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April Well-Trained Bodies

Laura Corin

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I am taking the week off as the kids are on spring break and dh is off as well. 

I had planned to continue my exercise program until I finished it- another 7 weeks but I think it might be prudent to back off. I have lots of work that needs to be done outside and my body (shoulders especially) can only tolerate so much. We also have a lot of stress right now and I'm feeling that maybe pushing myself really hard physically when I'm mentally also very at the end of my rope isn't good. So, trying to determine a plan to keep moving and in routine.

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Did my dumbbell workout this morning. Managed to get a Chinese chicken salad of sorts made for lunch, even though I didn't get it prepped last night.

April Goals
1. Maintain current 6 days/week exercise with some treadmill, some dumbbells, some bodyweight circuit, some yoga, etc.
2. Maintain weight. This gets tricky as Lent ends. I'm in a good place right now with appetite control, not eating sweets, not really overeating or mindlessly eating. That gets harder as I allow sweets back into the mix.
3. Salad for lunch everyday. I want to do a lot of main dish salads, but some days it will just be a side salad with something else like leftovers that need to get used. Must be veggie-based salad, not fruit salad. This is all to get more plants into my diet to help cholesterol levels. I can't do completely plant-based diet for many reasons (including that I don't like most non-salad veggies), so I'm trying to do something helpful that I have a chance of success at. Today was day 10 in a row of salad lunches--will aim for the rest of April and see if it has become a habit by then. So the daily salad report is just an accountability tool for me.

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My exercise goals this month are to maintain my streak of daily outdoor exercise. It seems to be mostly walking during the week, with longer hikes and bike rides on the week end. This weekend we're getting our new canoe, so I'll be adding in paddling very soon! 😃

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Did a short interval workout this morning, and did the low-impact version of all the intervals. But I didn't fall asleep for a long time last night and almost talked myself into turning off the alarm or just doing an easy yoga, so this was still an accomplishment! Got most of today's salad put together this morning: romaine and spinach, grape tomatoes, cucumber, mini sweet red pepper. Will add turkey and/or bacon bits and Italian dressing.

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Lovely walk this morning with Husband and Son through the woods.  I picked over a kilo of wild garlic leaves aka ramsons and have made pesto. In a second I'll go out and cut back the Buddleia and Elder. Husband is cooking turbot with ramson pesto for supper.

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I started doing DDP yoga mid-March, based off the suggestion of ktgrok and ottakee.  I'm really liking the program so far. I've lost 6 lbs, too! 

My goal for April is to do a DDPY workout every day. I am going to start working out with resistance bands a few times a week, too. 

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5 hours ago, wintermom said:


Dh is picking up our new canoe tomorrow, so soon I'll be able to paddle!! I can't wait! 😃

How exciting!  

I had planned to go swimming this week, but I didn’t want to skip a run and I'm quite busy working on my final essay for this module. I'll pick up the swimming in a few weeks.

The weather is glorious again - around 7 degrees C with sun and almost no wind. I plan to run this morning and finish weeding the garden this afternoon. The weather is gloomy and windy tomorrow,  so I'll work on my essay then.

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Did Greet the Day yoga this morning. I have a long list of things to do--some indoor stuff like the usual chores, finish writing a math packet, make a cake for tomorrow, and then I would like to get outside in the afternoon and do some more work on the second path in the backyard. Maybe mow the lawn if dh doesn't do it--it's growing again and getting pretty tall.

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11 hours ago, wintermom said:

Pretty successful day overall. I got in a bike ride and a nice dog walk. I also nearly finished the first draft of my final research paper!!! I'm thrilled, but my brain is mush now. 😉 

Well done!

I got a lot of garden work done yesterday.  I'm beginning the process of taking bluebells out of one bed. They are very invasive and I already have a patch elsewhere in the garden. I also evicted the hostas. 

Today - I walked the dog while Husband ran round the park.

I'll spend the afternoon studying, then do a bit of work rationalising the daffodils - they are not looking their best because they are a random assortment in ones and twos all over. A few good areas of particular varieties will look much better. My tomato seeds have germinated in their hot-water-bottle-powered insulated box. Hooray!

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Still going with DDP yoga. I did a 20 minute DDP routine today, and 10 minutes on the recumbent bike.  I signed up to do a virtual "run" totalling 46 miles through the Giza Pyramids. I'm going to walk and bike for the event rather than run, (I loathe running!). 

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Did 30 min on the treadmill this morning. Today's salad uses some leftover stuff from Saturday's salad--a copy of a local restaurant's dish. Broken-up tortilla chips topped with black beans, then usually jack cheese which we don't have so I may skip cheese or do just 1/4 oz of shredded Mexican cheese which we do have. Then lots of romaine, pico de gallo, and an avocado lime dressing. And I'll throw in a little leftover red pepper from last night's dinner. So starting off with a good salad and I'm sure they'll get less impressive and not prepped in advance as the week goes on!

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I don't think I  said but I did yoga outside in the garden under the apple trees on Friday. It was glorious.

Today there was a cold north wind but I ran for a couple of miles along a sheltered path. It snowed a bit but just a scatter. The two miles felt good.

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Dh and I went to the paddle store to buy paddles and pfd's, then I went for a nice walk with a friend. Later in the afternoon ds 18 and I went for our first ever canoe paddle!! It was awesome. It was pretty windy and a little wavy, but the canoe is solid and secure, and felt wonderful! There was one other person out on the river in a small kayak, and I felt so much safer in the canoe. As much as I love the water, it does feel great sitting a little higher up and staying dry. 🙂

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I'm horribly behind on replying but did catch up with everyone.

I was fighting dizzyness and fatigue last week. I'm pretty certain it is just stress.

Stress continues. Dizzyness seems to be gone and fatigue improved although sleeping has gotten worse.

Kids were off yesterday so I took another day off. 

I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I'd like to lose a few more pounds but am fighting eating for stress. 

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8 minutes ago, Soror said:

I'm horribly behind on replying but did catch up with everyone.

I was fighting dizzyness and fatigue last week. I'm pretty certain it is just stress.

Stress continues. Dizzyness seems to be gone and fatigue improved although sleeping has gotten worse.

Kids were off yesterday so I took another day off. 

I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I'd like to lose a few more pounds but am fighting eating for stress. 

It's really hard.  I suspect I have fewer reasons for stress than you do, but there's a fair bit of eating here too.  I'm sorry to hear about the dizziness.

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@Soror So sorry to hear that stress is causing so much disturbance in your life and for your health. Big hugs. Hope things get better for you soon.

@Laura Corin Very impressive with the outdoor yoga with nature and your running!!

@MissLemon  Great job keeping up with yoga and biking! Enjoy your virtual tour through the Pyramids! Sounds like fun!

@Ali in OR That black bean dish is sounding like something I need to make! 

The weather forecast look superb this week! Ds 18 and I already have booked a canoe paddle on Friday, but hopefully I can get out again before then. I'll also be walking the dog this week. Our provincial 4-week lockdown has stopped all the dc's sports activities, which also means the accompanying moms' walks. I'll have to try and get together with my friends despite this. 😉

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Did my bodyweight circuit x2 and the short 11 min wakeup yoga. Did not put a salad together last night but I did get it done this morning: romaine and spinach, red pepper, grape tomatoes, cucumber, deli turkey meat, and I'll add Italian dressing and salad topping stuff at lunch. I'm enjoying my salads; I don't think I'm at the point yet where it's a permanent craving and habit, but at least I'm not tired of them!

@wintermom, what do you have to do to get your canoe in the water? Do you have to go to a specific location, like a boat ramp? Two people can carry it ok? Do you have to get your trailer hooked up to the car and then get it on the trailer? Enjoy your amazing weather--I think we're supposed to get to 64° today--nice and sunny now but still only 37°.

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7 hours ago, Ali in OR said:


@wintermom, what do you have to do to get your canoe in the water? Do you have to go to a specific location, like a boat ramp? Two people can carry it ok? Do you have to get your trailer hooked up to the car and then get it on the trailer? Enjoy your amazing weather--I think we're supposed to get to 64° today--nice and sunny now but still only 37°.

It doesn't have to be a boat ramp. Just a big enough access area to carry the canoe to the water. We bought a kevlar canoe, which is light and strong. It's very easy for 2 people to carry it. Right now we just leave the canoe on the trailer, then hook the trailer to the van when we want to take it to some water to paddle. 

Enjoy your warm weather!

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30 min of yoga done. It felt good. 

I have been craving fruits and veggies like crazy. 

I need to make a frittata to have for breakfast. I made one this weekend but with the kid's help that didn't last long at all. I did pre-make some apple steel cut oats and still have 1 more serving left. 

I had my oats w/ apple and green tea before yoga and after yoga scrambled eggs w/ kale, yellow pepper, and onion.

lunch will be greek salad (greens, cukes, tomatoes, hummus, feta, simple vinaigrette- I got some new white balsamic vinegar to try);

greek yogurt w/ fresh strawberries;

sea salt caramels

snack: popcorn w/ nut yeast ; cuties

Dinner is chicken, cauliflower, and sweet potato

That is:

4 carbs (steel cut oats, popcorn(2), sweet potato); 3 fruits- apple, strawberry, cuties

8 fat- butter(0ats- usually don't add oil but tried new recipe- will leave out next time), pecans, coconut oil (cooking eggs in), feta, olive oil, chocolates(2), olive oil (roasting cauliflower)

3 protein; eggs, greek yogurt, chicken, hummus

vegs- 6- kale, peppers & onions, greens, cukes, tomatoes, cauliflower

My goal is: 4 carbs, 8 fat; 7 carb (4 carb+3 fruit); 4 veg; 4 protein

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I went for a really nice walk in the woods with a friend. Then ds 18 and I went for another canoe paddle. I got a photo this time. The conditions were perfect!  We're going into another, even deeper form of lockdown tomorrow and I wanted to get in a little more paddling just in case it's banned. 



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Lovely picture @wintermom!

I finally slept last night. I remembered my progesterone cream. I've not taken it in forever because I haven't seemed to need it but after several rough nights I thought maybe it would help. I actually feel like I have some energy today, hoping it lasts.

I got in a walk in the woods with the girls yesterday.

Hoping for a longer walk today, some kind of workout this morning, we'll see how I feel when I finish teaching.

Food will probably be about the same except dinner. I think it will be homemade pizza.

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54 minutes ago, Soror said:

Lovely picture @wintermom!

I finally slept last night. I remembered my progesterone cream. I've not taken it in forever because I haven't seemed to need it but after several rough nights I thought maybe it would help. I actually feel like I have some energy today, hoping it lasts.

I got in a walk in the woods with the girls yesterday.

Hoping for a longer walk today, some kind of workout this morning, we'll see how I feel when I finish teaching.

Food will probably be about the same except dinner. I think it will be homemade pizza.

So glad that you slept well!! Enjoy your walk today.

My arms were sore this morning from paddling. That's the kind of pain I'm happy with, though, 'cause it means I've been doing some fun things. 😉 

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@wintermom I'm glad you are having fun paddling - great picture!  I hope your lockdown isn't too difficult and that you and your family are able to stay safe.

We had a one-day respite from spring winds yesterday and I ran on the beach.  It was chilly but felt really good.  I decided to vary my pace in a different way: doing the first mile at a moderate pace, taking the next mile faster, then dropping down for the last bit.  It felt really good and I was running faster for longer than I've done before.  I've been hesitant to run faster for that long because I don't want to have to stop prematurely if I get tired.  I have to realise that I'm actually fitter than I was.  Yin yoga before bed.

Today was just a windy walk with the dog.  I hope for some more energetic yoga later.

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Did my dumbbell workout today. I like how I don't clock-watch with that one, even though it's one of my longer workouts. Today will just be a little side salad at lunch--cucumbers and grape tomatoes. But I think I might also make a spinach salad at dinner to go with our sandwiches.

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22 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

@wintermom I'm glad you are having fun paddling - great picture!  I hope your lockdown isn't too difficult and that you and your family are able to stay safe.

We had a one-day respite from spring winds yesterday and I ran on the beach.  It was chilly but felt really good.  I decided to vary my pace in a different way: doing the first mile at a moderate pace, taking the next mile faster, then dropping down for the last bit.  It felt really good and I was running faster for longer than I've done before.  I've been hesitant to run faster for that long because I don't want to have to stop prematurely if I get tired.  I have to realise that I'm actually fitter than I was.  Yin yoga before bed.

Today was just a windy walk with the dog.  I hope for some more energetic yoga later.

It is impressive to see how much fitness you have gained!

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Long hike w/ dh yesterday and strength for lower body.

So far today- 20 min yoga and plan something after I'm done teaching. We'll see what I feel like.

Food is back in the groove. Preplanning helps immensely.

oats and eggs+veg for bfast again; greek salad w/ yogurt+berries for lunch; dinner- grilled chicken and veggies

probably some leftover gf pizza for afternoon snack

We'll be going to a park today. It will be an easy hike/walk as I'll be with the girls but it is movement.

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2 minutes ago, Soror said:

It is impressive to see how much fitness you have gained!


Garmin disagrees.  I am apparently in the bottom 50% for my age and gender - their estimation has been dropping steadily since I started running again.  I refuse to believe that most women my age are fitter than me.  I suspect it's selection bias: most women my age who wear Garmins are fitter than me, as they have a lot of high end sports watches that will attract the ultra-fit.

Today: running after work.  That's about it.

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21 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:


Garmin disagrees.  I am apparently in the bottom 50% for my age and gender - their estimation has been dropping steadily since I started running again.  I refuse to believe that most women my age are fitter than me.  I suspect it's selection bias: most women my age who wear Garmins are fitter than me, as they have a lot of high end sports watches that will attract the ultra-fit.

Today: running after work.  That's about it.

I think you are entirely correct. Most women don't even run, let alone run faster. 

speaking of trackers- I ordered myself a knockoff one from Amazon and added on the 3 yr protection plan. It has many thousands of reviews so I'm hoping it is decent. I need to be taking more steps than I am. I got out of the habit with not feeling well and it is always work to get back into a habit.

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30 min on the treadmill this morning. Planning on a taco salad for lunch but I've done zero prep. Maybe I'll go get the chicken out of the freezer.

I had a short season of running 5k's (slowly) before plantar fasciitis stopped my brilliant running career. The winners were always women around 50--not the young college kids. One in particular that I know is probably 5-10 years older than me and amazingly fast.

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7 hours ago, Soror said:


speaking of trackers- I ordered myself a knockoff one from Amazon and added on the 3 yr protection plan. It has many thousands of reviews so I'm hoping it is decent. I need to be taking more steps than I am. I got out of the habit with not feeling well and it is always work to get back into a habit.

Let us know what you think of it.

4 hours ago, Ali in OR said:


I had a short season of running 5k's (slowly) before plantar fasciitis stopped my brilliant running career. The winners were always women around 50--not the young college kids. One in particular that I know is probably 5-10 years older than me and amazingly fast.

That's reassuring.  

I'm up to 30 minutes in Couch to 5K. That of course doesn't mean I'm running 5K, even though this is the last week of the programme. I had another good run on the beach this evening and managed almost 4K. I'll get there. 

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@Laura Corin and @Ali in OR  I noticed on the race times I used to participate in that the 40 and 50 age group times were super fast compared to 20s and 30s. I'm not 100% sure what the explanation is, but I have a few guesses. They may be focusing on running, while younger sporty women are not competing in those mass races or they are doing other sports. Those 40/50+ women who choose to go big into running seem to go really big into it. And when their children are older, they have to time to dedicate to training. I don't think they can last long into their 60s and beyond, though, as running is really taxing on the body. 

Laura, you're doing amazing with your running and overall fitness! Life-long fitness is a 'marathon' that you'll still be participating in until you're 70, 80 and maybe even beyond. I love that you have a number of physical activities within your 'toolbox' that keep you active and happy. 

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16 minutes ago, wintermom said:

@Laura Corin and @Ali in OR  I noticed on the race times I used to participate in that the 40 and 50 age group times were super fast compared to 20s and 30s. I'm not 100% sure what the explanation is, but I have a few guesses. They may be focusing on running, while younger sporty women are not competing in those mass races or they are doing other sports. Those 40/50+ women who choose to go big into running seem to go really big into it. And when their children are older, they have to time to dedicate to training. I don't think they can last long into their 60s and beyond, though, as running is really taxing on the body. 

Laura, you're doing amazing with your running and overall fitness! Life-long fitness is a 'marathon' that you'll still be participating in until you're 70, 80 and maybe even beyond. I love that you have a number of physical activities within your 'toolbox' that keep you active.

Thanks. The older runners I see around here seem to be mostly wiry people with decades of experience.  And a few giving it a try. So that fits with your experience. I'm not planning on going above 5k three times a week.

We might be getting another boost to our fitness by trying to get a second dog, if we can find a suitable rescue dog after the lockdown pet boom and bust.  Our dog groomer has pointed us toward some reputable places. It might be nice to get a slightly more active dog who can run with us. We'll see. Our current lady is 14 and is happy with a two mile walk most days.

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15 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Thanks. The older runners I see around here seem to be mostly wiry people with decades of experience.  And a few giving it a try. So that fits with your experience. I'm not planning on going above 5k three times a week.

We might be getting another boost to our fitness by trying to get a second dog, if we can find a suitable rescue dog after the lockdown pet boom and bust.  Our dog groomer has pointed us toward some reputable places. It might be nice to get a slightly more active dog who can run with us. We'll see. Our current lady is 14 and is happy with a two mile walk most days.

Looking for an additional dog now sounds like perfect timing. If you can overlap the timing for a bit where you have 2, it will be so much easier on you when that sad time comes and your old lady passes. We're trying to get another dog, too, but the breeder is having a tough time with covid and travel restrictions. All the local rescues are the same as yours.

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Did Yoga for Courage this morning. Of course I choose it for how long it takes, but Yoga for Courage is definitely applicable to work challenges these days. 10 more weeks to the school year and it's going to be a long 10 weeks. We're in the midst of changing schedules from online-only to hybrid, which is online in the morning and a little bit of in-person by cohorts in the afternoon. And after the state of OR agreed with CDC's new "kids can be 3' apart instead of 6' apart" guidance, we will only be in hybrid for 2 weeks before we go back to full in-person with everyone (no cohorts). But with some families opting to stay at home with little to no instruction. Daily health screenings, new attendance procedures, one-way walking patterns in school--it's all very a very stressful way to learn. So I'm finding I really need the weekends to recover! We'll go to dd's last soccer game today. In Thursday's last home soccer game, a 1-1 tie, she scored the only goal, and she's a defender. An amazing shot from way out along the sideline--best of her high school career. Kind of an exciting way to end your season.

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Another gorgeous paddle today! You can see 'Blueberry' in her full glory in this photo. She also doubled as a can-uber today when I hopped on board in the middle to take the water route back across the bay after hiking around. Could be a possible summer job for the boys! 😃

There were many more out on the water this weekend, but there is lots of room for everyone! 😉



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Still going with DDP yoga. I have lost 9 lbs in 3.5 weeks.  I signed up for a virtual race around the Giza pyramids and have completed 25% of the route, (12 miles). 

Today is a rest day from DDP. I am just going to do some of the stretching workouts, and not the more intense ones, so my muscles can rest.

The psoas muscle in my right leg is super, super tight. I think my desk chair is the culprit, so I am looking into those "kneeling chairs" to help with that. 

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I need to rest my arms and shoulders today, so I went on a bike ride with ds 15 and a dog walk with dd. Otherwise, I'm sat at the computer trying to get some consulting work completed. 

I finished up my winter grad course on Friday!! Now just one course this summer and I'm done the diploma. 😃

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24 minutes ago, wintermom said:

I need to rest my arms and shoulders today, so I went on a bike ride with ds 15 and a dog walk with dd. Otherwise, I'm sat at the computer trying to get some consulting work completed. 

I finished up my winter grad course on Friday!! Now just one course this summer and I'm done the diploma. 😃

Well done! I'm deep in my last essay for this module. Three weeks to go of the semester. It's been a lot of fun but I'm quite tired.

Good run this afternoon between  the crazy snow showers we are still getting. I ran the length of our local golf course, which is closed to golfers on Sundays.

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2 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Well done! I'm deep in my last essay for this module. Three weeks to go of the semester. It's been a lot of fun but I'm quite tired.

Good run this afternoon between  the crazy snow showers we are still getting. I ran the length of our local golf course, which is closed to golfers on Sundays.

Yikes! You got snow? My family in Alberta had a big snow storm last night, too. I'm fortunate that we didn't get any snow here. Hope things warm up for you soon. Golf closed on Sundays? That must be tough for working folks who only have the weekend to play. At least others in the community can use the area, which sounds great.

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Today is my birthday and I enjoyed a good steak and sourdough bread and of course chocolate ganache cake all without guilt .  back to my normal eating tomorrow.  Continuing on a body beast challenge.  Hoping to get a few running miles in is week.

Hope everyone had a good weekend and will enjoy some nice spring weather this week.

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