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Tackling Friday Together, 1.5.23


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Good morning!
Dh started back to school today (no kids until Monday), so I packed his breakfast and lunch. 

I met with a student this morning. Ds goes back to school later this morning.  

  • breakfast for ds and me
  • contact a couple of friends
  • call my dad
  • schoolwork
  • deal with the paperwork I didn't get to
  • pay water bill
  • go to the post office
  • figure out lunch and dinner for myself
  • watch something and relax
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Good morning! 

I've already helped DH tend the mutt, and done the dishes; having coffee now. 

For the rest of today:

....more coffee
....wash my wool stuff
...organize the closet 
....prep one more week of K-2nd - that will give me a 2 week buffer ready to go; that's a good starting place, and if I can get one more week ahead next week, that will be perfect (more than that is too much, in case we get behind or something)
....sew/work on the quilt top 
....dinner is....????   DH is doing baked chicken, and I'll probably do beets to go with
....this afternoon, take  Middle to an appt
....send a few emails that need to go out
....if it stops raining, go on our 5K training walk/jog
....watch the Lego Holiday Finale tonight with the kids??? 
....register for a local fencing tournament
....I think that's about it....? 

Happy Friday, all! 

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Good morning! 
Vacation is over. I woke up suddenly, at my usual time, thinking about work and volunteer commitments and things I need to get done. 

Our church has a missions focus this month and I have a lead role in pulling together two kids’ egg bc events. (Job) Plus an early February ministry thing for college students. (Volunteer) Plus coordinating meals for an AHG weekend event in January. (Volunteer). Plus my mom really needs my help with several important things asap. Plus we have some legal and financial things that need doing.

I would like to earn more money, but right now, all my time is filled up! Regular schedule begins Monday for me and Ds. Dd goes back to college on Wed, I think. 

To Do:

Work at church 
Work on AHG stuff
Send emails to lawyers
Pick up Rx
Visit mom - help with tech 

Dinner is leftovers. 


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Up late today.  I think the sun was out for a bit while I was sort of asleep, but it is gone now.  3 days of snow in the next week.  Boo.

We found some money we had lost and been looking for all week, so that is a relief. 

Audition season starts Saturday, so I am nervous and excited for my kids.  Hopefully in a month or two we will know what their summer is going to be.

Life without a show coming up is going to be nice and relaxing, except for the auditions.

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Good morning, everyone. I'm staying in bed a little later each day, but it all ends Monday. Dh is working all weedend, so I should have plenty of time to get things done.I'd just like to say how much I appreciate this daily tackling thread and all of you. It really helps me get things done!!  Today's plan:


finish working on the refrigerator freezer-done

cook for the freezer

launder sheets and remake bed

take some school things to the car-it's cold, but some of you live, work, and even play in much lower temperatures. Yeah, it's 36 F and that's cold to this southern girl

call urologist and see if they've had a cancellation-I guess they took today off

shower, scrub my face, and moisturize

get the big Christmas stuff put away


Bible and prayer


make a dental appointment-oh yeah, closed on Friday

burn all the candles-love to have them burning when it's cold and dreary

send out dojo messages

straighten up a bedroom




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Kindergarten is done, if the printer continues printing the last 2 things (it's giving me the "black is out, if you keep printing you will break your printer" notice; sometimes it lets me ignore this, sometimes not....)

The appt this afternoon got cancelled, so that's off my list - yay! 

Oh, also got the wool stuff in the wash

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I called my dad. He wants to come down early next week to have dinner and visit a bit. 

I made breakfast for ds and myself. He just left to go back to school. 

I contacted my friends, and I'm going to lunch with one. I'll see if the other is home to stop by on my way back. 


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DH is trying to plan his next business trip to Brazil - they've just resumed requiring Visas for US travelers, and while he looked into it (and it said you must have itinerary before making appt to get the visa), it did not warn him the itinerary must be x number of days away (said the visa takes 5 days). So he's 2 days late for being able to go when he wants - just bought the tickets, etc. but now cannot get an appt listing that date as his departure. Ugh. 

He's calling to sort it out. Whether easier to get the consulate to allow the appt anyway, or the airline to bump the flights a week, I do not know. 

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28 minutes ago, TravelingChris said:

What way  do you do beets?



Usually I roast them, sometimes air fry them. 

I'll peel, cut into chunks (if I roast them) or slices/rounds (if I air fry them); toss with olive oil, salt, maybe some other seasoning but not much. Roast in the oven until tender, or cook in the air fryer till a little bit crispy like beet chips. 

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Y'all -- DH spent half an hour on hold trying to sort the visa thing. Gave up. Went to take a nap. Got up. Ate lunch. Was looking at alternate flights, b/c it seemed surely easier to deal with that than the consulate. 

Found 2 possible alternate flights that would let him set the visa appt.  Checked the email and there was an email that *yesterday* Brazil announced a delay to the visa requirement - it's not needed now until April. Wow!!! 

So the trip is set, no issues. Whew! 

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1 hour ago, LifeLovePassion said:

I have an observation my next class period. I hate them. 

Will have to take big to the Dr...been having dizziness spells off and on. Articulation isn't their strong skillet, so they want me to go with vs going alone or with DH. 

I hate them as well!! I have to set the date for mine soon as break is over. Good luck!!

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Good afternoon!  Today were 2 medical appts.  First one was hand ortho who went over my EMG/NCS results and ended up giving me a lidocaine/cortisone shot. Hr said if it is carpal tunnel, it will be better in 3 days.  And dh is mad that I have to ho back to shoulder ortho doc plus this foc again.   Then I cleaned parts of my bathroom plus renewed AAA memberships for us and 2/3 kids+spouses. Then a quick lunch and now a very long wait for double lower  leg Doppler scans.

Not sure what I will be doing later.

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Went up and sewed - I'm on section 6 (of a 6 section quilt top); Section 6 is split into 6A, 6B, and 6C.  I finished 6A (which is the biggest of the 3 subsections). Yay! 

Fighting a mild headache, and didn't get much nap earlier b/c of DH coming and going during, so taking some sinus stuff (on top of the tylenol I took) and going to lay down a bit longer before I try and mess with the next section of sewing. 

Wool stuff is hanging to dry. 🙂 

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went for our 5K training jog/walk -- DH, Oldest & I are already in sufficient shape to do this; the younger 2, not so much, so we're all training along together. The run is at the end of the month; so far, so good. 

Helping DS edit a board game he made, and get it printed - his friends are coming tomorrow to watch a movie & play this game. 

DH is cooking dinner. 

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I had lunch with one of my friends. 

I went to pay the water bill, but they are shut down through Monday with software updates. 

I did a lot of lesson planning. I have detailed lessons, independent textbook assignments, online assignments, and quizzes done for the next two weeks. 

A private school student contacted me asking for help this weekend, so we met after dinner. Her school had a virtual day today, and she really didn't understand the lesson. I was able to help clear it up for her. 

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I need to get back into checking in earlier.

  • Took    dog to park twice to work on walking, both of us.
  • adjusted a different harness that is no pull, she has figured out how to escape the nice warm fleece coat harness. oh well
  • laundry
  • one meeting done
  • phone calls done
  • Deciding which days to do private dog training before classes begin. I think the adolescent stage has begun.
  • played a couple tetris games with ds
  • cleaned the pomegranates and    made a salad with them. Remembered what a mess it is to clean pomegranates.
  • vacuumed the floors
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Worked at church 10-7:30. Nothing else on my list done. SO tired!!

Can home to a messy kitchen and unfinished laundry. 😕

Waiting for someone else’s laundry to finish so I can get mine done. 

Worried about my mom. Called her today. Cognitive issues/confusion still there. Idk if it is a still-not-beaten UTI (after 6 weeks of treatment and 2x at the ER) or if this is dementia settling in? 

Drink water
Read a bit
Go to bed and hope Dh doesn’t wake/keep me up with his snoring. He’s fighting a cold and he snores when he’s congested. 

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Dinner was good

My headache is not really going away - I took some more meds and will head to bed soon, hopefully wake up feeling better

We watched the finale of the Lego Holiday special - we all disagreed with the choice for winner. Oh well. 


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2 minutes ago, TheReader said:

Oh, @ScoutTN! Yikes. Hopefully it's not an expensive fix, besides the hassle of unclean laundry still. 😞 

More importantly, for the moment, we have no working toilets. If not fixed in the next hour, maybe going to friends? Or a hotel? 
I need to go to bed soon bc I have to get up early. 

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5 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

More importantly, for the moment, we have no working toilets. If not fixed in the next hour, maybe going to friends? Or a hotel? 
I need to go to bed soon bc I have to get up early. 

Oh, goodness...I didn't even think of that! Yes, see if there's a friend who'll let you come stay. Goodness. I'm so sorry! 

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Dh insists on staying at the house, with no working toilets. 🙄🤐 Fine.

Kids and I are happily settled in a very nice Hilton Garden Inn less than 5 miles from our house. Got connecting rooms, so Dd can easily join me if her brother becomes too annoying or wants to stay up too late. 😉

Maybe not what I planned to spend a couple hundred bucks on this week, but a good night’s sleep and working plumbing are worth it. Plus earning points with Hilton and on my card. 

Gonna drink water, read my novel (Wodehouse - light and funny) and go to sleep. Tomorrow is another day…

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