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Saturday Tacklers, want to join in? 11.18.23


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Today is unpredictable bc Dh is grouchy. He has out of the house things til noon.

I am making coffee and b’fast and running some laundry. Then will grocery shop and do some general housekeeping. And making sure Ds does his share of housekeeping. 

Paint Ds’ room?!! With Dh’s help.

I won’t go into details, but he is making a relatively simple project that should have been done weeks ago very hard to get done. 

Dinner is poppyseed chx bc I only got a little when I made it to take to the luncheon last week. I have loads of veggies for sides. 

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@ScoutTN, I'm sorry he is making it more difficult to get the project done! 

Dh didn't want to fight the crowds at Costco this morning. It is usually very crowded on Saturdays, and today will be worse. 

I'm making a meal plan and grocery list and will head out soon. 

I hope to make plans to spend some time with E in the next few days. 

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Dh and I are tag-teaming today.  I am doing the "take initiative" lecture and he is enforcing the work ds needs to do.  Teens. Ugh.

  • Laundry
  • reknit one ornament, knit a second
  • go to a talk by Nancy Kerrigan
  • lunch
  • dinner: "Ikea at home" (Swedish meatballs, gravy, lingonberry jam, mashed potatoes, salad)
  • take ds to his game
  • second dinner: McD's on the way home - and open the invite to any of the other families to join us.  Coach has been trying to do a group thing but it's never going to work out, so I figure we'll just keep stopping at fast food and letting them know as a low key way to meet the other parents.
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Got the Wordle in 2. Good guess. 😎

Need to think out some Advent and Christmas things today. Set aside time for things like writing cards, making cookies, getting and decorating a tree, etc. I am so excited to have Dd home and school-free for most of December! Thinking about something she and I could do together. Thinking also about community service and how our family can bless others in this season. In the past, scouting has provided us with many opportunities, but we are in a new season and need to find them ourselves. 

Need to talk about a few of these things with Dh, but today is not the day for that.

Headed to the grocery shortly.

Edited by ScoutTN
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Happy Saturday!

I slept in, yay!  And it's a sunny day.  Hopefully I do something good with it.  I have dibs on one of the vehicles for at least a few hours today.

My dad fell yesterday morning, and I found out about it last night.  There was a lot of phone discussion with siblings, as we want to make sure he's all right, but don't want him to think "they overreact, next time I'm not telling them."  In the end my sister, brother, and other sister took turns being at my folks' house, so I decided I'll keep quiet and call them today.  I guess he face planted and hit his nose, resulting in blood and bruising, but one hopes nothing worse than that.  We're more concerned about why he fell.  (He's 82.)

Right now I'm listening to music, which I should do more often!  (I am on YouTube Music, which is playing a mix of "liked songs."  Most of them are Kim Taehyung's soft stuff.)


  • Woke up, yay!
  • Caught up on emails, news, social media, calendar, and electronic school stuff.
  • Ate fruit, took vitamins.

To do:

  • Re-issue donation check to replace the one that was rejected for a misspelling.  😕  Take it to the post office to expedite delivery.
  • Hoping to get a haircut.
  • Might do some light Christmas shopping while I have a vehicle.
  • Help kid distribute a poll she needs to complete by Monday (of course).
  • Yoga etc.; walk the dog?  Eat veggies.
  • I was thinking of having the girls sit with me and listen to a "how to study" CD while shredding some old documents for $$.  Win-win?
  • Also need to get the kids to get caught up on their homework etc.
  • Laundry and other housework.
  • Lots of client work.
  • Whatever I'm forgetting.
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Groceries are put away and bird feeders filled.

Ds is up, “folding” and putting away his giant mountain of clean laundry. I already hung the church clothes, so I don’t care how he does the rest. 

Adding to my list: 
Another large box with a Christmas gift in it to the storage unit.

Next up: clean a bathroom

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Ordered some things for Christmas (just a start).

Did the post office thing.

Called and had a nice chat with my dad.

Put my kid's poll up on facebook.

My kids have informed me that they have a project for which they need to go the craft store.  So much for me having a vehicle to myself for even a couple hours.  😕  Well, I guess I'll get my haircut in that plaza, and maybe do a little Christmas shopping at the craft shop.

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Good Afternoon

  • Time outside with pup. The temps are about to change so trying to be outside as much as we can now
  • Ds is still recovering from surgery. His mouth is really swollen. He is realizing that ice packs are recommended for a reason
  • Going through email and everyone seems to be having their sales early. Hard to tell if its just a marketing ploy or for real.
  • Watch sales and order gifts
  • check if have wrapping paper and bows
  • laundry 
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Really late getting started today-last night dh suggested we take a day trip, and we got back about an hour ago. Plans for tonight and tomorrow:

make carrot cake for church auction-done


buy some groceries

grade and record some papers

get started painting a bedroom

exercise-walked a lot today

check for ants in the flower bed and get started cleaning it out-didn't see ants, so start on it tomorrow!!

shred some papers

bank statement 

write the church check




fill the birdbath-done

clean the bathrooms

Edited by math teacher
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@SKL, glad your dad's fall wasn't worse! Figuring out what causes falls can be tricky in older people because so many things can cause them. I hope you all get to the bottom of it. 

I did a lot of shopping and ate at my favorite restaurant. 

Dh and I finished All the Light We Cannot See. 

I'll start dinner soon. 



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Ds is at work. Hoping he can get more shifts this coming week, even though he’s not scheduled.

Dinner is almost ready. 

After dinner:
Shower, jammies, book

Eta: Dinner was yummy! That casserole recipe is tasty and satisfying. Kitchen is tidy and dishwasher is running. Decided to do a small kitchen project next week - cull out and replace all the spoons that are rough on the edge from having been caught in the disposal. 

Bookcase is inside. Looks good. Might need one more coat, esp on top and on the shelves. 

Dh began painting at around  5pm. Not optimal project-beginning time. 🙄 I moved things around so Ds can sleep in Dd’s room tonight, since his is painty and chaotic. I expect that I will have to get Ds from work - even though I am in jammies and settled in for the night - bc Dh is painting. 

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Finished the haircut and the craft shopping.  The girls are downstairs making creative projects relating to Dorian Gray.

Ordered another Christmas gift.

The survey ... I went on SurveyMonkey and made it there since someone on facebook asked about that.  I never did that before.  I may need to post the link here on the Hive in order to get enough responses in time.  (She only needs 25 and has about 13 so far, with a few more committed.)

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