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Well-trained bodies - August

Laura Corin

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Pretty easy day yesterday, I couldn't help dh very much.

This am:

Caroline Calisthenics-- Day 5- HIIT 35 ish min- last exercise of CC

Started-- Strong and Lean (all bodyweight 45-50 min)-- Day 1 45 min--- Legs today

We'll be working on the roof Thurs and Fri so I won't get in my am workout so I went ahead and started my new series today.

Week plan:

Mon- Strong and Lean- upper body & core Day 2-- & HIIT it Hard-- upper body HIIT- 20 min

Tues-- STrong and Lean  Day 3- hamstrings/butt

Wed--Strong and Lean- Day 4-- upper body& HIIT it Hard-- HIIT- 20 min

Thurs-- Fri Break (might be able to sneak away for a walk event at the park Fri am--- probably not though)

Sat- Strong and Lean Day 5- Full Body

Going to dd's first tennis match Monday. I hope I can go to Pickleball at least once this week. If they have the same schedule as last week I'll get in 2-3x.

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I just returned from a camping trip with my gf - another former homeschool mom. We kayaked daily (Fri - Sun), hiked, relaxed by the firepit, and ate yummy food. It was so relaxing, and yet we did a lot of physical activity, too. The weather was perfect, which always helps! ☺️

I have a bunch of tennis coming up this week. Dh and I play our next match in the club tournament tomorrow evening, then we play another mixed doubles team for fun on Tuesday. I'm trying to get in as much tennis before school and cold weather makes it tough.

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In the throes of work, and I often get locked in a work-tunnel and feel like I have no time to exercise when there's a deadline looming. (I tend to do tasks--whether work or fun--with an all-or-nothing mentality.) Trying to keep up with back and hip exercises ad hoc at intervals today. Tomorrow I hope to take a walk first thing to help me wake up and engage, after which I'll keep on with the back/hip stuff at intervals. My gyrotonics class rescheduled due to the trainer's vacation, so I'll do that on Tuesday. Normally I would not go out at all on Deadline Day, but I really love gyrotonics and I do not want to miss it. Plus I think it's ultimately healthier and more balanced to keep exercising, keep moving, keep engaging with the "normal" things instead of living like a college kid during finals week. 😆

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15 hours ago, wintermom said:

I just returned from a camping trip with my gf - another former homeschool mom. We kayaked daily (Fri - Sun), hiked, relaxed by the firepit, and ate yummy food. It was so relaxing, and yet we did a lot of physical activity, too. The weather was perfect, which always helps! ☺️

I have a bunch of tennis coming up this week. Dh and I play our next match in the club tournament tomorrow evening, then we play another mixed doubles team for fun on Tuesday. I'm trying to get in as much tennis before school and cold weather makes it tough.

How fun, sounds like a wonderful time.

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Upper Body+ Core and HIIT= 1 hr 15 min

Hoping dd's first tennis matches go ok. She wasn't ranked as high as she wanted but hopefully that means she can do better than expected. She tends to get nervous so I don't know how it will be-- she's never done any sports (other than individual things-- nothing with games).

Oh in fun news I bought myself some new workout clothes, since I'm exercising in public again. I need new tennis shoes but have yet to find any I like.

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Just noticed I hadn't checked in over the weekend. I was busy and really only on my computer to do schoolwork, I guess.

I did the usual walks, yoga class at the nature preserve on Saturday morning, etc. I did hit the local trail on Sunday for that 6K "training" walk. And I finished painting and mostly reassembling the bathroom cabinets (which I'm determined to count as exercise). 

Started this morning with the usual 4K. I'm trying to stretch that a little, but I had some trouble forcing myself out of bed today and didn't have time to push for more. Back inside, I did about 30 minutes of strength and stretching, supervised by cat.


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 61.8 of 650k
Walking Streak: 119 days




Edited by Jenny in Florida
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I went to the dr to evaluate tailbone injury. Sorta a waste. They didn’t see anything from X-ray and said get a donut pillow. I was hoping to avoid another purchase but they said expect it to take a few weeks to heal. Use your pain as a guide for exercise which is what I tried to do but later wasn’t sure I made things worse. So basically they don’t really suggest the bike or HIIT. I don’t know if I wanna do youtube walking tonight. My weight keeps going up and down. So annoying. Yesterday I had several steps but we ate at the Sam’s club snack bar and that meal tanked my day. No more Sam’s club lol 

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Our club tounament match went pretty well for the first set, but we lost in the tie-break. Then we lost the second set. Our opponents hit the ball with lots of top spin, which I always struggle to hit back. I made so many unforced errors. ☹️ My dh was playing amazing, and I feel really bad that I couldn't provide more support. Oh well, no more pressure to play future matches, as least! 😉 Now I can go back to just playing for fun.

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12 hours ago, wintermom said:

Our club tounament match went pretty well for the first set, but we lost in the tie-break. Then we lost the second set. Our opponents hit the ball with lots of top spin, which I always struggle to hit back. I made so many unforced errors. ☹️ My dh was playing amazing, and I feel really bad that I couldn't provide more support. Oh well, no more pressure to play future matches, as least! 😉 Now I can go back to just playing for fun.

Oh, well, that stinks 😞

10 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

30 min on the treadmill this morning and a bonus walk with dd after school. First day back--just teachers. Fun to catch up with folks.

Happy back to school!

12 hours ago, heartlikealion said:

I went to the dr to evaluate tailbone injury. Sorta a waste. They didn’t see anything from X-ray and said get a donut pillow. I was hoping to avoid another purchase but they said expect it to take a few weeks to heal. Use your pain as a guide for exercise which is what I tried to do but later wasn’t sure I made things worse. So basically they don’t really suggest the bike or HIIT. I don’t know if I wanna do youtube walking tonight. My weight keeps going up and down. So annoying. Yesterday I had several steps but we ate at the Sam’s club snack bar and that meal tanked my day. No more Sam’s club lol 

Don't you hate it when you go to the dr for nothing. 

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@heartlikealion I'm sorry the doctor wasn't more helpful and that you're dealing with pain. It's so frustrating when you're trying to do the right things and take care of yourself and either external events (falls, injuries) or your body get in the way of progress. 

I hope the donut pillow and some rest improve things for you soon.

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Can't remember if I posted yesterday. My am workouts kicked my butt. The last 10 minutes of my upper body workout had some HIIT-- however for the last 6 I mostly just marched. I was done at that point. I'd already done the 20 min HIIT beforehand. Usually I only do HIIT once a week but am working on finishing this little series and pushing myself a little more. Thankfully just 1 more 20 min HIIT and no big HIIT in my other series this week. I think it is a bit much for me, especially with the running in tennis too, my adrenaline is running high. I need some more relaxing work.

Today: glutes and hamstrings bodyweight-- 50 min

Dd's first tennis match got cancelled halfway through due to lightning. At that point they were tied 2 to 2. She was so disappointed. They have a match tonight but she's not sure if she'll get to play. She did well on her serves, not as well on returns. She was so incredibly nervous and is glad to have the first game jitters done. She was playing doubles and it was the first match for all of them, that really helped too, she didn't feel like the only clueless one. 

I learned a little about tennis watching it so maybe I'll have some sort of clue what is happening.

Edited by Soror
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I was determined not to look up at 9:00 pm last night and realize I still had 7,000 steps to walk, so I grabbed the dog and went out for a bit right after work. That left me with few enough steps that I was able to finish up just pacing the living room while streaming an episode of Monk. (I've been dealing with a fairly bad headache for a couple of days and am having even more trouble than usual working up any enthusiasm for exercise. So, anything that makes it more palatable is welcome.)

I had a virtual doctor's appointment scheduled for 8:00 this morning, which compressed my usual routine. I managed almost 4K of walking and about 15 minutes of strength and stretching. I also have my 60-minute yoga class tonight, so I figure that makes up for the abbreviated morning set. And I will finish up my steps for the day at some point. 


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 68.9 of 650k
Walking Streak: 120 days

Screenshot 2022-08-30 083956.jpg

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Very busy at work, covering for my colleague who has Covid and preparing for the new semester. We are under a lot of pressure, and I had to talk another colleague down who was close to tears.  Worked flat out for eleven hours, and the day ended better than it began.

Walked for four miles after supper.

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Dh and I played mixed doubles tennis with another pair who had been in the club tournament, though we never played each other (we both were bumped out by the same team). It was fun and much less stressful than the tournament match. I also played much better. 

Dh and I have both been taking the puppy walking on the off-leash trails as often as we can. It's a lot of fun watching the pup tear around and meet new dogs. 

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I was going stir crazy not exercising. And I made some poor eating choices today. I did 30 min on the bike. I tried to pedal standing but it felt like I was putting too much weight on the bike. I sat very far back to keep weight off tailbone but then my feet barely reached and I have the lowest seat setting already. Then I did just over 4K steps with a YouTube walking video. 

I took 2 Advil today but honestly couldn’t tell if it did anything. 

Hopefully I didn’t overdo it. 

Friday is rockstar day at school. I want to see if I can come up with something for dd to wear. 

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Starting to break out into hysterical laughter.  One of my colleagues had an accident this morning (I don't have the details) and had to go to hospital.  Of course, her accident isn't funny, but the work situation...?  So, out of the people employed in my team:

Full timers (senior): me and one off with Covid

Part timers (junior): one (the least useful) still available, one had an accident and two have not yet been hired. 

And the students start to arrive on Monday.

Meanwhile, I'll take a walk after supper.

Edited by Laura Corin
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I arrived at the yoga venue a little early last night and walked a couple of kilometers before class. 

Class was good, except that the teacher included an unusual number of balance poses, which are difficult for me. 

I had to scoot back home quickly to attend an online orientation meeting for my graduate program and was pretty cranky to discover once that was over that I still needed almost 4,000 steps to meet my daily goal. Fortunately, the weather was reasonably cooperative, so I coaxed the dog outside with me for one more walk.

Started this morning with the usual 4K walk, followed by about 30 minutes of strength and stretching on the patio.

More of the usual later.


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 77.6 of 650k
Walking Streak: 121 days

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43 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:

@Laura Corin - Wow, your department does seem to be laboring under a bit of a curse, doesn't it? I hope at least your higher-ups understand the situation and are giving those of you who are still upright and functional some grace.

To a certain extent, but things still need to get done, the students still need to be able to choose their modules and attend their classes.

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@Laura Corin So sorry about being overloaded at work. Hope you get some additional help, if it's possible, or at least some patience from the students. Is this a brand new opening up to in-person University classes time for you as it is for us in Canada?

@heartlikealion It is definitely tough not being able to be physically active due to pain. Maybe you can introduce more upper-body work during this recovery time - weight training for example?

@Jenny in Florida Great job keeping up your walking steps and yoga! What was that new badge for? Did you complete a challenge or reach a milestone? 

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2 hours ago, wintermom said:

@heartlikealion It is definitely tough not being able to be physically active due to pain. Maybe you can introduce more upper-body work during this recovery time - weight training for example? 

Excellent suggestion!

When I was grounded due to my knee issue, I discovered those upper body workout videos I've shared here before and also these ChairOne Fitness videos

Sometimes, I had to modify even those, but having something to do to keep moving kept me (closer to) sane.

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I have thought about it, but I need to figure out what I can do that is easy enough. Like, I would need to store the dumbbells on a table because leaning to pick them up hurts. And then to use them I could do bicep curls and triceps but not the ones I normally do where I squat or sit while I hold them. I'd need to do it standing. I was doing banded rows seated but that's not ideal right now. My friend said she was going to mail me a thing to attach to the door to do band exercises on the door, but I think she forgot. Standing is okay which is why the walking videos are the best for me so far. My donut pillow won't be here til Friday. 

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10 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

I have thought about it, but I need to figure out what I can do that is easy enough. Like, I would need to store the dumbbells on a table because leaning to pick them up hurts. And then to use them I could do bicep curls and triceps but not the ones I normally do where I squat or sit while I hold them. I'd need to do it standing. I was doing banded rows seated but that's not ideal right now. My friend said she was going to mail me a thing to attach to the door to do band exercises on the door, but I think she forgot. Standing is okay which is why the walking videos are the best for me so far. My donut pillow won't be here til Friday. 

Maybe I'm weird, but I've never sat while doing upper-body weights - I just stand with a nice firm stance. When you stand, you can add in a focus on keeping your core body strong and supportive. 

Store the weights and band on a table or shelves for now. It's just a temporary phase until you can pick up your normal routine again.

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1 hour ago, wintermom said:

Maybe I'm weird, but I've never sat while doing upper-body weights - I just stand with a nice firm stance. When you stand, you can add in a focus on keeping your core body strong and supportive. 

Store the weights and band on a table or shelves for now. It's just a temporary phase until you can pick up your normal routine again.

Well the squating/sitting thing was part of the HIIT video* and part of the routine my friend sent me. In the video they squat, hold weights (or pull on bands) and then do "pulses" where they lift the weights or bands 5x, then pause for a few seconds, then lift for 5x until the timer on that exercise runs out. I think the purpose is to work several muscle groups at once? It definitely doesn't have to be done that way, though. 

*At least in phase 1 they did that. It is around the 2:00 min mark on the video. 

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39 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

Well the squating/sitting thing was part of the HIIT video* and part of the routine my friend sent me. In the video they squat, hold weights (or pull on bands) and then do "pulses" where they lift the weights or bands 5x, then pause for a few seconds, then lift for 5x until the timer on that exercise runs out. I think the purpose is to work several muscle groups at once? It definitely doesn't have to be done that way, though. 

*At least in phase 1 they did that. It is around the 2:00 min mark on the video. 

Ya, they are adding in multiple muscle groups. You can definitely isolate the upper body to avoid pain in specific areas while recovering. 

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Speaking of weights, Thursdays are my dumbbell workout day--got that done and I did my PT exercises because I see the PT today, I'm guessing for the last time. Maybe I'll schedule a check-in in a month or two before he releases me because otherwise I think I'd have to get another referral if things get worse after school starts.

Another staff meeting this morning then work on what I want this afternoon. I need to be getting Algebra 2 ready--schedule, fix up the first few assignments, etc. I have 3 Alg 1 classes on our odd days and 3 Alg 2 classes on even days. Mondays are ALL days with all 7 periods. This is a new schedule for us this year.

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I needed a break yesterday afternoon to decompress from a long morning of back-to-back online meetings. So I dragged the dog outside for s quick walk. I had to study after work, but I knocked off early enough to make another walk feasible. Made my step goal . . . just barely.

This morning I had to settle for a short walk before scooting out for a volunteer shift at a local nonprofit. I help sort and organize supplies in their donation center for four hours; I'm counting that as exercise for the day.

Still have about 6,000 steps to log, and I need to lock myself in my office and do some more studying this evening while my husband's gamer friends are here. But I will carve out time to get out for another walk.


Fall Frenzy 2022 Challenge: 84.8 of 650k
Walking Streak: 122 days

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Friends, I'm having a rough day.

Last night we discovered a bat in the house. Such a hullabaloo. Dh and I suited up and sallied forth to somehow persuade it to leave. The first strategy was to open the whole house and try to intimidate it gently towards a door or window. It was a particularly dumb bat who flew within inches of ALL the open portals multiple times. Finally dh was able to snag it in an old butterfly net leftover from when there were little kids still in the house. Once in the net it was a simple matter to bring it outside.

BUT somehow in the dodging and twisting while the bat was in the house, I threw out my neck/back. I'm in bad shape. Just gimping from bed to chair and back to bed. I'm supposed to shop and cook tomorrow for a student event and I have a heap of work that needs to be finished by Monday. My magical PT who does MAT adjustments isn't available until 4pm tomorrow. 

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