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I'm so upset! Dd's braces were removed today and she has white spots...

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Many of her pretty front (smile) teeth are stained! (decalcification)

I will call dentist tomorrow to see if he can do anything... She is trying so hard to convince herself it's not that bad....! I guess it could be worse. I never heard the ortho mention bad brushing habits once! Damage is done I guess.


Does anyone have any suggestions? I ordered something called MI Paste and will try that. Might try whitening w/ Crest strips or something, but want to talk to dentist first... Any advice would be helpful and appreciated! I'm sick to my stomach, thinking about how much money we paid for braces, and now this!


Thanks for listening...

Karen in MD

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I'm so sorry! I get mine off after the first of the year and they warned me about this (especially since I'm a coffee drinker). I think I'm going to treat myself to specially made whitening trays. Our dentist usually has specials after the first of the year. Maybe you could do the same thing for her?



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Middle dd got her braces off first---she had TERRIBLE brushing habits--her teeth are perfectly straight and perfectly white!


Oldest dd got her braces off 6 months later. She has VERY bad discoloration. She had 'excellent' brushing/cleaning/flossing habits. She did use a 'whitening' toothpaste (she was told not too) and that might have contributed. Anywhere the 'glue' was is an ugly spot!


White strips helped but it took several rounds. One year later and it is not as noticeable (but it is to dd!)... Dentist is not sure if ZOOM whitening will help...we can shell out the $$$ for that or dd can get veneers...even more $$$... grrrrr

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I have discoloration from my braces, waaayyy back when. I have whitened my teeth, but if anything, it makes it more noticeable. Mine is on my back teeth the worst- where the bands were. And on the front canines, those had bands, too. The only sure-fire way to get rid of it was drilling it out like a cavity and filling it with white fillings. I had that done on the canines, but I am a heavy tea and coffee drinker and within a year the fillings were yellow. I am certainly *not* shelling out for veneers or a cosmetic crown (need enough of them for non-cosmetic reasons already!), so stained teeth are staying forever, I guess!


It totally stinks to have nice, straight teeth...with stains!

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My teeth are stained like that, but it wasnt where the glue was. I think my white spots just delveloped on their own.. not related to the braces. My 8 yr old son also has white staining and he hasnt gotten braces yet. I wonder if it's something that just runs in our family?

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Mine were the same way. I have HORRIBLE teeth (inherited from my mother). I did EVERYTHING the orthodontist told me and my front teeth were still very stained.


Baking soda and Peroxide. Mix it into a paste and brush twice a day with it. After using the baking soda paste, brush with your regular flouride toothpaste. If her's are just the white spots, they should go away. Mine were actually discolored because of the adhesive, but the baking soda paste greatly reduced it. Unless you're right up next to me, it's not noticeable.


Hope that helps!



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Does anyone have any suggestions? I ordered something called MI Paste and will try that. Might try whitening w/ Crest strips or something, but want to talk to dentist first... Any advice would be helpful and appreciated! I'm sick to my stomach, thinking about how much money we paid for braces, and now this!


Thanks for listening...

Karen in MD


Dd#1 has the same thing. The Crest whitestrips did an amazing job. She also puts the MI paste in her retainer (it's the clear, plastic kind) to help build her teeth up.

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My ds had white spots too, and they aren't even visible anymore.

I'm not sure if it's accurate or not, but my dentist said that the MI Paste works by rebuilding the enamel, and the whiteners work by stripping. It stands to reason that if the spots are there from a breakdown of enamel, you should go with the MI Paste, but if they're really just stains, go for the whitener.

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