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Well-trained bodies - July

Jenny in Florida

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@Jenny in Florida so sorry to hear about the bad reaction, glad to here it is resolving quickly

We are continuing to work on the shop so no official exercise this weekend. The heat index got up to 115 yesterday. We can only work in the morning and even then dh was nearly to the point of throwing up by the time we called it a day at 12:30 on Saturday. We were finishing standing up the third wall or we would have already been inside by that point. WE can make it to 11 or so with some shade and usually we can survive that (although it is not comfortable!). Yesterday we only worked until 10. It was just a hotter day and we were still fried from the day before. 

We've got a cooler front this week so it should be much more tolerable, temps in the high 80s instead of 90s. I'm getting ready to try and do a bit of outside work myself as it is really nice today and I've got some things I've been putting off b/c of the temps.

lower body strength workout this am-- 40 min

We worked outside 30 min or so but then the rain started in. We'll be trying to get in an hour or so every am before dh has work and again in the evenings after work on the not as hot days.

I'll probably not get much other exercise today between homeschool, tasks around the house, ferrying children, and helping dh I'm out of time.

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@Soror Great job slugging away in the heat working on the shop! It's really tough. Hope you had a nice way to cool off - maybe some kayaking or jumping in the rivier?


Ds 20 and I took the puppy walk by the big river, as there is parts that are very shallow and fun to wade in. I waded, puppy jumped through the water a couple of times, then stayed on shore with ds and refused to come in the water any more. Instead of wading a lot, as I was anticipating, we ended up walking on the trails along the river. It was a really fun experience. I'm thinking that when puppy is a little taller, and has other dogs around to play with, he'll enjoy the water more.

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One more update on activity: dh and I participated in a tennis clinic, which was really fun. Great tips on tennis shots and fun games to work on doubles tennis strategy. Then we stayed on to play some more mixed doubles. I cycled home after 2 hrs, as my body was pretty sore. It was a really fun and inspiring evening. I should take more lessons to work on my technique. It really helps build confidence. 

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Took an after-work walk with the dog yesterday for almost 5k to log my steps/mileage for the day. It was warm, but not quite as muggy and terrible as it has been at that time of day for the last week or so. 

Walked again this morning, just a little over the usual 4k, then headed out to the patio to do some strength and stretching. I was pretty tempted to stay inside this morning, but the cats looked so hopefully at the patio door that I gave in and went out there. Spent about 20 minutes with the weights and doing some lunges and mini-squats. 

I'm scheduled for yoga this evening. Assuming my work schedule and the weather cooperate, I'll try to leave a little early so I can hit their walking trails for a bit before class.


Summer Splash Challenge: 413.2of 600K
Walking Streak: 85 days

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I just finished cycling to a few shops to run some errands and buy dd's birthday present. She's a tough one to shop for, but I found I few things I think she'll enjoy. 

Dh and I are playing tennis this evening. My body feels a lot worse after the tennis yesterday on the hard court, and tonight is hard court again. I'll be back to the clay court Friday!

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I'm back! Had a good but short trip. It's a beautiful drive but 10 hours in the car Friday and again Monday is a lot! Had good visits with my sister, my dd, and my old teacher-friend/roommate. But no real exercise and while I didn't eat horribly, I certainly didn't eat as well as at home.

So now it's time to get serious about diet (and also maintain exercise). My next blood pressure check is August 10, so I am motivated to go pretty strict between now and then. The minimum goal is 5 servings of fruits/veggies while also doing all my usual low-cholesterol kind of things (low sat fat, oatmeal, etc.) I will watch added sugar but I'm not for sure eliminating it because it's hot and our AC keeps going out and I just might need a popsicle or Yasso bar. I am going to keep reading How Not to Die and I might try to hit the Daily Dozen for awhile (or 10 out of 12 because I just don't think I can do 3 servings of beans AND cruciferous veggies day after day after day).

Bodyweight circuit x2 and a 10 min Morning Yoga this morning. Went a little easy on the lunges since I skipped last week and my knees were a little off (better now). I'm going to try that log out thing they want us to do and see if I can remember or guess my password. If not I may be gone awhile!

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@Ali in OR oh no I hope you get the a/c fixed. They just repaired ours today. It was supposedly fixed yesterday but then the thing stopped blowing cold air snd the temp kept rising. The house isn’t fully cool yet but it’s way better. 

I haven’t eaten very well this week but my dad does intermittent fasting and we’ve been so busy that I haven’t been eating as much. For the past few days I barely ate during the day (but drank water) and then had a big dinner. And got many steps each day. I was over 19k last night, almost 20k!!! I took the kids to the movies to beat the heat (Dad didn’t want to see the movie) and got home really late so my steps went over midnight. We ended up eating out several nights. Last night my new oven was off gassing when I tried to preheat it. I read to run it at 500 degrees for an hour to let it off gas but we were a) not going to make the house hotter and b) starving. 

I shared a soda at the theatre but was craving my water later and just didn’t have it as I didn’t have time to refill before leaving to catch the showing. Dad just left and I’m headed back to healthy eating. 

my food scale arrived and MFP options only had 3-4 oz for the chicken so I’ve actually been overestimating my calories on meat and underestimating goals for protein. I won’t weigh all the time but now I have a guide for judging. 


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I felt strangely weak yesterday,  so just went for a slow walk then ate a lot. 

Today is better  - a slow, short walk with the dog then a brisk walk up a hill on my own. I've been listening to Celeste Ng's novel Everything I Never Told You, which I recommend highly.

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Tennis was pretty painful and I didn't play nearly as well as yesterday. Thank goodness it was only 1 hour long. It was great playing with the men again, though, as they are really nice and I get to practice hitting balls coming at a fast pace.

Dh offered to come with me to walk the puppy on the off-leash trails this afternoon. It was beautiful weather and very pleasant, but I was so tired afterwards that I took a long nap. I don't know if it's due to the tennis yesterday or if there are allergens in the air. I hope it was just a blip, and that my energy levels stay high.

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@wintermom - I'm sorry you're feeling tired and sore. Here's hoping rest will be recuperative for you!


It was pouring for the hour or so before my yoga class last night, so I didn't get to follow through on my plan to walk the nearby trails before class. However, I had taken a short mid-afternoon walk with the dog to try and wake myself up, and I went out again to finish off my steps/mileage when I got home from class. 

Started this morning with the usual 4k and a slightly abbreviated strength and stretching session on the patio. (I had a virtual doctor's appointment and had to cut back a bit to be ready in time.) The skies were clear, and the weather was a little cooler and less muggy than it has been for the last couple of weeks, which was nice.

I need to start ramping up my walking distance and pace again to be ready for the first 10k in November. Given the enforced breaks I've had over the last few months, I will need to start that training schedule over from the beginning, and I want to make sure I have enough time to work up slowly and not stress anything. 


Summer Splash Challenge: 413.2of 600K
Walking Streak: 85 days


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@wintermom As hard as you pushed yourself I'm not surprised you needed some rest. Yout gotta have some down time and rest days in there.


yesterday helped dh in the am; upper body strength; 30 ish min walk in the afternoon

today--- helped dh in the am and hope to finish the wall tonight (this is just low level activity)

glute/hamstrings 40 min

Playing pickleball this afternoon

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3 hours ago, Soror said:

@wintermom As hard as you pushed yourself I'm not surprised you needed some rest. Yout gotta have some down time and rest days in there.


yesterday helped dh in the am; upper body strength; 30 ish min walk in the afternoon

today--- helped dh in the am and hope to finish the wall tonight (this is just low level activity)

glute/hamstrings 40 min

Playing pickleball this afternoon

You're right. Rest is necessary. I'm feeling a lot better already after giving my body some more time to recover after the heavy tennis work-out on hard court. 😊

Hope you have a wondeful pickleball session this afternoon!!

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I ended up kayaking by myself this evening as dh needed to rest (he played tennis this morning). It was a gorgeous evening to be out on the river. It was so calm and the air smelled so fresh. I saw my first turtles of the year. I also disturbed a grey heron while he was doing some evening fishing. Unfortunately, he moved upstream the direction I was paddling and I disturbed him 2 more times.

Count the turtles sunning themselves on the log! 



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Lovely pictures @Jenny in Florida and @wintermom. It's quite dry here - I keep going for my valley walk where at least the trees are green. The burn/stream is as low as I've seen it. August is usually rainy, and the ground certainly needs the water. 

I was invited out for a coffee meeting yesterday afternoon and forgot to order decaff. Whether because of that or not, I'm up much too early. I'm staffing our front office at work today, to cover for staff leave, so I won't be able to nap, unfortunately. 

After my tea this morning, I'll do some yoga, then at lunchtime I'll march along the cliffs from the office. 

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Nice to see the lovely pictures ladies.

I'd love to be walking about the cliffs!

@wintermomglad to hear you took a bit of rest. 

I had a good time at pickleball yesterday. Serving went better than the last time. I got some tips and tricks. Most everyone was great about being encouraging. One lady I played with, not so much. She tried, I think, but I could tell it bothered her. At one point she asked if I was watching the ball LOL. It is good for the ego to learn something new. I've never played any type of sport. A lot of these people (pretty much all I've talked to so far) have experience in multiple sports. I've never played tennis, racketball, anything not even in school--- I did cheerleading for maybe a month. They told me that I can practice on my own where we play as long as nothing is going on. I wasn't sure about that. So, the days that I walk I can get in some hitting the ball. I'm holding the paddle right but default to an underhand serve when I hit it because I keep facing the ball instead of turning to the side. Some of the ladies kindly pointed that out yesterday. That was good constructive criticism. I pop it up too much which sets up the other team. I don't know if I'll make any friends but I think the social time is good. It's good for my brain and body to learn something new and it's good thing to keep active as I age. And I love the examples of the older active (mostly) ladies. There is just the one lady my age and then a teenage boy. The rest I'd guess are in there 60s+. 

Today: HIIT--- might go to the pool a bit and might get in a walk

My schedule has been bonkers. I'm going crazy. I keep thinking it will be better. Sigh. Today is especially bad. I think I'll be mostly out of the house from 8 to 8 might get to come home for an hour or so in the morning and afternoon.

In kid activity news---

Dd2 is doing a babysitting class. Well, they have a Jr. Lifeguard class afterwards. She wasn't interested until the first day of babysitting class. I think because she adores the teacher so much and then wasn't so intimidated. So, she joined that the second day. Yesterday she passed the test on the first try (one of the few who did) with a 93. I'm so proud of her. She's only 12 so she can't be an official lifeguard yet, they don't hire until 15 here. I told her to ask her teacher about who she should do next. I know there is another official lifeguard training camp but I don't know if it would be worthwhile to do until she's 15. Today she has her babysitting test and she's going to do free swim with the other girls from class. (assuming it doesn't storm) I'm going to bring dd2 up when they have open swim so she can get some swim time in too since I'll already be there.

Dd1 is going out for tennis this year. I think I told you guys she did tennis camp last year and was going to go out for the team but when she went to sign up she found out she'd missed the before the school practices and without doing them she couldn't do any matches. But this year she caught the post about the tryouts/practices she starts those week after next. (more crazyness for my schedule) She is super nervous because she has very, very little experience but I think the team is no cut (or that is what she'd heard). 


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@Soror Sounds like you are doing fantastic as a beginner! 😊 It takes years to incorporate better technique, and then everything can fall apart because the pace of the game is fast. Keep at it, and try not to let the less positive comments make you feel bad. No one is perfect, and even the pro tennis players have to resort to underhand serves when everything goes wrong. Watching the ball is one of the hardest things to do, because there is way more going on than simply seeing the ball hit your racquet. Everyone struggles with this. I'm constantly reminding myself to keep watching the ball right up until it hits my racquet, and at the same time do X, Y and Z. 🤪 The one benefit you may have with more women playing is that they tend to put less spin on the ball. Guys tend to spin the ball in all kinds of strange ways, which makes it hard to return it in the direction you're hoping for and the ball bounces in crazy.

I hope your dd1 enjoys her tennis experience this year. 

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It poured here most of yesterday evening, so I finished off the steps/mileage for the day with a combination of 45 minutes of stationary biking and some pacing around the living room. 

Walked the usual 4k+ this morning and then spent about 20 minutes doing strength and stretching on the patio before coming inside to finish up with the step deck. (I've been neglecting that since my knee went out a few months ago.)

For those who might be curious, by the way, something about the combination of changing my thyroid medication dose and adding the one to control my blood sugar/insulin resistance has been surprisingly effective at helping me start taking off those 30+ pounds I gained over the last year or so. I'm down about 15 pounds already, and I can absolutely feel the difference in the strain on my joints and in my ability to move. There are already yoga poses that I could not manage at all a few months ago that I can now at least attempt. And, for the last couple of weeks, I've been able to stand up from the mat without having to pull myself up on a pole or chair. 

I don't know how well I'll be able to sustain the weight loss once I go off the additional medication, but it's nice to see things moving in the right direction, finally.


Summer Splash Challenge: 440.8 of 600K
Walking Streak: 87 days

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On the subject of pickleball: I'm wondering if you all can help me figure out what game/sport I'm seeing played here.

Several mornings a week, I see four young men on what I assume was intended to be a volleyball court. It's on the sandy beach area in front of a lake and has a net strung at an appropriate height for volleyball. However, the guys using the court are playing something with a small (roughly tennis-sized) ball and rackets. The rackets are smaller than tennis rackets, larger than ping pong, and seem to be more solid than tennis rackets but do have holes or openings.


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8 minutes ago, Jenny in Florida said:

On the subject of pickleball: I'm wondering if you all can help me figure out what game/sport I'm seeing played here.

Several mornings a week, I see four young men on what I assume was intended to be a volleyball court. It's on the sandy beach area in front of a lake and has a net strung at an appropriate height for volleyball. However, the guys using the court are playing something with a small (roughly tennis-sized) ball and rackets. The rackets are smaller than tennis rackets, larger than ping pong, and seem to be more solid than tennis rackets but do have holes or openings.


Perhaps it's Beach Tennis? I just googled it. I've never heard of or seen this game before.


Found this image:

3,711 Beach Tennis Photos - Free & Royalty-Free Stock Photos from Dreamstime

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1 minute ago, Jenny in Florida said:

That could definitely be it. The rackets look quite similar. 

Thanks for helping me solve the mystery!

After spending some time on the beach in NJ, I can see the benefit of having a heavier ball due to the high winds. A badminton birdie wouldn't work well. 

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Dumbbell workout this morning. Another good eating day yesterday. Tonight we'll be trying Tofu Pad Thai (dh's suggestion). I don't think I can count that for more than 1 serving of veggies, so I'll have to get most servings in the rest of the day.

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12 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:

That could definitely be it. The rackets look quite similar. 

Thanks for helping me solve the mystery!

I just did a little more searching on-line, and there is a Beach Tennis league in my city. There's a guest drop-in option if I want to go try it out. It's very tempting, as I enjoyed beach volleyball back in my younger days. Not sure how my older body would handle it, though. 😉 

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12 hours ago, Harriet Vane said:

@Jenny in Florida

Just curious--why would you not continue taking this med combination if it's so effective?

I'm so glad you're finding progress with weight and mobility. You work so very, very hard at staying fit, and I can well imagine the relief you feel at having meds that are actually helping.

You know, I just kind of assumed that my doctor would take me off the additional med once we got the blood sugar/insulin resistance thing back under control. I've been successful managing it with diet/lifestyle changes for a few years, and he suggested that it was kind of borderline as to whether I even needed to start the additional med when I did. (He commented that, while many people drop "a lot" of weight, I might not see that much loss, since I had less to lose.) But we didn't actually talk about that in detail. 

Also, in general, I hate taking more medications than absolutely necessary. 

Something to discuss at my follow-up in September, I suppose.

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I made a loop of the downtown area after my hair appointment last night, then finished up the steps for the day with a walk around the neighborhood with the dog. 

Walked the usual 4k this morning, then spent a good 30 minutes doing strength and stretching on the mat on the patio. This routine of going out to the patio to exercise most mornings is making the pets very happy. All three of them have taken to circling me after I feed the dog, knowing that I'm about to open the door to the patio.

Some people do goat yoga -- I have dog and cat exercise time. 


Summer Splash Challenge: 448.5 of 600K
Walking Streak: 88 days

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I need to catch up on this thread, I'll be back to read posts. 

Just checking in quickly. I have been without home internet most of the week and had to buy yet another data pass on my phone. Wifi got installed yesterday afternoon at the house. 

My diet/exercise went into the crapper this week but I'll get back on schedule. We had no working A/C for a couple of days so needless to say I didn't feel like working out in a house that was 88 degrees. They ended up installing a whole new unit. I plan to exercise later today. I'm playing catch up at work (went to the library twice this week with the kids but didn't get that much done). 

I have a designated corner for my workout stuff in this home so I don't have to put my bike away when people come over... unless/until I buy a second couch later and need the space. My yoga mat is in the corner behind my shoe rack. 

I have to off gas my oven as it's brand new and stinks like chemicals. I tried doing that once but it filled the whole house with an awful smell so I'll wait til the kids leave town and sit outside or something. I can cook on the stove, but instead we tried out the Chinese place in town yesterday. It's not great and their prices were outdated so it cost more than I was planning to spend. But it was okay and the kids were mostly happy with it. 

I got my PUR 30 gallon water filter set up last night so hopefully I can stop buying bottled water and don't feel financially insecure about how much water I drink. My dad did a pH test on a few of the waters I had at the house. One from Family Dollar, one from Dollar General and the tap water. The tap water had the best pH of them all. But I couldn't tell you about minerals etc. 

I'm still unpacking, nevermind the chaos. 

Edit: Duh I meant to say I checked BP in a store and it was listed as normal at 115/79. I don't know how accurate that is, but it's much better than my last dr appt. I hope to get it even lower. 

May be an image of indoor

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@heartlikealion It's wonderful to have a dedicated exercise space. In the rental we had before buying this place, my "office" did triple duty as a workspace, hobby room and exercise space. It was crowded and really limited what I was able to do. In this house, the primary bedroom is large enough that I can use some of the space for exercise equipment. I put up mirror tiles on one wall, and my son installed a bar for me that makes it a lot safer/easier to do some exercises even with my balance issues. (I also use it for push-ups.) My board is on the floor in front of the mirrors to give me a solid surface when I want to do aerobics or an indoor walking video. I have a little storage bench I can use to stow bands and weights* and that I can also sit on to do seated workouts. My exercise bike and mini-trampoline live along another wall. 

It's not ready for a magazine spread or anything, but it is super convenient and really encourages me to actually use the equipment. 


* I keep a second set of weights and an exercise mat on the patio so I don't have to move things back and forth based on weather or mood.

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@heartlikealion, what a nice space! I hear you on the AC. We had ours fixed but it keeps shutting off completely. Dh has been able to get it going again by doing random things like taking the fuses out and putting them back in or resetting the unit. At 19 years old, we know we'll need to replace it soon. I guess we're trying to eke a little more life out of it. Even at just 80° indoors one gets lethargic. I have no dedicated exercise space. The treadmill is in the master bedroom, the weights are in the office, and the yoga mat is stashed under the living room sofa!

30 min on the treadmill this morning. Dh gave the tofu pad thai high praise. Tonight will be homemade pizza which I'm convinced isn't too bad because we can use way less cheese. And pick our own toppings--I've got mushrooms for mine or if our basil hasn't died I can do a pizza margherita. We'll probably get home from dd's foster home too late to grill the pizzas, but those are the best!

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July is almost over!! How did it fly by for quickly? 😨

Dh and I took the puppy for a walk at the off-leash trails this morning. The puppy just loves running around, burning off some energy. He gets to do some great socializing with other dogs along the way for short periods of time, before we move on our way along the trail. No time for him to annoy other dogs too much. 😉 

Played 2 hrs of doubles tennis this evening. The weather was excellent and it was a fun time with new friends. It was the first day of a 4-day streak of 2 hrs doubles sessions. I'm hoping my body holds up ok. 😊

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I haven't been posting much recently  - mostly just feeling glum about my poor sleep.  I wake up almost every night, get up and read something boring for an hour - because it's meant to be bad to stay sleepless in bed - then go back to sleep if I'm lucky. I'm not sleeping regularly or enough - for me.

So today I decided it's time to do sleep restriction to reset my schedule. I did it once before decades ago - it was painful but it worked. Basically you stay up really late for two weeks, but get up strictly at your preferred time. Thereafter you slowly go to bed earlier each night until you are sleeping more normally.  Wish me luck.  I'll be sleeping on the sofa bed for a month... 2am to 7am for the first two weeks. 

Anyway - yesterday I had to work through lunchtime, then did a good five mile walk with hills after work. Today - housework, yoga and a walk, I hope.

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Good luck with the sleep re-training @Laura Corin

Two shorter yoga videos for neck, shoulders, and upper back. My arm was really hurting last night. I have 3 PT sessions scheduled for August--we'll see if that helps.

I soaked some pinto beans overnight, so tonight's dinner will be...something with pintos. I'm thinking make-your-own bowls with choices of pinto beans, brown rice, chicken, lettuce, pico de gallo, guacamole, cheese, tortilla chips.

I'm thinking of taking dd to the farmer's market this morning. Haven't been in forever and parking is a nightmare but we're out of honey. This is a great time of year to find some yummy stuff.

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@heartlikealion Nice indoor exercise area! I've often thought of trying to set something up in my home, but I really don't like indoor exercise. I much prefer being outdoors. However, it works very well for many people, so great job putting it in place!

@Laura Corin Hope you get back to a regular sleep schedule. My ds20 is also struggling with this. He sleeps 10 hrs at a stretch, but sometimes it's through the entire day and then he's up all night. He's been successful with gradually changing the bed time to move back to sleeping at night.

@Ali in OR Sorry that your arm is sore. Did you injury it? Hope the PT sessions help out.

@Jenny in Florida It sounds like the yoga sessions are working out, and you are able to keep up your walking distances. That's fantastic! I hope the variety of activities and locations is a benefit to your overall well-being.

@Harriet Vane Glad the gyrotonics is working well for you. It's good fun when you find an activity that feels good.

@Soror Are you doing more shop construction this weekend? Hope it's going really well.

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Tennis this morning was really fun. It's a very nice group of ladies, and we all play at a similar level which makes the rallies satisfying.

I took puppy to the agility course and worked on his jumps and tunnels and combos. He's way faster than I am, and he really loves both the tunnels and jumps. He should have a really good nap this afternoon. 😊

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Had an interesting experience during my evening walk yesterday. I set out with the dog and had gone about 1.5k when a young woman toting a toddler approached me asking for help. It all got a bit messy and complicated, but there was some kind of dispute happening between her, and her sister and both of their partners. By the time I entered the scene, two different calls had been made to the police (one by the sister and one by two young teens who were passing by on their bikes and witnessed the confrontation). I explained that I had not witnessed anything, but the young mom begged me to just stay with her and at least tell the police that she was speaking to me coherently. Mostly, I think she just wanted someone to stay with her. I texted my husband to let him know I might be a while, and he offered to come take the dog home. So, I hung out with the mom and her (very cute) kiddo until the police arrived and completed their interviews. No one ever did talk to me -- which was fine -- but I'm glad I could be there to offer the minimal support I was able to provide.

After that wrapped up, I went off and finished my steps for the day by myself. 

Walked about 2.5k with the dog this morning, then went off to yoga class at the lake. Walking to and from the class location got me another 2k. 

I stopped to do a little shopping on the way home for the Star Wars-themed guest room we're decorating and have spent the intervening time working on projects for that, all of which netted me another 3,500 or so steps. 

Once it cools off a bit, I'll head out with the dog for another walk to finish the steps/mileage for the day.

I hope to think of somewhere more interesting or novel to walk tomorrow for my first "training" walk of the season, starting to prep for the first 10K in November.


Summer Splash Challenge: 456.9 of 600K
Walking Streak: 89 days

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@Jenny in Florida what a crazy morning. It was wonderful you were able to be there for the lady. Congrats on the weight loss.

@wintermomgood luck on the tennis marathon--- make sure to take it easy on the off time, get in some stretching and soaking.

@Laura Corin that sounds utterly miserable. I hate it when I can't sleep. Good luck on your sleep shifting.

@Ali in OR how was the farmer's market? 

@heartlikealion you're new place is looking great. I'm glad you got an exercise place for yourself. 

@Harriet Vane it is nice to hear you are still enjoying your classes. There is something exciting about falling in love with a new activity.


I can't remember when I last posted. Thursday was stupid busy. I did get in a short walk and pool time (walk during dd's appt and pool time when I picked up dd we stayed for open swim). I did not get in my planned HIIT. Oh well. It was a long day.

I had a bit of a break down Friday. Just so stressed and feeling very behind. 

But Friday and Saturday we hustled and got the house nice and clean and did a bunch of yard work. I got a lot of house cleaning done yesterday since it was raining but we got the 4th wall up last night. 

Last night we had ds' gf out for a celebration dinner for his 18th bday. My first adult. Crazy and scary.

Today-- more yard work (if it doesn't rain too much) and the HIIT I missed.

Dh got called into work so no work on the shop.

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@Soror I'm glad you managed to move on a bit and get a sense of accomplishment.

Day 1 of sleep restriction went well. I have been surprisingly able to concentrate  - I have read two of the texts for this autumn's literature module and I am close to finishing my novel.

I took the dog for a short walk - she is still moving well - without stiffness  - but she's definitely losing energy.  In a second I will do some yoga on the lawn, then maybe a quick HIIT session. 

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Tennis this morning on hard court finished. It went well and my body doesn't feel too bad yet. 😉

The weather is too perfect to sit around stretching and resting. I'm going to go to a local river with a nice beach to relax in the sun and kayak a little. 

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