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1/2 year middle school science


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I had a plan for my kid's 7th and 8th grade year for science, but it turns out that what was supposed to be a two year plan is only going to take us 1.5 years. So I'll need something to fill out the second half of 8th grade. This kid is not that interested in science, and would probably prefer to do it with me instead of as independent work.

Any suggestions for a fun half year 7/8th grade science? Any topics are fine. No preference for Christian vs secular.

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5 hours ago, PeterPan said:

What are you doing the other 1.5 years?

Some engaging nonfiction books from the library on various science topics of interest (Scientist in the Field, and books of that style), some documentaries, and mostly Science in the Atomic Age (spread out to give us time to do the other books). I can continue doing library books, but I would like something that either has a hands on component or requires output/discussion so that it's not all reading and watching videos.

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I’d find something fun to do for the half of the year. I put together a forensic science unit using various resources for my 8th grader and he is beyond excited about it. 

id find one of his interests and see how you can incorporate that into the science space you have left. If you want to do something less traditional check out campfire curriculums. They have many units you can use as science and cover a few topics in those last few months. We’ve done many of the units and they were all fun and engaging while also encouraging my kids to study more on their own. 

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