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Well-trained bodies - July

Jenny in Florida

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I'm on vacation this week at the Jersey Shore. It's an annual extended family reunion for dh's side of the family (US based). It's a 10 hr drive, but I managed to get in a 30 min walk when we had lunch in a large mall. Then we walked along the beach when we finally arrived on the shore yesterday. 

Today I played some tennis in the morning, then we hit the beach and did some swimming in the ocean. The waves, wind and undertow were all really strong. It was exhausting work simply walking in the ocean. Walking along the beach was really tiring, too, as you eventually had to walk head on into the wind.  It's really fun to be at the beach, though. 😄

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@Laura Corin Thanks for sharing the gorgeous photos! Enjoy eating all the delicious ice cream!

@Jenny in Florida Enjoy all the shows and walking in NYC!

@Ali in OR Hope the foster care transition goes really smoothly!

@heartlikealion Hope you recover from pickleball play very soon!

@Soror Hope you sleep really well tonight and going forward! 


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Tuesday I was very distracted and we had plans to meet a family to bowl so I never got in a workout. I didn’t wear my phone while I was bowling but ds did and he had less than 3000 steps for his day. 

Tonight I had a cheat meal and I felt really disappointed on what I wasted calories on. I got fries, drink, and hot dog at the bowling alley. Their fries were weird. Skinniest shoe string I’ve ever seen but also some were curly. The hot dog looked weird but tasted ok. I got a small soda and threw away a little. It was not that satisfying (kinda flat?) or worth the calories. I drank water on the way to and from the bowling alley. 

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30 min on the treadmill today. My legs are feeling yesterday's lunges. I hadn't done the bodyweight circuit for a few weeks. If I take that long off, I feel it.

July in Oregon--can't beat it. Temps in the 80's as far as the phone can see.

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Arrived back home from NYC late last night/early this morning. My plane, which was scheduled to arrive shortly after 11:00pm, was delayed a couple of hours, and then there was confusion about collecting baggage. So, all told, I didn't make it home until about 2:30am. I decided to turn off my alarm, sleep until I woke up and then start work when I was good and ready to do so.

To be honest, that trip was draining both physically and emotionally. Things went well, but, for various reasons, it was just a lot. So, between the lingering exhaustion and the late start, all I could manage this morning was a short walk about the block with the dog (about 1k). I'd like to say I'll make it up later, but that's probably not true.

The good news is that I walked a lot while I was in NYC (averaged over 18,000 steps per day). I walked all over the city and also explored both the High Line (first two photos) and the Hudson River Greenway/Little Island (second two photos). I used the hotel fitness room a few days, too. 

So, if today is sub-par, I guess that's okay.


Summer Splash Challenge: 243.6 of 600K
Walking Streak: 72 days





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I'm in a facebook walking group and we were talking about goals per day. I referenced the 10k goal and someone said that was an arbitrary number given by a Japanese marketing group releasing a pedometer. They recommended 7500 step as a more current, accurate goal. So I googled and got this:

https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-many-steps-should-you-take-a-day#:~:text=In this study%2C the more,see significant benefits from walking.

I think 7500 sounds way more attainable, though I will still have a ways to go to get there. 

Edited by heartlikealion
per day not week
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12 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

I'm in a facebook walking group and we were talking about goals per day. I referenced the 10k goal and someone said that was an arbitrary number given by a Japanese marketing group releasing a pedometer. They recommended 7500 step as a more current, accurate goal. So I googled and got this:

https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/how-many-steps-should-you-take-a-day#:~:text=In this study%2C the more,see significant benefits from walking.

I think 7500 sounds way more attainable, though I will still have a ways to go to get there. 

I use 7500 too. 

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25 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

I think 7500 sounds way more attainable, though I will still have a ways to go to get there. 

My husband goes with that, too. (Well, I think his current goal is 7,000 per day, but close enough.) 

As I understand it, that is the point at which most people see general health benefits from walking, so it's a good place to start.

I have gradually bumped up my own daily goals just to keep challenging myself.

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We had a great day at the beach. The water was much colder than yesterday, but the waves were higher. I did some body surfing on a boogie board, which was challenging at times because the waves were often coming from 2 different directions at 90 degree angles from each other, then crashing together and forming a combined wave. Pretty cool! 

In the evening, dh and I drove to Atlantic City to walk along the boardwalk. It's a pretty sketchy place overall, but interesting to people watch and get in some walking. 

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Quick check-in----

I enjoyed seeing all the vaca pics-- Jenny, wintermom, and Laura--

heartlikealion-- I need to buy a pickleball paddle myself but there is just 1 local. I need to shop online.

Can't remember when I posted but-- some walking here and there.

Mon- strength upper body; Tues- strength lower body; Wed- HIIT (more like mod int); Thurs- lower body

Wed- 1 hour pickleball; 1 hour pool time -- some swimming mostly playing with the kids

Pickleball schedule is rather erratic so it is hard to fit with everything else but hoping to once a week. I played a couple of actual games yesterday. The first with all dudes and my partner was super competitive. He tried to be nice and helpful but I could tell it was killing him. I was so nervous -- which did not help! Then we played a practice game with 3--- I earned no points lol. Last game with just ladies which was much nicer and I think I actually scored a couple of times. I felt like an idiot most of the time but I did it anyway 😉

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@Soror Glad you're able to play some pickleball. I still feel like an idiot a lot of the time playing tennis, too. There are so many factors that go into being 'successful' out on the court, such as sun, wind, timing in my swing and footwork, other players on the court's movements, etc. It's not at all like the repetitive movement physical activities I do in other sports. It's gets more and more enjoyable the more consistently I hit the ball well. Keep working at it, as it can be really fun playing with others!

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Neither my motivation nor the weather last night was especially conducive to heading out for a significant walk. I ended up riding the stationary bike long enough to bump my "step" count up over 10,000 and decided that was good enough.

Coaxed the dog out for a walk this morning (3.75k) and then did a solid set of floor-based strength and stretching accompanied on the patio by all three pets. So, still not quite back to the usual routine, but getting closer.


Summer Splash Challenge: 268.8 of 600K
Walking Streak: 73 days

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I did my dumbbell workout for the first time in 3 weeks this morning. And my legs are still feeling Tuesday's lunges.

Dd and I spent today at her new foster home. She did ok and there is a lot to like about this placement. We're back home now. We'll keep doing visits and keep working on getting her room set up for her. I think I need to show them more about how to care for her tomorrow instead of me just doing it.

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I've been deep in the weeds with a work deadline. The last several days have been extremely sleep deprived, unfortunately.

So my exercise has been random and sporadic, mostly grabbing a quick walk on the lane or doing some loosen-me-up things here and there.

Gyrotonics today, and I like it more and more and more. It was a good way to pull out of the work vortex.

Tomorrow I am planning to hit weights and core.



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I am not where I wanted to be as far as fitness this week, but I guess some weeks will just be like that. I never got to exercise after bowling or even yesterday (my days are running together) and today I had a work meeting that ended at 6:45. I just barely motivated myself to do a HIIT video and then I did a 10 min. Get Fit with Rick which was 1600 steps. I want to do some of his longer videos another time for indoor steps. I just learned about some of these YouTube videos. 

Edited by heartlikealion
can't keep my days straight
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31 minutes ago, heartlikealion said:

I am not where I wanted to be as far as fitness this week, but I guess some weeks will just be like that. I never got to exercise after bowling or even yesterday (my days are running together) and today I had a work meeting that ended at 6:45. I just barely motivated myself to do a HIIT video and then I did a 10 min. Get Fit with Rick which was 1600 steps. I want to do some of his longer videos another time for indoor steps. I just learned about some of these YouTube videos. 

I have had a less than stellar week as well. Remember that all those little bits you do still count. Bowling counts, too. Moving is always a good thing.

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2 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

I did my dumbbell workout for the first time in 3 weeks this morning. And my legs are still feeling Tuesday's lunges.

Dd and I spent today at her new foster home. She did ok and there is a lot to like about this placement. We're back home now. We'll keep doing visits and keep working on getting her room set up for her. I think I need to show them more about how to care for her tomorrow instead of me just doing it.

So glad that the visit to the foster home went well. Is this a semi-permanent move for your dd, or more for you to have respite? 

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We did all the things on the island today - swimming (in between rain showers), walking on the beach, playing tennis, playing mini-golf, playing cards, eating ice cream, eating part of the largest (and heaviest) sub sandwich I've ever seen, shopping and visiting the island's lighthouse. It was being cleaned and was covered in scaffolding, so no good photos to be had. The weather was really nice after the rain stopped, but the water was freezing. It was a really fun day, though, and our last full day of vacation as we drive home tomorrow. 

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I did my strength workout and made it to the park for a walk yesterday but my walk got cut short. 

Today--- rest- yoga/stretching

I'm continuing to do the stretches that I'm supposed to do daily. Aiming for full body stretch today. 

Some walking.

And house work after another full week and looking ahead to a busy weekend. It is our anniversary Sunday and we are starting work on a project we've been planning for years. We are building a shop and will be doing most of the work ourselves. My brother (did construction previously) will help with where we need technical assistance or an extra hand.

We have no big plans for our anniversary since we did such a big vaca this year and need to get the shop done in summer before dh has college. I'm hoping maybe we can get out for a short kayak trip for something different.

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Yesterday was another rainy evening -- Welcome to Florida in the summer. I put on my shoes and put the leash on the dog with every intention of going for a solid walk, only to step out the door to light rain, almost total cloud cover and a couple of pretty dramatic flashes of lightning. I decided being outside was not a good bet and retreated to the stationary bike. It took me a little over an hour, but I pedaled enough to log my remaining "steps" for the day. 

This morning, I had a virtual doctor's appointment scheduled for 8:30 so had to wrap up the morning routine a little early. I walked just a squinch over 4k and did a 20-minute upper body workout video (sticking with the lighter weights, because I'm tired).  

Looking forward to getting back to yoga at the lake tomorrow morning, following three weeks off due to the instructor's health and then me being out of town last weekend.


Summer Splash Challenge: 297.4 of 600K
Walking Streak: 74 days


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10 hours ago, wintermom said:

So glad that the visit to the foster home went well. Is this a semi-permanent move for your dd, or more for you to have respite? 

Our plan is that this is permanent but with a general pattern of she lives there during the work week and we usually bring her home to visit us on weekends. It was so hard on us this year that we didn't have reliable enough care for her. It was almost 6 weeks total through the school year that the agency did not have someone here. That became a big challenge once dh's work returned to in-person in March.

30 min on the treadmill this morning.

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4 hours ago, Soror said:

@wintermom wonderful vaca day--- enjoy your last one

@Ali in OR I'm so glad to hear the visit went well. 

@heartlikealion onwards and upwards--- some weeks are harder than others

@Harriet Vane you are always working so much it is impressive you have any time for exercise

@Soror It's not really that I work so much. Rather, my work is feast or famine. When I have a writing project due, I eat, sleep, and breathe the writing, and I tend to lose sleep in the big push as well. Then when I am in between projects there's far more free time. The ESL classes I teach are only eight hours a week class time plus just a little bit of prep. The other classes I teach are also feast or famine--if I have signed up to teach, there's work to do, but it varies depending on the age of the kids and the topic and the amount of homework. I'm actually taking a couple months (July-December) to focus only on writing and ESL (not the other classes) to give a little more breathing room to my schedule.

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Just a long travel day today, though I did go for a walk on the beach before we left the island. The water was warmer, which made me wish we had one more day to swim and play in the surf. 

I'm playing tennis tomorrow morning, and I'll be biking to the club (50 min ride). Hopefully my body will bounce back well after the full day drive. 



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I felt so satisfied with myself that I opted to walk to the vet to pick up my dog's medication refill yesterday afternoon, since it would leave me with fewer steps to finish off later in the evening. Then my husband and I opened a new board game after work, played a couple of rounds and were sitting down to watch an episode of For All Mankind . . . when I remembered I had 2,500 steps to go to meet my daily goal.

This prompted my husband to remember he also had steps left for the day, which led to the ridiculous sight of the two of us pacing around the living room, swinging our arms, while watching the show.

I started this morning walking with the dog (about 3k). In about 30 minutes, I'll leave for yoga at the lake, which involves walking a couple of kilometers to and from the class site from the parking lot. 

Unclear what the rest of the days holds, but one way or another, I'll at least finish off my steps.


Summer Splash Challenge: 303.1 of 600K
Walking Streak: 75 days

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My workout stuff is gonna get sloppy during summer on the days the kids are here, I've just accepted it. Yesterday between work, playing a little with dd, and making meals, and my routine low energy, I just didn't do much. I did a short Get Fit with Rick video (I didn't stay in sync with him later in the video and just kept listing to the music and moving) I got approx 2000 steps. When I was done with that I thought about biking, but dd was still awake and will absolutely not settle down without me (and I cave in since we have limited time together. But I really need to work on getting her to bed without me). Today I plan to bike and do a HIIT video.

The HIIT plan is supposed to be 3 days a week so they recommend M/W/F. But I didn't get to do it on Wednesday so now I'm a day off. I'll do one today and then resume on Monday and that will make it M/W/F again. Something I did the other day engaged my core which is good. I think I've neglected to do much with the core. 

There's also been another obstacle. I got notifications that my data usage is high this month. We went over on my phone data (probably from dd using my cell phone) and are almost at the max for the wifi. I tried to get the kids interested in non screen activities or DVDs vs streaming services. It was a losing battle for the most part. I paid for the $10 boost (2GB) to cover myself til the end of the billing cycle with my phone service and the wifi company said if I do exceed the 700GB this month it will charge me $10 for an extra 100GB. I've decided not to stress too much about it. But that was part of the reason I was hesitant to bike and watch tv. I do have a dvd I can watch while I bike (not as great but it's something). 

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OH and last night I went down the street to buy more water and they only had distilled jugs and even with the individual bottles of water they didn't have the kind I normally buy (store brand). I prefer not to drink Dasani although they had some of that. So now I am low on water and will probably have to drive to another town just to get more drinking water. So annoying. I've been trying to get away from individual bottles as I think that's probably more plastic waste than the jugs. I got 3 jugs at the grocery store with the kids recently but that didn't last as long as I hoped. 

Yes, I need to invest in a filter. We had gotten one at the marital house (like this) and for the most part were happy with it... but then I'd still see black flakes in the pitcher. So I'm not sure filters here are the best drinking option, either. So I've just been spending money on bottled water. The tap water here is questionable and I've seen it come out discolored before. Since I've lived here they have turned off the water a few times to work on it, too. I have to always keep some water handy. 

That pitcher is really cheap, but the one we got was like $60. So I don't know, maybe they are more affordable than I thought?? 

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This may not interest anyone here but just in case... some ladies in my Metabolic Renewal facebook group have been posting pics from an app called Me Three Sixty. I guess you take a pic wearing form fitting clothes one day, then after some time has passed, take a new one. The app will compare the two and guess statistics about your body. You can see a sample on the website. 


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@Harriet Vane do you teach online or in person? Like is this a local job or another country (ESL)? 

Today I did 37 min on the stationary bike, a HIIT video and 9 min of Walking with Leslie Sansone before the YouTube video glitched and I was ready to call it quits, anyway. 

In addition to not being able to do a full push up yet, I can’t do this other thing so that’s annoying during one HIIT video. They lower themselves in a push up stance and hold their body an inch or so above the mat. When they do that, I just do a few modified push ups. Considering I got my period today I’m proud of myself for doing something. I have to go by the office one day this week (we haven’t set a day yet) so if it works out I may get to do evening pickleball. 

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1 hour ago, heartlikealion said:

@Harriet Vane do you teach online or in person? Like is this a local job or another country (ESL)? 

Today I did 37 min on the stationary bike, a HIIT video and 9 min of Walking with Leslie Sansone before the YouTube video glitched and I was ready to call it quits, anyway. 

In addition to not being able to do a full push up yet, I can’t do this other thing so that’s annoying during one HIIT video. They lower themselves in a push up stance and hold their body an inch or so above the mat. When they do that, I just do a few modified push ups. Considering I got my period today I’m proud of myself for doing something. I have to go by the office one day this week (we haven’t set a day yet) so if it works out I may get to do evening pickleball. 

I teach mostly online. 😊 I did just sign up to be a conversation buddy at our local university as well—that will start soon, probably August?

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Took a five-mile walk today, then worked in the garden after visiting my mum. Tomorrow will be very hot by Scottish standards - real feel 27 degrees C - so I'll walk the dog early then try to garden in the morning.  I'll try for some indoor exercise later

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We built 2 walls this weekend. It was very hot and sweaty Saturday, even taking off in the middle of the day but we have a limited time window until dh goes back to college (5 weeks). Yesterday was cooler, only up to 85f/29 c but we had storms and it was our anniversary. We quit at lunch time. I was mostly the fetch it girl and assistant, and did some help carrying things. This evening the plan is to stand the walls up. Fingers crossed!

Since I was busy helping dh I did not do any workouts. I'd hoped we could kayak yesterday but with the storms coming in that didn't happen. It was a bit scary looking for a bit but we just ended up with some small limbs down. I'm so glad we got rain. We haven't got a good rain in the month since I've been back and not sure how long before that. People are selling off livestock it is so dry.

Today is--- back to court for the PO. My aunt (with stage 4 lung cancer) is going to the cancer center for the first time. (tomorrow is Mil's appt with the nephrologist)

 My nerves are fried.

Also getting a haircut today--- which I'm very looking forward to--- It's been several months now and it's annoying me.

planning on lower body strength today (trying to wake up and get it done)

Food got wonky near my bday with all the stress and sadness but I've been getting it back on track.After many, many months of greek yogurt+homemade granola/muesli+ fruit for breakfast I've been doing smoothies-- current combo-- greek yogurt, mixed greens, banana, cherry, soy milk, flax and hemp seeds. I'm trying not to snack so much (it helps when you stay busy) and cut back on treats. Lunch these days has been grain mix, baked tofu, greens, veggies, and a peanut sauce. Dinner all over the map.

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Missed posting yesterday, but there was really nothing interesting to say, anyway. I walked in the morning and then hit the stationary bike in the evening because I just couldn't muster the energy to actually go outside for a walk. (I'm in a bit of an emotional dip after the NY trip and just want to sit around in my pajamas watching Parks and Recreation whenever possible.)

Got out for a good (4.25k) walk this morning, then did a solid strength and stretching routine accompanied by the dog and the new cat. 

As usual, I'll do another walk and/or some time on the stationary bike later this evening to round out the challenge mileage and my step count for the day.


Summer Splash Challenge: 335.3 of 600K
Walking Streak: 77 days

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@Soror All the best with the PO court today! I'm crossing my fingers!

@Jenny in Florida Great job getting in the walking and cycling! It's hard getting back into the old routine after a holiday. I'm struggling with that now, too. First day back after my vacation.

I took the dog for an hour brisk walk last evening. It's overcast today, but hopefully my evening tennis won't get rained out. I'll get in a dog walk later today.

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@Soror sorry, that sounds stressful 

Sunday I didn’t go to the parish hall after church so no temptation of sweets. I biked 30 min and did some step exercise with Rick on YouTube. Got 3440 steps from that. I would lose interest in a song and hopped between a few different videos. I need more upbeat music and some just drag on or only have a beat and no variation. 

I’m going to freeze leftover sausages & scrambled eggs from the kids’ visit. The sausages are very high calorie. 

I finally bought a filter dispenser. Maybe I’ll save money and stop wasting plastic. It will be here in a few days. Apparently I missed out on the Prime Day deal ugh. I found a 30 gal PUR brand from Target. I know spending money on my water consumption sometimes has held me back from drinking as much. 

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30 min on the treadmill. Dd and I will go to the foster care house today--wish me luck in speaking up and getting them to learn to do her care. Tomorrow morning I'll have a doctor's appointment early to see about my shoulder and I'll bring up my knee too. I would like to know what's going on and if PT and/or exercises can help. And for the shoulder I just want some documentation if I need to get the school district to spend some money to improve ergonomics.

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Today I did my HIIT (I guess this will be considered week three of Phase 1). The schedule I'm trying to stick to is Mon (legs), Wed (chest & back) and Friday (shoulders & arms). Although they are labeled that way, they kinda mix things up within the exercises. 

30 min on the bike

I don't know why my last pedometer was so awful, maybe it was defective. The original listing is gone but others by the same name/photo say nothing about the annoying noise. I'm trying again with a brand new one I just ordered from Amazon. I put a velcro closure on one of my shorts' pockets so my phone would stay secure when I did my YouTube walking the other day lol.

I'm taking tomorrow off from work to do a little painting and moving into my new home. 

Everyone, please give us updates. So many things going on here. 

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I prodded myself out for a walk with the dog after work last night, but she insisted on heading for home before I had logged all my steps. So I did a short stint on the stationary bike to finish off the day.

Walked the usual 4k this morning and then did a 25-minute seated upper body tabata video. (I did have to drop the weights for some movements.)

Feeling emotionally gross today, so we'll see how I do, but the plan is to walk/bike/do some combination of those things to at least make my daily step count.


Summer Splash Challenge: 349.0 of 600K
Walking Streak: 78 days

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@Jenny in Florida Trips can be very draining, even short ones.

@Laura Corin you are getting in lots of walks lately. Are you still on break? 

@heartlikealion I've done some of those walking videos before they are a nice change of pace from Leslie Sansone.

@Harriet Vane oh, no--- hope it is short-lived

@Ali in OR how did it go yesterday?

@wintermom the dog keeps you busy-- it is nice you are back to your old energy levels


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Our court date was just a review and we have to go back in 2 weeks. It's ridiculous. The last one should be the last. 

My aunt's cancer is very aggressive but they have some treatment they can try to extend her life. They have to do more scans to see if it has spread anywhere else. She goes back in 2 weeks too.

We got the walls stood up with the help of dh's friend and daughter. It weighed about 800 lbs. Dh, ds, and I got it up to our knees but I did not feel comfortable trying to stand it all the way up. After we did it I was so glad he was there to help. It is very nervewracking. We had to hold it in place while dh went to nail the bracing in place. 2 more walls to go. The back one will be even heavier as it is 4 ft longer but dh can put some boards from the side so we don't have to worry about it falling off the back (it is good amount off the ground on the hill). The front wall has the garage doors so it won't be near as heavy. So, 1 more really sucky wall. Then on to the trusses!

I was up a bit in the night and am moving slow today. Plan to do upper body strength this am.

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