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And so, is this freaky?

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My cell phone rang. I ran upstairs to answer.




"Hello. Who's this?" (I HATE it when people call and say that.)


"Who's this???"


"This is David. I must have the wrong number."


A couple minutes later our land line rings. My daughter answers.


"Hello, this is Bethany."


"Ha! I did it again. Wrong number."




It is a cell phone number and I cannot google it. My first words were, "Are all the doors locked?"


Yikes. This is too freaky for me!!!!




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Is your cell phone and land line similar? my brother's cell and my mom's land line are almost the same, so I can see someone who only vaguely remembers a phone number randomly entering the digit(s) he/she forgot while still putting in the ones they remembe and therefore getting both numbers.

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Is your cell phone and land line similar? my brother's cell and my mom's land line are almost the same, so I can see someone who only vaguely remembers a phone number randomly entering the digit(s) he/she forgot while still putting in the ones they remembe and therefore getting both numbers.


Mine are two totally different numbers. Area code is the only thing the same.

Edited by Jean in Wisc
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Whatever you do, write the number and time down in case it gets accidentily erased from caller ID.


Are you married? I'd call dh to ask him what he thinks. Do you have several teenage children or just the one dd? Kids' friends can be pranksters.


I've checked with hubby. I'll check with my two boys, but how would their friends have my cell phone number?



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Sometimes when I have to fill in forms they ask for both a mobile and a land line number. Could it be that some paper-pusher somewhere has your numbers under the wrong name? There is just such a huge amount of information out there.

It would be quite an amazing coincidence, but I am sure there is a very innocent explanation.


:grouphug: I hate weird stuff.


Could you get dh to phone the number and find out what why the guy phoned the two numbers? That might make you feel a lot better knowing!

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Probably nothing big...most things aren't. But to be safe, I would call the number back myself and say, "WHAT DID YOU WANT AND WHY DID YOU CALL TWO OF MY NUMBERS??" Of course, I grew up with a single mom, so we do things like that. But I would not freak out...most likely it was a prank or someone who has both of your numbers or the child of someone who has both of your numbers and they are listed in a planner or something and he looked at the wrong name, or the name above or below what he was trying to call. It may not be coming from a number you know cause it could be a teenager using his own cell phone but calling from a parent's address book or something.

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A bit off topic Jean but I thought you might like to watch something funny to take your mind off nasty things:

Jenny in Atlanta has a kitty special...



It won't load :(( !


Hm. I have adobe flash player...??


Thanks anyway!


Thank you everyone. Nothing seems to have happened. :confused:



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