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Well-trained bodies - October

Laura Corin

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4 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Yesterday was another stressful day in the end, so I slept badly again. A member of staff seems to be losing it, and taking it out on the administrators. Today, my very busy boss spent most of the day attempting to work in the front admin office to stop any more incidents. He's organising a proper solution,  but today he was just a shield.

Anyway.  Today was my last work day before eleven days of leave. This evening I just walked a slow couple of miles after work.

Ugh, I'm so sorry for the work stresses and glad you get almost two weeks of leave. 

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@Laura Corin I hope things are much better at work after your break.


I've had work stress this week too. My troublesome client got lippy with me when I asked them to move their dog. After one of their dogs bit me I told them they needed to be put away when I visit (they have tons of dogs). They've been trying to test the boundary. I was calm but firm. He didn't like it. I ended up just leaving. Anyway, hallelujah I'm at the end of this case and I'm closing it today.

DD1 has Strep too and ds is sick at college. There is so much going around. I'm hoping they both recover quickly and no one else gets sick (probably a pipe dream)

I've got ALL of my planned weight training sessions this week

I've met my step goal (exceeded most days) except yesterday- I honestly can't remember what days I took official walks- I know at least 3

I did Pickleball 3 days- 1 hr/2 hrs/ 1 hr

But my other hip is now acting up some. I don't know if I did something in strength training or it's from pickleball. I'll not have pickleball until at least Monday and I'm going to skip lower body moves in strength training this weekend.

Today's plan:

strength- supposed to be full body but I'm just doing upper and I'll throw in some core moves and cardio in place of lower body

I did a Barre workout scheduled for Sat instead it was 20 min shorter (and I have limited time as the girls have a class this am and I have visits) and I didn't have to modify it very much. Hopefully, I'm up for full body tomorrow.


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@Soror Sorry about the annoying client, but happy to hear you are nearly finished having to deal with them! Great job getting in all that physical activity! I'm so impressed. I'm struggling to just get in my daily walks. They are wonderful, but my energy levels are really low right now - probably lack of sleep due to puppy. He's worth it, though. 😉 

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I got *all* of my planned workouts done this week. I'm pretty sure that's the first since my injury. It was another busy week but I got strength work in the morning and pickleball after my visits. 

Today dh and I did around 5.5 mile hike/walk.

This week's plan- 3 strength workouts/(upper/lower/full)- 1- yoga, pilates, or barre; maybe a kickboxing day or easy stretch

I don't know about pickleball this week. I have an opening during tomorrow's open court time and will probably have visits during Thursday's time. That just leaves Wednesday for me to try and catch it.

Dh and I are planning on camping or backpacking one night next weekend so I'm not sure what day I'll leave- Friday or Saturday.

I'm really hoping for a week that isn't so crazy and stressful. Fingers crossed, hope springs eternal and all that!

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On 10/13/2023 at 9:09 AM, wintermom said:

@Soror Sorry about the annoying client, but happy to hear you are nearly finished having to deal with them! Great job getting in all that physical activity! I'm so impressed. I'm struggling to just get in my daily walks. They are wonderful, but my energy levels are really low right now - probably lack of sleep due to puppy. He's worth it, though. 😉 

I'm really overdue for some active weeks after not being able to be active for so long. I'm pretty sure you had low energy levels last fall didn't you? Maybe allergies or all that activity in the summer caught up to you? It stinks when you want to be active but you don't feel like it, much sympathy from me for that.

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2 hours ago, Soror said:

I'm really overdue for some active weeks after not being able to be active for so long. I'm pretty sure you had low energy levels last fall didn't you? Maybe allergies or all that activity in the summer caught up to you? It stinks when you want to be active but you don't feel like it, much sympathy from me for that.

You have an amazing memory! I have struggled every fall for several years now with weird symptoms that all seem to be allergy related. As soon as the first snow comes they all tend to disappear. I've been really proactive with allergy meds this year, and have been pacing my physical activity, but the new puppy was the wrench in my plans. He's starting to sleep better at night, and my energy seems to be returning as well. 

@Laura Corin Your suggestion from a different thread related to challenges getting back to sleep at night has really helped me! You shared a link to an eye cover with headphones, and I thought they looked great. I bought some and have been so pleased with them! They block out the unwanted sounds of puppy whining, dh snoring, etc., while I enjoy listening to relaxing music all night. THANKS!! 😀

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9 hours ago, Soror said:

I got *all* of my planned workouts done this week. I'm pretty sure that's the first since my injury. It was another busy week but I got strength work in the morning and pickleball after my visits. 


Well done! I hope this week isn't too stressful. 

6 hours ago, wintermom said:


@Laura Corin Your suggestion from a different thread related to challenges getting back to sleep at night has really helped me! You shared a link to an eye cover with headphones, and I thought they looked great. I bought some and have been so pleased with them! They block out the unwanted sounds of puppy whining, dh snoring, etc., while I enjoy listening to relaxing music all night. THANKS!! 😀

I'm glad it's working for you.  I gets me through the night, even when I'm not sleeping well and doing a lot of dozing. I'm going to order some Magnesium Glycinate too, as recommended on that thread.


Interesting results from my fancy-pants sports watch, passed on by Husband.  During all the time I was so stressed,  even on nights when I crashed and seemed to sleep well, my ANS score continued to be rubbish.  Now it's back to normal.  The ANS claims to measure fight or flight readiness vs. Restfulness, particularly in the first part of the night. An interesting example of what stress does physically.

Today - preparing to go away and also tidying my study after essay writing/ preparing legacy items for my brothers/ various other untidiness.  I also hope for yoga and a walk.


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Safet travels, Laura!

@wintermom commiseration on the allergies. September is the worst for me. They are still somewhat bothering me but I don't feel nearly as bad as I did. Plus, I can finally do more so that makes me very excited. I still can't do everything (beginning to wonder if I'll ever recover full rom) but it is so much better I'm excited to move)


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Hi all!  I have to say that so far my weight is continuing to go up.  I'm 4 weeks into having an IUD and up about 5lbs.  I think some is in my.chest, so that part isn't bad, but I just hate gaining weight like this!  

I made 10K steps 6 days last week 😁

I did well on my eating, too.  We went on a mini vacation over the weekend and I did well on keeping calories down.  

This week and next will continue to be crazy-busy.  My goals are the sane as last week- 10K steps 5 days, watch food intake.

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@Laura Corin Safe travels!

@Soror Glad your allergies are improving. I hear ya with not knowing if one's physical condition will ever be better/back to the old normal. I'm so glad to hear that you are able to do so much, but it's still worrying to know what the new normal might be. I'm wondering about my gluts/hamstrings and if they will improve once I can start PT. 

@BusyMom5 Glad you are eating well and exercising! It stinks when meds and such cause weight gain. 


I played some really fun ladies doubles tennis this morning after two weeks of no tennis. I was able to hit the ball ok, and improved a lot throughout the 2 hours. I can feel my legs are sore and stiffening up already, though. Walking in the woods with the dogs is so much easier on my body, but I really want to keep up with more intensive activity so I don't lose all my muscles and fitness level. 😉 

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18 hours ago, Harriet Vane said:

New 17yo foster at the house and fitting in all the things is going to be a challenge. She's in a digital school--part time on campus and the rest basically homeschooling with me. No exercise in days. I'm hoping to ride the recumbent bike a little later. 

Best wishes to your family and the new foster child as you all adjust.

19 hours ago, wintermom said:

@Laura Corin Safe travels!

@Soror Glad your allergies are improving. I hear ya with not knowing if one's physical condition will ever be better/back to the old normal. I'm so glad to hear that you are able to do so much, but it's still worrying to know what the new normal might be. I'm wondering about my gluts/hamstrings and if they will improve once I can start PT. 

@BusyMom5 Glad you are eating well and exercising! It stinks when meds and such cause weight gain. 


I played some really fun ladies doubles tennis this morning after two weeks of no tennis. I was able to hit the ball ok, and improved a lot throughout the 2 hours. I can feel my legs are sore and stiffening up already, though. Walking in the woods with the dogs is so much easier on my body, but I really want to keep up with more intensive activity so I don't lose all my muscles and fitness level. 😉 

I wish you well with PT. I hope you're able to recover your movements. I think the challenge is finding the right level of activity to keep fitness but not overtax and strain the body. It's hard because it changes over time.

20 hours ago, BusyMom5 said:

Hi all!  I have to say that so far my weight is continuing to go up.  I'm 4 weeks into having an IUD and up about 5lbs.  I think some is in my.chest, so that part isn't bad, but I just hate gaining weight like this!  

I made 10K steps 6 days last week 😁

I did well on my eating, too.  We went on a mini vacation over the weekend and I did well on keeping calories down.  

This week and next will continue to be crazy-busy.  My goals are the sane as last week- 10K steps 5 days, watch food intake.

Congrats on meeting your goals! I'm sorry about the weight gain, that is very annoying 😞

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Seems I haven't posted my activity for the week since Sunday. (unless I missed it)

Monday- upper body + walk; Tuesday- lower body + walk (with dh)

Today- yoga + pickleball later

I don't think I mentioned but the 5 lbs I'd lost in the spring I found at the end of summer. Sigh. I do not yo-yoing like this. In the last couple of weeks, I've focused on improving my food since my allergies aren't quite as annoying and everyone is settled in with the new school year. Obviously, there was a bit of a detour with dd2's hospital stay but even then I did the best I could. I never eat that bad by American standards but I start to eat more snacks and less veggies and bigger portions. 

I've been trying out some meals from the https://therealfooddietitians.com/. Last night I made Mediterranean Chicken with Veggies

My dh is trying to get healthier and lose some weight. He's been getting back into hiking and he says he realizes that he cannot do some of the hikes he wants to do at his weight. He's trying to make little changes so that it is sustainable. In addition to hiking on the weekends, we've been taking little walks together some weeknights. He's eating more vegetables and less snacks. I'm thrilled as you guys know. I think I mentioned here that several months ago he was talking to someone at work about how he likes to hike and I gently told him we don't really do that together anymore. He blew me off. This school year he started listening to backpacking and hiking podcasts on his commute to school and it has got him in the spirit again. I'm over the moon about it.


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@Soror That is really exciting to hear about your dh's journey and how it's bringing you together for hikes and healthy eating. It is so much easier to have a buddy on the journey to provide mutual support and motivation.

My dh and I have been doing daily walks in the woods with the dogs, and it is very positive in so many ways - stress reduction, time to chat about things and relax together, and stay active. We also play tennis together and separately, and this is obviously more strenuous fitness, which has its benefits, but it's not as relaxing as walking and talking. 😉 

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@Soror I'm glad your husband is able to make some changes. 

Husband now cycles once or twice a week, has been swimming a little and walks a couple of miles every day. He wants to be working on strengt, but it never happens.  He's decided to join the gym at a nearby university where they have strength training classes. He thinks that having a schedule will help. Fingers crossed. 

We went for an easy three mile walk before driving the last stretch down to Devon. A rain system was approaching and we managed to fit in the walk before it arrived. It may be hard to take longer walks in the coming few days, but there will be nice family time anyway. 

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15 hours ago, Lynn in al said:

Hello all,  hope everyone is doing well.  Just checking in.  Not much has changed here.  Lifting and walking some HIIT.  I just signed up for an app called  BFit to finish the year.  I like having my workout days planned out and weights and reps logged.    


Nice to see you again! I like having a plan of some sort too. 

14 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

@Soror I'm glad your husband is able to make some changes. 

Husband now cycles once or twice a week, has been swimming a little and walks a couple of miles every day. He wants to be working on strengt, but it never happens.  He's decided to join the gym at a nearby university where they have strength training classes. He thinks that having a schedule will help. Fingers crossed. 

We went for an easy three mile walk before driving the last stretch down to Devon. A rain system was approaching and we managed to fit in the walk before it arrived. It may be hard to take longer walks in the coming few days, but there will be nice family time anyway. 

good for your husband! Sometimes it is easier with a class, especially when starting out. Best wishes to him. Fingers crossed for the weather!


Today is a short kickboxing (10 ish min) plus short stretching (10 ish minutes).

My younger girls are gone- they wanted to stay with some friends and finished their school for the week early so they could go. That just leaves school with dd1 and she just does 2 classes with me. I'm planning on getting to some neglected yard work while I have the chance.

I got in 2 hrs of pickleball between visits. It was a terrible night of playing for me but I did connect with a couple that plays in another town which is about the same distance for me. I don't know anything about their schedule but options are good.

I've also got some paperwork and housework to do and I've got visits in the afternoon so I best get with it.

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1 hour ago, Soror said:

Nice to see you again! I like having a plan of some sort too. 

good for your husband! Sometimes it is easier with a class, especially when starting out. Best wishes to him. Fingers crossed for the weather!


Today is a short kickboxing (10 ish min) plus short stretching (10 ish minutes).

My younger girls are gone- they wanted to stay with some friends and finished their school for the week early so they could go. That just leaves school with dd1 and she just does 2 classes with me. I'm planning on getting to some neglected yard work while I have the chance.

I got in 2 hrs of pickleball between visits. It was a terrible night of playing for me but I did connect with a couple that plays in another town which is about the same distance for me. I don't know anything about their schedule but options are good.

I've also got some paperwork and housework to do and I've got visits in the afternoon so I best get with it.

Well done for getting to the yard work. My garden is really chaotic. I've just closed my eyes to it and will start afresh in Spring. 

Husband and I had an interesting conversation this morning about people (men?) who were very fit in their youth trying to regain fitness in middle age. I wouldn't call him a traditional macho man, but he said that he found it hard being unfit. For example, there's a cycling group for retired people that he hasn't joined because they cycle at the pace of the slowest, and he couldn't cope with that being him. He recognises that it's ludicrous to feel like that, but he can't get past it.

We talked through how the new fitness class avoided that trap because each person will be doing a different set and no-one will be inconveniencing anyone else or comparing.

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59 minutes ago, wintermom said:

@Laura Corin What a lovely water photo! Is it still salt water at that spot? I live too far inland to experience estuaries very often, but recently visited the St. Lawrence River where it was still salt water with whales and seals. So cool!  Enjoy your vacation!

Thanks. I suspect it's brackish, but that probably depends on the tide. I seem to remember there are grey mullet in the waters,  and I think they are sea fish.

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Went to TKD class on Wednesday. We did some upper body work, and my shoulders are sore. I was planning on exercising last night, but dh had a meeting that went way over and I had to take kids to TKD. This afternoon, I intend to do some walking, followed by stretching.

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It wasn't a great exercise week. There aren't many days I can do what I consider a full workout (30 min), but I do manage to close the exercise ring each day, probably mostly just walking around school. Today I did a nice yoga that fit what I needed well.

For this weekend: grading tests for one class, writing a test for another, high level plan for the week, detailed plans for Monday, and finish my goals for school. And house chores--I skipped vacuuming last weekend to fit in a Target run, so that will happen today (no, it can never happen mid-week).

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Finally got in some exercise, albeit light exercise. I took a walk on the lane with our teen. I hope to add on some weights or something later but who knows. 

Teen is in an alternate school that's basically homeschooling--she does digital work at home, but we also go on campus. I am planning to be on campus 4-5 days a week so that teen can benefit from the teachers on site. It's a 35-minute drive. It will get easier as she gains independence and also once she starts working at a job. But for right now, teen is my constant shadow. It's been hard to fit in my work or any of my usual things. 

My goal this week is to standardize our routine and get some predictability. 

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After we interred Mum's ashes,  the family went for a lovely pub lunch, then we walked to the church to see some old family graves. 

After a rest,  Husband and I went for a rough and hilly hike, involving detours around fields with cows and a bit of wayfinding through undergrowth. It was what we needed after a lot of chat and food.

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15 hours ago, knitgrl said:

Yesterday I took a 20 minute walk, followed by 30 minutes of pattern practice and stretching. Today, it took almost all day to get a migraine under control, so I just did pattern practice and a shorter bit of stretching. But something is better than nothing.

I'm sorry about the migraine.

18 hours ago, Harriet Vane said:

Finally got in some exercise, albeit light exercise. I took a walk on the lane with our teen. I hope to add on some weights or something later but who knows. 

Teen is in an alternate school that's basically homeschooling--she does digital work at home, but we also go on campus. I am planning to be on campus 4-5 days a week so that teen can benefit from the teachers on site. It's a 35-minute drive. It will get easier as she gains independence and also once she starts working at a job. But for right now, teen is my constant shadow. It's been hard to fit in my work or any of my usual things. 

My goal this week is to standardize our routine and get some predictability. 

I think that is the best goal, considering the situation. It is hard when our routines and schedules change and it takes some work to figure out.

15 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

After we interred Mum's ashes,  the family went for a lovely pub lunch, then we walked to the church to see some old family graves. 

After a rest,  Husband and I went for a rough and hilly hike, involving detours around fields with cows and a bit of wayfinding through undergrowth. It was what we needed after a lot of chat and food.

Did you visit with your brother or your kids? 

14 hours ago, wintermom said:

Got in two nice dog walks in the woods today. Otherwise not much activity as the weather is rainy and overcast. The leaves are still colourful and on the trees for a few more days, which is beautfil!

We're behind you here. The leaves are still changing and we have lots of green still.


Friday- shorter and easier full body workout (20 min) + 2 walks outside (one while the girls had ASL) and the other with my Mom while we visited

Saturday- 11 ! mile hike with dh

This is now my new P.I. record. Our walking time was 4 hr 22. This was on a localish 'mountain'. Parts of the trail were flat and easy but other parts were rocky, steep, and a bit overgrown. We took lots of breaks. We enjoyed the scenic overlook but were disappointed there wasn't more fall foliage. We stopped and cooked a little lunch. We took a big break for naps in the hammocks. I didn't sleep the best the night before so that was needed. After our naps, we hit the roughest section of the trail so I was very happy we had got some rest. It looked like a little tornado went through parts of the trail with lots of trees down that we had to detour around. The really steep parts I had to climb very slowly BUT we did it. 

I've got to get some trail shoes. My previous ones have died. My everyday tennis shoes are flexible in the hill and terrible for rough terrain as they don't support my heel and I'm constantly rolling it. I just ordered some Altra's to try. If they don't work I'll wait until we go to the city for dd2's follow-up and hit the REI so I can try on a bunch of them. 

Today I don't feel bad at all. I did take ibuprofen twice yesterday when I felt a little twingy but so far don't feel a need to today.

Today: upper body strength+ maybe a short walk? mostly I'll be catching up around the house and probably schooling the girls.

We'll be gone all day Tuesday so I need to start our hs'ing today so we don't get behind.

This week's plan: 3 strength- upper, lower, full body; 1 barre workout (maybe a yoga class when I go out of town tues if I can make it work)

I'm not sure about pickleball this week. I'm going to try and make it at least one day. It is a busy week so I'll have to play it by ear.

I started my period this morning so it was very good timing that we hiked yesterday.

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@Soror you are really getting on top of the exercise, despite busyness.

My brothers both made it to Devon, plus one niece and one nephew and my SIL.  Husband came down with me, but our son was half way down by train when all trains south were cancelled due to a landslide after exceptional rain. He tried to find a way around but the route via London was starting to be affected too and he finally had to give up. He was really sad to have missed it - he's the child who most values family gatherings. 

Today - rest day and drive to the Lake District. Hope for a hike tomorrow before we drive home.

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@Laura Corin So sorry your ds missed the family gathering. Sad about the landslide, too. Hope no one was injured. Hope the gathering was nice!

@Soror Great job on the long hike and all the other physical activities! I've never thought of bringing hammocks and napping during a hike. Sounds quite lovely! 


More rain all day today. We got the dogs out for our woods walk this morning. Happily it's not hard rain, but it sure is constant! I have some yard clean up to do, but it will have to wait for another day.

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4 minutes ago, wintermom said:

I was just about to take the dogs for a walk this, when the little pup got jumped on by accident and was limping. I'm delaying our walk, which is essentially a flat-out run for the pup, until later this afternoon when I know his paw is better.

I hope the little one recovers quickly!

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