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Tackling Wed Together, 2.28.24


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Good morning! The wind is something fierce and I didn't enjoy going out in the rain. DS's school event was very well put on last night and something I wish more schools did.  The night started with a presentation on the stage, and then the room was given over to various choral/band/theater acts for people to wander in and out of.  The rest of the school had stations set up everywhere with students or teachers manning them.  All the 8th graders who attended last night got a taste of what they would be expected to learn or accomplish in various classes and see what sort of classes/clubs there were for each subject.  DS has to pick his 9th grade classes this morning and is now very interested in woodworking, spy history elective, and Latin club.  I am not sorry in the least that we went. 


  • tidy the house, switch ds's laundry for him
  • help ds with studying for NLE
  • take ds to 2 hours of skills class
  • dinner: leftovers
  • violin
  • 10,000 steps(?)  Maybe.  It's rough out there.  I'm going to struggle to get this in



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Whew! Got in just in time to beat the rain! It’s pouring and windy. T-storm. Saw it coming when Ds was driving to school.

Dryer and dishwasher are running. Boy is at school. Dog has been out. Wordle in 3. Coffee is hot and I had a small piece of banana bread.

Pick up milk ✔️ 
Tutor online ✔️ 
Tutor in person ✔️ 

Church tonight - find a substitute this afternoon, just a second adult for crowd control. Sub secured.

Homework list ✔️ 
Amazon return ✔️ 
Meal planning ✔️ 

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It is -9 here with the windchill.  Yesterday it was 70.  A dusting of snow, but luckily no tornadoes yesterday.  I hurt my back Saturday really badly moving some furniture.  Today is the first not horrible day, but still painful.   Hoping it doesn't get worse as the day goes on. 

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9 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

@HomeAgain I wish my Ds’ school had some fun stuff like that. 

It definitely exceeded my expectations!  The original information about it was vague, just calling it a "showcase", which usually means a stage show.  We got more info on Monday about what exactly would happen.  But this was brilliant, and so well done from all the staff.  They were all really promoting what they teach and trying to get the kids interested.

It also sort of acted like an open house.  8th grade has its own wing at the school and ds took me over to show off some of the work in the hallway from him and his classmates.  10/10, would recommend for any school but also recognize the commitment from the staff that it took to pull this off. 

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5 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

It is -9 here with the windchill.  Yesterday it was 70.  A dusting of snow, but luckily no tornadoes yesterday.  I hurt my back Saturday really badly moving some furniture.  Today is the first not horrible day, but still painful.   Hoping it doesn't get worse as the day goes on. 

Ugh, weather. 

So sorry about your back! Is it something heat/ice, rest, and ibuprofen will help, or do you think you need to see a doc? 

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7 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

Ugh, weather. 

So sorry about your back! Is it something heat/ice, rest, and ibuprofen will help, or do you think you need to see a doc? 

I am doing heat, rest, and ibuprofen.  It is getting better so hopefully in a few days I will be back to normal.  I hope.  

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@mommyoffivehope your back feels better

The weather has changed with windchill -16  without windchill 1.  

laundry  2 loads going 

dishwasher going 

pup outside a few times. She starts shivering so will spend time running in yard quickly

need to put together and edit a video for historical society

work on website for Hx society

declutter and clean

list a few items to sell


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@mommyoffive I'm so sorry about your back!  Praying it heals quickly. 

These crazy weather changes are amazing to me! 

We are at 68 but have wind gusts up to 35 mph. @ScoutTN, your storms are headed our way this afternoon. 

  • dh's breakfast and meals (works again tonight)
  • 5 Zoom sessions
  • 1 in-person student
  • contractor coming about kitchen lights
  • food for me and lunch for dh tomorrow (not sure what yet)
  • church
  • prep for tomorrow
  • watch something and relax
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Hi guys, happy Wednesday!

How the heck is it already the 28th??  This is a deadline day but it snuck up on me.  Did I mention I hate this short month?

Although it meant a late start on client work, I was kinda glad to need to clean for the plumber this morning.  I like having a reason / excuse to address cleaning tasks that I otherwise wouldn't get to.  Today, besides generally cleaning the house and taking out the garbage, I addressed the dish drainer and whatever was under it.  (Note to self: ask our maid service to at least wipe under it when they are wiping down the kitchen.  😛)  I also took down my kid's shower curtains, throwing the gross liner in the garbage, and putting the pretty outer part in the laundry to wash later.  (Note to self: need to buy a new shower curtain today, so kid will be able to take a shower.)  I scrubbed out her tub.  (Note:  also need to buy more Fantastik.)  Before I put the new shower curtain up, I plan to force her to review every item in her shower area and get rid of what isn't being used.  Nobody needs 3 razors, for one thing.  😛  My other kid also needs to decide on tossing some things in the shower she shares with me.

What is the plumber here for?  A whole list of things.  Replace the in-sink disposer, replace several pieces of bathroom hardware, address a clog, and probably more.

On to client work.  I paid a bill that I had almost forgotten, and did a few basic things.  I think that my next task is to list everything I need to submit on 2/28.  I probably have about 12 financial and compliance reports due, if not more.  And I need to send out invoices.  What else am I forgetting?

Kid has a chiropractor appointment after school.

For my personal stuff (other than cleaning), I've caught up on emails, news, social media, calendar, and electronic school stuff; finished a little reading; ate a fruit, took vitamins, drank water.  Later, I hope to eat veggies, do yoga, and walk the dog.  And it would be lovely to sleep overnight!

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Impromptu tutoring done.

DS came home from school and he walked me through his class choices: Algebra 1 honors, Latin II honors, English honors.  Basic science and history because he's not a fan.  And yes, Spy history and woodworking (half credits) so he's excited about his choices.

My tutoring kid is still here and they're doing........something.....on their computers together?  I keep hearing, "I have Egypt!"  "I have Taz!"  "You have to do crypto cat plus bit coin"

Teens.  Oy.

Off to skills next.

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It’s funny reading about all your cold weather. We’ve had a bit of heatwave but it’s cooler here today. I actually slept before midnight and aside from waking multiple times feeling like I should be getting up it felt really good.

I need to…

drop DD to bus

zip through morning school (maths, spelling, grammar, geography) with DS

Dress and drive to work (tutor four students)

Get home, eat late lunch

Put corned beef in the crockpot for dinner 

Take DS to tennis

Grocery shop

Pick DS up and put groceries away

Update tutoring notes

Check DD has swimwear and sports day stuff for tomorrow 

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Done from watching the skills class.  Or, rather, doing a puzzle book for 2 hours while they did skill work.  DS opted for KFC on the way home (yuck) and oldest ds asked me what was for dinner when I walked in.  Um...the dinner no one ate yesterday?  That one. 

Violin didn't happen today.  It could now, but I don't go in the basement after dark.  Bad juujuu.

And I'm only at 4,600 steps.  That goal isn't being met either.  Oh, well.

House is clean, my body is enjoying the warmth of a blanket in a cozy room while listening to the wind/rain outside.  I think it'll be an early bedtime for all tonight.

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Church was crazy. Our classrooms were chaos due to redecorating and school teachers being inconsiderate. Kids were wild, especially Kindy and 1st! Whew! We are all ready for SB! 

Ds is being a jerk about doing his homework. I’m out. If gets bad grades, so be it.

I am gonna drink water and go to bed to read and wind down. Hoping no one wakes me up an hour into deep sleep tonight! That happened yesterday and it took me over two hours to fall back asleep. 😠☹️

Tomorrow will be a busy day! 



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