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Cat Dr. Hive . . . UPDATE:


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I have one that had similar issues about 10 years ago.  We switched to the special food for a while but she developed other health issues from that food.  We ended up switching to raw which cleared up both issues.  We also mix water into each meal because she is not big on drinking water.  She is 18 now and has had no problems since, so there is hope!

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My cat had a urinary blockage when he was only about 5 months old. He's 10 now and fine. We did the urinary food at first but quit because it was expensive and he didn't like it. We give him wet food now and it seems to be working. He's never had any problems since switching- actually he has had fewer UTIs and urinary problems than on the rx food. 

He also ate a nerf dart and needed emergency surgery a few years ago. He is the most expensive cat! 

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Oh, wow, I just read this whole thread and am so glad it switched from such sad news to such hope! 

God bless that rescue. ❤️

gardenmom, don't beat yourself up at all! You did the right thing in taking him in and now you're taking steps to take care of the problem. You're doing great!

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40 minutes ago, KSera said:

Yes. I usually used warm water, because that can be even more appetizing to cats. I started with just a tablespoon of water stirred into the food to make it an even consistency, so it wasn't food surrounded by water. Then I increased the water once I knew she would eat it with that amount.

One thing that is appealing is cats don't like switching foods, so if I can add water to the poultry food to make it more "wet" (which I can easily do), that would be a big boon.  I was planning on trying the special food too - but we'll see if he eats it first.

33 minutes ago, Paige said:

My cat had a urinary blockage when he was only about 5 months old. He's 10 now and fine. We did the urinary food at first but quit because it was expensive and he didn't like it. We give him wet food now and it seems to be working. He's never had any problems since switching- actually he has had fewer UTIs and urinary problems than on the rx food. 

He also ate a nerf dart and needed emergency surgery a few years ago. He is the most expensive cat! 

I'm hoping if I can get a lot more water in his diet, it will make a big difference.  Watch closely, and go slowly.

And he tried to eat a ribbon.  he was mad at me pulling it away from him.  He had a good chunk of it in his mouth and trying to swallow it.

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1 hour ago, gardenmom5 said:

The salmon has more liquid than the others.  He laps it up.  (the cases have a mix of duck, chicken, and salmon.)

Ok - well - the dogs will love the salmon.

so you mixed wet food with more water?

I'm grateful to the rescue.  I think it's partly it's hard to find people willing to take a cat with known urinary problems.

So - you don't replace the filter?  or do you wash it when you fill the reservoir and then replace the filter once a month or so.

Yeah, I replace the filter monthly and twice a week I give the whole fountain a good scrub and rinse the filter out thoroughly. I saw some reviews where people were saying the filters need to be changed very frequently, but ours never even looks dirty. Maybe it depends on water quality? We're on well water.

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We couldn't use a water fountain. I tried a few but my jerk cat would only splash in them. Even now he only licks water off his paw. We give our cat the runniest wet food. I'm sure pate is better for most cats, but the ones that have chunks and gravy seem to have more moisture so we go for that and for a while we'd even add more water.

Wysong sells a urinary food that worked slightly better but it's dry too. I think the most important thing is to keep stress low and water high. 

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7 minutes ago, Paige said:

We give our cat the runniest wet food. I'm sure pate is better for most cats, but the ones that have chunks and gravy seem to have more moisture so we go for that and for a while we'd even add more water.

Weruva makes one that is like a pate, but mushier and this a lot of extra liquid. My cat LOVES this one. I usually stir all the extra liquid in so that she gets it all. (I don't think chunks and gravy are lesser though, as long as the ingredients are similar and they're not using carb fillers to make the chunks). This is the Weruva food: https://www.chewy.com/bff-play-pate-lovers-chicken/dp/218922?utm_source=partnerize&utm_medium=affiliates&utm_campaign=1100l36036&utm_content=0&clickref=1011liP2wDwe&utm_term=1011liP2wDwe

We rotate through different foods, and this is on the more expensive side, so it's not as frequent. I love the moisture content though. I think our cat is not picky though (although she did balk when I tried her on raw).

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1 hour ago, Selkie said:

Yeah, I replace the filter monthly and twice a week I give the whole fountain a good scrub and rinse the filter out thoroughly. I saw some reviews where people were saying the filters need to be changed very frequently, but ours never even looks dirty. Maybe it depends on water quality? We're on well water.

I'm sure water quality makes a huge difference.  hard water has more minerals and will be harder on filters.   Ours isn't the softest, but it's soft.  But I think filtering stuff out of the tap water will be good.  One person was complaining about the cost of filters and started using coffee filters (his vet was fine with it.)  If your water isn't hard, and getting everything out isn't crucial, it's probably fine.

I will definitely add water into the wet and try different urinary wet foods.  I'm feeling optimistic - which is so not how I felt 12 hours ago.  But I think my stress won't start going down until this is resolved and he's home.

and there's going to be an even harder push to make sure the food it up high before the dogs can eat it.  Instead of running to great me first thing now - they run to the kitchen to check out his food dish.  I swear, - I may make dd pay for each can they eat if she just lets them in the house with no warning.  

what are things I can do to help make low stress for the cat?  Or should I start a new thread to minimize confusion.

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2 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

I'm sure water quality makes a huge difference.  hard water has more minerals and will be harder on filters.   Ours isn't the softest, but it's soft.  But I think filtering stuff out of the tap water will be good.  One person was complaining about the cost of filters and started using coffee filters (his vet was fine with it.)  If your water isn't hard, and getting everything out isn't crucial, it's probably fine.

I will definitely add water into the wet and try different urinary wet foods.  I'm feeling optimistic - which is so not how I felt 12 hours ago.  But I think my stress won't start going down until this is resolved and he's home.

and there's going to be an even harder push to make sure the food it up high before the dogs can eat it.  Instead of running to great me first thing now - they run to the kitchen to check out his food dish.  I swear, - I may make dd pay for each can they eat if she just lets them in the house with no warning.  

what are things I can do to help make low stress for the cat?  Or should I start a new thread to minimize confusion.

I feed my cat in “his” bathroom with the door closed. The dog can’t get into the food that way. I open the door after 20 to 30 minutes. I  have other chores that take up that time and then open the door when I am done. So it’s fairly easy to keep track of. The cat is done with his food within that time frame. 

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3 minutes ago, gardenmom5 said:

I'm sure water quality makes a huge difference.  hard water has more minerals and will be harder on filters.   Ours isn't the softest, but it's soft.  But I think filtering stuff out of the tap water will be good.  One person was complaining about the cost of filters and started using coffee filters (his vet was fine with it.)  If your water isn't hard, and getting everything out isn't crucial, it's probably fine.

I will definitely add water into the wet and try different urinary wet foods.  I'm feeling optimistic - which is so not how I felt 12 hours ago.  But I think my stress won't start going down until this is resolved and he's home.

and there's going to be an even harder push to make sure the food it up high before the dogs can eat it.  Instead of running to great me first thing now - they run to the kitchen to check out his food dish.  I swear, - I may make dd pay for each can they eat if she just lets them in the house with no warning.  

what are things I can do to help make low stress for the cat?  Or should I start a new thread to minimize confusion.

Can you put the cat's food up on a surface? Like a laundry room counter or a cat tree platform big enough for him and the food? I'd put him in a room closed away from the dogs for sure when he first comes home though, while he's healing. Whether the dogs get closed away or the cat has to be the one. I would make sure the cat has peace and quiet for a bit to recover.

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57 minutes ago, Jean in Newcastle said:

I feed my cat in “his” bathroom with the door closed. The dog can’t get into the food that way. I open the door after 20 to 30 minutes. I  have other chores that take up that time and then open the door when I am done. So it’s fairly easy to keep track of. The cat is done with his food within that time frame. 


56 minutes ago, KSera said:

Can you put the cat's food up on a surface? Like a laundry room counter or a cat tree platform big enough for him and the food? I'd put him in a room closed away from the dogs for sure when he first comes home though, while he's healing. Whether the dogs get closed away or the cat has to be the one. I would make sure the cat has peace and quiet for a bit to recover.


The dogs visit, they don't live here.  I move his dishes to the kitchen table when they come over - but frequently the first clue I have they're here is them running up the stairs.  At times - I even had to make a "fence" with cereal boxes!  But, they can't eat his food.    I will not allow the dogs over for a while.   

Hmm - If he likes the fountain - I was going to get a second one to put down by dudeling's desk. He has a large cat tree behind him.  That could be a great place for the 2nd water fountain.

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I've had a lot of success just mixing water with my cats' regular cat food. I didn't even bother gradually doing it (oops). One day it was pate the next day soup. My cat who likes wet food gobbled it up as if nothing changed. My cat who prefers dry food licked up all the water/gravy and goes back to her dry food.

Cat fountains have been hit or miss with my cats. Some like them, some avoid them, so I would just get one to start with.  

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I'm so relieved/glad you found a rescue to help you and your sweet kitty out. We had two major cat emergencies last year. After spending a couple of thousand on one cat, he still passed away. When the second cat needed emergency surgery, we just didn't have the resources to pay for a $1500 surgery. And this was a surgery at a low cost vet. They tried rescues but no one would take her so we thought we'd have to euthanize her but eventually we got hooked up with Scratch Pay and kitty had her surgery. Successful, thankfully, and still a royal weirdo of a cat but at least she's a healthy weirdo. However, we are still paying off that surgery. 😞 What I wouldn't have given for a rescue to come to our aid. May your little one live a long and healthy life.

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They did the procedure sunday night/very early monday morning to flush him out.

They tried to remove the catheter today, but he still has crystals, may have an infection, etc. (other things, but TMI)  They plan on trying again tomorrow.  

How concerning is this?

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