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Tackling Thursday -- Nov 16th


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Good morning, all! I'm up early b/c DH had to go in very early for an audit thing at work. :yawn: So, let's do this thing. 

Today is the kids' test, so that's one thing off the list - thank goodness. 

My list:
....coffee (lots)
....get the kids up & out on time, with their breakfast (usually DH cooks)

....at some point, get a nap
....call the VHS to DVD/Digital guy I found, see how long his turnover is/how soon to bring him stuff to get back for Christmas
....look around for non-plastic/tupperware food storage that will maybe actually get dry in the dishwasher
....look up how to do a Chicago style bibliography, for the kids' game/history project 

....load my school bag for after Thanksgiving (make sure I have everything; I think I'm down one class on my prep ahead)
....make sure the kids type their rule books/bibliographies for their game project & that they draw their gameboards 
....see if they still need help prepping the term paper that's up next

....while they do that, maybe quilt my friend's quilt???? 
....text with the tutoring mom, see if I'm tutoring today or not, and find out what she wants for next week (look up the school schedule; I'm hoping they are off all week and she won't want me to come at all)
....either do or don't go tutor, depending what she says

....salmon patties from HEB for dinner
....go to fencing now that the crunch time is over and I'm finally better
....come home, go to bed


Dang that looks like a long list.....oof. 

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Good morning!

I have been to Starbucks (Red cup promo today and Ds wanted one. His money, not mine.), dropped Ds at school, and am enjoying my (homemade and therefore inexpensive) coffee.


Tutor ✔️ 
Shower ✔️ 

Take mom to a medical appointment, a follow up with the surgeon to see how well her broken leg is healing. ✔️ 

Take mom back to her AL place. She will be very happy to be home and out of rehab. ✔️ 

Figure out dinner. Needs to be quick and easy. ✔️ 

AHG tonight. ✔️ 

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Good morning!

  • dh's breakfast and lunch
  • exercise
  • coffee
  • 4 Zoom sessions
  • brother/sister duo
  • in between sessions: shower, printing for the duo, bible study
  • meals
  • contact dd's gf about going to her house to pick up something dd left there for me
  • drive over and get it if she's available this evening
  • laundry 
  • packing
  • watch something and relax
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Got the kids up & out on time, and fed them breakfast, and ate their leftovers. Sent Middle out with the rest of the coffee.....may need to make more for myself. 

Figured out their bibliography, and then just did it, b/c Word was being annoying -- the only way I could get the formatting right was to copy/paste "keep original formatting" sample entries, then edit those (it would not let me indent the 2nd line otherwise). So that's done. 

Loading my bag for post-Thanksgiving, and then either making more coffee or taking a nap. 

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22 minutes ago, ScoutTN said:

Yeah, Word should have templates for Chicago and APA like it does for MLA. 

Oh, they do!  It's fabulous.  I was struggling with Chicago format until our professor brought up how to do it on the screen, heading over to the references tab and just dropping things in.

Today has already been a day.

grocery shopped for some of Thanksgiving foods

had a fraud alert on my card and a conversation that went like this with my bank:

Let's just go over these flagged transactions...Walmart for $x.xx?

Yep, new slip on shoes for after hockey practice.

Smoothie shop for $xx.xx?

Yep.  Dinner after hockey practice.

Conway & Banks for $xxx.xx?

Great deal on a new hockey bag!'


So there's a running theme to my purchases for the past week.  I told her to expect one from Pure Hockey tomorrow because he needs new kevlar socks.


All cleared up.  I get to spend money again.

The rest of the day:

  • history class
  • work on literature homework
  • knit one ornament
  • Forget about 10,000 steps.  I'm aiming for 5,000 today.


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@HomeAgain - hmmm, I could not find it/make it work.  Part of the problem, I think, is that they need a bibliography, but not for a paper. So, while I *did* find where I could set up a Bibliography, and make it be Chicago style, I couldn't figure out how to manually input sources -- just setting the document that way still wouldn't let me type them the right way, and when I messed with it, it said "there are no sources found in this document" or something (because, it's not a paper with regular citations). 

Apparently if I'd had a proper paper written, with the sources cited, then it could have pulled the Bibliography page together for me.  (but also -- why can't I just space the 2nd line of text if I want to??? Word is highly annoying).

 But I am also working with an older version, too, so that could be the issue. 

Anyway, I copied/pasted from the web, and just changed those, and that worked. 

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15 minutes ago, TheReader said:

@HomeAgain - hmmm, I could not find it/make it work.  Part of the problem, I think, is that they need a bibliography, but not for a paper. So, while I *did* find where I could set up a Bibliography, and make it be Chicago style, I couldn't figure out how to manually input sources -- just setting the document that way still wouldn't let me type them the right way, and when I messed with it, it said "there are no sources found in this document" or something (because, it's not a paper with regular citations). 

Apparently if I'd had a proper paper written, with the sources cited, then it could have pulled the Bibliography page together for me.  (but also -- why can't I just space the 2nd line of text if I want to??? Word is highly annoying).

 But I am also working with an older version, too, so that could be the issue. 

Anyway, I copied/pasted from the web, and just changed those, and that worked. 

Ah, sorry, I didn't realize exactly the issue.

I totally cheat and use Citation Machine to set up my bibliography when I don't want to take the time for it.  From that point, it's just a matter of dropping in the citations using the References tab, letting me knock out some of the issues I was having with doing it manually.

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Howdie, happy Thursday!

It's been a not-so-banner day so far.  But, I did get some work out.

Kids got themselves to school on time, but one of them came home "sick" in the middle of the day.

The car people called.  They said we have a "small problem.  Actually it is kind of a big problem."  The part came in but it's defective.  It will be 3 more weeks before the replacement replacement comes in.  😕  (The car has been in the shop for several weeks already.)  Luckily I generally don't need the car - I am able to borrow for the little bit of driving I do.  But 3 weeks, that's into December.  The holidays.  I'll have to borrow a car to see my folks after Thanksgiving.  It's not ideal.  But, really a first world problem.

And our work email is completely down.  No idea what's going on but this is not great.

I need the email in order to do the most urgent work on my list.  But, I have lots of other work I can do while I wait for the email to be fixed.  I just hope it's soon.

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Okay, afternoon tutoring is on, which is good I suppose and gives me the chance to check with her in person about next week

The kids are working on what they need to be working on, and I've finished all the parts that I am able/comfortable helping with (I don't mind being their secretary and typing stuff, but I won't actually do work for them), and I *think* they're in good shape to finish all the things on time, hopefully. The term paper remains to be seen, and will largely be worked on this weekend without me even here to supervise, so.....ha! 

Kids can toss salmon patties in the oven at the appointed time for dinner, and today/tomorrow finish the bits of stuff due by then. This weekend, they write. (Monday I'll be home to help edit, correct, etc., and make sure papers get submitted)

Tomorrow DH and I leave for another fencing tournament, this time in Dallas. See y'all Monday!

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Sifting my inbox. 

Prayer update from church, a new baby girl born to one of our young staff members and his wife. Their new daughter’s middle name is the name of our lead pastor’s daughter who was killed in the shooting on March 27. I love this, but it is so sad. 💔💔💔💔

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History class went well.  Dh got ds to take care of homework and such while I was out, which took a load off my shoulders.  I'm beginning to think my literature professor is a bit off.  So far the stories have been rather dark, and no chance of them getting better.

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