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Tackling Tuesday, Jan. 2

math teacher

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I stayed in bed until 8 this morning-not gonna feel guilty!! Dh is working, so no cooking here.Plans for today:


watch a school video-done

make notes in the last teacher's guide-that will put me done for the year- This is a new to us curriculum, and I am putting notes on postits to help me teach it easily. It's hard to read and teach at the same time. The notes will stay for future use.-done

drive into town to find a doctor's office for mother in law's appointment tomorrow-maybe stop to see if I can get some reduced candles/Christmas stuff-done

mop-save it for another day

finish the walls in my bathroom-done

Wegovy shot-done

clean the kitchen-done

start putting away the Christmas stuff except for the tree-maybe tomorrow


Bible and prayer

continue working on flashcards-trying to get them done for the year-done

clean out the refrigerator-done

Edited by math teacher
addition and update
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Good morning!  I took a child to school today who may not have any pencils in his bag and definitely forgot his box for science, so the return to the grind is off to a good start.


  • Figure out dinner.  Needs to be hearty, high in iron and fiber, and preferably something that can be made quickly.
  • grocery store run
  • Print out papers for tonight's meeting
  • clean out the coffee table
  • bring up the Christmas boxes to put that stuff away
  • 1 mile walk
  • get car inspected
  • help ds with homework/make sure chores get done
  • dinner. TBD
  • meeting for me, take ds to his back to back activities
  • gas up the car
  • pick up ds, home around 10pm/bed 10:30 so I can do it all again tomorrow.
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Good morning!

I am better, but I still have swelling/inflammation in the back of my nose and can't smell/taste much. 

I met with the pre-cal student this morning. 

The dryer is going, and we just had breakfast.

We are going to pick up a new toilet that is a better height for my dad, and dh will call a friend who said he could help him install it. 

Other goals:

  • tidy house
  • clean guest bath and move stuff out to get ready for toilet installation
  • clean kitchen
  • dust main living areas
  • floors in main living areas
  • do some work on school for next week
  • meals
  • meal plan/grocery list
  • shop
  • watch something and relax


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Grocery store is done.  Dinner tonight is shepherd's pie (beef augmented with a pound of mushrooms), spinach and goat cheese salad, and baking soda drop biscuits.  That should tide ds over until he's done with the first round of activity.

Dh is cleaning out the kitchen cabinets.  I'll do the coffee table after lunch settles.

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Good morning! I am enjoying sleeping in!

Today will be mostly a stay home and get organized sort of day. I’ve spent some time thinking about my goals for this year, reorganized the book stacks on my bedside table, and written out some to-do lists for this week. I need to get a 2024 planner.

Camp laundry is done and folded. 

Dinner will be chicken chili and salad, and maybe cornbread. Need to make a quick grocery run for white beans and green chilies. ✔️ Still need to make salad. Soup and cornbread are done.

Electronic chores ✔️ 
Walk! ✔️ 
Call mom ✔️ 
Listen to a podcast 

Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning! Fever is gone.  Have appt w doctor tomorrow. Going to use nebulizer every 4 hours today unless I am breathing much better. I can feel my lungs are heavy.  My fitbit said I had fast breathing during the night.



Morning meds 


To do

call Roche as to where to get test strips for Coaguchek.

Call case management team

Make new Excel medication sheet for dh

Start calling home care givers

Call Hiller and cancel

Call other cancellations

Get financial briefing w dh

Get groceries

Go to post office 

Call dentist

Figure out which day to get drivers license

Also figure out getting new passport 

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Popping in although it's the end of the day --  today got all topsy turvy. 

We took our geriatric mutt to the vet for a weird growth that over the weekend became infected- an hour or so (and a few hundred dollars) later, he had shots of antibiotic, anti-inflammatory, oral meds sent home with us, and once he's stable enough, we'll have the growth removed. 

So that was this morning, instead of Ikea.  Then naps, then grocery store, return the Lego to Target, try (again) to get my car inspected -- 2 places now have said they aren't doing them right  now.  I don't drive much, so hopefully I don't get pulled over for it (or the police will be understanding of "well, I've actually tried 2 places, but they both turned me away...")   The law is changing so you don't need them, anyway, so maybe that will help. 

Dinner is cooking (mac & cheese with the leftover Christmas cheeses), and then we'll veg out/watch a movie/watch TV/something. 

Tomorrow it's back to real life - DH returns to work (from home), which means I need to get moving on back to school prep. 

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