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SAT and cell phones

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My youngest son is scheduled to take the SAT this upcoming Saturday. I understand that the policy is no phones at the testing center. I get why they have this policy.

However, every time my oldest son would take the SAT, he'd come out talking about how everyone else he saw in there had a phone with them. They didn't use them of course during the test but they did have them. What has been your kids' experience?

I'm dropping my son off to take the test and then he has to walk home afterwards as neither my husband or I are available to pick him up. It's a relatively short walk home, about a mile or so but I would prefer that he has his phone with him but I don't want him turned away at the testing center for having it. The College Board website is a bit confusing, it says that the test administration staff is encourage to collect and hold phones OR deny admission. Pick one, College Board! My feeling is that cell phones are so prevalent that as long as he doesn't turn it on while he is there, it should be fine. 

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Cellphones have to be powered off. If the cellphone rings, the test gets invalidated for your son, and it would probably count as a distraction for everyone else in that room.

Kids typically power off their cellphones on arrival at their test site, put them in their bags, and only power back on their cellphones when they have leave the classrooms/auditorium and are walking towards the car park.

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13 hours ago, freesia said:

My kids have always been allowed to have them in their bags but turned off. I was under the impression that if they rang they would have to leave or something. 

This. Every kids there has a phone, but it’s turned off and out of sight.

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