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Homeschool Experience on a Resume - help please


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I am needing to go back to work after being out of the workforce for about 18 years.  It is really daunting for me.  Anyways, I am trying to figure out how to put some of my volunteer experience into the resume/job box.

I have started and am running a meetup.com support group for about 200 families for the past 7 years.  We have weekly park days and all kinds of field trips and activities and classes that an active support group might do.  I have also during that time dealt with much of the behind the scenes family drama that occurs with running such a group.  This is the back story to what I am trying to showcase for a hiring manager who knows nothing about homeschooling. 

Here is what I have so far:

Started and manage a local homeschooling support group for about 200 families in (named local) area. Organize field trips to local venues. Teach interest-based classes and coordinate community building events. Run technical background to publicize events ran by other hosts in the group. 

Help me please, I know it’s not very good, but I don’t know what to change

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35 minutes ago, HSMWB said:

I am needing to go back to work after being out of the workforce for about 18 years.  It is really daunting for me.  Anyways, I am trying to figure out how to put some of my volunteer experience into the resume/job box.

I have started and am running a meetup.com support group for about 200 families for the past 7 years.  We have weekly park days and all kinds of field trips and activities and classes that an active support group might do.  I have also during that time dealt with much of the behind the scenes family drama that occurs with running such a group.  This is the back story to what I am trying to showcase for a hiring manager who knows nothing about homeschooling. 

Here is what I have so far:

Started and manage a local homeschooling support group for about 200 families in (named local) area. Organize field trips to local venues. Teach interest-based classes and coordinate community building events. Run technical background to publicize events ran by other hosts in the group. 

Help me please, I know it’s not very good, but I don’t know what to change

I don’t think what you have is bad. Do you have any other paid/unpaid experience or academic credentials/certifications, and what kind of jobs are you hoping to find?

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I think you can use what you wrote but use more powerful language:

Organized, Led, Collaborated, Developed, Founded.......you get the idea.

Here is a website I found on using more powerful language:



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I am currently trying to apply for a ‘youth arts program coordinator’ for a local organization like of like a community center.

i have a BA in Business and an MBA - both over 20 years old at this point.  I have a few other jobs, but the only ‘real professional’ job was pre-kids which is almost also 20 years old.  Lol.  Other then that I have been a very active homeschooling parent. Did years of Foundations/Essentials/Challenge A tutoring for Classical conversations as well as organizing a couple of 4 week student exchange programs.  But I feel like I have a pretty good handle on how to present those experiences.

But if I don’t get the youth arts program job - I need to start applying for ‘anything’ because we need money coming in ASAP. 

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I ran a co-op for about 8 years that did a number of things (classes, park days, events, participated in academic competitions, etc). It featured big on my resume volunteer section. I never mentioned that it was a homeschool group. I gave myself the title of "Program Coordinator" and used phrases like "coordinated non-profit serving xx children with extracurricular STEM programing." We were (still are, as it is still running) an actual non-profit but you could substitute in "volunteer organization." On some of my resumes I wrote it as "served on the board of non-profit." 

IMO, don't put homeschool group on there. Call it extra-curricular. If you want to mention your family drama skills, call that "supported families from diverse backgrounds."

Skills include: Organizing volunteer staff of xx number of people, working with outside organizations to create unique opportunities for students k-12 (field trips), designed and taught xx curriculum to students in xx grade range, responsible for organizational communication (all those meet-up messages), etc...finesse it.

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I've listed myself as a K-8 private tutor in the beginning of my homeschool career, and then a highschool private tutor focusing in maths and science in the second half of the career. I happen to also have tutored for money in the last half of my homeschooling career, but decided to create the K-8 tutor position as I also helped friends to make plans, find curriculum, advise, etc. And more importantly, I worked equally hard and developed as many skills in the first and second half, even though only the second half was partly paid.  Seems to me that I don't need to label K-8 tutor as unpaid. 

Edited by lewelma
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a. It depends on the job you are applying for. Customize it to the match what employer wants.

b. add more numbers, e.g. organized 5 field trips/y and 7 community events per year, or "monthly". Makes it more concrete.

Good luck!

Edited by FreyaO
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11 hours ago, sassenach said:

I ran a co-op for about 8 years that did a number of things (classes, park days, events, participated in academic competitions, etc). It featured big on my resume volunteer section. I never mentioned that it was a homeschool group. I gave myself the title of "Program Coordinator" and used phrases like "coordinated non-profit serving xx children with extracurricular STEM programing." We were (still are, as it is still running) an actual non-profit but you could substitute in "volunteer organization." On some of my resumes I wrote it as "served on the board of non-profit." 

IMO, don't put homeschool group on there. Call it extra-curricular. If you want to mention your family drama skills, call that "supported families from diverse backgrounds."

Skills include: Organizing volunteer staff of xx number of people, working with outside organizations to create unique opportunities for students k-12 (field trips), designed and taught xx curriculum to students in xx grade range, responsible for organizational communication (all those meet-up messages), etc...finesse it.

All of this is gold!

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