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Tackling Halloween Together, 10.31.23


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Good morning! 

Do you all give out candy or are you out? We will give out candy. We're the only house on the street that does, so it can be difficult to get people down to us. For the last couple of years, I have set up a table at the end of the driveway. People definitely go down the street opposite us in the neighborhood. 

  • dh's breakfast and lunch
  • shower and get dressed
  • coffee/breakfast
  • bible study
  • 4 Zoom sessions
  • figure out dinner
  • take care for tire sensor to be checked
  • friend meet me for us to go walking while it is being done
  • grocery store
  • dinner
  • give out candy
  • prep for school tomorrow
  • watch something and relax



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I am so sad.   We had plans to go trick or treating with friends and A is sick.   I still have to go to work, in fact, I need to stop by his Elem. School (far from us at the moment!) to drop off the treats I signed up to bring for today's party.....ugh!

So, 2 get togethers are cancelled.

I guess we will have a quiet night handing out candy here in our temp housing.

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Good morning 

Blah day here - DH & I had a fight last night, and still not settled. 

So, my list: 


prep to tutor/PreK
get the kids up & out on time
go do the PreK
prep for afternoon tutoring
fold/put away towels when they're done
work on fixing my friend's quilt -- over the weekend I *finally* got all the layers extended; need to fix one seam and then I can start quilting it
stop and pick up an Rx for Oldest
pick up dinner-y things for Middle to cook tonight
make sure I'm set for tomorrow
go tutor the little girls tonight
come home, eat dinner
maybe hang out w/the family?? Fencing is cancelled for Halloween so the coaches can Trick or Treat w/their kiddos

We never did buy candy, so I think we are not handing any out this year. Our street is way in the back, and hardly anyone makes it back here, so it's been less fun. With the dogs, I have to sit outside for it, too, and it's freezing right now. So, skipping this year. 


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Good morning! First frost here today. Boy is at school and I have coffee. 

We get quite a few ToT’ers. I got a huge bag of chocolate candy at Costco. We’ll close up shop when it’s gone. Our house is on a small lot and our neighborhood is easy and safe for littles to go door to door. I don’t really care about answering the door for the middle and high school kids who come late-ish. They can give a demanding vibe at times. 

To Do:
Shower and dress ✔️ 
Bible study at church ✔️ 
Work at church ✔️ 

Go to mom’s AL place to address security issues? Possibly go to the rehab place or meet my sibling elsewhere?

Grab a couple things at the grocery for dinner. Eggroll in a bowl and fried rice.  ✔️ 

Pick up Ds? Nope

Answer the door for ToT tonight, unless Ds wants to do it. Sometimes he does this for a neighbor who is older and not steady on her feet. All evening up and down on a rollator is hard! And it’s gonna be too chilly to sit on the front step. 


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kids are up & out

preK stuff is prepped and ready, about to head out

DH is "not mad anymore" and behaving as normal; I am left still on edge b/c he thinks playing nice now makes up for the yelling, no apology needed. :sigh:  Probably these are things I should bring up with the therapist....:sigh: 


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Happy Halloween 🎃

We got a little over 2 inches of snow last night. It is pretty, not sure if it will be staying around or melting.

We stopped handing out candy during covid and haven't started back up. Won't hand out this year. There are so many halloween events around here that kids are attending 4+ events the past week so door to door has really dropped in numbers. 

Mailed a couple bills, I wish these last 2 companies would do payment options other than check and mail.

ordered  a box of checks, I only use them for the 2 companies so they last a long time. 

Person who bought an item switched pick up to tomorrow

work on pup trying a new harness, she wants to chew it vs wear it. 

Look for a dog coat harness combo. pup is getting cold fast outside.

carve pumpkins- well ds will carve 

watch It's the Great Pumpkin and something else 




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6 hours ago, TheReader said:

Good morning 

Blah day here - DH & I had a fight last night, and still not settled. 

So, my list: 


prep to tutor/PreK
get the kids up & out on time
go do the PreK
prep for afternoon tutoring
fold/put away towels when they're done
work on fixing my friend's quilt -- over the weekend I *finally* got all the layers extended; need to fix one seam and then I can start quilting it
stop and pick up an Rx for Oldest
pick up dinner-y things for Middle to cook tonight
make sure I'm set for tomorrow
go tutor the little girls tonight
come home, eat dinner
maybe hang out w/the family?? Fencing is cancelled for Halloween so the coaches can Trick or Treat w/their kiddos

We never did buy candy, so I think we are not handing any out this year. Our street is way in the back, and hardly anyone makes it back here, so it's been less fun. With the dogs, I have to sit outside for it, too, and it's freezing right now. So, skipping this year. 


Sorry about the fight.  I hope you get to resolve the issue soon.   How cold is it there?

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7 hours ago, DawnM said:

I am so sad.   We had plans to go trick or treating with friends and A is sick.   I still have to go to work, in fact, I need to stop by his Elem. School (far from us at the moment!) to drop off the treats I signed up to bring for today's party.....ugh!

So, 2 get togethers are cancelled.

I guess we will have a quiet night handing out candy here in our temp housing.

I hope he feels better soon.  That is such a bummer.  Did he get to go  TOT before today?  We have had plenty of sick Halloweens, it stinks when they are little and want to go so badly.

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Woke up to snow and it has been snowing off and on all morning. 

We won't had out candy.  We get so many TOTs on our street and my kids are not going to be at it because of dance.  Only one can go and I don't think she will want to without all her siblings.  Anyway we have already done Halloween events so it just doesn't seem like we need to do another one.  Call me as stick in the mud but I don't like Halloween much.  And having all the people come to the house even if they don't ring the bell just stresses the dog out and it is hours of it.  I hate it.  We will have the lights out and the shades down so hopefully she misses a lot of the traffic. 

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9 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Sorry about the fight.  I hope you get to resolve the issue soon.   How cold is it there?

My answer: "freezing!" 

The thermometer's answer: mid-to-high 40s (I think 47 at the moment). We had a 50 degree drop from Sunday to Monday, we'll hang out here for a few days, and be back in the 80s next week, I hear.  Ah, Texas....

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1 minute ago, TheReader said:

My answer: "freezing!" 

The thermometer's answer: mid-to-high 40s (I think 47 at the moment). We had a 50 degree drop from Sunday to Monday, we'll hang out here for a few days, and be back in the 80s next week, I hear.  Ah, Texas....

Those drops are always so hard.  Last week Tuesday we were at 80 today it is 33 for the high and snow.  Wahhh

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Went and did PreK - the little boy really does NOT have the attention for 1.5 hrs but mom insists, so we muddled through the last 20 mins. Mom sat in for some and helped redirect. 

Went to the grocery store, where I bumped into a friend, so that was fun. Had a quick chat in the pasta aisle, and left feeling better. Vented to her about DH - she reminded me not to hold onto this, "what's that movie? love means never having to say you're sorry?"  She's always good for some encouragement. ❤️ 

Came home, took a nice nap, which was much needed. 

heading to fold clothes and prep the afternoon tutoring

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Welp, the kids got their tests back. DS did no worse, no better, than previous tests.  Middle did really well. 

Helped DS fix and send in his updated writings to his Creative Writing teacher. 

Ready for tutoring. 

Talked with both kids about schedules, homework, etc. 

Eating something and then heading out.  

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1 hour ago, mommyoffive said:

I hope he feels better soon.  That is such a bummer.  Did he get to go  TOT before today?  We have had plenty of sick Halloweens, it stinks when they are little and want to go so badly.

DH says his cough is almost gone and he has no fever, so we may let him go to a few homes around the temp housing area we are in.   

He did a truck or treat at his school a couple of weeks ago.  

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I'll be shocked if we get anyone.  We just don't.  (houses are far apart, on a steep hill)

We do a trunk or treat at church - and give out candy there.

Dh bought a bag of Lindor truffles in case we get anyone . . . . uh huh  . . I have fruit snacks in case we get anyone. I don't have to buy anything.  side eye.


I finally finished my Halloween necklace. . . . (not well) . .dh saw it and asked: if you get the clasp on, can I wear it as my Halloween costume for ___?

image.thumb.png.445bf5a79ca1f306a9cbbc7c72df93e5.pngSo  he did . . . . 

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