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Tackling Thursday 1-18-24


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Good morning!

Today I am going to enjoy not taking ds all over the place. 😄 DH is home tonight and gets that job.

  • coffee/breakfast
  • violin
  • 10,000 steps
  • finish getting the last Christmas box downstairs
  • work on knitting project
  • help ds with homework
  • dinner: chicken, roasted tomatoes and white beans with naan and garlic yogurt sauce

And that's all.  Last night we ended up going out for dinner after I got home at 5:30 and dh inquired what was on the menu. He was confused that ds13 just ate and I was needing to start dinner.  Yes.  Teen boys eat all the time.  They eat more when they burn lots of calories.  Ds ALWAYS has 2 dinners on Wednesdays: a fruit/veggie smoothie and vegetarian wrap on the way home, and then a high protein meal an hour later. I was just annoyed dh didn't think about cooking while I was running around all day.  We ended up going out for burgers but I don't regret it in the least.  The little place we went to has been struggling with getting enough staff and started doing musical bingo on Wednesdays to help pass the time while the kitchen gets a few extra minutes.  It was a 2 hour meal, but loads of fun.


Today is going to be a nice, relaxing day, I think.  No outside obligations.

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Good morning! 

@HomeAgain , that sounds like a great place to go eat. Burgers are probably my favorite food. 

I got up early to make breakfast and pack lunch for dh. I tried to go back to sleep but couldn't. 

I've been having some scalp issues, so I just put coconut oil on my hair for a while before showering. 

  • Dh's breakfast and lunch
  • coconut oil on hair and scalp
  • Bible study/devotion
  • shower
  • get ready 
  • 3 Zoom sessions
  • 1 in-person student
  • meals
  • tidy house
  • pay bills/update records
  • schoolwork
  • watch something and relax
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Good morning! I am a little behind y'all, but I think you are all east coasters, so I'm only sort of running late, LOL

Thanks again for rejoicing with me about Oldest's improvement. This is the first semester in a while that we've felt optimistic about all 3 kids at the same time. 

My list today:

....make sure and get the crockpot going for tonight - chicken tacos (Oldest is having friends over)
....make sure the kids tidy up upstairs/around, so the house is ready for guests
....piece the quilt top, do the leaf applique

....remind DS to do his other online class
....look over his syllabuses (syllabi?) and put due dates on the calendar, help him with a schedule if he wants
....make sure I have everything set for tutoring tonight - new spelling list, put the AAS and Barton books back in (we took them out for Christmas)

....go tutor
....come home, eat dinner
....get ready for fencing/go to fencing
...come home, go to bed

Also, Grandma texted "I'm retiring soon! I'll email when I get to the gallery!"  So curious to see what that's about; I assume this means she's decided to close the gallery, will have to see what the plan is. It's been slowing down lately - making enough to pay for itself, but not much else, so.....but I do wonder what she'll do with her days once it's closed. 

Happy Thursday, everyone! 

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Printed the spelling lists and reloaded the tutoring bag

Printed the syllabuses and added exam due dates to the calendar (need to check if middle wants me to do that with their due dates also, or not) (or maybe they want their own calendar to keep up with it)

DH is on another meeting, and I'm done on the computer, so going to head up to sew and get DS going on his psych class


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Well, I am a slouch compared to y’all. I have made coffee, built a fire, chatted with Ds, and started some laundry.

And watched birds at my feeders. The mealworms I scattered near the house, under shrubs and on a window sill, are gone, but I haven’t actually seen any birds come get them. We have bluebirds, robins, mockingbirds, Carolina wrens, blue jays, and woodpeckers that will all eat the mealworms. 

Everything here is still cancelled. More precipitation, “wintry mix”, expected late afternoon. We can get out; neighbors have done so to get to work. But the small roads are still treacherous and we don’t need groceries. Dh works from home, so he can’t just take off to head to the Y for a couple hours.


Electronic chores ✔️ 

Take a walk Don’t feel like getting out of my jammies.

Play a game with Ds?
Get chx out of the freezer ✔️ 

Dinner is pork chops, roasted cauliflower, sweet potatoes, and green salad.

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I took a mile walk.  I would have gone longer, but even with the sun, 20F is pretty cold!

Took care of the Christmas box.  Gave away a pair of shoes that I've been trying to get rid of.  DS had some huge growth spurts last year and we ended up with winter stuff he never even wore.

Lunch is cheap frozen-aisle burritos.  They're a comfort food for me.  My grandma used to deep fry the dickens out of them as a special treat in her house.  😄I don't think my arteries could handle that now so I'll settle for oven baked.

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I love those freezer-aisle burritos, too, @HomeAgain.  They are good in the air fryer....

Got the strip sets cut and rearranged and pieced back together (you basically cut a skinny section off, flip it upside down so the colors are going the other way, and sew it between the 2 wider sections). Have the fusible out to iron to the last strip, so I can cut & fuse the leaves onto the top. I'll stop there on that today. 

DS was in the shower, so will get him going on school once he's out. Tomorrow he can do his two practice "respondus browser" quizzes (or today if one of his siblings is up to help him set it up) and really get started. He has to do that before he has access to Unit 1 for Psychology, but she does give 2 weeks before anything is due, so that's good. 

Ate some lunch - leftover potato soup. 

Debating a nap - our weather is flip-flopping, which sometimes brings on headaches for me, so I'm trying to decide if I need headache stuff or not. 

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@HomeAgain, If you ever want to take a walk inside, I really enjoy April and her mom, Aiko, at yes2next on YouTube. They have walking workout videos (and a lot of other things). I like their personalities! 

My second Zoom session was canceled because the dad's car broke down on the interstate. They had to leave to pick him up. 

Dh found out the pay cut at the charter night school would hardly affect his rate at all. I guess it is more of a cut for people who have been in the system longer and have the highest advanced degrees.   

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Had a freezer burrito for lunch. Thanks for the suggestion!

Did some housekeeping, finished next week’s Bible study, enjoyed more birdwatching. Enjoying the fire - makes my LR very cozy. 

My weather app says 34 degrees and flurries here. It is definitely much warmer today, but no snow or sleet yet, thankfully. 

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Got the leaf shapes cut & fused; I may need to make one more for a semi bare spot; we'll see. It will look far better once stitching is on too, but I don't have time for that part today. 

Kids tidied upstairs, DS did his psychology class, dinner is going in the crockpot, and I have an hour until I leave to go tutor. Going to tidy a little down here (dishes, mainly) and then goof off for a bit. DH brought me leftover cake from his lunch, so will snack on that 🙂 

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Called mom. She repeatedly asked me to visit and I repeatedly explained that we are not going out when our street is a sheet of ice and the roads into/out of our neighborhood are steep and curvy. Conversations with her seem normal, until something weird pops in. She said something about going back to work and buying a computer. 

Did some computer chores and cleared my inbox a bit. 

Got cookies out of the freezer, which Ds promptly confiscated and took with him to a neighbor’s house. 🙄

I have a couple hours of firewood left.

Texted with Dd. She has had fun with friends at game nights the last couple evenings, but is ready for classes and regular activities. Giant snowstorms are only fun for a couple of days, then they are just a nuisance. 

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Ds rushed a fraternity on campus and is being inducted this weekend. He had no interest in one when he started at the school, but he has become friends with so many in one of them and is at half of their events.

It is a Christian college, and sponsors are there so I'm not concerned about anything horrible being done. I'm just concerned about it being such a cold weekend. Ds has never been officially diagnosed, but we are fairly sure he has at least a mild form of Raynaud's. He told me that he discussed the condition with several of them, and he was assured they will make accommodations for it. This goes through sometime Saturday, and the coldest will be overnight Friday and Saturday morning (around 11 degrees). 

He called me last night just to talk because he won't be able to contact anyone while it's going on. I love that he knew I'm going to worry about him and wanted to put my mind at ease! 

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Good Afternoon

meeting done

call trainer for session. I think I’m working harder than the pup.

while driving errand pup decided to chew apart her crate bed in the van. She has never done that so I was surprised. Hope she didn’t eat any of it. Im guessing she probably did.

Did a target order

dishwasher loaded and running

emailed checked 

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Home, and I think that's the best tutoring has gone so far! The youngest had so much focus today, it was incredible. She is making so much progress on her reading and math, both; it was so great! 

Dinner is ready, the kids have eaten who are eating now, DH & I ate, heading to fencing shortly

I got an email from a potential K student, so that is fun; I had one withdraw (mom had a baby and decided she can't continue running back/forth to co-op), so that's a nice bonus if this one decides to register. Yay! 

Oh, and I started the cutting on the reverse applique for the text on textile quilt - it's coming out nicely! I'll post a pic of that when it gets to a more finished stage. 

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Stay warm, all y'all.  I am not the hugest fan of the freeze/melt/freeze weather we get in January.  Our snow comes tomorrow night.  We've upped our main floor temp to 67 because it was just miserable at 65.  The chill would seep in.

I ended up making the ravioli for dinner tonight.  Butternut squash filled with a brown butter/sage sauced touched with white wine.  DS ate an entire panful by himself.

Now to enjoy the quiet for a little bit.  Dh took ds to practice and I'm hanging out with a blanket on the couch.

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