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Tackling Tuesday Together, 6.27.23


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I'm going to breakfast with a friend very soon, so I need to finish getting ready. 

  • breakfast and lunch for ds
  • shower
  • get dressed to go out
  • medicine
  • breakfast out
  • 2 Zoom sessions
  • meet with a new in-person student and evaluate her (math and language arts)
  • grocery store
  • dinner
  • tidy house
  • exercise video or walk
  • prep for students tomorrow
  • watch something and relax
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Good morning!

I am about to make coffee. I got lots done yesterday. Hoping to be as productive today.

Coffee! And breakfast. ✔️ 
Ds to Driver’s Ed. ✔️ 

Text Dd a reminder about her vax appt today. ✔️ 

Tutor two students ✔️ 
Work at church ✔️ 

Make appt with an estate planning attorney.

Pick up CSA veggies ✔️ 
Figure out dinner ✔️ 
Pick up Ds ✔️ 

Remind Ds to call work manager. (Job A). Have Dd help Ds with online work scheduling (Job B). Neither job is giving him hours and he needs to make money. (And we need him busy and out of the house!) ✔️ 

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Good morning! 

Today I have:

...pick another school thing to work on, do that
...prep for my meeting/evaluation of potential 4 yr old Kindergartener
...go to said meeting, come home (drop off the Goodwill stuff on the way home, as we detoured wildly last night for dinner)
...have DS do another practice essay, on his own
...work on the mini quilt
...check w/DH whether he or I are cooking dinner, figure that out, cook dinner, etc. 
...go to fencing
...come home, veg out, go to bed

I didn't get to the pantry yesterday, but won't today either....maybe Thursday?? Tomorrow DS has the test in the morning, and DH & I have an appt in the afternoon; Friday I have lunch with a friend, and take Middle to his appt. I was thinking of going to see Grandma on Thurs, but now DS may have friends over during the day, in which case I need to be here, so....:shrug: 

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Good Morning

  • Water indoor plants
  • clean area where we took dishwasher out so we can put new one in
  • laundry
  • grocery shop
  • organize photos of dog to make book and video 
  • bring HP dog food back to vet for refund, don’t want to go there they are the ones that missed everything on ultrasounds and X-rays.
  • Email paperwork for dog insurance 
  • bring food back to petsmart for refund
  • call shelter where we rescued her from to see if they will take certain items
  • weed whip front yard
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This morning take eldest to O-Flight through CAP. Youngest and I will go look for a swimsuit for her and hit up thrift stores. Go home, have lunch, do a few chores. Both kids have ortho at 4ish and then get eldest back to CAP in the evening. They usually go with a friend, but that friend is at the state encampment and gone this week. SIL will pick up eldest and have a sleepover so I don't have to go back that way. I've been running around so much and needed a break. 

Going out to fill my tree watering bags (these are slick) and will maybe get a chance to pop some plants in the ground this afternoon. I also have to get a load of laundry started. I think supper will be leftovers as they have piled up in the fridge from the weekend.  

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Morning all! Our gym workout was pretty good. Breakfast is done for the kids that are awake. I'm feeling really scatter brained this morning so I'm just going to make a list but not care if I stick to it too closely.  I'll just try to get things done that need to get done.

-clean up kitchen and dining after lunch

- kids quick clean living room

- help dd3 with her garden

- 30 minutes of yard work

- sit poolside and read

- track all food consumed

- finish laundry 

- finish book group book with dd8

- drop ds14 off at D&D

- buy sneakers for ds14 and myself

- pick up dancers

- pick up ds14

- clean up after dinner, dh is cooking tonight!

- book ground at 7

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Good morning, everyone. Today is mine and dh's wedding anniversary-35 years, glad he is off work and can be home with me. The plans:

more coffee-done

write a lesson plan-done

wittle down a stack of stuff-done

work on google drive


Bible and prayer

shop for a galveston picture

listen to a ted talk-done

listen to music current favorite I Speak Jesus by Charity Gayle-done



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Happy Anniversary, @math teacher!! 

I peeked online to see if I could find a good Galveston picture for you,  here are some galleries I found. 

This one features many different artists (I've put in the page with one of the ones doing scenes of Galveston) (I'm assuming you mean Galveston TX, otherwise, nevermind!) 



Here's another: 



And one more: 

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Registered DS for his one last class at our co-op next year (he will take one class via dual credit, and other stuff at home). 

Emailed the last person left (so far) to still pay me my supply fee (they paid right away, so marked that)

backing up files from my computer to my back-up -- temporarily delayed as I try and move stuff Oldest put on my backup, but it's taking forever 

Still need to pick a school thing to do, but as long as the back-up is taking, that may be it today....

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@mommyoffiveYeah going through her things is hard. We just got back from returning prescribed food to vet.

Now getting ready to go to pet smart. Both ds want to go to look at small animals they usually have in the store.

The final vet made a clay print for us. We worked on getting the oven installed last night so we could bake it and did that this morning. Relieved that it worked. They also did prints of her paws and nose and we will have to pick those up next week with her ashes.

I realize how much she was involved with us, and how quiet the house is.  


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@history-fan I feel like you don't know how much you are going to miss them until they are gone.  I haven't ever had a dog die before.  Smaller animals when I was a kid like fish or  gerbils but they just weren't as much a part of the family like our dog was.    A friend lost a dog in a traumatic way a year before and was so upset.  I didn't know that I would be so upset too because I just couldn't relate to that pain yet.   I still miss all the noises and behaviors of our old dog even the things that drove us nuts sometimes.

Sending some hugs to your family.

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Home from the meeting/evaluating the kiddo - went well; she's a great fit and definitely ready for K. Yay! 

Came home and had another 2nd Grade student enrolled, so yay! 

Need to email the directors, b/c I can't figure out how to get into my "I'm a parent" page to see my invoice for DS. Ha. 

Talking with Middle, then heading up to get DS to do his essay, etc. 

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I went to two grocery stores. It's so nice having both within a mile radius of the house. The one I normally go to had everything but 4 items. I came home and dh put up the cold stuff. I headed out and got those 4 items. 

I had a snack and played Catan on my phone. 

Ds is working late today, so I'll make dinner later. 

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Dinner is leftovers/figure it out yourself. I am not cooking. No one will starve.

Got veggies, bagels, and peaches put where they go. Added things to the grocery list. Took out recycling. Started the dishwasher. Having lefover cr of chx soup for dinner. Yummy!


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Two days before the Work Big Deadline and I'm not where I should be, but hopefully tonight I will send out all the remaining reports for review.  I had a glitch that I can't fix in time, but it shouldn't stop me from filing the report, and I can fix the glitch later.

Two of my clients are still struggling to get bits of info together.

I think one of my borrowers is also behind on sending me stuff.  UGH I was at least hoping that small one would be easy....

It's been quiet with the kids and the dog gone all day, yay!  But we should do this when we don't have a Big Deadline too.  Imagine a day to just chill.  Ha!

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