, so I get it. He only has 3 weeks left of the school year, so I supposed he'll move stuff home and then work on finding a job up there. 


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59 minutes ago, HomeAgain said:


DS had that year a while back.  It is incredibly demoralizing to put yourself out there again and again during that kind of season.  I feel for them.

Yeah, especially in such a heavy contact sport. Ds does seem to thrive in rough games, though.

I really want to get some of the moms together to do something nice for the team after the season ends. Every boy has worked so hard and improved so much. They are playing teams twice or three times their numbers who have 3+ years more experience. Half our team is new to the game this year, essentially middle school skill level - playing against true Varsities. Only three players will get honored at the school sports awards (MVP, best offense, best defense), but all of them deserve some recognition. 

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8 minutes ago, mom31257 said:

I made that last night and had leftovers for lunch today. 

Yes, you inspired me! I needed to be quick tonight, so I got frozen fried rice at Trader Joe’s instead of making it myself. It was good! I think my guys will finish it all tonight.

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2 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

Yes, you inspired me! I needed to be quick tonight, so I got frozen fried rice at Trader Joe’s instead of making it myself. It was good! I think my guys will finish it all tonight.

I never used to make fried rice, but the last couple of times I made it, dh said he could make it a meal. I suppose I should be making more. I used the precooked brown organic rice from Costco, so that saved some time. 

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7 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

Yeah, especially in such a heavy contact sport. Ds does seem to thrive in rough games, though.

I really want to get some of the moms together to do something nice for the team after the season ends. Every boy has worked so hard and improved so much. They are playing teams twice or three times their numbers who have 3+ years more experience. Half our team is new to the game this year, essentially middle school skill level - playing against true Varsities. Only three players will get honored at the school sports awards (MVP, best offense, best defense), but all of them deserve some recognition. 

Oh, man.

I will say at ds's age, they tend to be skeptical little critters.  It actually takes pinpointing exactly how they grew to make them believe that good came from the season.  DS has medals and awards given to him that he promptly threw in a drawer to forget about, but his award for 'greatest improvement' at age 8 detailing how he started/finished, and his award this year,  "playmaker", really got a place of honor.  It told him something about himself that he needed to hear.

7 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

Yes, you inspired me! I needed to be quick tonight, so I got frozen fried rice at Trader Joe’s instead of making it myself. It was good! I think my guys will finish it all tonight.

DS14 will eat an entire bag of this by himself if I buy it.😋  It doesn't matter if it's the veggie one or the chicken one.  It's one of the best in the frozen aisle that I've found out there.

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@HomeAgain Yeah, coaches being very specific is good. They can name qualities the players cannot yet see in themselves or articulate.

We did a “top ten” list for Ds when he turned 13, highlighting 10 strengths. I think that had a lasting positive effect on how he sees himself and has helped him to lead with his strengths rather than be wrapped up in his weaknesses (which are substantial). 

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