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I'm trying to decide how mad to be - Updated 10/29


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  • 4 months later...

Well, today took an interesting turn.  I ran into ds's leader K from when he was switched to a different group after the bad leaders.  He said they're putting together a leadership mentoring program and ds has been mentioned a LOT internally because he went from being "the problem" to having a great year. The organization is still confused how this happened and what made the difference, so K wanted us to ask him what made the change happen. He's often brought up as a 'case study' about leadership/parents/organization partnership. There was one issue ds had at the beginning of the year but it was handled by everyone, including us, in a swift, textbook manner and nothing happened again, and the year progressed beautifully.  But there were many other issues with others in the org from our time with the bad leaders until now. It prompted the state organization to open a review of different incidents at the center and how they were handled, leading to this - developing a leadership mentoring program that teaches the adults how to lead.

I am all for a program that teaches leaders to work with kids!  And it gave me an opportunity to explain a lot more about what made that group work well, and why ds had problems the year before, and what prompted the one issue at the beginning of the year with K - a former teammate starting the same behavior.  We never shared that part with K because we focused on ds's emotional regulation at the time, but we did make sure the other kid's parents got word that we would go nuclear if it continued.  It stopped so we didn't inform anyone else until now.  

So.............even though I don't like the initial ideas about ds, I think the dialogue being opened is a really good idea.  And I'm happy to help talk up K's ability to work with the kids/sit down with ds to get his opinions.  Plus, I think the stark contrast in years gave them all food for thought on how things were being handled. (The state's thumb being pressed down, too!).  Little changes for them, year by year, and I'm hoping that in a few years they'll have all the safeguards put in place to make it run smoothly for everyone.

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Hopefully, they can learn and then teach new leaders how to help EVERYbody flourish, without sacrificing ANYbody. Environment matters. 

ETA: I'm so glad they are seeing the contrast in how your son did under one set of leaders, and in how he did under the others, and what a difference that made--and how it wasn't all him at all!

Edited by Jaybee
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