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Our dryer caught on fire last night!

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We have laundry going 24/7 here it seems and had just put a load going in the dryer and then I went to bed. TG my teens stay up late because one of them noticed the smell and DH and the boys were able to deal with it almost immediately. I hate to think what could have happend had we all been asleep! No more laundry going at bed or when we aren't home.

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:grouphug:Oh, how frightening, thank goodness your teens caught it and no one was hurt.:grouphug: Is it going to be a loss?


I had a dishwasher flood my kitchen and drip through to the basement while I was home. So, I completely understand your new policy on the wash. I'm even into unplugging anything possible for safety and the dollar savings.

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We have a rental house that we lease out (not because we want to...because we can't sell the darn thing!) and our renters put the dryer on and left the house. They came back hours later to find the dryer never stopped, it was on fire, as was part of the wall. They tried to put the fire out, took the burning clothes out of the dryer and threw them on the floor...which promptly caught on fire, too. (HELLLLLOOOOO...wooden floor...UHHHHH wood burns!) Yikes! Thank God they had enough sense to FINALLY call the fire department!


It was a VERY expensive fire!

Hot Lava Mama

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Goodness, Jean! So glad your kids caught that!


My earliest memory in life is of watching a homes burn down to the ground. This was a few houses away from us. The fire was caused by a dryer-gone-haywire. I have heard of so many fires that are caused by this, I'm a real stickler about not using a dryer at night or while we're away frome home. So be careful! (Of course, I hang clothes to dry all around the wood stove, and my home itself is a firefighter's nightmare, so I've got my own issues.:001_huh:)

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YIKES!! How scary! Glad that everyone is ok!


We had a similar thing happen with our oven. I was cooking and had gone outside with the kids, and just as I came in to check on dinner flames shot out of the oven. The heating element on the bottom of the oven burned in half. Thankfully it put itself out, but those flames were a bit to close for comfort. We replaced the heating element, but I still don't let the kids go near the oven.

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My neighbors dryer caught fire once and she wasn't running it. We had a nasty thunderstorm and lightning hit the dog runner in her back yard (the dog was inside the house) made its way into the house wiring, zapped all appliances and set the dryer and house on fire. The wall insulation caught fire behind the dryer.


Thankfully she was home when it happened and her and her teenage son were able to put out the fire before the fire dept. arrived.


In this case, the fire happened even though she wasn't running the dryer. :confused:


It was a very nasty litghtning strike. It took out our computer, another neighbor's computer, the big tall phone box outside was hit and melted, knocking out phone service to many and fried another neighbor's phone (it was melted), also fried another neighbor's cable box and another one's ceiling fans were fried.


I would chalk this up as an EXTREMELY rare occurence though. :D

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I saw on TV one time that the dryer caused fire. They said one way to prevent something like this from happening is to clean the lint often from where it gathers in the lint holder and inside/outside (on the back) of the dryer.


Praise the Lord you are safe. He is good!

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It was a very nasty litghtning strike. It took out our computer, another neighbor's computer, the big tall phone box outside was hit and melted, knocking out phone service to many and fried another neighbor's phone (it was melted), also fried another neighbor's cable box and another one's ceiling fans were fried.

We always unplug our computers during a storm, just in case. If we're going to be away for an extended time we also unplug.

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I'm so glad everything is okay! This is why I don't run it after bed anymore either. I had an older repair man "reprimand" me. He was very sweet and appreciated the tip. FYI, a friend's dishwasher caught fire too and they WERE asleep. They got out but extensive damage was already done. So no running the dishwasher after bed either for us.

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My dh takes our dryer apart about once a year and cleans out all the lint and stuff in it. I clean the trap religiously, but it's still amazing how much stuff is in the thing. I even have one of the long brushes to clean the vent!


I'm really glad that your kids caught the fire before something very serious happened to your home. God's good!

Edited by Sandy in Indy
To correct a spelling error.
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