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JAWM Any way to make threads disappear?


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2 hours ago, TexasProud said:

Yeah, I put a 15 minute limit on the website and I ignore it all the time. 

When dd is feeling too attached, she hands her phone to her trusted best friend who sets time limits on dd’s sm apps. The friend also changes the password on the app so dd cannot go in and change the set time limits. I can’t describe the minute details of how this works, but it works for her. Perhaps your dh would do this for you. I’m sure you could Google up a way to block certain websites on internet search engines on both mobile phone and iPad (desktop, too). 


2 hours ago, Rosie_0801 said:

Lose your need for perfection, Sister. 

The rest is just shovels full of red herrings.


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re don't carry other people's baggage

27 minutes ago, KungFuPanda said:

.. Never let anyone splatter their Type A on you. It’s a manifestation of anxiety and you don’t wanna catch those cooties. 


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5 hours ago, KungFuPanda said:

Lean IN to the perceived incompetence. Let Mr. Fussy make ALL the brownies while you relax. Listening to complaints is a whole chore in itself, so you’ve earned a break.  Never let anyone splatter their Type A on you. It’s a manifestation of anxiety and you don’t wanna catch those cooties. 

I love this so much! Although I never said it so eloquently, I have learned this over the years. Dh is quite type A-some of that is good and part of who he is, but some is definitely how he deals with anxiety. I deal with my anxiety in my own ways, but I no longer try to play the type A game. He wants to do x,y,z be hardworking and competent etc? Go ahead and knock yourself out. I’ll be over here reading my book, on the forums, working a puzzle, etc. And the kids aren’t going to do that either- they will just sit right there and build their legos or whatever. If I have done what needs to be done, I’m going to relax with no guilt no matter what others in my house are doing. 



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7 hours ago, TexasProud said:

People open up like that to me ALL THE TIME.  But I really don't have anywhere to express myself...  Well, not exactly true.  I do in my writing, but you have to be SO SO SO carefule and say only safe stuff so you don't get canceled, only be positive, etc.  

No. You can *write* absolutely what you want, without censoring yourself, without forcing yourself to be positive. You can write about anything. The hard stuff, the controversial stuff. You get to have an opinion. Maybe you need to learn to write without having the inner censor look over your shoulder, without aways keeping ab eye on publishing and what the audience may think. 

You have the luxury that you don't need to write to pay the bills. You get to write whatever you want.

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1 hour ago, regentrude said:

No. You can *write* absolutely what you want, without censoring yourself, without forcing yourself to be positive. You can write about anything. The hard stuff, the controversial stuff. You get to have an opinion. Maybe you need to learn to write without having the inner censor look over your shoulder, without aways keeping ab eye on publishing and what the audience may think. 

You have the luxury that you don't need to write to pay the bills. You get to write whatever you want.

100%, this! 

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7 hours ago, regentrude said:

You know that screens interfere with that, right?

The yoga and movie was just an example for the many things you could do.

Yes, I do know. But I guess, can you help me with the many things I can do that do not involve screens here after 6pm?  We are living in a small studio apartment. The only books I have are on my ipad.  I cannot go walking after dark here in Africa. I have had a decent night's sleep now and feel better this morning. But I really do not know what to do with myself when it is after 6pm, dark, I am emotionally spent and/or cognitively spent. 

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7 hours ago, KungFuPanda said:

Lean IN to the perceived incompetence. Let Mr. Fussy make ALL the brownies while you relax. Listening to complaints is a whole chore in itself, so you’ve earned a break.  Never let anyone splatter their Type A on you. It’s a manifestation of anxiety and you don’t wanna catch those cooties. 

Yeah, way too late for that LOL.  For the first 20 plus years of our marriage, yeah....  Plus, honestly, if HE cooks, that doesn't fix it.  When he cooks if it isn't absolutely perfect, he will then talk about what he will do better for the next 3 days. He will apologize over and over.  He has been a lot better since his head bleed.  We have had talks.  We were both tired.  We had a conversation, and he apologized. 

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7 hours ago, Grace Hopper said:

When dd is feeling too attached, she hands her phone to her trusted best friend who sets time limits on dd’s sm apps. The friend also changes the password on the app so dd cannot go in and change the set time limits. I can’t describe the minute details of how this works, but it works for her. Perhaps your dh would do this for you. I’m sure you could Google up a way to block certain websites on internet search engines on both mobile phone and iPad (desktop, too). 



My dh does not know anything about this site, and I really don't want him to.  Then I will have lost my safe space to just say whatever is on my mind, particlarly stuff that isn't nice.

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10 minutes ago, TexasProud said:

Yes, I do know. But I guess, can you help me with the many things I can do that do not involve screens here after 6pm?  We are living in a small studio apartment. The only books I have are on my ipad.  I cannot go walking after dark here in Africa. I have had a decent night's sleep now and feel better this morning. But I really do not know what to do with myself when it is after 6pm, dark, I am emotionally spent and/or cognitively spent. 

Do diamond art.  Do a puzzle. Paint by number. watch trashy tv with blue light glasses.  Knit, crochet, needle point, they sell kits to crochet adorable stuffed animals.  Darn socks.  Make a sour dough starter. Learn to play the keyboard.  Read with the blue light filter on. Doodle.  Adult coloring books. Listen to fun audiobooks while you do any of these.  Do a mani/pedi/facial with kitchen Ingredients.  Make a digital scrapbook.  Do crosswords or word finds. Soduko. Logic puzzles.  Play yourself in chess.  

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6 minutes ago, TexasProud said:

My dh does not know anything about this site, and I really don't want him to.  Then I will have lost my safe space to just say whatever is on my mind, particlarly stuff that isn't nice.

Does he censor himself as much as you do?

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2 hours ago, lovinmyboys said:

I love this so much! Although I never said it so eloquently, I have learned this over the years. Dh is quite type A-some of that is good and part of who he is, but some is definitely how he deals with anxiety. I deal with my anxiety in my own ways, but I no longer try to play the type A game. He wants to do x,y,z be hardworking and competent etc? Go ahead and knock yourself out. I’ll be over here reading my book, on the forums, working a puzzle, etc. And the kids aren’t going to do that either- they will just sit right there and build their legos or whatever. If I have done what needs to be done, I’m going to relax with no guilt no matter what others in my house are doing. 



Oh yes, I know this and I know that a lot of this was his anxiety over all of the legal stuff with his former partners. (I would truly love to vent about that to someone, but not on a public forum.) So, I half expect him to take some of the homemade brownie mix and try to make the perfect brownie because that is something he CAN control and the legal stuff is totally out of his control.  I do recognize this. But we were both really tired last night.  He has apologized this morning.  Ever since his head bleed, he has been better about not "improving" something I did, so he recognizes it and apologized.  We were just both tired and with only one room there is nowhere I can go or he can go that we can get away from each other.  At home, I would have gone to bed and left him in the study or the kitchen or if it was during the day I could have gone for a walk.  I didn't have that option last night here in Africa. 

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3 minutes ago, Heartstrings said:

Do diamond art.  Do a puzzle. Paint by number. watch trashy tv with blue light glasses.  Knit, crochet, needle point, they sell kits to crochet adorable stuffed animals.  Darn socks.  Make a sour dough starter. Learn to play the keyboard.  Read with the blue light filter on. Doodle.  Adult coloring books. Listen to fun audiobooks while you do any of these.  Do a mani/pedi/facial with kitchen Ingredients.  Make a digital scrapbook.  Do crosswords or word finds. Soduko. Logic puzzles.  Play yourself in chess.  

I am in Africa and do not have access to any of that.

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2 hours ago, regentrude said:

No. You can *write* absolutely what you want, without censoring yourself, without forcing yourself to be positive. You can write about anything. The hard stuff, the controversial stuff. You get to have an opinion. Maybe you need to learn to write without having the inner censor look over your shoulder, without aways keeping ab eye on publishing and what the audience may think. 

You have the luxury that you don't need to write to pay the bills. You get to write whatever you want.

You say that, but even on here I know there are certain things I could never say as they would not be well received. When I have an opinion, I would get shut down....  So, wait... I am thinking out loud. (Verbal processor) I guess what I REALLY want is to write my opions and have others love them and agree with them.  LOL.  

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14 minutes ago, TexasProud said:

I am in Africa and do not have access to any of that.

A lot of that could be done on any electronic device, which should be pretty neutral as far as affecting sleep if you turn the screen to night mode, which most devices have. There are websites/apps for coloring books, logic puzzles, soduko, crosswords, doodling, learning piano, puzzles, audiobooks, fun reading material, digital scrapbooking, etc. If you can be *here* you have access to other things *if you want to*.    

You could try more real world options when you get home.  You have often expressed this “bored” sentiment when you’re home as well.  Some light audio books with a diamond art or a puzzle might do you good.  

When you get home you should try cozy video games like Animal Crossing.  You could buy a Switch to bring with you next time your in Africa or wherever and enjoy a cozy little game or play Mario cart.  Many have a social component too which would be good for you.  

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4 minutes ago, Heartstrings said:

A lot of that could be done on any electronic device, which should be pretty neutral if you turn the screen to night mode.  There are websites/apps for coloring books, logic puzzles, soduko, crosswords, doodling, learning piano, puzzles, audiobooks, fun reading material, digital scrapbooking, etc. If you can be *here* you have access to other things *if you want to*.    

You could try more real world options when you get home.  You have often expressed this “bored” sentiment when you’re home as well.  Some light audio books with a diamond art or a puzzle might do you good.  

When you get home you should try cozy video games like Animal Crossing.  You could buy a Switch to bring with you next time your in Africa or wherever and enjoy a cozy little game or play Mario cart.  

Honestly, I am really trying not to be argumentative.  I am not.  But I HATE video games. I have tried to play them and I just don't like them.  I can't win LOL. I tried occasionally to play with my boys to bond, but they make me mad because I am so bad at them and they just don't hold my interest. I have never understood the attraction of things like Candy Crush or whatever.    I am also truly bad at art and have some triggering memories as a kid from my elementary art teacher. ( I got minuses in art my entire career.....  How in the world can you give a first grader a bad grade on her art??? ) People have laughed at my attempts at art over the years, so no arts and craft activities for me.  

I might try the Suduko puzzles. 

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Okay, so play something like Civilization, on the easiest setting so you can build empires and world wonders, buy votes and win all the time.

Blue Poles is worth a squillion dollars and that looks like your front fence got blind drunk in a paint shop. Liberate yourself from Mrs Sourpuss. Make art and don't care about it. Make art and fiddle around with it. If anyone says it sucks, look offended and tell them you are pursuing naive art as a reaction to the overstimulation of the modern world. Use it as wrapping paper next Christmas and get an inkle or card loom and weave your own ribbon to tie up the gifts with. Look up embroidery punk and sew "Water is a Feminist Issue" on some pillow cases. Actually, sew it onto a tote bag and I'll buy one (providing you can get me reasonable rates for international postage.) Show your art to people who will say "ONYA!" whatever you've done, because you've done it. (Might need to find Australian friends for that. Not sure it'd sound right in an American accent.) Mrs Sourpuss has forgotten you existed, let alone the daisy you drew in elementary school. Why is she allowed to squat in your head? Kick her arse out. Write "Mrs Whatserface can stick her art snobbery where the sun don't shine" on a pillowcase in permanent marker and I'll buy it for my brother for Christmas. He'd love it.

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1 minute ago, Rosie_0801 said:

Okay, so play something like Civilization, on the easiest setting so you can build empires and world wonders, buy votes and win all the time.

Blue Poles is worth a squillion dollars and that looks like your front fence got blind drunk in a paint shop. Liberate yourself from Mrs Sourpuss. Make art and don't care about it. Make art and fiddle around with it. If anyone says it sucks, look offended and tell them you are pursuing naive art as a reaction to the overstimulation of the modern world. Use it as wrapping paper next Christmas and get an inkle or card loom and weave your own ribbon. Look up embroidery punk and sew "Water is a Feminist Issue" on some pillow cases. Actually, sew it onto a tote bag and I'll buy one (providing you can get me reasonable rates for international postage.) Show your art to people who will say "ONYA!" whatever you've done, because you've done it. (Might need to find Australian friends for that. Not sure it'd sound right in an American accent.) Mrs Sourpuss has forgotten you existed, let alone the daisy you drew in elementary school. Why is she allowed to squat in your head? Kick her arse out. Write "Mrs Whatserface can stick her art snobbery where the sun don't shine" on a pillowcase in permanent marker and I'll buy it for my brother for Christmas. He'd love it.




Texas, if you have an iPad with you, you can download audio books onto it, from your library and/or from Audible. But I'm pretty sure you know that.

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3 minutes ago, Rosie_0801 said:


Blue Poles is worth a squillion dollars and that looks like your front fence got blind drunk in a paint shop. Liberate yourself from Mrs Sourpuss. Make art and don't care about it. Make art and fiddle around with it. If anyone says it sucks, look offended and tell them you are pursuing naive art as a reaction to the overstimulation of the modern world. Use it as wrapping paper next Christmas and get an inkle or card loom and weave your own ribbon. Look up embroidery punk and sew "Water is a Feminist Issue" on some pillow cases. Actually, sew it onto a tote bag and I'll buy one (providing you can get me reasonable rates for international postage.) Show your art to people who will say "ONYA!" whatever you've done, because you've done it. (Might need to find Australian friends for that. Not sure it'd sound right in an American accent.) Mrs Sourpuss has forgotten you existed, let alone the daisy you drew in elementary school. Why is she allowed to squat in your head? Kick her arse out. Write "Mrs Whatserface can stick her art snobbery where the sun don't shine" on a pillowcase in permanent marker and I'll buy it for my brother for Christmas. He'd love it.

Ok, I think I need translation here because I don't understand 3/4 of what you are saying here: blue poles? Mrs. Sourpuss? inkle? card loom? How do you weave ribbon? embroidery punk? Onya? 

And again, I do not have access to any of this in Africa for the next few weeks. 

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1 minute ago, Pam in CT said:




Texas, if you have an iPad with you, you can download audio books onto it, from your library and/or from Audible. But I'm pretty sure you know that.

Yes, I have them.  But my mind wanders that late at night (or races thinking about stuff) and I lose the entire thread of the book. 

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1 hour ago, TexasProud said:

Yes, I do know. But I guess, can you help me with the many things I can do that do not involve screens here after 6pm?  We are living in a small studio apartment. The only books I have are on my ipad.  I cannot go walking after dark here in Africa. I have had a decent night's sleep now and feel better this morning. But I really do not know what to do with myself when it is after 6pm, dark, I am emotionally spent and/or cognitively spent. 

Write longhand. It’s doable and great mental exercise. You don’t even have to have a topic, write stream of consciousness. 

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37 minutes ago, TexasProud said:

Honestly, I am really trying not to be argumentative.  I am not.  But I HATE video games. I have tried to play them and I just don't like them.  I can't win LOL. I tried occasionally to play with my boys to bond, but they make me mad because I am so bad at them and they just don't hold my interest. I have never understood the attraction of things like Candy Crush or whatever.    I am also truly bad at art and have some triggering memories as a kid from my elementary art teacher. ( I got minuses in art my entire career.....  How in the world can you give a first grader a bad grade on her art??? ) People have laughed at my attempts at art over the years, so no arts and craft activities for me.  

I might try the Suduko puzzles. 

So cozy games don’t have a “win” to them.  They are like beautiful stories that you play instead of read, like an interactive choose your own adventure book.  Animal Crossing has the goal of collecting animals and decorating their houses. Bee Simulator is beautiful and you just do bee stuff.  There’s a farming simulator my husband likes where you farm.  There’s no point, you just…farm. Stardew Valley is very popular right now. Seriously, forget what you think you know about video games.  This is a whole different genre.    It’s like saying you hate TV because watching sports is boring, but you don’t know the other channels exist.  Really what do you have to lose?  At worst you tried a new thing, which is healthy and a great boredom buster all on its own.  And you can come tell us about it, good or bad! 


I don’t like crafts either but I do enjoy diamond painting because there is no creativity required.  You follow fool proof directions and end up with something fun.  You just stick gems to a mat according to a key. You literally can’t mess it up and it’s very portable for your next trip to Africa.


Or just say you like hanging out here and maybe just let your opinions fly.  

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1 minute ago, Grace Hopper said:

Write longhand. It’s doable and great mental exercise. You don’t even have to have a topic, write stream of consciousness. 

Yes, I know.  I do a version of morning pages and write several pages in the morning. Like today, I will write off and on in my notebook, type some of it, but after 6pm I am just done. My brain doesn't work much ( probably because I have been up since 4.)  But yes, I haven't been in Africa a week yet and I have like 40 pages of stuff written longhand in my notebook. 

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12 minutes ago, TexasProud said:

Yes, I have them.  But my mind wanders that late at night (or races thinking about stuff) and I lose the entire thread of the book. 

You need to pair audiobooks with an activity.  It engages all parts of your brain that way.  

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32 minutes ago, TexasProud said:

I have never understood the attraction of things like Candy Crush or whatever. 

Neither have I, but I love Breath of the Wild type where I can just wander a massive beautiful world. Occasionally do some stuff in the game if I'm feeling like I want a challenge but I spend way more time just wandering.

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24 minutes ago, TexasProud said:

Ok, I think I need translation here because I don't understand 3/4 of what you are saying here: blue poles? Mrs. Sourpuss? inkle? card loom? How do you weave ribbon? embroidery punk? Onya? 

And again, I do not have access to any of this in Africa for the next few weeks. 

You have access to Blue poles on Wikipedia. 

Mrs Sourpuss is my polite reference to your bitchy primary school teacher. Really, who is rude to small children about art? You have too much access to her already.

You don't have access to inkle or card looms (you can do both kinds of weaving on the same kind of loom) but you could make a backstrap loom if you were bored enough. You can make that out of sticks and string and tie it to the door knob. You weave ribbon the same way as you weave anything, you just use thin thread.

I'll let you google embroidery punk for yourself. If you don't fancy that, try feminist embroidery punk so you can not fancy that either. I shouldn't like to steal that experience from you. Someone near you will have a needle and thread tucked away somewhere even if you are in Africa.

"Onya!" = "On you!" = "Good on you!" 

Someone probably has a permanent marker. Someone may or may not have a pillow case for you to graffiti.

But basically, pretty much everything I said is accessible to you and that's why I said it. What's more, it's transportable, so it doesn't matter where you are unless it is night time and the power is off.

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8 minutes ago, TexasProud said:

Yes, I know.  I do a version of morning pages and write several pages in the morning. Like today, I will write off and on in my notebook, type some of it, but after 6pm I am just done. My brain doesn't work much ( probably because I have been up since 4.)  But yes, I haven't been in Africa a week yet and I have like 40 pages of stuff written longhand in my notebook. 

Write some more. Start collecting stories of the people you meet. The wildlife you observed. Prayers. Use your morning time to do nature journaling outdoors, make sketches, save the “morning pages” for evening (which frankly is a GREAT time for stream of consciousness info dumping in your Artist-Way-like journal).

And that’s all I’ve got. I honestly think if you take a few deep breaths you’ll see there are plenty of good suggestions here that you are spending a ton of mental energy rejecting instead of thinking about how to creatively adapt them to your circumstances. 

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8 minutes ago, Grace Hopper said:

Write some more. Start collecting stories of the people you meet. The wildlife you observed. Prayers. Use your morning time to do nature journaling outdoors, make sketches, save the “morning pages” for evening (which frankly is a GREAT time for stream of consciousness info dumping in your Artist-Way-like journal).

And that’s all I’ve got. I honestly think if you take a few deep breaths you’ll see there are plenty of good suggestions here that you are spending a ton of mental energy rejecting instead of thinking about how to creatively adapt them to your circumstances. 

Ok, I will try it tonight.  We will see, but I just have trouble thinking straight in the evenings. 

Sorry guys, I have to get off.  I need to make some mango cobbler, write my newsletter and get ready for tutoring. Thank you for the suggestions. 

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2 minutes ago, Rosie_0801 said:

And that will aid honesty, if you're too tired to mask. So yay.

Absolutely! The whole point of “morning” pages is to honestly dump info to declutter your mind. It’s also helpful at the end of a busy day, to unload the swirling thoughts that are keeping your mind buzzing and possibly preventing sleep. 

I’ll repeat the word HONESTLY. It’s not writing for an audience. Once you are back home, you can look back on it and may find nuggets that inspire other work. Or maybe not. Either way it’s the process that’s what’s important. There doesn’t always have to be an end result. 

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1 hour ago, Rosie_0801 said:

And that will aid honesty, if you're too tired to mask. So yay.


1 hour ago, Grace Hopper said:

Absolutely! The whole point of “morning” pages is to honestly dump info to declutter your mind. It’s also helpful at the end of a busy day, to unload the swirling thoughts that are keeping your mind buzzing and possibly preventing sleep. 

I’ll repeat the word HONESTLY. It’s not writing for an audience. Once you are back home, you can look back on it and may find nuggets that inspire other work. Or maybe not. Either way it’s the process that’s what’s important. There doesn’t always have to be an end result. 

Oh believe me, my writing in my journals is pretty raw.  I've told my husband to burn them if he finds them.  I went through not long ago and destroyed a lot of them so my loved ones would not be hurt by what I wrote.

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2 hours ago, Clarita said:

Neither have I, but I love Breath of the Wild type where I can just wander a massive beautiful world. Occasionally do some stuff in the game if I'm feeling like I want a challenge but I spend way more time just wandering.

Ok.. it looks like Breath of Wild is only for a Switch or Nintendo Wii, is that correct?

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Ok, it looks like all of these games people recommended require Wii or Switch or something like that.  I am loathe to buy an expensive game system if I don't know if I would like it.  Plus, obviously, not an option right now.

So any suggestions for games like Animal Crossing or whatever that I could get on my IPAD...also, it would be really good if it did not require the internet.  In our room, it keeps kicking me off and the signal is weak. Last night I had to keep going out onto the stairs to post to y'all.  Plus, power outages are very common here for hours at a time, so no internet at all.  So it needs to be something I could access offline. 

I just looked and they have Civilization 6.... what about 1?  LOL  It is overwhelming.  I have no clue which of these I would even like.

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18 minutes ago, TexasProud said:

To get information you can use.  I pretty much only read nonfiction.

Maybe try reading some light fiction.   Cozy mysteries maybe, described as “light mysteries where the sex and the violence happen off page.”   It might be fun.   You sound overall like your life lacks fun in general.   That might be where this over arching feeling of boredom is coming from. 

I know I struggle at times because my interests tend to be heavy, which gives me no source of lightness.  I love politics and economics and history and heavy social theorizing    I have to purposely make myself pick up my lighter interests when the heaviness is too much for my mental health.  If all of your interest are boring you, in the way that my interests are often to heavy, you may need to discipline yourself towards some fun. Listening to podcasts about the Buffy the Vampire Slayer makes me happy and that’s worth any amount of *wasting time* that it may be.   

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20 minutes ago, TexasProud said:

I just looked and they have Civilization 6.... what about 1?  LOL  It is overwhelming.  I have no clue which of these I would even like.

Civ1 was a loooong time ago. My father pirated it for us when I was in year 9, lol.

Civ3 is cheap, so I've just seen on Steam. I remember enjoying that incarnation, back in the day, before Steam existed...


Fiction is important. How human can we be without the humanities? 

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3 minutes ago, Rosie_0801 said:



Fiction is important. How human can we be without the humanities? 

LOL, Yes, I know.  I taught English in high school! 🙂 I just have trouble finding contemporary fiction that doesn't have cursing or sex scenes. I will go back and reread Jane Eyre or something for fun. I was born in the wrong era LOL. 

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1 minute ago, TexasProud said:

LOL, Yes, I know.  I taught English in high school! 🙂 I just have trouble finding contemporary fiction that doesn't have cursing or sex scenes. I will go back and reread Jane Eyre or something for fun. I was born in the wrong era LOL. 

Oh, I can relate to that.

Here's an old one you won't have read: https://www.gutenberg.org/ebooks/4224

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