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Could you puleeeeze tell me exactly WHEN this happened????!!!!!

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Scenario #1: 14 yo dd has had a crush on her older brother's best friend forever. Since she was 8 and he was 12. Now that she's 14 (and he's 18), he tells her that he's liked her for a while and how old does she have to be before her parents will allow her to date him? Keep in mind the boy lives in Kentucky (we're in NJ), and his mother is my closest, dearest, most trusted friend. This boy has gone on vacations with us, etc. He said he will wait 3 years for my dd so they can date (FYI, we're a no-dating family until they're 18. We will make an exception for this guy only; 17 and the dates are to be chaperoned/supervised).


Scenario #2: 17 yo ds, who will be 18 in January, tells me yesterday that he is really interested in a girl at church (16 almost 17 yo). He has asked us for our permission to take the girl out to get to know her better. He is planning on speaking to the girl's mother tonight after youth group (she's a single mother).


What happened to my babies? Why aren't I worrying about them just eating all their peas and cleaning their ears and making sure they brush their teeth and reading them good night stories? WHY???? When did they grow up and start being interested in other.....people?? *sigh*


I'm not ready for this. Thank God I still have my little Matty Man -- he's only 9 and he still has baby skin and doesn't need deodorant.....yet :glare:

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When my dh thinks about the girls and the future, all he can picture is the scene from "Father of the Bride," when the family is all seated around the table, and his daughter is chatting about her trip to Italy. He still sees her as a tot --and is rudely brought back to reality when she squeals about "getting married."


He's not looking forward to the day, when he stops worrying about them meeting the "wrong guy" and worries about them meeting the "right" one.


And soon, there will be THREE girls to worry about. My poor, poor man.


Thankfully, I think we still have a few years before this.


But, we know at least two of our children will give us a LOT to worry about. Our 5yo boy proclaimed to me on Friday that he has a "girl friend." (When we quizzed him later, he didn't remember what she looked like, or what her name was... but she lives all the way across the street) :lol:

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I'm not ready for that, either! I've got a plan, though....:lol:


One evening when ds was 4, he started talking about life when he wouldn't live with us anymore. I inquired, as any mother would, when this would all come about..him leaving the nest.


"When I get married."


Durn tootin you'll move out then, I thought.


Then I told him that I'll pick out his wife for him. I'm great at picking out spouses because I picked out his dad. And surely I would pick out a great spouse for ds, too! (See my plan here? :001_smile:)


To which he replied,


"Well, if you can't find a good one, just buy a bad one AND WE'LL TRAIN HER."



Dh quipped under his breath, "That's what I had to do." :glare:


So....there will be NO crushes, No interest, nothing! *I* will pick out their spouses. I will!! :rofl::rofl:

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Scenario #1 sounds a lot like my friend from college and her dh. They were sweet on each other since she was about 14yo, and began courting when she was in college. They are preggo with their 3rd little bean.......not to completely give you heart failure:tongue_smilie:.....but I would encourage communication - ESPECIALLY b/c he's not even in the same state!:lol:


Your ds, however, I would keep close tabs on...his sweetheart has a geographical advantage. Actually, he sounds like such a gentleman - do ya think he'd wait about, oh......14yrs for my little dd????:tongue_smilie:

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Scenario #1 sounds a lot like my friend from college and her dh. They were sweet on each other since she was about 14yo, and began courting when she was in college. They are preggo with their 3rd little bean.......not to completely give you heart failure:tongue_smilie:.....but I would encourage communication - ESPECIALLY b/c he's not even in the same state!:lol:


Your ds, however, I would keep close tabs on...his sweetheart has a geographical advantage. Actually, he sounds like such a gentleman - do ya think he'd wait about, oh......14yrs for my little dd????:tongue_smilie:


Well, he talked w/the mom last night, and she's going to pray about this. *SHE* is thrilled w/the idea, but her dd is going through some stuff right now that....well, maybe this just isn't the best time. Although the dd pays a lot of attention to my ds, mom is thinking it's just not a good time for her. We'll see. I know this girl likes my ds, so that isn't it. Personally, I have another girl in mind for him, but unfortunately, neither of them have taken an interest in the other :glare: Oh, well. At least my dd is all settled :D LOL

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Well, he talked w/the mom last night, and she's going to pray about this. *SHE* is thrilled w/the idea, but her dd is going through some stuff right now that....well, maybe this just isn't the best time. Although the dd pays a lot of attention to my ds, mom is thinking it's just not a good time for her. We'll see. I know this girl likes my ds, so that isn't it. Personally, I have another girl in mind for him, but unfortunately, neither of them have taken an interest in the other :glare: Oh, well. At least my dd is all settled :D LOL


My question is....what are they going to DO with all these feelings they have for each other at ages 17 and 18. But they do sound sweet. :)

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My dd 15 1/2 has been "seeing" a guy now for over a year. He is a really sweet, young, Godly man, who absolutely adores her. They are very cute together, and dd's best girlfriend has told me that she would not be suprised to see them eventually marry. They have a wonderful, very mature relationship....can you believe this...they read the Bible and pray together, either over the phone or Instant Messaging. I had hoped that this type of relationship would not occur until dd was in her 20's. However, I have heard young married women say that being committed to their highschool sweethearts during college years kept them from straying into the college party scene, and becoming involved with guys in an unhealthy way.

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