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What is wrong with me?....

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I realize there have been many posts on this board about the "change of life", but I'm very frustrated. I'm hoping some you can share your wisdom with me because I can't function this way. I turned 42yo a few months ago. This past August I found out my Thyroid was not functioning properly and got on meds, which have helped. I think I've probably had some type of thyroid issue for many years and just didn't know it. Anyway, the meds have helped considerably with depression I was experiencing and to a limited degree, exhaustion. But here's the thing; I seem to function ok for a few weeks out of the month (by that I mean energy is good, mentally I'm good, we're on top of school, etc.). But mid-way cycle wise in the month I can feel myself slipping i.e., I'm losing my energy/concentration/desire to do anything or go anywhere. One week out from my menstrual cycle I'm exhausted again, sleeping very poorly because I'm having these night sweats! I wake up soaked in my jammies, my sheets are soaked and I'm freezing. Of course the next day I feel like I haven't slept at all and I'm in a fog most of the day struggling to get through. I've had a metabolic profile done and my doctor said everything was in the normal range. She doesn't want to increase my thyroid meds because she says I'm now in the normal range for that and she doesn't want to make me jittery. Today I took a three hour nap because I frankly, couldn't keep my eyes open. The house needed my attention and just didn't get it. As soon as I get my period, this will all go away for a few weeks and then start over. All of this to say, my big question is these night sweats right before my period. Anybody? TIA Michelle

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get the specific numbers in the normal range and then get your numbers. See if you are at the high edge or low edge and then ask for med increase or decrease according to what range you are closest to. I know someone that was in the "normal" range. The range was like 25-46 and she was 26. That put her at the very lowest of the normal range and she demanded they give her the 15-24 range meds and it helped.

Also I use Radiant Wonder SuperFertility#2 for nightsweats. It has gotten rid of them completely. It also has kept my migraines down to 3 a month instead of the 12 I use to get. I also use One'N'Only by PURE Essence Labs whole food vitamins. I am not a good vitamin taker so I found this and it has double everything RDA and in only one horse pill a day. Gotta love that!

I have been infertile since I was 27 and started getting hot flashes at 30 so using the SuperFertility didn't help me get pregnant but if you are fertile you may want to watch out if you are done with having littles.

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I use Stuart's Prenatal vitamins, and when I run out, within about a week I start to feel like the road runner after he has run off the cliff about the time that he looks down and starts to fall precipitously. I'm tired and 'poorly' all the time.


I am older then you but still dealing with perimenopause. I don't get hot flashes; I'm just quite a bit warmer than anyone else pretty much all the time. However, my friends who get hot flashes swear by sticking to a very low fat diet to prevent them.

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For me, nutrition and exercise make a huge difference.


I absolutely need good fats in my diet. I need high quality proteins and green leafy veggies. And I cannot tolerate much sugar, even my beloved cookies (sob).


Also, I need to exercise and do yoga or tai chi several times per week.


Nettle tea has helped me quite a bit, too.

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I felt like a million bucks when I was taking Stuart Prenatals. Now that I've weaned Little Miss, I don't know how to get a new prescription for them, but I really need one!


I'm 42, and my period is usually 8-10 days late, and 3 days long, so I know my body is changing.


Not eating sugar and simple carbs GREATLY reduces tension and night sweats for me. An added bonus is that I've lost 10 lbs in the last 6 weeks.

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I did forget to mention (because of my fog-induced thinking right now), I do exercise....actually our family is very active and we are at the YMCA 4-5 days a week. Kids have their thing to do there and dh and I are running/cycling and weight training. My 9yod also has been diagnosed as pre-diabetic (she has sugar processing issues) so our family diet has favored a low carb/no sugar approach. We eat alot of protein (maybe too much fat) and veggies here, but I can definitely say I lack a good vitamin. I'll look into the super-charged prenatals as well as maybe tweaking my diet. I've favored somewhat of an Atkins approach because I've felt so much better on it than how I used to feel eating too many carbs. Thank you everyone for your help. At least I now have some ideas as to how to approach this thing. Ugh! :)) Michelle

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Another thing to investigate is natural progesterone cream. A lot of the symptoms you are describing go along with a progesterone deficiency/estrogen dominance. I am going through this right now myself and am using progesterone cream. My thyroid functions are fine as are other labs. But the cream is really helping a lot with depression, energy, less brain fog, night sweats, etc.


Do some research about it to see if that lines up with part of your issues as well. :grouphug: These things are tough to live with. I hope you find a combination of things that works for you. I am better, but still not where I want to be. Good luck!

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Thank you so much everyone. Melissa, I'll definitely research the progesterone issue. Thank you for the idea and encouragement. Hopefully this will level out so I can stay on top of things around here and my dh won't have to do his own laundry! Poor guy...he never complains though. Somebody mentioned Splenda giving her the night sweats....that's interesting. I'm a Splenda lover - but I have had second thoughts on using it lately as I've been thinking it might not be all that it's cracked up to be. How can anything synthetic be "good for you"? Well, I'm off to catch a 20 min. nap ..... Michelle

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What kind of meds was your friend on? I'll definitely look into your vitamins.



I am sorry I just read your question. I don't know the name of them they are doctor prescribed. She has been on so many things it is ridiculous but she finally found a doctor that listens to her. I think that is the key. The moment your doctor says oh you're fine, you are in the normal range...then that is the signal: get a new doctor.

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Our dil became really ill while drinking artificially sweetened sodas. She had hoped to switch from sugary sodas to lose weight and became dizzy and suffered migraines. It came on so suddenly that she didn't realize at first it was the artificial sweeteners. I hope you feel better soon.

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