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I hate moving

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So we are so called moved into our new house. Of course, four out of five of us don't have a bed for tonight since the movers lost our bed hardware to put our beds up. We also can't find our lamps and most rooms in this house don't have overhead lights. I can't get the temperature right in this house. I put it at 72 and it was blazing hot. I lowered it to 70 and we are all cold. We live in the woods and there are deer in my yard (no, I don't like deer, they eat gardens and I am a gardener by heart). It took my son an hour to get us coffee since the traffic is so horrendous. Yesterday, when my dh and son went to get some of our stuff out of the storage facility, they passed three accidents on local roads involving police and ambulances. Dh tells me this is normal around here. Dd got freaked out this morning by the scores of illegals hanging around everywhere like paint stores (expected) and Wendys and McDonalds (not expected) looking for work. Since they stremed of the public buses, she has given up any ideas about taking the bus anywhere by herself.


Christmas- what about it? I don't know where most of my things are, there are too many boxes everywhere to get a tree, I have to be unpacking so who has time to shop, I have to go buy some of us warm clothing so who has time to shop for gifts. I haven't baked anything this holiday season and I love to bake. I have no book to read and I love to read but couldn't get to a library today and who knows about tomorrow?

I could go on and on but that would be boring. As dh asked a while ago, I am complaining to you all so he won't have to hear it. He knows I am dreadfully unhappy and mifddle aged women on their first day of that time of month don't like being in uncomfortable places.

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:grouphug: I feel your pain. Dh was in the military for 10 years. We just got out in May:party:. I told him he needed to find a job he loved because I am never, ever, ever moving again. You will have to drag my cold, dead body out of this house because I am just not gonna move. EVER AGAIN.

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WendyK - like you we are moving for the 2nd time in 2 yrs...fortunately down south winter is a great time to move...less sweating. Our landlord is selling the house we have lived in for 2 yrs. I am struggling with this move, as it is a "do it yourself move"....and I gather I am doing it myself....dh can't seem to get focused, and it hasn't registered with him that we will be pulling a truck into the drive in about 2 1/2 weeks.....garage which is full of tools and stuff has one box packed :rolleyes:

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I am struggling with this move, as it is a "do it yourself move"....and I gather I am doing it myself....dh can't seem to get focused, and it hasn't registered with him that we will be pulling a truck into the drive in about 2 1/2 weeks.....garage which is full of tools and stuff has one box packed :rolleyes:



I was soooo there in May. Dh hadn't even started the basement the day before we moved. . .COAST TO COAST. I think he was in denial as well. He stayed up Fri night, all night while I spent 6 weeks packing the rest of the house.:glare: But it's done and we did it. Blech. You can do it too. (where's that cheerleader smiley when you need it? :D)

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I know exactly how you feel. Could you have a special family Christmas in January, when you are feeling a bit more settled? That might be fun. We moved on Thanksgiving - DH (the only American-born person in the family) really missed it, so we are altering our Christmas traditions to include the best of Thanksgiving for him.


We are now three weeks into our new house and things are starting to come together. The kitchen and sitting room are tidy and we are starting to understand the wood stove. The garage is full of emptied boxes and the boys' bedrooms are emerging from under the clutter. Our bedroom has no more boxes in it, although it still has clothes all over the floor. The spare room is still eye-high with boxes, but we have planned places for more bookshelves and will be vising Ikea (again!) this week.


I hope things improve for you.





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Being military myself. . .


It takes me ~ 3 years to move into a home. For a military wife, there's got to be seriously something wrong with that! And it's not like I married into the military mid-way into DH's career. I was in the military first (signed up a month before he), and he's about to retire. . .


I feel for you, truly.


Of course, four out of five of us don't have a bed for tonight since the movers lost our bed hardware to put our beds up.


I don't remember where DH got this tidbit from (I think it was a mover), but he disassembles everything before the movers arrive. All hardware is placed in seperate, labeled zip-lock baggies and then, either duct taped to the thing it belongs with or all of them placed in it's own box and then that box listed on the "high-dollar item" sheet. We did that once, but then felt it was incredibly risky as it was all our "eggs in one basket" as it were, so now we tape.



Christmas- what about it?


Feeling like Christmas in Feb. maybe?


It could be really fun then. And if you have a Christmas party when everyone else is feeling the blues of winter wear on, I'm sure it would be well-received. I'm also of the opinion that Christ really doesn't care when you celebrate His birth. I know it would be "odd" and "unusual". But, if I read correctly, you have older kids -- who will totally balk at the idea first, but I'm thinking they'll love it afterwards. And military families are notorious for having holiday celebrations at odd times of year in order to accomodate their loved ones. Why not a move?


(If you are like me, most of your correspondence with family and friends is now done via email; so it'd be an easy thing, to send out a mass email, saying you are doing Christmas at a later date.)

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We just moved from warm (HOT!) Arizona to Santa Clara, California where it has been raining for the last two weeks.


I am tired of rain. I am tired of boxes. And I am very tired of dealing with all the stuff of moving.


I understand.


Jenne in CA (not in AZ anymore!)


Hey Jenne!


We moved from sunny, warm Florida to Santa Cruz (on the coast, about an hour from you). I FEEL your pain!!

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Sorry to say I've got you ladies beat: we're making our second 1,000+ mile move in just under 1 year - my youngest dd will never celebrate a birthday in this house. (And we're not military!)

Moving Dec 29 - so all decorating has been done by the kids - all tree ornaments made by them, hung on by them, rearranged by them, and the tree leans a little but more every day... just hoping it makes it another 5 days!

Everything is disposable - they've been warned - it's all going directly in the trash/recycling on Dec 26.

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I would love to be in Santa Cruz or Clara, come Spring you guys are going to love it.


I feel your pain of moving, we moved last yr. at this time, and we still have stuff to move from our old house. Can you say -procrastinate. We are the worst.


Your weather is far superior, IMO. This is the furthest north I've ever lived, so I'm pretty much used to 7 month summers. The weather was gorgeous here in the summer, but it was just too short. It looks like we're going to be landing up in San Rafael next, so we'll see how that goes!

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