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Tackling Tuesday Together


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  • Quiet Time
  • Walk with hubby
  • Finish massive trip schedule to send out
  • Add prayer partners as they come in
  • Cooked lunch
  • Go to Walmart with daughter to get scrubs, gift cards, etc (Closed yesterday for water leak/pipe burst)
  • May Budget
  • June Budget
  • Get receipts organized and attached for June
  • Call tax office for mom's oil lease (Tried...)
  • Call mom's bank about fee for dormant account
  • Call mom to chat/check on her
  • Put up the RV
  • Do laundry that I need to pack
  • Finish blog for tomorrow
  • Figure out Saturday blog
Edited by TexasProud
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Good morning! 
I have two students this morning, both virtual, so no need to go to the office.   Taught and sessions logged! My third studetn cancelled, but I still get paid. 

Bank ✔️ 
Drop something at mom’s ✔️ 
Get CSA box ✔️ 
Electronic chores - lots!

Dinner is burgers, I think. 

Edited by ScoutTN
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Good morning!! Today's plan will look a lot like the last few day's.:

Cook something-freezer meals are getting low

Water plants and birdbath

Work in my classroom-done

School supplies store to get something laminated

Reading Academy-need to email teacher to see why I got a 0 on two of my discussion posts

Living room floor

Do something from summer master list

Mail and shred

Lesson plans



Edited by math teacher
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Good morning! 

I was up late last night, so I slept in some this morning. 

I have one student this afternoon, and I'll be working on some stuff from my master list for school. 

I need to do laundry, but other than that, it's mostly a carefree day. 

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Did a few electronic chores, but the big ones still await.
Started the dishwasher.
My new planner arrived from Amazon. Very happy with this one. Hard to find one that is just right. Goldilocks.

About to get a shower and head out to the bank and my mom's. 
Ds needs shoelaces.


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Hi guys, happy Tuesday!

The "sudden emergency" home cleaning/maintenance/improvement saga continues.  Today I had to get up and ready for a plumber to come and quote on some things.  Then I was informed that we're moving up the basement purge because housemate decided to hire some people to come tomorrow to do abc so that xyz can happen the next day etc. etc.  [Just found out that we're gonna have to move out of the house for 2 days this week while some of the work gets done.]  While I really hate these last minute decisions that require a lot of work from me, I am also glad it's getting done.  It just happens to be during a big work deadline week for me, which has already been disrupted by my dog's emergency health issue + a list of health appointments for my kids + at least 2 high-risk members of my family having Covid (and another high-risk member being a caretaker so likely to catch it also).

I just hope that after all this, my housemates (and kids) don't trash the areas we are currently fixing up.


  • Slept, yay!
  • Wordle (4), nerdle (3), quordle (9).
  • Pup stuff, including morning drops in his ears, a walk, and the usual stuff.
  • Personal hygiene, ate fruit, took vitamins, drank water.
  • Cleaned the kitchen.
  • Took apart and cleaned out a bathroom faucet & cleaned the bathroom.
  • Plumber visit - got the sump pump replaced & discussed dehumidifier, new hot water system & designing a new basement bathroom.
  • Caught up on emails, news, calendar, social media.
  • A little reading.
  • A little client work.
  • Discussed plans for further basement cleaning & started some cleaning.
  • Followed up on kid's PCR test - no results yet.  This is stressing me out as we need a negative PCR test for my kid's test tomorrow.  Just got PCR results & sent to the hospital.
  • Call from the hospital regarding my upcoming colonoscopy - they wanted to ask a lot of questions since I don't have a primary care provider.
  • Call from kid's driving instructor re this afternoon's lesson.
  • Worked with kids regarding Kid1's special diet (prep) for today.
  • Working on coffee 2 or 3?

To do:

  • Lots more client work!
  • Yoga etc.
  • Kid1's first in-car driving lesson.
  • Complete medical paperwork for Kid1's therapist.
  • Call insurance to confirm therapist is a covered provider.
  • Keep reminding Kid1 about her diet / fast starting at 8pm and other things.
  • Pay bills.
  • Eat veggies.
  • Clean lots of books etc. out of the basement.
  • Put lots of stuff out on the tree-lawn for the garbage pickers.
  • Pup's evening ear drop collaboration.
  • Night pup duty.
  • Update plastic free ecochallenge stuff.
  • Various personal filing & whatever else gets done.



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Got to Aldi in addition to doing the main things on my list.

Changed dinner to butter chx, rice and green salad. Bc of rain. T-storm system running through. Had some rain and it’s still gray and rumbly outside. 

Dinner is cooking. Having a small glass of wine. 

Pick up Ds
Call a friend
Chip away at deskwork?

Read! I began a new book last night, The Medieval Mind of C. S. Lewis. Very good so far. 

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