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Wednesday Tacklers, Here! 11.8.23


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I am enjoying my coffee and the quiet house, trying not to be overwhelmed by life today. Just ordinary stuff, nothing dramatic, but it feels like a lot sometimes, kwim?

Laundry ✔️ 
Pick up milk ✔️ 
Tutor one student ✔️ 
YNAB ✔️ 
Check in with credit card bank about fraud.

See if I can do a password reset on my mom’s Amazon acct.

Print some financial stuff for mom. ✔️ 

Work on how to help Ds with school/grades. 🙄☹️

Prep lesson for tonight. ✔️ 

Church - work on Sunday school things, have dinner, do children’s ministry. 

Think about other stuff that needs to happen this week: make appt with an attorney to get our wills and POA updated, painting Ds’ room, bday stuff for Dh next week, more helping mom, check in with Dd about course registration, piano, job, and Christmas plans. 

Edited by ScoutTN
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Yes, @mommyoffive and @ScoutTN, sometimes life can get overwhelming!  It usually feels like that the most for me when I've taken on a bit too much. 

I forgot I have to take food to my bible study class tonight. People usually always bring homemade things. Any quick, good ideas?

I will make spiced pecans, and I do have time to run to the grocery store after 3. 

  • 5 Zoom sessions
  • grocery store for dinner stuff and snacks for my class
  • church
  • prep for tomorrow (mostly precalculus)
  • watch something and relax
Edited by mom31257
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Most of my day will be spent attending to the new puppy.  When I say puppy he is 1 year old 57lb dog.   He came from a home but he really does not know much at all.  I have never seen such a hyper dog.  He never sits still ever.  The entire day he is walking/running miles around our house.   Our older dog is not super keen on him so they need constant supervision.  I am pretty sure that this will be my to do list for the next few years.  🙂

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What kind of dog is it, @mommyoffive?  I've had that sort of dog. LOL I love meeting them on walks now, but they are exhausting to take home!  My walking buddies have learned that one thing I will consistently provide is the sort of physical pressure they tend to crave, squeezing up against me to get firm pets or squeezing between my legs to get head scratches.  It tends to calm them for about......20 seconds. 😄

On today's list:

  • exam has been moved to a due date of Saturday evening.  That gives me time to study more.  It's online, but essay questions
  • study for test tomorrow
  • dissect an eyeball
  • take ds to a skills class
  • gas up my car
  • knit one ornament
  • 10,000 steps?  We'll see.  Tomorrow looks to be brutal and today is gearing up for it
  • dinner: whatever ds wants for his, and a couscous/spinach salad for myself.

I got a behavior report from ds's adult leader this morning after an email was sent out last night about some unsavory behaviors from some in the group.  He is respectful, attentive, and a pleasure to be around....but a tad anxious?  Leader is slightly worried that he's too quiet.  I need to find a way to tell him that this is truly ds's best, and the anxiety is just part of it now.

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2 minutes ago, HomeAgain said:

What kind of dog is it, @mommyoffive?  I've had that sort of dog. LOL I love meeting them on walks now, but they are exhausting to take home!  My walking buddies have learned that one thing I will consistently provide is the sort of physical pressure they tend to crave, squeezing up against me to get firm pets or squeezing between my legs to get head scratches.  It tends to calm them for about......20 seconds. 😄

On today's list:

  • exam has been moved to a due date of Saturday evening.  That gives me time to study more.  It's online, but essay questions
  • study for test tomorrow
  • dissect an eyeball
  • take ds to a skills class
  • gas up my car
  • knit one ornament
  • 10,000 steps?  We'll see.  Tomorrow looks to be brutal and today is gearing up for it
  • dinner: whatever ds wants for his, and a couscous/spinach salad for myself.

I got a behavior report from ds's adult leader this morning after an email was sent out last night about some unsavory behaviors from some in the group.  He is respectful, attentive, and a pleasure to be around....but a tad anxious?  Leader is slightly worried that he's too quiet.  I need to find a way to tell him that this is truly ds's best, and the anxiety is just part of it now.

He is a purebred Weimaraner, the exact same breed of dog we lost in June.  They were both purebreds rescued from the shelter.  Anyway he is nuts.  Dh is the only one who went to meet him and brought this nut job home.  If I would have been there I would have said no after seeing him as he never stops moving, never naps.  I hope in like 7 years he will slow down!  

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Happy Wednesday!

Today I'm having lunch with an old friend I haven't seen in years.  Unfortunately, the time will be limited since I'm borrowing a car, but it should be nice.


  • Late night work and laundry.
  • Slept a bit.
  • Kids off to school on time, yay!
  • Took out the garbage.
  • Let the dog out & played with him.
  • A little reading & cleaning.
  • Sent out a little bit of client work.

To do:

  • Shower.
  • Meet friend.
  • More client work.
  • If possible, put laundry away before the kids get home (because someone complains if I enter her bedroom when she's there).
  • Eat fruit, eat veggie, take vitamins, drink water, yoga etc., walk, etc.
  • Read more news.
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Classes are done, and I went to the store. 

I made the chocolate toffee cracker candy, and it is in the freezer.

I'm softening butter to make some oatmeal scotchies.

I'll make the spiced pecans last. 

I still need to get a shower and make dinner, too. Thankfully, class isn't until 7. 

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So today was going to be easy

went to W to pick up groceries- big order prepping for the holidays. The employee cut their hand on the cart when got home noticed bl… on the bags so returned the order. 

clean car

ds noticed large lump on pups left shoulder vet wanted to check brought her in they think it’s from her Lyme vaccine booster that she got last Friday. Watch if gets fluid or hurt then they will need to operate.They were nice and trimmed her nails for me.

so praying/hoping pup will have fast recovery. Trying to keep past thoughts out of my head.

ds thinks the sinus hole from having wisdom teeth pulled is still there so he is scheduled for surgery next week.



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Home from church. Dinner was yummy and class was good. 

Folded some laundry and put chicken tenders in the oven.

Banished to my room while Ds practices his monologue for theater class. Henry Vl, Act 5, scene 5, Suffolk. Listening from down the hall….😉🤣🤭 It was due today and he wasn’t prepared, but everyone couldn’t go today so he has a reprieve. 

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@history-fan sending good thoughts to your pup and to your ds.  I hope his surgery goes well.


I am having  a break down because of a lot of little stressors.  The main one being this new dog.  I may like him later, but right now i do not and he is a huge amount of work every second of the day.  I just want to only have 1 dog.   This is also the worst possible time to have a new dog.  We have so much going on and do not have the time to do this.  

One kid feels like they might be getting sick.  

Found out all our personal info was hacked.  

I lost one of the kiddo's passport.  

We got charged by a buck 2 nights ago and almost rearend by a huge pickup truck at the same time.  I have eaten way too much chocolate today.  


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Just now, ScoutTN said:

@mommyoffive Yikes! That’s a lot!!

Can your Dh return the dog? 

I do not think so.  He was going to call, but I don't know if he did.  It is annoying because this shelter changed a few of their polices that would have helped.  They no longer let people bring in their dogs to meet a dog they are thinking of adopting.  They said it is stressful.  Well these 2 did not get along from the second they met.  And they used to allow you to put a hold on an animal and go home and think about it.  

That would have helped.

I am just emotionally drained, and I have no thoughts on how to get filled up again right now.

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@history-fan, I'm sorry about your pup and the surgery for your son! Praying for you!

@mommyoffive, that is a lot to be dealing with! Pray you can get something figured out with the dog and the other situations will be taken care of quickly! 

Our class had fewer people tonight, and I heard some were out with sickness. I made way too much food, but dh can take a lot of it to school tomorrow. 

I cleaned up the kitchen since I left it in such disarray. 

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