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I am on my third week homeschooling a 9 year old.  She is a cooperative, eager student but I am thinking I have been pushing her too hard.  We have been getting started about 10 and finishing about 4.  I think we have had a 15 minute break and then about 30 for lunch.  I am definitely going to add in at least one more 15 minute break. 

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17 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

I am on my third week homeschooling a 9 year old.  She is a cooperative, eager student but I am thinking I have been pushing her too hard.  We have been getting started about 10 and finishing about 4.  I think we have had a 15 minute break and then about 30 for lunch.  I am definitely going to add in at least one more 15 minute break. 

My 10 yo does WAY less than that. It may be that if she’s new to homeschooling things take longer because she’s less used to focused work. Ours is maybe a bit more minimal than I like but what you’re doing is a lot more than school. (Unless you’re counting cooking, pe and handicrafts in there). 

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17 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

I am on my third week homeschooling a 9 year old.  She is a cooperative, eager student but I am thinking I have been pushing her too hard.  We have been getting started about 10 and finishing about 4.  I think we have had a 15 minute break and then about 30 for lunch.  I am definitely going to add in at least one more 15 minute break. 

That seems a lot of schoolwork for an elementary school kid. What is she doing for more than 5 hours?

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1 minute ago, Ausmumof3 said:

My 10 yo does WAY less than that. It may be that if she’s new to homeschooling things take longer because she’s less used to focused work. Ours is maybe a bit more minimal than I like but what you’re doing is a lot more than school. (Unless you’re counting cooking, pe and handicrafts in there). 

She is not new to homeschool. She has never been to B & M. But she is new to structure.  She and I also do her laundry together and wash the dishes from break  fast and lunch.  I don’t count those as breaks.  

1 minute ago, regentrude said:

That seems a lot of schoolwork for an elementary school kid. What is she doing for more than 5 hours?

So far we are doing a lesson of LA, math, typing, paleontology, history. Friday we did 2 hours of LA.  Also about 30minutes (divided) of her reading aloud.  

There are some issues with her mom that make it necessary for us to check a lot of boxes. I think things will get more relaxed but for now this is what we need to do.  

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5 minutes ago, Scarlett said:

She is not new to homeschool. She has never been to B & M. But she is new to structure.  She and I also do her laundry together and wash the dishes from break  fast and lunch.  I don’t count those as breaks.  

So far we are doing a lesson of LA, math, typing, paleontology, history. Friday we did 2 hours of LA.  Also about 30minutes (divided) of her reading aloud.  

There are some issues with her mom that make it necessary for us to check a lot of boxes. I think things will get more relaxed but for now this is what we need to do.  

She's cooperating for now, but the honeymoon may end.  Might want to switch things up a bit before that happens.  Maybe mix in some card games, listen to an audiobook while doing a jigsaw ....

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1 hour ago, SKL said:

She's cooperating for now, but the honeymoon may end.  Might want to switch things up a bit before that happens.  Maybe mix in some card games, listen to an audiobook while doing a jigsaw ....

Good idea. We have played a few games. 
I have helped with her schoolwork many times at the office. She is fun, cooperative, Loves to learn, and very smart.

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On 8/25/2022 at 6:38 AM, SKL said:

It's illegal in my state now, which, after seeing how irrational my kids' 1st grade teacher could be, is a good thing IMO.  Honestly though, I would rather they banned other punishments such as taking away recess from little kids.

Taking away away recess is a horrible punishment! I would way rather have been spanked, and for a lot of kids spanking would probably be less detrimental.

Not that I think schools should be doing either, but the degree of "I will control your body and behavior at all times" not to mention the ignoring of  everything we know about healthy child development represented by forcing kids to sit in a chair all day with no recess really is horrific.

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4 hours ago, Scarlett said:

I am on my third week homeschooling a 9 year old.  She is a cooperative, eager student but I am thinking I have been pushing her too hard.  We have been getting started about 10 and finishing about 4.  I think we have had a 15 minute break and then about 30 for lunch.  I am definitely going to add in at least one more 15 minute break. 

How about PE, bike rides, art, music, read alouds, audio books….

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