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I can’t sleep with him.


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My 10mo GSD recently conquered his fear of the staircase to the 2nd floor. This is fantastic news, because I’ve been wanting to move his crate upstairs for ages and put a bookshelf in its downstairs spot!

Last night, Dh fell asleep on the couch and sucker me decided on a whim to have Sam sleep in our room, uncrated. After a few minutes of pacing in the closed room, he jumped into my bed.

After a night of nothing but tossing and turning from both of us, I woke up with two hind paws smooshing my two tatas.

I’m looking back at how much I hated sleeping with gymnastic human toddlers that stuck feet in my butt and fingers in my nose and all I can think is at least they didn’t have giant nails.

Crate gets moved today!!!

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1 hour ago, Ausmumof3 said:

This made a lot more sense once I realised it was GSD for German shepherd dog not DGS for dear grandson 😂😂



15 minutes ago, Ottakee said:

That was my first thought too so early in the morning

same! 😂😂😂

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Me too! Then my mind went to grandson dog and thought what an odd thing to call a dog. Then finally, after much mental gymnastics, I got there. LOL

OP, my son sleeps with two large dogs and often complains of being pushed off the bed. So yeah, I would I put dd(dog) back in the crate too. May you have a better night tonight.

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2 hours ago, Ausmumof3 said:

This made a lot more sense once I realised it was GSD for German shepherd dog not DGS for dear grandson 😂😂


You all!!!! If I ever decide to move my grandson’s crate, I’m not announcing it on the internet! 


27 minutes ago, pinball said:

Dogs can be taught their “spot” in the bed just like they can be taught “spot” anywhere else in the house, car, etc…

I’m not really interested. I’d much rather get him to sleep in his own bed. It was an interesting spur of the moment experiment though!

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