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Question about a head injury.....dizziness....

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I hit my head really hard on Dec. 3rd. It started bleeding....but nothing that needed any kind of stitches (head cuts bleed a lot anyway). I actually hit both sides of my head......on the way down I hit the right side....then I landed on my left side kind of above my ear (this is the one that started bleeding).


Well.....ever since that fall.....every time I move suddenly.....turn over while laying in bed....look straight down while standing up, etc.,.....I get dizzy!


How long should something like that last? Is there anything I can really do about it?



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You could have a (minor) concussion. Also....


I don't want to scare you, but I had an employee at work who fell on the ice outside our office building. He felt okay, but ended up with a slow internal bleed that required a hospital stay to drain. The pressure from the build up of blood caused dizziness and disorientation that got worse over a number of days, which was when he realised that he needed medical attention. He recovered completely, BTW.


I'd see your doc and make sure that the info about the fall is on your record and get some advice about what to look for in terms of symptoms. The doc can do some simple neurological checks to make sure your reactions are okay. It's been almost two weeks since your fall....I think you need to see someone.


Best wishes.

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Are you having any other problems with your ears? (cold, sinus infection, etc) Sometimes our ears can cause us to have vertigo, but if you don't have any other explanations, your fall may have triggered that. Did you have any other symptoms right after your fall? Brief unconsciousness, lingering headache, etc? I think you should give your doctor's office a call. They will probably want to see you. It must be really hard to function if this is happening as often as you describe. Hope it goes away soon. Jacqui

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I did have a bit of a cold when it happened.....so I had sinus drainage already. I was unconscious....and have no idea how long....because my kids didn't hear me fall.... I was dizzy when I got up.....and took about 3 Motrin and layed down and slept for about 2 hours (which is unheard of for me).


The next day.....I didn't have a headache....just the dizziness. It has gotten better....but seems to have come to a standstill. I thought it would go away after a while, but hasn't.


It is really bad when I am laying in bed....and roll over to the other side....the room feels like it is spinning.


I guess I will have to visit the doctor....



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You could have a (minor) concussion. Also....


I don't want to scare you, but I had an employee at work who fell on the ice outside our office building. He felt okay, but ended up with a slow internal bleed that required a hospital stay to drain. The pressure from the build up of blood caused dizziness and disorientation that got worse over a number of days, which was when he realised that he needed medical attention. He recovered completely, BTW.


I'd see your doc and make sure that the info about the fall is on your record and get some advice about what to look for in terms of symptoms. The doc can do some simple neurological checks to make sure your reactions are okay. It's been almost two weeks since your fall....I think you need to see someone.


Best wishes.


I did have a bit of a cold when it happened.....so I had sinus drainage already. I was unconscious....and have no idea how long....because my kids didn't hear me fall.... I was dizzy when I got up.....and took about 3 Motrin and layed down and slept for about 2 hours (which is unheard of for me).


The next day.....I didn't have a headache....just the dizziness. It has gotten better....but seems to have come to a standstill. I thought it would go away after a while, but hasn't.


It is really bad when I am laying in bed....and roll over to the other side....the room feels like it is spinning.


I guess I will have to visit the doctor....




This sounds serious to me. I believe you should see a doctor. My grandfather bumped is head and had to have surgery to stop the internal bleeding. He nearly died because of the pressure built up due to the bleeding....because he told no one that he had bumped his head and was having problems with headaches and dizziness.

Please go get this checked out today.


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I did have a bit of a cold when it happened.....so I had sinus drainage already. I was unconscious....and have no idea how long....because my kids didn't hear me fall.... I was dizzy when I got up.....and took about 3 Motrin and layed down and slept for about 2 hours (which is unheard of for me).


The next day.....I didn't have a headache....just the dizziness. It has gotten better....but seems to have come to a standstill. I thought it would go away after a while, but hasn't.


It is really bad when I am laying in bed....and roll over to the other side....the room feels like it is spinning.


I guess I will have to visit the doctor....




Especially since you lost consciousness and continue to feel dizzy, see the dr!

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I'm glad you made that appointment. I'm surprised they didn't want you in right away.


Several years ago, I fell and hit my head. My sight dimmed for a second, literally. I went home and was feeling nauseous from it and the on call nurse made me go to ER. They took x-rays to make sure I hadn't broken any bones and ruled it a concussion. Minutes after they gave me my discharge papers, I threw up in the ER. They almost made me stay longer after that.

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I went to my neurologist yesterday....and the doctor seemed to think my fall did something to my inner ear. But to make sure I didn't hurt anything else he scheduled an MRI of my brain, EEG, and some sort of hearing test. He also referred me to a sensory doctor.


I am getting my MRI tomorrow.....and have an appt to get the EEG and hearing test on Dec. 23rd....


Thanks to everyone for talking me into going.....It was more serious than I thought.



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:grouphug:Thanks for the update, Tammy. Hope you feel all better real soon.


I went to my neurologist yesterday....and the doctor seemed to think my fall did something to my inner ear. But to make sure I didn't hurt anything else he scheduled an MRI of my brain, EEG, and some sort of hearing test. He also referred me to a sensory doctor.


I am getting my MRI tomorrow.....and have an appt to get the EEG and hearing test on Dec. 23rd....


Thanks to everyone for talking me into going.....It was more serious than I thought.



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