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Well-trained bodies - July

Jenny in Florida

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@Soror UGG! So frustrating that the court appearances keep dragging on. I hope that the day-to-day stress of the situation is much better for your dd, though. Just knowing that things are being taken seriously is hopefully helping. So sorry to hear about your aunt. Glad you got to visit with her. Yay on accomplishing so much on your building project!!

I'm thrilled that my energy levels are back to normal after the spring allergy season. Yesterday with rain all day was a self-imposed rest day. I did literally no intentional exercise and I feel wonderful today! I've already taken the dogs on 2 walks this morning. I'm hoping to get out for a bike ride this evening. The weather is fantastic today. 😊

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@Soror I'm sorry that things continue to be so difficult.

I started back to work today after two weeks and a Monday on leave.  I am feeling the usual mixture of refreshed and despondent, not because my job is horrible but just because I'm already missing the acres of free time.  Oh well, money must be earned.

Today it's around 29 degrees C here, which is still on the hot side for us.  London went past 40 degrees today (around 104 degrees F), which is tough when there are so few places with air conditioning.  Fires have broken out around the capital. 

Many hospitals don't have air conditioning either, so it's particularly tough there.

I did some yoga first thing, then had a mammogram during my normal lunchtime exercise slot, so I'm about to set off for a walk before supper.

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Yesterday went well with dd. She is there now and I need to go pick her up. Maybe next week we will start overnights.

My doctor gave me a referral for PT for my shoulder. It appears to be tendonitis or bursitis. Knee also may be bursitis--it moves too well to be arthritis, so I consider that good news. The most disturbing part of the visit was that my blood pressure was like 142 over something, and when the doctor repeated the measurement later it was even higher. I have never had high blood pressure--if anything it has been low at times. I will go back next month to measure again and it's motivation to watch my diet a little more closely. I haven't been overeating, but I also haven't been making sure to eat healthy, get my fruits and veggies in, etc. After I left I wondered if my recent bout of Covid could have increased my bp. I want to make sure I give myself time to heal completely (I have no symptoms at all). Get my sleep straightened out, reduce my stress (getting dd settled should help with both, but that's a couple of weeks out I think).

I managed 16 minutes of a pretty active yoga flow this morning before my early start to the day.

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All I did Tuesday was paint inside my new home and locate the little walking track in that town. I didn’t eat much so I think it all evened out as far as me not being super active. And I’m sure I burned some calories just moving around the home and dragging a mattress inside.
I reconfirmed my dislike of Sonic when out of desperation I went there to eat and they’ve discontinued 2 items I used to order and said the only way to order a jr burger is to order the kids’ meal. I didn’t want the calories or the price tag on their other burgers so I got a corn dog and drank my water. 

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7 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

Yesterday went well with dd. She is there now and I need to go pick her up. Maybe next week we will start overnights.

My doctor gave me a referral for PT for my shoulder. It appears to be tendonitis or bursitis. Knee also may be bursitis--it moves too well to be arthritis, so I consider that good news. The most disturbing part of the visit was that my blood pressure was like 142 over something, and when the doctor repeated the measurement later it was even higher. I have never had high blood pressure--if anything it has been low at times. I will go back next month to measure again and it's motivation to watch my diet a little more closely. I haven't been overeating, but I also haven't been making sure to eat healthy, get my fruits and veggies in, etc. After I left I wondered if my recent bout of Covid could have increased my bp. I want to make sure I give myself time to heal completely (I have no symptoms at all). Get my sleep straightened out, reduce my stress (getting dd settled should help with both, but that's a couple of weeks out I think).

I managed 16 minutes of a pretty active yoga flow this morning before my early start to the day.

Did the doctor suggest monitoring BP at home? Anxiety at the facility can mess with results.

View from my yoga mat this morning.


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I left for my yoga class a little early last night and did a quick walk around the neighborhood. I discovered they have some nice little walking paths, so I may try to make a habit of going early and walking, just for the change of scenery.

I did class, including a couple of variations on poses I haven't been able to manage before. The only thing I had to adjust was pushing up into downward dog. I can get up, but I can't stay there more than a few seconds even during Saturday morning classes when I'm fresher. So, I took the teacher's suggestion and stayed in tabletop.

Once I got home, I dragged the dog out for a little more walking to round out the day's step count. (Photo below of the sunset we observed.)

Started this morning with just a squinch over the usual 4k, followed by a solid strength and stretching session out on the patio. 

More walking and/or stationary biking later, probably.


Summer Splash Challenge: 357.3 of 600K
Walking Streak: 79 days


Edited by Jenny in Florida
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Yesterday's activities were waylaid. I had hoped to take a walk and possibly even try pickleball for the first time, but we weren't able to make it to the pickleball thing because of dh's work schedule running super late. Then the walk never happened in the busy-ness either.

Today I am heading to the gym for weights and core. 

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30 min on the treadmill this morning.

Today I will try dropping dd off at the foster care home, check in with them midday, then pick her up after dinner. Let them start figuring out how to weave her needs into their schedule. I drive to CA Friday to see middle dd and do a lot of shopping with her to help her get her apartment ready, maybe get her some clothes for student teaching, then drive back up Monday. I'll stay with my sister Friday and Sunday and sneak in a quick visit to my old roommate/fellow math teacher friend too. Dh will want to be able to just drop off disabled dd at foster home and pick her up at the end of the day both Friday and Monday, so we're building up to that. Then start staying nights when I'm back in town.

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8 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Did the doctor suggest monitoring BP at home? Anxiety at the facility can mess with results.

Not at this point. He said they never diagnose hypertension off one reading. He told me to schedule an appointment next month which I did.

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17 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

Yesterday went well with dd. She is there now and I need to go pick her up. Maybe next week we will start overnights.

My doctor gave me a referral for PT for my shoulder. It appears to be tendonitis or bursitis. Knee also may be bursitis--it moves too well to be arthritis, so I consider that good news. The most disturbing part of the visit was that my blood pressure was like 142 over something, and when the doctor repeated the measurement later it was even higher. I have never had high blood pressure--if anything it has been low at times. I will go back next month to measure again and it's motivation to watch my diet a little more closely. I haven't been overeating, but I also haven't been making sure to eat healthy, get my fruits and veggies in, etc. After I left I wondered if my recent bout of Covid could have increased my bp. I want to make sure I give myself time to heal completely (I have no symptoms at all). Get my sleep straightened out, reduce my stress (getting dd settled should help with both, but that's a couple of weeks out I think).

I managed 16 minutes of a pretty active yoga flow this morning before my early start to the day.

Fyi my dh's BP went up after COVID.

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The weather was pretty damp and stormy yesterday and well into the evening. I did manage to get out for a decent walk (about 3k) with the dog after dinner and before it started raining on us in earnest. Then I  got on the stationary bike for about 30 minutes to finish off my steps/mileage for the day.

Started this morning with a little over 4k of walking. Then I spent about 20 minutes on my old, pre-knee and foot/ankle injury standing strength and stretching routine. 

More of the usual later to reach my step/mileage goals.


Summer Splash Challenge: 375.7 of 600K
Walking Streak: 80 days*


* I feel like I should say something amusing about how instead of going around the world I've just walked in circles around my neighborhood, but I'm uninspired.

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Dumbbell workout this morning.

I am suddenly inspired once again to focus on diet--blood pressure of 142/90 will do that to you. I recheck again August 10. Got some books out of the library and am currently reading How Not to Die which I've seen mentioned here. I wish I could go completely plant-based, but I don't like enough veggies. I'm a super-taster--some are just torturous to eat. But I could do a lot better on eating more. So yesterday I managed to get 5 servings of fruits/veggies. They were all fruit, but at least I hit 5. Today's goal: 5 again and definitely a salad in there--I'll see if I can make that count for 2 veggies.

Blueberry picking today. I want another 6-10 quarts in the freezer. I could eat 5 servings of blueberries a day, but I think I should aim for more variety...

@Soror, your building project takes me back to when I started visiting this thread 2 years ago and you were building something then...a shed? Hope it's going well.

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Wed before I went to bed (but after midnight) I got my HIIT exercise in. I don't think I have the right posture for push ups and some of the ladies don't even match each other. I think you're supposed to tuck your elbows but some of them are doing the wide arm stance. Then I think when I try to pull myself up I am arching too much (due to weak upper body strength) so I'm wondering if I'm doing any good or potentially hurting myself with those.

I tried to learn Sun Salutations A. I'm not cut out for that haha. There's one part where they say you can put hands on shins if you can't reach your feet, but then how would you do the hop if your hands are still resting on your legs, not the mat? I have very limited flexibility so I think that's one of the reasons I've never really been drawn to yoga. I mean eventually maybe it makes you flexible but I get too discouraged. 

Today I ran errands and then was exhausted when I got home and got stung by a wasp just before I came home. My dad came to town to help me with my move and when I walked in the door he was ready to go to pickleball and I was like seriously lol. I said I don't have much energy, I'd only want to play like one game and then I don't want to stand around watching everyone play for hours. So I urged him to just go without. Then I took a nap. It's already 10 pm so I don't know if I'll get a bike ride in or not, but maybe. 

@Ali in ORregarding blood pressure -- I'm in a similar boat. They are having me do a 6 month checkup instead of annual because of my last BP. It was 129/92. A nurse friend of mine said to cut back on sodium so I've been a lot more conscious about that. Plus, I've been drinking more water and mostly eating better plus exercising. 

Since I started focusing more on health (roughly the past 6 weeks) I've lost 12 pounds. It would be cool if I get a few more down before my visit (Aug. 3). 

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2 hours ago, heartlikealion said:


I tried to learn Sun Salutations A. I'm not cut out for that haha. There's one part where they say you can put hands on shins if you can't reach your feet, but then how would you do the hop if your hands are still resting on your legs, not the mat? I have very limited flexibility so I think that's one of the reasons I've never really been drawn to yoga. I mean eventually maybe it makes you flexible but I get too discouraged. 

Congratulations on the weight loss!

Don't worry about the hop - many people don't do it. Just bend your knees so you can put your hands on the floor, then walk your feet out. Yoga isn't about perfection  - that's one of the things I like about it.

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19 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

Dumbbell workout this morning.

I am suddenly inspired once again to focus on diet--blood pressure of 142/90 will do that to you. I recheck again August 10. Got some books out of the library and am currently reading How Not to Die which I've seen mentioned here. I wish I could go completely plant-based, but I don't like enough veggies. I'm a super-taster--some are just torturous to eat. But I could do a lot better on eating more. So yesterday I managed to get 5 servings of fruits/veggies. They were all fruit, but at least I hit 5. Today's goal: 5 again and definitely a salad in there--I'll see if I can make that count for 2 veggies.

Blueberry picking today. I want another 6-10 quarts in the freezer. I could eat 5 servings of blueberries a day, but I think I should aim for more variety...

@Soror, your building project takes me back to when I started visiting this thread 2 years ago and you were building something then...a shed? Hope it's going well.

You have a great memory! 2 yrs ago we painted the exterior of the house by hand and moved our 12x16 shed 100 ft or so--- the old fashioned way on telephone poles. It was an adventure.

That must be rough on the veggies. 

6 hours ago, heartlikealion said:

Wed before I went to bed (but after midnight) I got my HIIT exercise in. I don't think I have the right posture for push ups and some of the ladies don't even match each other. I think you're supposed to tuck your elbows but some of them are doing the wide arm stance. Then I think when I try to pull myself up I am arching too much (due to weak upper body strength) so I'm wondering if I'm doing any good or potentially hurting myself with those.

I tried to learn Sun Salutations A. I'm not cut out for that haha. There's one part where they say you can put hands on shins if you can't reach your feet, but then how would you do the hop if your hands are still resting on your legs, not the mat? I have very limited flexibility so I think that's one of the reasons I've never really been drawn to yoga. I mean eventually maybe it makes you flexible but I get too discouraged. 

Today I ran errands and then was exhausted when I got home and got stung by a wasp just before I came home. My dad came to town to help me with my move and when I walked in the door he was ready to go to pickleball and I was like seriously lol. I said I don't have much energy, I'd only want to play like one game and then I don't want to stand around watching everyone play for hours. So I urged him to just go without. Then I took a nap. It's already 10 pm so I don't know if I'll get a bike ride in or not, but maybe. 

What Laura said about the yoga. Bend your legs until your hands reach the floor and then step back into the plank.

RE: push-ups--- they are difficult to do without some practice-- there are 2 main types tricep pushups are the type where your elbows are close to you. They are like the yoga pushup. Those are more difficult. Regular pushups your hands are shoulder width apart and going down your elbows are around 45 degrees, like an arrow. I would set up your phone to video you while doing the pushup. See how it looks. If you can't do it right just yet then incline pushups are best--- that means putting your hands on a raised surface. This keeps your body in the same line as a regular pushup (unlike knee pushups). Then you just keep lowering the surface until you are to the ground. Here is a video showing form and mistakes to avoid.  pushups

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@heartlikealion - I think it's easy to get turned off yoga when you try to do too much too soon. I know I have had a few false starts when I would find those "easy" or "beginner" videos on YouTube and not be able to do half (or more) of the poses. I am also not especially flexible, and I have some issues that cause weakness in my limbs. Plus, I am carrying enough weight around my waist and hips that I sometimes can't pretzel myself into certain poses because there is literally too much of me in the way. 

What finally turned the tide for me was finding a teacher (two, now) who makes yoga genuinely accessible to all levels. Dana is local to me, but she has some lovely, short, truly beginner videos on YouTube and also teaches a virtual class on Wednesday evenings. I recently started taking her in-person classes, and she's wonderful. Her practice is very gentle, and she gives all kinds of options for making things work for you and your body.

After some virtual classes with Dana, I was brave enough to try out in-person classes with another local teacher who has a very similar approach. So, now I go twice a week, and even after just a few months, I can definitely feel a difference in my flexibility and see improvement in my ability to do certain poses.

If you're just not into it, that's cool. But please don't decide "yoga isn't for me" on the basis of a couple of bad experiences. There are tons of teachers who teach in tons of different ways. 

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I had a weird burst of nervous/unhappy energy yesterday right around the time I was finishing work and decided to channel it into clearing the decks in my office/craft room. I'm due to start my grad school classes for the fall semester in a few weeks and really wanted the space to be clean(er) by that time. I spent a couple of hours moving boxes and putting away craft supplies and taking to the trash the detritus of various projects and climbing up and down the step ladder to put things on shelves. It netted me only a couple thousand steps, but I was tired by the end, so I'm counting it as exercise.

Then I headed out for a walk with the dog to finish off the steps/mileage for the day.

Started this morning with the usual 4k walk, followed by strength and stretching on the patio.


Summer Splash Challenge: 383.3 of 600K
Walking Streak: 81 days

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All right, I'm out of here for a few days. Driving to CA today, staying with my sister. I just ate one serving of fruit--bringing 2 more with me and I won't eat fast food today but I do need caffeinated and sugary drinks to stay alert while driving. I'm hoping my sister wants to go on a walk after dinner. Then on to visit dd over the weekend, drive back Monday. Will be watching food but only exercise will be getting steps in shopping! See you all Tuesday.

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It will be a quiet day.  Yoga this morning was good, but by lunchtime my new varifocal glasses were making me feel a bit off-kilter, so the dog and I just went for an easy 3-mile stroll up the valley.  That will be it for the day.

I'll probably feel much more normal tomorrow.

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10 hours ago, heartlikealion said:

Wed before I went to bed (but after midnight) I got my HIIT exercise in. I don't think I have the right posture for push ups and some of the ladies don't even match each other. I think you're supposed to tuck your elbows but some of them are doing the wide arm stance. Then I think when I try to pull myself up I am arching too much (due to weak upper body strength) so I'm wondering if I'm doing any good or potentially hurting myself with those.

I tried to learn Sun Salutations A. I'm not cut out for that haha. There's one part where they say you can put hands on shins if you can't reach your feet, but then how would you do the hop if your hands are still resting on your legs, not the mat? I have very limited flexibility so I think that's one of the reasons I've never really been drawn to yoga. I mean eventually maybe it makes you flexible but I get too discouraged. 

Today I ran errands and then was exhausted when I got home and got stung by a wasp just before I came home. My dad came to town to help me with my move and when I walked in the door he was ready to go to pickleball and I was like seriously lol. I said I don't have much energy, I'd only want to play like one game and then I don't want to stand around watching everyone play for hours. So I urged him to just go without. Then I took a nap. It's already 10 pm so I don't know if I'll get a bike ride in or not, but maybe. 

@Ali in ORregarding blood pressure -- I'm in a similar boat. They are having me do a 6 month checkup instead of annual because of my last BP. It was 129/92. A nurse friend of mine said to cut back on sodium so I've been a lot more conscious about that. Plus, I've been drinking more water and mostly eating better plus exercising. 

Since I started focusing more on health (roughly the past 6 weeks) I've lost 12 pounds. It would be cool if I get a few more down before my visit (Aug. 3). 

Try doing pushups just from the knees for a while--it's much easier to hold a proper, rigid plank as you go up and down. While you're trying to build up to a full-length pushup, you can help that process along by doing regular planks, crunches, bird dogs, and bridges--those will build the muscles you need for the pushups.


Edited to add--My thought is that it is better to do abbreviated exercises with good form than the full exercise with incorrect form. Take the time to gain strength, step by step. Just my two cents. 🙂

Edited by Harriet Vane
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It was a beautiful morning, so I went for an early morning kayak paddle. So calming and energizing! I wanted to take a photo of the white flower (lotus, maybe?), and a little green frog was sunning himself on the lillypad. There was also a gorgeous willow tree that caught my eye. 





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11 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

Lovely photos, @wintermom.  We have a guy coming around tomorrow to talk about helping us to dig out our pond.  It won't happen until the New Year (he's completely booked up) but that's a good time to start a pond anyway, so that's fine.

How exciting! Hopefully the pond will attract some cool animals, birds, frogs and insects. 

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15 minutes ago, wintermom said:

How exciting! Hopefully the pond will attract some cool animals, birds, frogs and insects. 

We already have occasional frogs. I keep a pot saucer of water at ground level but it's a bit mysterious how they get into our walled garden. Maybe it's just one lonely frog who was dropped by a bird.

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4 hours ago, Harriet Vane said:

Try doing pushups just from the knees for a while--it's much easier to hold a proper, rigid plank as you go up and down. While you're trying to build up to a full-length pushup, you can help that process along by doing regular planks, crunches, bird dogs, and bridges--those will build the muscles you need for the pushups.


Edited to add--My thought is that it is better to do abbreviated exercises with good form than the full exercise with incorrect form. Take the time to gain strength, step by step. Just my two cents. 🙂

I'm only doing them from the knees but my back doesn't stay straight. Maybe I'm just too weak to make a plank! I don't know. Very annoying. 

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My pedometer came in the mail and the directions aren't very user-friendly. I don't know how to reset it to zero (do you do that each morning?) and I can't get it out of military time or change the weight. I don't know why weight is even on there, but I guess it helps calculate calories based on weight. That's my guess, anyway. 

Moving items into the new home. We've made one trip so far (my dad came to town yesterday). I still need to finish painting a few baseboards. I'll have the kids' rooms ready by Monday when they come over, but not sure about some of the other things. 

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1 hour ago, heartlikealion said:

I'm only doing them from the knees but my back doesn't stay straight. Maybe I'm just too weak to make a plank! I don't know. Very annoying. 

You might find it better to start with push ups from standing with your hands on a wall. You can then progress slowly to having your hands on a chair, then on the floor.

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I did start with wall push ups so I guess I’ll go back to those. 

got the pedometer set up this afternoon and logged over 5k steps. Possibly hit the 7500 number but don’t have a recording of this morning. We moved furniture and boxes off/on today. Argued with my dad about health 🙄 but what’s new lol his health concepts are super rigid. It’s not good enough I’m drinking water. I must drink alkaline water blah blah. 

The cleaning lady barely did anything from what I could tell. I’ll have to go and clean myself later. The kitchen cabinets were full of dust, the fridge/freezer didn’t look freshly cleaned, etc. Guess I’ll be burning calories lol 

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18 hours ago, heartlikealion said:

I did start with wall push ups so I guess I’ll go back to those. 

got the pedometer set up this afternoon and logged over 5k steps. Possibly hit the 7500 number but don’t have a recording of this morning. We moved furniture and boxes off/on today. Argued with my dad about health 🙄 but what’s new lol his health concepts are super rigid. It’s not good enough I’m drinking water. I must drink alkaline water blah blah. 

The cleaning lady barely did anything from what I could tell. I’ll have to go and clean myself later. The kitchen cabinets were full of dust, the fridge/freezer didn’t look freshly cleaned, etc. Guess I’ll be burning calories lol 

This has happened to me three times (re cleaning lady)--once prepping for my tenants, once prepping the home I was moving into, and once when I tried out a service using a coupon for general housecleaning. I'm at the point where I will not deal with a cleaning service. They tend to pressure people to work too fast, and the list of what they clean is far less comprehensive than it should be. I would much, much rather pay more for a person who will clean everything properly, even if it takes more time.

I will hire individuals only, and I work in the home at the same time. A little supervision goes a long way.

Sorry your place wasn't clean. It's discouraging to have to put in that work yourself.

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7 hours ago, Harriet Vane said:

This has happened to me three times (re cleaning lady)--once prepping for my tenants, once prepping the home I was moving into, and once when I tried out a service using a coupon for general housecleaning. I'm at the point where I will not deal with a cleaning service. They tend to pressure people to work too fast, and the list of what they clean is far less comprehensive than it should be. I would much, much rather pay more for a person who will clean everything properly, even if it takes more time.

I will hire individuals only, and I work in the home at the same time. A little supervision goes a long way.

Sorry your place wasn't clean. It's discouraging to have to put in that work yourself.

Ugh that sucks. Yes, this is a repeat thing in my life. I just don’t trust anyone now lol. The fridge has stains on the bottom and in the door. It’s obvious to me she didn’t even go in it. I brought over my mop but my Bona floor cleaner doesn’t lost wood floors ugh so I’ll buy something else. Mainly just was concerned about in my closet. I can’t even use the shelves — there’s a chalky residue! More stuff to deal with. I posted a pic in another thread showing where I painted more baseboards tonight.

I did 13,119 steps today with all the moving and such! Personal record I think. 

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The rain kept pouring at irregular intervals all evening and night, so the dog walk happended this morning. I took both dogs to the off-leash trails for an early morning outing. They loved it!

I'm attending a tennis doubles clinic this evening, and then I'll play on for a while at the drop-in mixed doubles. Should be fun!

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I had a kind of scary experience on Friday that really knocked me sideways. A couple of years ago, I reacted badly to an antidepressant. I was weaned off the drug but was left with occasional mild issues with my face/jaw that my neurologist suspects may be permanent. A few weeks ago, with prompting from my therapist and PC doctor, I agreed to consult with a different psychiatrist, who advised me to try a different medication that, in theory, is not associated with these kinds of side effects. Nonetheless, by the end of last week, I was having a lot of trouble, and by mid-morning Friday, I had gotten to the point of having trouble getting out a full sentence, and I was noticing twitches in my arms and legs.

The nurse/MA at the psych's office told me to stop taking the medication and discuss it with the doctor at my appointment this week. Fortunately, the issue seems to be resolving fairly quickly, but I ended up taking most of Friday off work and just conking out on the couch, because it was exhausting to try to keep moving.

In terms of exercise, the weekend was mostly the usual: walking mornings and evenings, plus yoga class at the lake on Saturday morning. We also kept pretty busy working on our guest room -- buying and assembling furniture, hanging curtains and shelves, etc. We were spurred by knowing that our daughter was going to be here for a couple of days next week, but it turns out she just tested Covid positive (for her second round, despite being fully vaccinated and very careful) and will be skipping the trip. 

Started this morning with the usual 4k walk and strength and stretching on the patio. 



Summer Splash Challenge: 408.3 of 600K
Walking Streak: 84 days

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@Jenny in Florida So sorry about your bad reaction to the new meds, and also your dd getting Covid and not coming to visit. What a bummer of a weekend for you. Hope you and your dd both feel much better very soon.

@Laura Corin Walking the dog on a golf course, or in my case skiing in the winter, seems a lot more fun than actually playing golf. 😉 Knocking around a litle ball that is determined to get lost is much less fun. 

@heartlikealion Re: push-ups, you can progress from doing them against the wall, to doing them with your hands on a bench or stairs, and gradually move towards horizontal. 

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