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Tackling Thursday Together! 11.2.23


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It’s cold! Brrr! Ds is at school, I have coffee, and chickadees are chirping at my feeder. 

My car makes a terrible whining, squealing sort of sound in the cold. A belt, I think. Need to start the ball rolling to get this fixed.

Tutor a student in the morning ✔️ 
Tutor a student in the afternoon ✔️ 

Check in on mom ✔️ 

Make soup - need carrots and a rotisserie chx.

Start figuring out the parental controls on the PS5. Ds is not able to self-regulate and this is causing conflict. If we use the system to set limits, he can still enjoy gaming. Otherwise, the system goes away. Need to get this done this weekend!

AHG leaders’ mtg tonight.  ✔️ 


Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning! 

@cintinative, just caught up - praying all is well and he's able to pass them/get treatment soon. 

My day today:

....re-schedule DS for his SAT -- we got an email *yesterday* that his registration for the one this Saturday was cancelled. Luckily *today* is the deadline to schedule the December one, so I'll do that, but I'm curious *why* his registration was dropped (did the school cancel in general? did we mess up something/need to let them know, since he's homeschooled? I have no idea) 
....get the kids up & out on time (did the 1st wake-up)
....do school prep -- grade papers, load bag for Monday, work on one more week ahead of stuff 
....try and talk to DH about some stuff
....prep for today's tutoring -- type up the rest of the notes, summarize October, print that, take with me for the mom
....make Oldest's neckerchief thing for his RenFest costume 
....work on my friend's quilt getting finished -- would love to be done and take it to her tomorrow when I go tutor over there
....go tutor this afternoon
....come home, eat, go to fencing
....try not to freeze at the after party
....come home, go to bed

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So since DS has not passed the stones they are planning on a surgical procedure this afternoon when they can fit it in. Basically they go up into the ureter and try to use a laser to break up the stones, and if that doesn't work, they put in a small tube in the ureter between the kidney and the bladder to allow urine to flow and give time for the kidney to calm down (it's inflamed). Then in two weeks they go back in and try to break up the stones again.

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Good morning! 

I've been texting with a mom about tutoring her dd in a dual enrollment college algebra class. We'll start tomorrow. We probably should have started well before she had a 69 average in the class. 

The kids were very wired last night. I'm sure it was from a late Halloween night and extra sugar in their systems. I'm not loving the curriculum and how much time they devote to what turns out to be essentially babysitting the kids. There was so little for us to do in the small group time, that I came up with two activities on my own. Thankfully, our room is right next to a supply closet with lots of resources for last-minute ideas. My co-worker liked my resourcefulness. I credit that to 16 years of homeschooling and many years serving in kid ministries!

  • a couple of business phone calls
  • prep for the student tomorrow
  • Zoom session
  • 1 in-person student
  • go down to the arts council building to meet a winner of a small raffle we had (a quilt shop puzzle)
  • get dinner done early because dh works some tonight
  • lesson planning for next week
  • grading
  • watch something and relax



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got him registered for the SAT - turns out I guess the test center he was signed up for cancelled the whole thing. Yay. 

Also realized that I left his middle name off of his SAT registration, but it's on his driver's permit. Need to call and see if I can get that fixed (it won't let you edit the name once you've made an account). Sigh. 

DH is in avoidance mode. Double Sigh. 


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Hi guys, happy Thursday!

Today I'm supposed to finish my part of an application.  I haven't been able to focus properly at all.  I hope I can finish before people get mad.  Technically it's due tomorrow, but everyone wants to submit it today in case of any technical problems etc.

I should call the car place about my car.  I should have gotten a call from them by now.  The current employees don't seem to be very good about communicating timely.

Other than that, I have about 1000 other things that I can start on once this application is done.

The kids were tardy 2 days in a row.  Today it's because high school students don't hustle, they must walk at a cool pace.  I don't even care at this point.

My kids have been piling dirty laundry in the hall over the past couple days.  I guess that means they are hoping I will do some laundry before their weekend getaway, which starts tomorrow.  We'll see.  I guess I should be glad I didn't have to nag them to put their laundry out there, for a change ....

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took a much  needed, long nap - I've (understandably) not slept well since Monday w/the stress between DH & I; having that resolved, I was finally able to sleep

got the notes from tutoring typed & printed

got my school bag loaded for next week - corrected the 2nd grade stuff, as I'd gotten the same history marked down for a 2nd week in a row. Fixed that, printed the correct things to go with it. 

Next up, do some grading and get that in. May hold off on the rest as now I'm running short of time and need to help my DS with some of his stuff. 

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Tutoring paid me, but via CashApp, so had to figure that out. Oof. She also wants me to come at 4:30 instead of 3:30, and I'll do 45 mins each, and stay till 6:00 (vs an hour each from 3:30 to 5:30). That at least gives me time for my other stuff, so that's good. Getting back to work now....


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@cintinativeHope your son is able to pass those stones soon. 

  • Did grocery pickup at 2 different stores.  
  • rethinking my grocery shopping strategy.
  • Worked with pup on collar and leash.  I only use collar when going to vet and she needs vaccines otherwise I use a harness with her. She was not happy with the collar leash combo.
  • Ordered dog coat harness combo and fleece coat. Hopefully she will wear them if we start her now.
  • Raked the leaves and most of the acorns out of the outside dog area. She wants to eat acorns so trying to clean that up. May need to shopvac the area. 
  • pack up items sold and get ready to mail
  • I'm not looking forward to the time change this weekend. I don't like it getting dark so early.    


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Just between you, me, and the whole internet ... I have been terrible at focusing on work today.  I thought I would be done with my application around lunchtime, but I am still nowhere near done.  So distracted, and not even by anything good.

My kid is cooking and I can smell it.  There goes the rest of my diet.  😛

I think it's time to pray for divine intervention into my focus issues.  I really need to get this work done soon, or some people's wrath is gonna come down on me!

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@cintinative, so glad he isn't in as much pain and praying they pass soon!

@SKL, sorry for the focusing issues! Praying it will improve. 

I've done some lesson planning and prepping to meet with the new student early in the morning. 

Dh ended up working 4 hours, so I made dinner late for him. He's relaxing and watching football. It makes for a long day, but he's thankful for the opportunity to make the extra money. 

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