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Daily Movement - Thursday, January 21


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My morning blood pressures have been good. But I happened to take my blood pressure just before bed a couple of times this week and my pressures were not so good. It surprised/disappointed me. I made an effort to get all of my activity done early today so I can check again tonight away from activity.

 I did: the Walk at Home boosted walk, pilates (lower body), some weights work, and I tried a relaxation focused flow yoga just now (it would be a nice way to end a day I think). 

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I had a 7:00am PT appointment today, so I had time for only a short (2.8K) walk before running out the door.

PT was relaxed today, because I told the physical therapist how weak and sore and stiff I've been feeling. She took it easy on me today and suggested I back off a bit on the daily exercises at home between now and my next appointment.

I'm currently at only about half my step count for the day (after having eaten everything I can lay hands on, sigh). So I will definitely at least go for another good walk after work. If I feel up to it, I might do some light cardio this evening, too.

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6 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:

I had a 7:00am PT appointment today, so I had time for only a short (2.8K) walk before running out the door.

PT was relaxed today, because I told the physical therapist how weak and sore and stiff I've been feeling. She took it easy on me today and suggested I back off a bit on the daily exercises at home between now and my next appointment.

I'm currently at only about half my step count for the day (after having eaten everything I can lay hands on, sigh). So I will definitely at least go for another good walk after work. If I feel up to it, I might do some light cardio this evening, too.

You are definitely doing a lot - what sounds like hours of brisk walking, PT exercises daily, and some other exercise as well. I know I'm surprised how tired the PT exercises make me. They don't get my heart rate up particuarly or anything, but I think the mental focus required, plus using muscles I wasn't using well before, is just harder on me than I expected. I've found myself having to cut back a bit on my other exercise, not just add it on like I thought. I'm just too worn down otherwise. And I'm not working full time on top of it like you are! 

I guess just saying, you are doing great, and if your body says slow down a bit, definitely listen to it. 

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I put off my DDPY until evening thinking I'd do the 9pm live class on zoom, but ended up feeling realy tired and I know I'm dehydrated - too much coffee, not enough water. Also have a sinus headache and just off. So instead of doing a live workout on zoom I took it easy and did Salute the Road Warrior - my favorite "off day" workout. And that was the right call, even doing an easier workout I ended up with a cramp and had to pause the workout until it went away - definitely need to drink more! Also balance is off from fluid in my ears/sinuses. Couldn't get my heart rate up either - also probably the dehydration. Going to sit here and drink something and then eat some veggies - been slacking on those last two days and my body wants them! Got zucchini, japanese eggplant, cherry tomatoes, and red onion slices in the air fryer right now. Oh, and I also did 30 minutes of physical therapy exercises earlier today and a 2 minute plank challenge. Thinking on it, that plank challenge might have something to do with the ab muscles cramping up during my workout tonight, lol. 

Plank challenge video: https://www.facebook.com/katie.loeschmeyer/videos/10158093523023666


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