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Sunday Tacklers, anyone? 1.14.24


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Good morning!

I woke up at 6:15, but I did sleep all the way through the night and woke rested. I tried to go back to sleep, to no avail, because I didn't have to be up then.

I'm having coffee now, and dh and I are debating the driving and attending church situation with me being asked to work in a kid's class this morning.

  • get ready to go out
  • help in Kindergarten class  
  • come home if dh goes ahead and attends the early service or stay if he decides to come to later one (the debate)
  • meals
  • schoolwork (my 4 math classes meet online tomorrow)
  • ds will be at dd's gf house for D&D this afternoon, so take some winter stuff he left here (heaviest coat and some hand warmers I bought him)
  • grocery shopping while I'm out doing that
  • get dh to play a game or two
  • watch something and relax
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Good morning!  I think I'm going to have plenty of quiet time.  DS had a game yesterday morning where he played hard, then came home to shower and take off to the trampoline park.  The party moved to a backyard trampoline for a few hours before ds finally texted to come home, looking like he had just ran a marathon.  So, I don't expect to see him before 10am today.

  • coffee and cake for breakfast
  • violin
  • mop the floors
  • laundry
  • work with ds after lunch
  • dinner: I think pork chops
  • say goodbye to oldest ds (and be glad I'm not taking him to the airport)
  • 10,000 steps?  We'll see.  We're expecting rain again, I think.
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Good morning!! We're expecting snow here today, and it's a rare event for us. Looking  forward to it. Plans:



bank stuff

write church check

get a card ready to mail

record some data

clean two light fixtures in the kitchen



mail and shred



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Good morning!  The morning people in my family (not me) are out walking/running on the track.  I am settling in on my second cup of Irish Cream coffee.  Yum!  To do list today:

Church (YouTube)


Finishing one book and starting another

Pick up brother and visit dad in Assisted Living

Dinner with brother and immediate family

Cold front prep (minor stuff like opening cabinets under the sink) (I live in an apartment)

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Yesterday my goal was 30 boxes, I only got through about 15, but I really went through them and now have 4 large boxes to take to the goodwill and 4 large boxes to toss.   

Today, we will get our living room back in some semblance of order.   The Christmas tree will go to the attic, the boxes put in there will be unpacked, things will be put where they need to go.

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6 minutes ago, DawnM said:

I am not following.   I assume big is a person?   What is cgm?

Yup, my big one. 

Continuous glucose monitor. Didn't wake them up yet because the low bounced back up. I posted a bit more on yesterday's daily post, but blood glucose is one thing they are investigating regarding their ongoing dizziness.

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DS was up, and pleasant, by 9 am.  I am extremely surprised.  I thought for sure it would be another hour.  He did turn down an opportunity for volunteer work today, though.

Violin...mostly done.  I'm learning a new piece and may go back to it later.

On my second cup of coffee and watching the Hunger Games.

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We just got power restored, thank goodness.  The air temp is -8.  Windchills colder than that.  We have underground power lines and hardly ever lose power, but I guess the lines that supply our underground lines are above ground and a tree hit the line.  Thanking all the power workers who were out in this and got our power restored in about 2 hours.

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DH just asked to go to Costco and lunch.   So I may not get to everything I had hoped to get to, but that is ok.

So far we have:

  • unboxed 5 boxes and put things away
  • rearranged some furniture in the living room so we can put the curio cabinet up
  • vacuumed
  • started laundry

When we get back from Costco:

  • unbox 5 more boxes
  • wipe down countertops in kitchen
  • put away clean dishes
  • think about getting bins for our shelves and what I actually want
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I keep watching the weather forecasts for us and for the kids (dd lives in Chattanooga and ds is on campus at Lee, so both in southern TN). They both have predictions of 4 inches of snow tomorrow. They (nor me) are used to driving in weather like that. Dd doesn't work tomorrow, but she planned to be at her gf's house down this way. She does work on Tuesday.

Sometimes I wish they were still small and under our roof. I love them being grown in many ways, but I'd be fine with us all under one roof or even a compound of houses together. 

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12 minutes ago, mom31257 said:

I keep watching the weather forecasts for us and for the kids (dd lives in Chattanooga and ds is on campus at Lee, so both in southern TN). They both have predictions of 4 inches of snow tomorrow. They (nor me) are used to driving in weather like that. Dd doesn't work tomorrow, but she planned to be at her gf's house down this way. She does work on Tuesday.

Sometimes I wish they were still small and under our roof. I love them being grown in many ways, but I'd be fine with us all under one roof or even a compound of houses together. 

Oh wow, that is a ton of snow for a place and people that are not used to or have the trucks for it.  Stay safe.

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4 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Oh wow, that is a ton of snow for a place and people that are not used to or have the trucks for it.  Stay safe.

Dd will be the one out driving, and she has a small Nissan Kicks. She's a nurse, so her job doesn't get called off. 

At least ds will be on campus. He doesn't have classes for the holiday, and classes would probably be canceled for Tuesday if it stays around. The school has a lot of commuters. 

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Waiting for the snow in TN too…We just do not go anywhere when it snows. Period. We have plenty of food and basic emergency supplies. As long as the power is on, we’re fine. I’d love a couple slow days at home. Several hospitals here call staff in early and have makeshift dorms and living spaces for snow days, knowing that people will not be able to get to work safely.

We’ve been to church and had lunch. I need to be back at church around 3:30 for prep for missions conference children’s ministry tonight.

Take medicine
Rest a bit
Pack work things
Dress warmly 



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I met ds and gave him his stuff. He is rushing a fraternity this week and will have the induction weekend starting Thursday night. This is at a Christian college, so I know it won't be the same as a regular university. I'm most concerned about it being stuff outside because we are fairly sure he has Reynaud's. He told me he already talked to the guys about his problem, and they would make accommodations for him. I gave him a huge pack of hand warmers for Christmas, so surely he can use those. 

I got groceries on the way home. 

I just tried some goat cheese brie I was given for Christmas, and it was horrible. 

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8 minutes ago, cintinative said:

Dh just tested positive for Covid. I am the only one recently boosted. I was going to take the boys this week.  Not sure what I should do now. 

Oh no. I am sorry.  I would probably do all the things to try and not spread it and if they are still negative this week take them?  I don't know.  I would probably start everyone on extra vitamins, nasal sprays, mouth rinse.  Open windows if you can.  Keep your dh isolated. Mask.  Run air purifiers or the like in the house.  

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