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Tackling Thursday Together!


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Good morning! Loungy morning here as my early student is on vacation.

Pack a lunch ✔️ 
Tutor three students ✔️ 
Log sessions ✔️ 
Check in with Dd ✔️ 
Research something ✔️ 
Oil change for my car? Emissions test? 

Dinner is chx taco salad/nachos. Dd is in charge of dinner. 

What’s on your list?

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Good morning!

Today I have:

....3rd Quarter 1st Grade Science prep stuff

....see about fixing the strap on DH's fencing jacket
...maybe see about the zipper finally on the other one
...make a work-out checklist
...swap 2 of the pockets on my busy tutor kid's bag
...tutor the busy tutoring kid
...DH is cooking biscuits & gravy for dinner
...fencing, hang out, etc. 

I may swap things around and find more computer things to do vs. sewing things, depending on how things are going - I could swap in schedule the art stuff maybe....we'll see. 


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Good morning! 

We woke up around 5 at my sister's to take ds to the airport. He has already made the first flight and at the gate for the second and final flight. I had a little anxiety getting there because I started thinking, "what if something happens with our car and we can't get to the airport." I did breakdown in Atlanta almost 3 years ago with a car full of teen boys going on a trip with our homeschool group. It was very scary being stuck on the small side of the road we were in. I think my anxiety issues began then, and I hate it!  Deep breathing helped me this morning. 

We stopped at Buc-ee's on the way back home. It's a neat store, and I've never spent much time there, so we looked around a lot. 

We took a walk after we got home. 

I just went through an SAT practice test that a student did. We meet online this afternoon. I think I can definitely give him some tips from what he missed. He has a super language/reading score and wants to get his math up. He feels the Covid virtual stuff really hurt him, and I think it did for most public school kids in math. 

  • shower 
  • get stuff together for another student
  • bank
  • post office 
  • water bill
  • lunch
  • tutor 2 students
  • go with some ladies to visit someone and pray with her
  • make some plans on what we'll do the next few days



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finished 3rd Quarter science stuff

having DH check a weird FB thing for me - I moderate our neighborhood group, and this post I have deleted twice keeps returning; I need DH to see if he can see it or not; I have no idea how it keeps coming back

Going to go ahead and do the 4th Quarter science stuff 

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Good morning!! Sounds like everyone is busy. My plan for today:

Paint-done,may still do some more

Cook lunch and dinner-done


Find a couple more things on my summer list to tackle-done




Water plants and birdbath-done

Shop for curtains-shopped amazon, but want to look locally


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Hi guys, happy Thursday!

I am feeling some better today, but definitely not normal.  But I have to send out some reports in advance of a client conference call.  And I can't just leave everything else indefinitely either, so hopefully I find my strength.


  • Took the pup out.
  • Some house cleaning.
  • Took the garbage out.
  • Brought the mail in for the past 5-6 days (it was on hold at the post office); sorted; read; filed.
  • A little client work.
  • Shower / hair wash / etc.
  • A little reading.
  • Wordle (6), nerdle (3), quordle (6).
  • Drank orange juice, ate toast, took vitamins & Tylenol.
  • Woke the kids (multiple times) to take care of their dog!
  • Caught up on emails, news, social media, calendar.

To do:

  • At least 3 client reports sent out.
  • Conference call.
  • Whatever other client work I can do ... cut down my work inbox.
  • Yoga etc?
  • Communicate with kid's boss re absence policy.
  • Work with kid on reporting Frog Watch observation.
  • Work on possible schedule changes due to illness.
  • Clean the kitchen.
  • Pay bill(s).
  • Try to make the kids clean their rooms.
  • Catch up laundry.
  • Whatever else gets done.
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Glad you are at least a bit better, @SKL


Hmmm, seems my 10:30 student is not going to show. He's virtual and I only have a parent email, not a phone number. I get paid is they cancel, but still frustrating. 

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Good morning!  My rheumatologist's office called yesterday afternoon and told me she has Covid so my appt for tomorrow is cancelled.  And I haven't had any call back from my neurologist either.


took care of Express Scripts orders- including the replacement Dupixent 

Eye clinic called back and explained that my bill was lower than expected because I had a balance from last year.  And I couldn't use VSP for refracti9n because the visit was coded medical. So I payed the 15.39 w our FSA card.

Primary doctor's office called bCk and told me that my Dr was on vacation and just returned and will be reviewing my blood tests and they are making s copy so I can take to rheumatologist and nurse will be calling w results.  Also made an appt w him for Monday to go over liver issues ( I have genetic non alcoholic fatty liver - both ds and dd2 have it too but minr has gotten worse over the lasr 2 years) and to hel0 me figure out what is the strange pain in my outer lower right leg 

Compost is out

To Do

Finish breakfast -  having bad digestion issues today and didn't sleep well so very start

Call or text Verizon re phone offers, plus read reviews.  Also need to either call Verizon tech or look up online how to block text.  - I can block most numbers from texting me but not s particular spam text

Call last provider who has not submitted bill either to Tricare ir my supplement, which can only be submitted after they get EOB

plan weekend

Go to Toyota snd demand answers re our truck which has been there since March, I believe 

Go to Belk and return items that either were too big (most) or one was an accidental duplicate of what I already own.

Hawaii trip planning znd reserving 

Dinner ?




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Just realized I forgot to put a second conference call on my calendar.  Something about transition as a key client employee is leaving his job.  Feels stressful to think about it.  UGH.  I feel too out of it to have that kind of call.

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Student did cancel. 

Got a few little things done meanwhile: logged the session, ordered heartworm meds from the vet, made an appt for bloodwork, culled my inbox, sent a couple emails to WHA, sent a couple AHG emails, started reading up on something I need to make decisions about soon. 

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Electric update: we do have the lowest available rate based on our usage (by 4c/kw hr) so sticking to our current plan and grateful it wasn't worse. 

Successfully(ish) waltzed with DH

The Quilt has reached its destination for the quilt show - yay!

Helped DS with his math, fed him lunch, taking my nap now

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Good morning!

I started off in the laundry room this morning, now a full scale organization project! Sigh...

To do:

  • coffee, breakfast shake
  • weights
  • finish laundry room organization, cleaning
  • Costco (didn't make it there yesterday)
  • start reading book with dd, work on discussion-type questions
  • check in with mom's doctor, email paperwork
  • work on learning rubrics for 1st quarter
  • grilling steaks for dinner, salad
  • read, relax, work on journal page
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1 hour ago, math teacher said:

Congratulations!!! I wish I were finished. Mine needs to be realigned with TEKS Resource.

fortunately for me, I do not have to deal with that (I teach at a homeschool co-op/outsource place; I get the kids once/week, for 3 hours, cover all the subjects, and then the parents have them the rest of the week; I teach K, 1st, and 2nd that way - 3 separate classes).  It's super fun! 

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Well one conference call down.  I was a little late getting my reports done, but I blamed illness.  It's still way early (it's for a transaction that happens next month), but people like to get stuff way in advance.  I sent the reports out shortly after the call instead of shortly before.  In my defense, they had some odd complications.  I'm still not sure I did everything right, but that's what review drafts are for.

Went back & forth with my kid's boss about taking off tomorrow.  Final word is, she's off tomorrow.  She will be happy about that.  And so will I!

Should I go eat something before my next call?  Or lie down?  Or try to work?

I think I may need to show my face on the next call.  Good thing I washed my hair this morning.  I'm not pretty on a good day, but add in illness, and I can be scary.  (I get dark circles under my eyes and I don't wear makeup.)

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5 hours ago, TravelingChris said:


And I haven't had any call back from my neurologist either.I hadn't had any luck w neurologist office and their wonky phone systems including them saying the office is now vlosed at 11:40 while they say they are closed from 12-13. I decided to call the health advocate which is through dh's work.  About 20 minutes after I electronically signed the release, the neuro office calls me back and I have an appt and they are going to bill the secondary.


Finish breakfast -  having bad digestion issues today and didn't sleep well so very startv

Call or text Verizon re phone offers, plus read reviews.  Also need to either call Verizon tech or look up online how to block text.  - I can block most numbers from texting me but not s particular spam text.  Still need to do

Call last provider who has not submitted bill either to Tricare ir my supplement, which can only be submitted after they get EOB Done

plan weekend after I get home

Go to Toyota snd demand answers re our truck which has been there since March, I believe just done. Truck is disassembled and in pieces and latest estimate by Toyota parts headquarters is delivery of last part needed July 25

Go to Belk and return items that either were too big (most) or one was an accidental duplicate of what I already own.Off to the mall w Belk and hopefully Eastern European dinnerat restaurant in same mall

Hawaii trip planning znd reserving started printing and will do more printing and planning

Dinner ? Hopefully at Neon Lily's





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Stopped by neighborhood Farmers’ Market to get peaches. Gulf seafood was tempting, but not in the budget this week.

Helped Dd with her resume.

Tidied the kitchen. 

Hoping for a walk later tonight, if the rain holds off. But we need the rain. It poured for about an hour at my work today, but my house only got drizzle. Rats!

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We're in the same situation with rain, @ScoutTN; keep seeing it on the other side of town from us.....inches and inches, and we've had barely a drizzle. :sigh: 

Got one quilt block done before tutoring. 

Home from tutoring -- went fairly well; he just wants to play so much, it's a chore to get him to focus. We're managing, and it's much better at his house than when he came here.  

Stopped at the store for "cubed" tomatoes DH wanted (he insisted not diced??? I have no clue; I got 2 cans diced, 2 cans stewed), and picked up some r/w/b star cookies to take to fencing -- one of our fencers/coaches got 3rd in the US Vet tournament, and made the World team! So, celebratory cookies. 

Now going to help/hang out while DH cooks and then eat, go to fencing, etc. 


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15 hours ago, ScoutTN said:

“Cubed” tomatoes!🤣

Right? It's not like the man doesn't know the right term.  Ended up being diced, and he tried to tell me he specifically said not stewed -- no, he insisted not crushed, and every time I said "right, diced" he would say "cubed" and that was so odd I thought it was a bad phone connection and maybe he was saying stewed (b/c what on earth is a cubed tomato??). 


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