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~~~~~~~~~ April 2022 Frugalistas ~~~~~~~


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We just ordered and received a huge box of books for Youngest from Better World Books. We ordered during a website sale and saved significantly compared to amazon and Rainbow Resource prices. If you are starting to think about ordering for next year, I wanted to mention the website.....I had forgotten about them since our last order 5(!) years ago. Our library doesn't carry the Max Axiom graphic scientist or Who/What was...series anymore. I really wish they did. I find that I'm having to buy books again....something I really haven't had to do since we moved here.  Anyway, I think after I order math we'll be set for the next school year.  

I'm ordering a bit early this year because a lot of my state is in severe to extreme drought.  I'm really worried we're going to have another summer of bad wildfires. I've been stocking up on HEPA filter replacements and other things that are typically hard to find during bad fire years. If it does end up being a bad summer, I'll school Youngest through summer and shift our outdoor adventures to fall after the rains come. 🤞, though, we have a good summer. I could really use some good hikes, canoe trips on mountain lakes, and playing around on the beach. 

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Took 2 other kids to an ortho consult.  One kid is ready the other isn't.  Doing Invisalign for that kid.  But good news is the kid who isn't ready they thought would be able to do Invisalign which we didn't think was a possibility a few years ago.  The could also do braces a bit earlier, but I am all for Invisalign so we will just wait for more teeth to fall out.

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While supplies last, Norman USA is offering a FREE Cordless Honeycomb Shade for any household with a child under 8!

*Note that there is a daily promotion limit. If they are no longer accepting orders, be sure to check back tomorrow!

To score your free cordless shade, head here and fill out your mailing address. Then, choose your shade color and sizing. The shades will be custom made to fit your window size so you can expect to receive your custom shade in about 4-6 weeks.

*HOT* FREE Norman USA Custom Cordless Window Shade (hip2save.com)

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Our last freeze some years is in February. 

It has not snowed in April in recorded history for my municipality. Trees are coming down everywhere since they are leafed out, and I am worried about all of the commercial berry, fruit, and other farms in our area. If we all lose crops, it is going to hurt.


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5 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:


Our last freeze some years is in February. 

It has not snowed in April in recorded history for my municipality. Trees are coming down everywhere since they are leafed out, and I am worried about all of the commercial berry, fruit, and other farms in our area. If we all lose crops, it is going to hurt.


Where are you?  It snowed here a few days ago.  I see that I think Minnesota and a bit west are supposed to be getting a Blizard midweek.  Nuts.  I do remember that I got married in Chicago on April 16th.  It was 70s and beautiful.  My friends got married the weekend after and snowstorm.  Seems like winter runs 6 months here.

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I'm in the PNW, in a zone 8b/9a growing region. Traditionally, we only have a couple of snowfalls a year---usually one in December, one around Valentine's Day.  People set out spring crops in late February. Our trees are leafed out, our fruit trees are finishing up blooming, it's so not ok that it snowed today. It warmed back above freezing fairly quickly, so there's hope, but our temperatures are predicted to drop below freezing again most nights this week, with another chance of snow Wednesday.

FWIW, I'm in an area with large commercial farms that sell to national chains. Blueberries and raspberries should be ok because those haven't blossomed yet, but cherry trees were in full blossom here and strawberry plants were set out in the commercial farms about three weeks ago. I guess we'll wait and see. 😞

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In a grocery challenge update, I went through week 1 and was able to restock my wheat bucket ($40/50lb) and buy a 2L of olive oil ($15). At Costco they had a sale on brats and cheese so I bought those as a stock up and got one fewer olive oil than planned. 

Week 2–I spent about $250 again for a weekly shop, and I refilled my black beans bucket ($52/50 lb) and stocked back up on spices. I also got some canola oil before it got too outrageous. It’s more than doubled in price in the last year, and I use it when I make bread to keep the bread dairy free. Prices were uneven between the stores when I was pricing out canola—I think everyone is marking it up again given the drought/failed crops of last year and now Ukraine. Walmart still had their store brand for under $4/48 oz but most places were over $5 and some were already at $7. Olive oil is moving up also—I am going to try to hit Trader Joe’s later this week.

I already spent ahead for week 3 and bought more canning lids. Wide mouth lids have been scarce here and I was only able to get 5 dozen lids, but that is better than nothing.

Anyway, my wheat/rice/beans buckets are finally getting topped off. Hurray! They lasted 6 months with light use (last refill in October), will probably only last 2 with our now heavier use, and would only last one if they needed to sustain life. I’d love to be able to stock up more but we simply do not have space to do so.

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Picked up library snacks again, although we are just going to give the craisins to the chickens I think. It feels wasteful but they are just piling up here.

Bought two hams on sale for less than a dollar a pound. Picked out the biggest I could find. One will be for Easter and the other I’ll cook when we run out of ham from Easter I guess. Also scored some fake meat on clearance for dd17 who has gone back to be vegetarian and put it in the freezer for when we grill out so she can have a “burger” too.

We’ve been stocking up as we can and even have home canned green beans under the bed! As their spot empties in the pantry, I pull a few jars out from under the bed to replace them. I canned like 80 quarts of green beans so it doesn’t make sense to keep them in the pantry taking up space I could put other kinds of things.

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6 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

In a grocery challenge update, I went through week 1 and was able to restock my wheat bucket ($40/50lb) and buy a 2L of olive oil ($15). At Costco they had a sale on brats and cheese so I bought those as a stock up and got one fewer olive oil than planned. 

Week 2–I spent about $250 again for a weekly shop, and I refilled my black beans bucket ($52/50 lb) and stocked back up on spices. I also got some canola oil before it got too outrageous. It’s more than doubled in price in the last year, and I use it when I make bread to keep the bread dairy free. Prices were uneven between the stores when I was pricing out canola—I think everyone is marking it up again given the drought/failed crops of last year and now Ukraine. Walmart still had their store brand for under $4/48 oz but most places were over $5 and some were already at $7. Olive oil is moving up also—I am going to try to hit Trader Joe’s later this week.

I already spent ahead for week 3 and bought more canning lids. Wide mouth lids have been scarce here and I was only able to get 5 dozen lids, but that is better than nothing.

Anyway, my wheat/rice/beans buckets are finally getting topped off. Hurray! They lasted 6 months with light use (last refill in October), will probably only last 2 with our now heavier use, and would only last one if they needed to sustain life. I’d love to be able to stock up more but we simply do not have space to do so.

Thanks for the tip on olive oil.  I will stock up more.  We love it here.

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4 hours ago, saraha said:

Picked up library snacks again, although we are just going to give the craisins to the chickens I think. It feels wasteful but they are just piling up here.

Bought two hams on sale for less than a dollar a pound. Picked out the biggest I could find. One will be for Easter and the other I’ll cook when we run out of ham from Easter I guess. Also scored some fake meat on clearance for dd17 who has gone back to be vegetarian and put it in the freezer for when we grill out so she can have a “burger” too.

We’ve been stocking up as we can and even have home canned green beans under the bed! As their spot empties in the pantry, I pull a few jars out from under the bed to replace them. I canned like 80 quarts of green beans so it doesn’t make sense to keep them in the pantry taking up space I could put other kinds of things.

Oh I so miss the free school breakfast and lunch pick ups.  I am glad you are still getting some stuff.  Oh I didn't remember you guys had chickens.  How many do you have?  I think it isn't wasteful to feed them the craisins.  More like recycling.  You give them some great treats, they give you some great eggs.  Plus you can give them less feed.

Wow, how big of a garden do you have?

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Grocery pick up.

Kids went to in person testing for their online school today.  So an extra driving trip.

I feel like a frugal failure.  We just got our taxes done.  I like to get them done in Jan or Feb.  But what can I say?  Life was nuts. Anyway we are getting a huge refund.  I am glad the advanced CTC didn't affect us at all.  

Oh started stocking up on shoes for dance intensives.  There was a sale for 20% off of shoes plus I had bought giftcards for 15% off.  

2 minutes ago, historically accurate said:

Gas is below $4 a gallon here today! Whoo-hoo!

I don't want to talk about grocery prices. With us doing an elimination diet for April, my grocery budget is busted and then some...

I saw gas for $3.59 yesterday.   Sad that I got excited about it.   Are there any places were you can get a deal on what you are buying from the grocery store?  Is your dd feeling better?

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2 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Grocery pick up.

Kids went to in person testing for their online school today.  So an extra driving trip.

I feel like a frugal failure.  We just got our taxes done.  I like to get them done in Jan or Feb.  But what can I say?  Life was nuts. Anyway we are getting a huge refund.  I am glad the advanced CTC didn't affect us at all.  

Oh started stocking up on shoes for dance intensives.  There was a sale for 20% off of shoes plus I had bought giftcards for 15% off.  

I saw gas for $3.59 yesterday.   Sad that I got excited about it.   Are there any places were you can get a deal on what you are buying from the grocery store?  Is your dd feeling better?

Yay for tax refund!!


Thanks for asking about DD. She's feeling somewhat better. Not 100%. But I think it's tamped down the inflammation maybe? 

Nope, unfortunately, the grocery store I've been shopping at doesn't do a gas deal. It's the only place that carries some of the specialty items (coconut based yogurt, sugar free bacon, etc). Other than that, I've been using Aldi and Walmart. I hate going to 3 places each week, but I'm determined to save some $.

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Just now, historically accurate said:

Yay for tax refund!!


Thanks for asking about DD. She's feeling somewhat better. Not 100%. But I think it's tamped down the inflammation maybe? 

Nope, unfortunately, the grocery store I've been shopping at doesn't do a gas deal. It's the only place that carries some of the specialty items (coconut based yogurt, sugar free bacon, etc). Other than that, I've been using Aldi and Walmart. I hate going to 3 places each week, but I'm determined to save some $.

Have you looked on Thrive Market?  I haven't ever shopped on there, but a few of the vlogs I follow do for hard to find things and apparently there are always sales, and like 40% off code,s and free items.  I hate going more than one place too, but it makes sense.  Can you do grocery pick up to make it a little less time consuming?  Or shop every 2 weeks.

I am glad she is feeling a little better.  It is so hard to figure those things out.

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3 minutes ago, historically accurate said:

I'll have to look into Thrive. I haven't. I do use grocery pickup from Walmart, then hit aldi and hit the specialty store for only those items that I can't get elsewhere. 

This is one of the vlogs I watch


And she has the deal in her bio

You have to click on her link there.

Join Thrive Market today to get 40% off your first order AND a FREE gift worth over $50! 

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I watched the video you linked, @mommyoffive.  I really, really disagree with her advice.  I'm saying this as an exmormon who did that whole year's food of storage thing way back in my orthodox days.  I'm guessing she is either 1. shilling for Augason Farms and Thrive, 2. Mormon and has never cracked open her food storage and actually eaten from it for 30 days, or 3. is just doing what other people do, which is buy long term storage to relieve their anxiety.

---Ok, I googled her, she's Mormon.


1. I agree with her assessment on water being really key.  If you don't have space to store that many flats *AND KEEP THEM ROTATED*, you can always store a couple of flats, and then if an emergency happens, shut off the water to the house and then drain your water tank and drink that. (You need to shut off water to the house to keep it from pulling water from the city main which may be contaminated.)  Bottled water flats taste stale over time and they become more contaminated with micro plastics as the bottles age, so you want to keep those rotated.  The 7 gallon BPA free jugs are great for camping, but a PITA to lug. We filled those only during hurricane season, for water to keep toilets flushed/do dishes/etc.

2. Store the food you are actually going to eat.  There is a huge, huge curve to using powdered eggs and the like, and the taste isn't always something your kids enjoy. Also, there's nothing like it being meal time and you walk into the pantry when you are hungry and stressed out and look at a line of cans of dehydrated things like dehydrated onions, peppers, beans, etc. and wonder how to turn that into an actual meal. 

3. Nutrient degradation is a big thing as food ages. Yes, it may be palatable after 30 years, but a lot of the nutrients are lost. You need to think not only about calories but also nutrition, even if you have vitamins on hand.  Like, think about sprouting some of that wheat, or buy some seeds designed for sprouting.

The vast majority of people would be better off buying some pasta & jars of marinara sauce, some tuna, and other things that they can rotate into and through their normal menu plans. They will be foods they know they can and will eat, foods that are fresh because they are being rotated, and foods that will feel normal at a very not normal time. 

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10 minutes ago, prairiewindmomma said:

I watched the video you linked, @mommyoffive.  I really, really disagree with her advice.  I'm saying this as an exmormon who did that whole year's food of storage thing way back in my orthodox days.  I'm guessing she is either 1. shilling for Augason Farms and Thrive, 2. Mormon and has never cracked open her food storage and actually eaten from it for 30 days, or 3. is just doing what other people do, which is buy long term storage to relieve their anxiety.

---Ok, I googled her, she's Mormon.


1. I agree with her assessment on water being really key.  If you don't have space to store that many flats *AND KEEP THEM ROTATED*, you can always store a couple of flats, and then if an emergency happens, shut off the water to the house and then drain your water tank and drink that. (You need to shut off water to the house to keep it from pulling water from the city main which may be contaminated.)  Bottled water flats taste stale over time and they become more contaminated with micro plastics as the bottles age, so you want to keep those rotated.  The 7 gallon BPA free jugs are great for camping, but a PITA to lug. We filled those only during hurricane season, for water to keep toilets flushed/do dishes/etc.

2. Store the food you are actually going to eat.  There is a huge, huge curve to using powdered eggs and the like, and the taste isn't always something your kids enjoy. Also, there's nothing like it being meal time and you walk into the pantry when you are hungry and stressed out and look at a line of cans of dehydrated things like dehydrated onions, peppers, beans, etc. and wonder how to turn that into an actual meal. 

3. Nutrient degradation is a big thing as food ages. Yes, it may be palatable after 30 years, but a lot of the nutrients are lost. You need to think not only about calories but also nutrition, even if you have vitamins on hand.  Like, think about sprouting some of that wheat, or buy some seeds designed for sprouting.

The vast majority of people would be better off buying some pasta & jars of marinara sauce, some tuna, and other things that they can rotate into and through their normal menu plans. They will be foods they know they can and will eat, foods that are fresh because they are being rotated, and foods that will feel normal at a very not normal time. 

Oh, I wasn't promoting her advice on stocking up as good.  Just the Thrive market might be a good place to find deals on hard to find things.  And yes I know she works for Thrive for that vlog, however it still could be a good place to get things. 

Good advice on stocking up on things.  I think what we have seen the last 2.5 years is that it is wise to stock up for so many different reasons

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Oh I forgot to mention, dh is going to be applying for a new position in his department.  It would be a nice step up and is in the field that he was hoping to settle into. He just found out about the position opening up soon so we don't actually know when he'll be able to apply.  But his department seems to fill rolls quickly, here's hoping.

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4 hours ago, hjffkj said:

Oh I forgot to mention, dh is going to be applying for a new position in his department.  It would be a nice step up and is in the field that he was hoping to settle into. He just found out about the position opening up soon so we don't actually know when he'll be able to apply.  But his department seems to fill rolls quickly, here's hoping.

Good luck to him!

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6 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Is it normal spending and things just cost more or things just popping up.

It seems like both. Like the things that just pop up but we have set money aside for are more expensive than anticipated. Plus, we have been more impulsive with little spending but all of that is adding up

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I have been working so hard at being frugal this month.  I rewrote our family budget last month and am determined to stay within it.  Funny thing, though, when you don't go out to eat at all and you are also trying to make sure that meals are appealing enough that the family isn't missing eating out, the grocery budget is more of a challenge to keep low.  I think I might be able to make my goal, though.  There's only $60 left in the grocery budget for the month, but that's because I just did planning and shopping for meals for the next week and a half.


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12 hours ago, hjffkj said:

It seems like both. Like the things that just pop up but we have set money aside for are more expensive than anticipated. Plus, we have been more impulsive with little spending but all of that is adding up

Inflation just stinks.  I heard on the news that for the average family just buying the same things this year will cost us $5k more.  I don't even want to think about the math of doing that for a bigger family.  Seems hard to be frugal with inflation reeking havoc on every part of what we buy.

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9 minutes ago, mommyoffive said:

Inflation just stinks.  I heard on the news that for the average family just buying the same things this year will cost us $5 more.  I don't even want to think about the math of doing that for a bigger family.  Seems hard to be frugal with inflation reeking havoc on every part of what we buy.

$5 more per trip? Week? My grocery budget has already increased nearly 20% to buy the same items or cheaper substitutes. 

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6 minutes ago, Brittany1116 said:

$5 more per trip? Week? My grocery budget has already increased nearly 20% to buy the same items or cheaper substitutes. 

Oh no, sorry I wrote that wrong.  They estimated that rising costs were going to cost $5,000 more for the average family buying the same things as last year. 

Inflation will cost the average US household $5,200 more in 2022: Report | Washington Examiner

I read that last year it was $3500 more.  

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Thanks for clarifying. That does seem more likely. We were able to absorb the increase until about February. Now we are feeling it everywhere.

Gas, food... clothing is up. Items I have bought for $8-9 for years are now $14, for example. Shoes are crazy. Cat food... I can't even think of how much that is up. The electric company said their costs are going up so that most residents will be paying an additional $10-15/m based on use.

So $415ish a month for a family of 3-5 sounds legitimate. Half of that is disappearing here in increased gas cost alone, another $100-120 in food, the rest in other items. 

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6 minutes ago, Brittany1116 said:

Thanks for clarifying. That does seem more likely. We were able to absorb the increase until about February. Now we are feeling it everywhere.

Gas, food... clothing is up. Items I have bought for $8-9 for years are now $14, for example. Shoes are crazy. Cat food... I can't even think of how much that is up. The electric company said their costs are going up so that most residents will be paying an additional $10-15/m based on use.

So $415ish a month for a family of 3-5 sounds legitimate. Half of that is disappearing here in increased gas cost alone, another $100-120 in food, the rest in other items. 

It sucks.  I think it is easier to manage when prices are rising in one area.  Like gas or something.  But when it is everything rising, that is hard.  You can keep trying tried and true frugal things, but you are still paying more for everything even if you are shopping sales, couponing, and all other things.  I really hope this cools down, but there are so many forces in the world right now that are going against it.    Not fun times to be an adult.

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If someone says they don’t think food price increases are happening for their purchases, they aren’t tracking their receipts closely or they are living in some magical bubble. I watched people say that it was only meat and dairy going up and we should all become vegan—so I tracked my veg and legume purchases and everything is going up there week to week as well. 🤷‍♀️ If you want a 15-40% short term “return” on your investment this year, buy food you will eat later this year and put it in your pantry now. I don’t see relief from increasing prices happening anytime this year, or even next year. 

I completely emptied my pantry cabinet to wipe it all out after a kid spilled some sugar and I found a jar of Nutella in a back cranny. It has been close to a year since we’ve purchased that because we have been trading down our food choices so much. It really hit me—the weight all this has been for the last couple of years.

Hugs, everyone! We are all collectively going through a stressful time. Be gracious with yourselves!

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2 hours ago, prairiewindmomma said:

If someone says they don’t think food price increases are happening for their purchases, they aren’t tracking their receipts closely or they are living in some magical bubble. I watched people say that it was only meat and dairy going up and we should all become vegan—so I tracked my veg and legume purchases and everything is going up there week to week as well. 🤷‍♀️ If you want a 15-40% short term “return” on your investment this year, buy food you will eat later this year and put it in your pantry now. I don’t see relief from increasing prices happening anytime this year, or even next year. 

I completely emptied my pantry cabinet to wipe it all out after a kid spilled some sugar and I found a jar of Nutella in a back cranny. It has been close to a year since we’ve purchased that because we have been trading down our food choices so much. It really hit me—the weight all this has been for the last couple of years.

Hugs, everyone! We are all collectively going through a stressful time. Be gracious with yourselves!

Love your whole post.  But yeah stocking up now on things seems so smart.  And I get why some people don't think they are paying more for things.  When they shrink packages and stuff it is harder to tell if you really are not paying attention.  

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Honestly, prices have been increasing for 2 years. This year has just been the biggest jump. I argued this (foolishly) in 2020 to people who "didn't notice" changes in prices. But I realize just how much because we have been using Every Dollar since 2017. I buy the same things from the same places often and I notice when items go up 10c, then another 6, then 40 more. For example, at the pet store a single can of food used to be 53c... now it's 87c and I have seen 6 other prices between then and now. I think most people just don't pay attention or track.

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It’s been more than two years since we have been able to reliably buy simple things like chicken here. It is beginning to feel normal and it is so not how I ever pictured my life here in the US. It’s not even a problem that moving would necessarily solve—my friends outside of the US are struggling to stay warm and afford their groceries also. 

It’s so weird. I have some college friends who are on their 4th international vacation this year and others who skipping meals. I don’t remember growing up having life this stratified even among those similarly educated.


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Win for me! Our save a lot has been selling pints of fresh blueberries for $.99!!! I think so far o have bought 20. I texted family on the area that I could pick up on one of my trips to that town and only one person took me up on that offer! 🤷🏼‍♀️ You can’t buy frozen for twice that much here. We have been happily munching for two weeks now and I have tons in the freezer. The kids are ecstatic as fresh blueberries only happen in this house for a few weeks in July.

They ate two pints the first day!

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40 minutes ago, saraha said:

Win for me! Our save a lot has been selling pints of fresh blueberries for $.99!!! I think so far o have bought 20. I texted family on the area that I could pick up on one of my trips to that town and only one person took me up on that offer! 🤷🏼‍♀️ You can’t buy frozen for twice that much here. We have been happily munching for two weeks now and I have tons in the freezer. The kids are ecstatic as fresh blueberries only happen in this house for a few weeks in July.

They ate two pints the first day!

I would have bought 20 too!  Score.  My kids love fresh blueberries and I stock up when they are on sale.  A good on sale price here is $2.

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10 hours ago, saraha said:

Win for me! Our save a lot has been selling pints of fresh blueberries for $.99!!! I think so far o have bought 20. I texted family on the area that I could pick up on one of my trips to that town and only one person took me up on that offer! 🤷🏼‍♀️ You can’t buy frozen for twice that much here. We have been happily munching for two weeks now and I have tons in the freezer. The kids are ecstatic as fresh blueberries only happen in this house for a few weeks in July.

They ate two pints the first day!

Wow!  I haven't seen that price for blueberries in 2-3 years and certainly not this time of year.  When Aldi's had that at that price I used to buy 75-100 pints over the coarse of the few weeks they were on sale.  Every body would gorge on fresh ones but I usually aimed to freeze at least 50 and we would use them all year long (my kids love snaking on frozen blueberries even more than eating popsicles).  The last 2 years the prices have been so high I haven't frozen any and we've severely rationed the few I still have.  Kids are now stuck eating frozen grapes (which they like just not as much as frozen blueberries).  That is truly an amazing deal you found there.

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Target’s Car Seat Trade-In Event | Latest Info & Dates on Hip2Save

Target was the first retailer to start the car seat trade-in trend back in 2016, and lucky for Target shoppers – when you bring in an old or expired car seat to Guest Services during set dates, you’ll receive a 20% OFF coupon to redeem on a future purchase of a new car seat, stroller or other select baby gear.

Even better, this offer can be stacked with sales and the Target Red Cardholders discount for even more savings. Plus, it can be used online or in-store.

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Grocery pick up over the weekend.  Even with Easter meal and other stuff besides just food we are still able to stick to our grocery budget. 

Ordered some vitamins for the whole family and some discounted boots for kids.  Saw some other things I will probably order that are a good deal too. 

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All retirement space is maxed for the year.  

Donated a ton of stuff.  Getting some more ready.

Have a few returns to do. 

I saw that gas went up .20 cents a gallon since last week.  Joy.

I should be saving on heating the house by now, but it snowed yesterday so nope.  

Looking at what other programs/camps to put the kids in this summer.  The 4 oldest are all doing dance intensives, but I want them to do some other things too.  

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