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Let's Tackle Friday 3/22 Together

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 Good morning! Yesterday again was up and down. Started on man6 items but got even more to do.

To do

  •  Call case manager - this has turned into a super hassle and possible giant happiness turnings into enormous waste of time and  extreme disappointment  Humana tricare rep told ne Accolade was back.  Tried to use my password, re enroll,  call them, and now emailing robots
  •  Brooks Home Health assessment att noon
  •  Call Army clinic and assess what is w INR mach8ne test strips and supplies- Did they write the prescription? Or Call Phillips directly
  • Call another home health agency that concierge doctor recommended 
  • INR blood test at 8am
  • medical supply company coming out at 10:30 to give temporary ramp estimate
  • call their office about make and model of rollator
  •  Cancel subscriptio
  • awaiting calls from two law places re new wills, and how to financially and legally handle my disability and my dh's sometime retirement
  • Call local people who help disabled people and find out what i'm eligible for - go a call back and emailing her
  •  Figure out what medicines I need to get refilled before before australia trip
  •  Work charity donation text stuff for 2023 stared
  • Take hot shower.
  • Call dd2 and see if she can come over- She is in town for a allergist appointment
  • Make an allergist or pulmonologist appointment.
  • Keep up with all my meds
  • We have tickets the opening of the Huntsville football club, Decide whether i'm going considering It will be raining
  • Use my Walker outside all Day. when going out Since it will be raining.



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Good morning!  Today is deep clean day.  Oldest ds and his gf are hosting a large group of friends to celebrate his birthday this evening.

  • coffee
  • violin
  • clean the living areas
  • shop for a shirt for ds14 (he has a competition tomorrow at Harvard and we've hit the sweet spot of last year's is too small and the one we bought this year is too big)
  • help ds14 deep clean his bathroom
  • set up for an early morning tomorrow: backpack, umbrella, warm jacket in the car
  • leave.  LOL  We're making sure ds25 has the home to himself, so the other three of us are heading out for dinner and a movie, possibly a stop for dessert after.
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Good morning!

I have a mostly open day with few scheduled things, but plenty to do. Boy is at school. Gray here and smells like rain; I hope it holds off til after lax practice.

YNAB ✔️ 
Print some signs to laminate
Call mom   emailed 
Work at church ✔️ 
Boy from school to practice

Dinner is pork chops, cheesy cauliflower, and roasted potatoes. 

Might make cookies? 
Finish my book
Start watching the mini series of Howard’s End

Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning!

Today we leave for Dallas, for a weekend fencing tournament. This one will determine whether or not I need to later on fence the "Divisional Qualifier" to see if I qualify to fence at Nationals. We shall see. Hopefully it will be a fun tournament (should be), and hopefully I also will do well (we'll see). Fingers crossed! 

So, today's list:

...wash/dry fencing gear (currently in dryer)
...go do my Friday morning stuff/tutoring/gig/thing

....come home, eat lunch, nap?
....load car, make sure kids are all set, head to Dallas

Have a great day/great weekend, all! Hopefully I'll have good news when I check back in on Tuesday!


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Hot shower done

Blood draw done and phlebotomist was very kind and let me sit in the non blood draw chair because I am in severe pain and other vhair was too high

Off to breakfast out.


Oh and yesterday we found out one member of our church.and a good acquaintance, 90 and still shsrp was murdered by  a Porsche driver who drove into his car.

On much happier bews, we found out that a couple from our church who died naturally recently and again acquaintances of ours donated slightly over 1 milliom to our great botanical garden.

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Good Morning

@TheReaderGood Luck!

we got about 5 inches of snow another 8-9 inches coming Sunday thru Tuesday.  Pup is having fun in it. 

Ask ds to shovel sidewalks so doesn’t turn to ice.

Laundry linens

ds wants help rearranging furniture in his br

Continue to edit a couple videos for site

clean produce that I didn’t get to yesterday




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filled out (late) my March Madness bracket -- DH & I fill them out just for fun; we have avoided the news so were able to fill them out today w/o cheating. 

Packed the fencing bag

Packed my clothes/toiletries for the trip

Grabbing breakfast and then will head out

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2 hours ago, mommyoffive said:

@history-fan OH you guys are getting slammed.  Snowed overnight here and still snowing.  But so far we didn't get as much as they said we were going to get.  Nice end to the school spring break!!   

About 5 minutes from here they got 11 inches last night. Schools were just delayed 2 hours. They treat roads before the storm and the plows have the roads cleared already. The plows started going down our street around 5 this morning.  They are really good with roads around here. 

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Happy Friday!

I have survived 2 stressful conference calls.  Can I go back to bed now?

I still have mega loads of work to do.  I need to recall which tasks need to happen during business hours today, and go do them.  And then I hope I can chill.  We'll be working around the clock all weekend, sneaking naps in here and there.  But at least the clients shouldn't bother us much.

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No rain yet.

Work at church took longer than I thought. Got lots done, though.

Dh is out for dinner tonight at a church thing, do Ds and I will make do with leftovers. Pork chops will be for Sunday bc Dh and I are eating out tomorrow night. 

Next up: 

Gathering lax gear and refilling a water bottle for Ds.

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Ds is being a jerk, so he can walk home from practice (about 1.5 miles) and has no gaming tonight. Which means my house will be loud and unpleasant and not at all restful tonight. Sigh. 

Headed to Publix for a few things my regular, less expensive, groceries do not carry.

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