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Well-Trained Bodies November


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I'm finishing up Epic 3 (Caroline Girvan on Youtube-- 5 days week/4 days strength training- 1 day HIIT). 

4 more workouts to go--- ya!!!

I'll do a deload week next week--- hopefully lots of yoga and walking.

I'll decide how to proceed after I see how I feel after a week off. Right now I'm really dragging. If I wasn't so close to finishing I would have taken a break this week. Instead I'm modifying the workouts heavily-- cutting back weight, reps, and intensity.

I'm considering focusing solely on lifting-- cutting out the weekly HIIT or do bodyweight strength work along with cutting strength workouts from 40-50 min to 20-30 min. A few years ago I had trouble with HIIT-- like it was fine and I could do it and then I couldn't. My body wouldn't allow me to push so hard. It was also during the fall. I believe that was also when I first started having issues with my medication but it is fuzzy. I'm not feeling exhausted all the time like before so it is certainly better but not great-- but I'm also not working in the mornings. IDK I'm also wondering if when my stomach was off a few weeks ago it was an illness and not my gall bladder as it felt at the time. Time will tell. But as of now my body says no on HIIT and anything else too strenuous. There's a very good chance it is just my allergies which are always worse than I think. It starts off not so bad and I think I'm fine but then it sneaks up on me. I need to remember next fall-- pre-emptively schedule lighter workouts starting around September instead of trying to pretend I won't feel bad.

I'll be continuing on with Pickleball. I've been playing twice a week as that is how much they've scheduled and it works for my schedule but I'm not sure if they'll keep the schedule in the winter (we've been playing outdoors and we don't have a dedicated indoor court) and also dd's swim schedule will interfere some.

I didn't get as much walking or yoga in October as I hoped. That is because of my wonky sleep (allergies and hormones most likely culprits). My allergies will probably continue to be troublesome this month but I'm hoping with shorter strength workouts I can get more walking and yoga.

Today: lower body strength-- will probably do this mostly/all body weight//// afternoon--- pickleball -- 2 ish hours

Edited by Soror
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Thanks for starting us off on a new month @Soror. Your new goals look fantastic! Enjoy the pickleball outdoors!

October ended up being a rest of recovery month due to injuries and travel. I kept up my dog walking, which is usually in the woods and checks off my "time in nature" box as well. I think November will be 'active recovery' from tennis elbow month. I'm seeing a physiotherapist next Monday, and hoping this will prove more effective than my 'rest' attempts. 😉 

I'll be continuing with dog walks in the woods this month, as well a sprinkling in some doubles tennis. I'm also going to add in more intentional stretching. I know the PT will have some good ideas and help me stay accountable. 

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Happy November!

I saw Adriene's newest Halloween yoga on my youtube home screen last night, so I decided to do that today and then I had time for 1 round of my bodyweight circuit. Tuesdays I go see dd so if it's not pouring I'll get a walk in with her.

My weight is up this week and I'm remembering that in years past I've gone no sweets between Halloween and Thanksgiving. That's a short spell this year but I think I've gotten into some bad habits so I'll try again. That pumpkin bread in the freezer should be fine after T-day after all. Hopefully dh will finish up the ice cream.

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@Soror - Thanks for starting the new thread. I absolutely would have gone on merrily posting in the October thread.


Knowing we'd be sitting around in the driveway last night welcoming trick-or-treaters, I made a point of grabbing steps where I could yesterday. By the time we went inside, I needed about 4,000 steps to finish off the day and about 2.5K to finish the fall walking challenge. I took a good stroll around the neighborhood, saying hi to the straggling revelers and soaking up the last of the Halloween decor. 

Today begins a new seasonal walking challenge. The Holiday Hustle is a slightly shorter time period than the Fall Frenzy, so my goal is only 550K. That's based on the number of kilometers I was averaging last season. We'll see how it goes. Complicating matters is that "race season" is starting, and I have several 5K an 10K walks on my calendar. I don't "double dip" or count an organized event towards more than one challenge, so on days when I walk a WDW or other race, I wind up with fewer kilometers logged towards the seasonal challenge. But I figure the days I ride the stationary bike, which nets me more mileage in a shorter time, will probably make up for it.

Started this morning with about 4.6K of walking, followed by just a 20-minute seated upper body video. I was feeling very tired and weak this morning and had to do a lot of modifying to get through even the 20 minutes. 

Yoga tonight, plus more walking before and/or after.


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 651 of 650K
Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 4.6 of 550K
Walking Streak: 18

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Made it to yoga last night, which was nice. It was the beginning of a new class series, so the instructor provided extra explanation and coaching to accommodate the new people joining the group. When I got home, I put away some groceries and then went right back out for a walk (4.2K) to finish off the day's step and mileage goals.

Yet another day of just not wanting to get out of bed, so I got a bit of a late start but did walk about 4.4K this morning. The weather was not hot, but just muggy, like walking through warm bathwater, which did not improve my mood or my motivation. I followed the walk with about 25 minutes of mat-based strength and stretching. I forced myself to use the heavier (all of 6 pounds) weights for at least some of the exercises. 

I haven't touched my schoolwork this week, and I have to be out of the house for at least part of tomorrow evening (which is usually my evening to barricade myself in my office and church out school stuff) in order to attend the runDisney "expo" to collect my bib and t-shirt for the event this Saturday. So, the plan is to get as much as possible done tonight. At some point, I'll make time for a walk and/or some stationary biking to meet the day's goals.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 13.1 of 550K
Walking Streak: 19

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I did not get in my workout yesterday morning. I was running slow with screwed up sleep and just didn't want to. I did go to pickleball. I did my lower body workout today, rather half-assedly. My allergies are really kicked up now so I feel rather blah but hope to get some outside work done today as I have a bit of time before afternoon errands and dd pick-up. 

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1 hour ago, Soror said:

I did not get in my workout yesterday morning. I was running slow with screwed up sleep and just didn't want to. I did go to pickleball. I did my lower body workout today, rather half-assedly. My allergies are really kicked up now so I feel rather blah but hope to get some outside work done today as I have a bit of time before afternoon errands and dd pick-up. 

I applaud you for going to pickleball and doing your lower body workout. Allergies are debilitating sometimes, as I well know. I'm impressed that you are still moving and doing things even when you feel wretched.

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1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

Thank you for asking. Husband has a bad cough but otherwise feels a lot better. I'm a bit worse today  - very shaky and nauseated. Oh well.  

I'm sorry you feel so wretched. Glad Husband is coming out the other side. Take it easy--rest and drink lovely soups. You're in my prayers.

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I took a quick walk yesterday afternoon when I needed a break from work. Then I went grocery shopping with my husband, mostly just to get out of the house to see if it would do anything for my mood. We ended up stopping for dinner at the customize-your-pizza place. Even that didn't do much for my appetite. I ended up brining home almost the entire pizza. However, the combo of my afternoon jaunt and wandering around the two stores netted me a decent number of steps so that I ended up with only 4,000 left by the time we got home.

I did one chunk of schoolwork and was getting ready to go out for another walk when I realized it was pouring outside. So, I rode the stationary bike for about 40 minutes, instead.

Got another late start this morning and had to cut my walk short (3.4K). I did one of the 20-minute seated upper body workout videos but skipped the stretching I have been doing afterwards. (Still made it to my desk about 20 minutes later than I should have.)

I have to go to the runDisney bib and t-shirt pick-up tonight, which involves a fair bit of walking and should more or less make up for what I didn't do this morning. Then it'll be more schoolwork while my husband has his RPG group here and then one more walk or more biking, depending on weather and general motivation. 


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 30.8 of 550K
Walking Streak: 20

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2 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Thank you for asking. Husband has a bad cough but otherwise feels a lot better. I'm a bit worse today  - very shaky and nauseated. Oh well.  

I'm sorry you are feeling so bad. I hope this is the worst of it and you are better very soon

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Finished my workout program, Epic 3, this morning. I was scheduled to finish Saturday but I felt peppy and did it all in one go (still modified as I've been doing). Mentally and physically I needed to finish. I need a break but couldn't 'let' myself until I finished. Current plan is to take off through next week and re-evaluate then. 

I'm considering-

Travis Eliot's 30 Day yoga series- power yoga with yin yoga around every 4th day-- nearly all are around 30 min. I've done some of his videos before and liked them.

Heather Robertson- 7 Day Fusion Flow- pilates/yoga/barre/hiit mix-- 30 min--- and then jump back into another Caroline series--- I've not tried her workouts before so I'm not sure if I will like them but like the sound of it

Redoing Caroline's Advent Series-- 24 days- mostly around 20-25 minutes-- the longest not quite 30. This is a mostly strength with a bit of HIIT. It's lower intensity with it being shorter which would also leave more time for yoga and recovery.

Or maybe doing one of the Caroline series I haven't done before but slowing the pace down-- ie 2-3 workouts a week instead of 5 to allow for more time for other things.

However, I actually felt better the last 2 days. I took my progesterone and slept all night. I had a bit of grogginess through the day but less I had been having with the lack of sleep. I was prescribed it a few months ago for the second half of my cycles ( I tend towards low progesterone and high estrogen). When I tried it then the grogginess was too much. I think it wasn't as bad then and not worth the side effects. I'll see how it goes.

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Made it to the expo last night, collected my bib and race tee . . . and was tempted into buying another spirit jersey. I hadn't planned on merch, but this one was sparkly, so I had to bring it home. The walk to and from the car and from building to building netted me a couple of kilometers, enough to make up for the shortened walk yesterday morning.

Finished my schoolwork at about 11:00 last night, then hopped on the stationary bike for a little over 40 minutes to finish off the day's steps/mileage.

Way overslept this morning -- I don't even know how I did it, since my phone alarm was on. I rolled out of bed only 1:15 before I absolutely needed to be at my desk, so I walked only about 2K and did 20 minutes of strength and stretching.

I need to try to be in bed early tonight because I have to be up at 3:00 tomorrow to get to the 10K. Given that I don't sleep especially well under normal circumstances, we'll see how that goes. But it means I won't have time for any late-evening walking and that today may be more or less a loss in terms of step count. I'll do what I can and try to do some extra over the weekend.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 50.6 of 550K
Walking Streak: 21

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@Laura Corin Loves those photos! Must be so much fun to make these discoveries in your area.

I never posted yesterday after my tennis. I played 2 hrs of ladies doubles, and it was great! My arm isn't even as painful as it's been. I'm hoping that rest, spreading out tennis, and staying active are all good things recover. 

I went for 2 dog walk today; short am walk with dh and both dogs, then 1 hour fast paced walk with a friend, her fast dogs and my puppy. Puppy is supposed to be sleeping now after the long walk, but he's still pumped. 😅

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No official exercise yesterday. I did some more power washing and mopped the house. Today we will do some work on the shop and have bday parties in the evening. Tomorrow will be more work on the shop and power washing if I get some time while dh does homework. I probably won't do any 'exercise' this weekend.

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Yoga this morning. I need to spend some time getting the house fully cleaned this weekend. Not much got done last weekend with our trip to the coast. We have dd this weekend and she was very happy last night. We were just watching Netflix and folding laundry, but she was happy and humming and rocking in her wheelchair the whole time. That was nice. We've had a couple of pretty rainy days but today is just supposed to be cloudy. It's a lot colder now too. We were quite warm through mid-October (it was still in the 70's), then it was almost instant winter weather. They're even saying ski places could be open by Thanksgiving. I don't mind staying cozy inside. I'll be making the crockpot black bean soup and some pumpkin chocolate chip muffins today.

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I went out for a decent walk last night (about 4K), which put me short of my goal but at least got me over 10,000 steps for the day. Then I did a little gentle yoga and called that enough. I was in bed by 9:00, with multiple alarms set, just in case. 

Woke up at 3:00 and pulled myself together to head out for the 10K. I just felt a little out of it and off kilter and ran a little later getting out the door than I should have. Then I took a wrong turn on the way to Epcot, all of which meant I ended up towards the back of my corral. I had a few moments of panic, since I was already concerned that my lack of sleep and lack of nutrition over the last few weeks/months were going to make it hard for me to keep my usual pace. I really, really didn't want to get caught by "the balloon ladies" who bring up the rear of the race group and determine whether you need to be picked up by the shuttle and removed from the course. 

It must have been good motivation for me, though, because I maintained about the same pace I normally manage on a good day for a 5K. 

Between the race, itself, and the walking from the car to the course, I met my step goal for the day before I finished the race. 

Then my husband and I went out and wandered a local craft fair, which netted me another good chunk of steps, so I have more than made up for falling a little short yesterday.

I may still go for a walk or ride the stationary bike for a bit later, just because, since I don't count other races towards my seasonal walking challenge, I'm a little short on mileage there for today. (Or I may not and just make a point of riding the bike an extra time sometime this week to make up the ground, since I am, honestly, tired and still have schoolwork to do this weekend.)


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 57.4 of 550K
Walking Streak: 22

IMG_20221105_180614983 (1).jpg

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@Ali in OR I want one of the muffins lol 

@Jenny in Florida yay good job. Lol at “balloon ladies” 

today dd and I did make it to the pool. We were in there just over an hour. I tried out the foam weights you pull toward you under water. I did some laps sporadically as I could while making sure dd was not in deep water (plus she had on her floaties). I even went down the slide 🤣 ummm do not recommend for adults. It was so hard to get up there the way the steps overlapped like above some of those ball pits in fast food chains. Then I felt like hitting the water was so unpleasant, such a shock to the body, water going strong in ears. 

Showered and don’t feel like doing any more exercise. 

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So, I ended up doing precisely nothing else active yesterday. I took a nap, accomplished a little reading/studying for school, then got into pajamas and planted myself in front of the TV. 

I am still really struggling with the loss of my dog. The craft fair we attended yesterday is a dog-friendly and very dog-popular event. I was telling my husband that, while I desperately miss my dog, specifically, I also miss doggyness, in general. So, when there are dogs around, I can't stop myself from petting and chatting with them. Unfortunately, while I enjoy those interactions while they are happening, it just makes it so much worse to come home and remember my Tilda isn't here. All of this to say, I had a rough night and still feel pretty out of it this morning.

I went for a walk, a little more than 4.5K, and I'll walk again this evening.

I'll need to do a little extra over the next few days to make up ground from not logging much yesterday.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 62.0 of 550K
Walking Streak: 23

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I didn't do anything specifically for exercise on Saturday, though I did bust around the house like a maniac trying to get ready for guests. 😆 I was really horrified when they showed up to my house sick but saying it's not covid. But since they didn't test, they really don't know. And by the time this was noticed, they had been in the house for a while. We had all the windows open and the air purifier running, so we hoped for the best. As a society, we're definitely back to everyone just moving ahead with life regardless of sickness. It has always bothered me, but everyone in my orbit knows--really, truly, knows--that I am covid cautious and that I do not want to risk any illness of any flavor while I am dealing with this ongoing pinched nerve (which is way better but still numbness, tingling, spasms). 

Today I took a long walk to soak in the gorgeous, unnaturally-warm weather and delicious breeziness. My goal is to do some more specific PT stuff a little later and make sure I hang on the teeter board right before bed. My hope is that by hanging upside down last thing and then heading to sleep for the night, I can keep the stretch and the space between vertebrae longer and hopefully train my spine to maintain that. I have no idea if that plan has any merit, but one can only hope.

Edited by Harriet Vane
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Did not do any official exercise Sunday. Worked up a sweat cleaning out the car and filming myself installing a car seat for the car seat recertification process lol. Dd and I popped over to the park very briefly and I did a few reps on one of the machines, but didn't walk around the track as we had limited time. 

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@wintermom glad to hear that tennis is going ok so far after the break--- you just have to remember to pace yourself!!!!!!!!!!

@Jenny in Florida congratulations on finishing the 10k, great job keeping pace, especially with the fatigue. I'm sorry the loss of your dog is hurting so much right now 😞

@heartlikealiongreat job getting movement in, it all counts. It's so challenging swimming in the pool when you have little ones. Kudos to you for trying.

@Laura Corin thank you for the adorable yarn photos. How are you feeling today? How's hubby?

@Harriet Vane UGH! Why would they not test? I hope you don't get sick.

@Ali in OR I'm so happy to hear you had such a good time with dd. I know she was having such a rough time with seizures for a long time.


As expected we spent the weekend working outside. We got the siding and trim finished along the front and most of the caulking. It took longer than expected so we didn't get the caulking done which meant I couldn't start painting. Dh is hoping to get home early enough to finish the caulking so then I can start painting tomorrow but we'll see.

I did 30 min of yin/ stretchy yoga this morning. No other exercise today but lots to do both inside and outside. 

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@Soror Their reasoning re testing was that their little boy has been sick for the last twelve days (he's at the tail end now), and when he was at his worst they did take him to a hospital and he tested negative for both covid and flu. But that test was a full week ago, and this family does not mask ever, anywhere. To be fair to them, tests are expensive and they are overwhelmed with all the new things about living in a new place. I think they just decided it was not covid and wanted to come be with friends. The hardship for me is that this friend definitely knew how frustrated I was a month ago when someone rode in my car without telling me he was sick, and then I DID get sick and was sneezing quite a lot with this wretched pinched nerve. My friends this past weekend were overwhelmed and lonely, but I wish they had chosen differently. So far two days later I am still not sick, and I am hoping and praying that the breeze from the windows and the air purifier and my vaccine kept me safe. 

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Walked as planned last night, about 3.5K, which finished off my step goal for the day. I'm still slightly behind pace for the seasonal walking challenge, but I'm sure I can make it up over the next few days.

Walked this morning, just about 4.5K. I'm very distinctly not enjoying these walks the way I used to, some combination of just being tired and blah and really missing my dog when I'm out there. I keep thinking I should find some way to shake things up a bit, but I have not achieved inspiration yet.

Spent about 25 minutes doing some very gentle strength and stretching on the patio. I'm feeling unusually tired and sore both yesterday and today. 

I'll do some more walking and/or stationary biking this evening.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 70.0 of 550Kay
Walking Streak: 24

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It was cold and rainy yesterday, and then I looked out the window and decided the rain looked a little fluffy. We had 37° snow which didn't stick for awhile but eventually a little stuck to non-paved surfaces. It was weird to have snow November 6th--our trees still have some leaves. I enjoyed the excuse to spend much of the day on the sofa.

30 min on the treadmill this morning.

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3 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

It was cold and rainy yesterday, and then I looked out the window and decided the rain looked a little fluffy. We had 37° snow which didn't stick for awhile but eventually a little stuck to non-paved surfaces. It was weird to have snow November 6th--our trees still have some leaves. I enjoyed the excuse to spend much of the day on the sofa.

30 min on the treadmill this morning.

For me, it's weird NOT to have snow yet. I'm not complaining, either!!  😅  The weather is just gorgeous here. Hope the white stuff brightened the day for you, especially knowing it would melt away quickly.

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Went for a dog walk and did some garden clean-up yesterday, and another dog walk today. I also had my first physiotherapy appointment for my tennis elbow. I have some homework to do for this, which I'm hoping will help my kick start getting back into my full-body strength/stretch exercise I was doing a couple years ago.

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Needed a longer walk yesterday evening (4.8K) to finish off my steps.

Walked as usual this morning, 4.4K. I came home and had a little dog-related breakdown, then did about 25 minutes of mat-based strength and stretching. 

Yoga tonight, plus more walking before and/or after.


Holiday Hustle 2022 Challenge: 79.1 of 550Kay
Walking Streak: 25

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