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November Well-Trained Bodies


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@IvyInFlorida I love birth stories!  Thank you for sharing yours with us.  I'm sorry you are having ongoing complications, that's obviously the last thing you want to deal with when you have a newborn!  You look amazing in your picture- this is another benefit of fitness, the bounce-back is often much faster!  


I went for a 10k run this afternoon, but it was hard.  I've got some ongoing soreness from last week's crazy 42 mile week.  I'm planning to attempt to keep the mileage up, but I know I'm walking that edge between pushing limits and risking injury, so I'm trying to not let ego get too much in the way here.  I'm noticing suddenly that my leg definition is improving a lot, so I'm excited about that change!   

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@IvyInFlorida all your boys are lovely!  And you are looking so great.  I'm sorry it's taking a while to stabilise after the birth. 

@wintermom kitty is so sweet!  Do you have a name yet?

@Dreamergal that sounds like a lovely festival.  Nothing to be ashamed of.

Nordic Walking was great today.  I got my heart rate up pretty high walking fast up hills.  And then ended up doing a very easy Neck and Shoulder Release yoga, which was probably a good idea.  Now to roller my legs.

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Thanks for pics of kittens and babies. Love this thread, even if I don't get a lot of time to reply personally.

Did the kickboxing video this morning. It's supposed to be my bodyweight circuit/yoga day, but I couldn't find my phone and at 6:00 in the morning I can't figure out how to do a 1 minute plank without my phone timer, so I just did a different workout!

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Did a gentle lunchtime dog walk after my more vigorous NW yesterday.  I think the foam roller is having an effect on my tight hamstring.  Maybe.  The rollering didn't hurt so much this morning.  After work I'll maybe try Yoga for Gut Health plus Yoga for when you're Sore.  Husband is cooking, I think.

Porridge, stewed apple, yoghurt.  Mixed beans plus eggs.  Tomato sauce and cheese on ?aubergine?

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11 hours ago, wintermom said:

I went for a walk with a friend and did some stretches. That's it for exercise. I was busy looking after the dog who somehow hurt his paw. I also was trying to finish an assignment for my course.

I've been sleeping so poorly the last several weeks. It's getting really annoying. 

Ugh, that stinks! 😞 The kitty is adorable.

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Yoga and a walk today. 

Sleep was not as good last night, random pains at the bottom of my ribs. Like I need new pains. 

I have a very busy day today, 4 different appointments, eye and teeth. I hate appointments.

I didn't eat any candy yesterday 🙂

B: blueberry, yogurt, granola

l: cowboy rice salad; black bean brownies

s: ?

d: roasted veg w/ leftover burger

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Quieter day at work today.  I'll try to NW at lunchtime and do a quick yoga session after work, maybe Yoga Tone.  I'm making a slightly fancier dinner than I normally do, so that will take a little time.

ETA: the 'feels like' temp is due to drop by over 10 degrees C tomorrow as the sky clears and the sun comes out.  Which is fine if it's not too icy.  We have rain today that might freeze overnight.

Porridge, stewed apple, yoghurt; ??????; chicken forestiere.

Edited by Laura Corin
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We're back to more 'seasonal' temps here. Apparently seasonal = freezing! 🥶  No more outdoor tennis, though I'll get to play a little indoor as the league is back up and running (for now). I'll get outside for some walking/hiking.

@Laura Corin We have that 'feels really cold' temp today. It's rather a shock when you see the sun and expect warmth. 😉

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2 hours ago, Soror said:

Yoga and a walk today. 

Sleep was not as good last night, random pains at the bottom of my ribs. Like I need new pains. 

I have a very busy day today, 4 different appointments, eye and teeth. I hate appointments.

I didn't eat any candy yesterday 🙂

B: blueberry, yogurt, granola

l: cowboy rice salad; black bean brownies

s: ?

d: roasted veg w/ leftover burger

Sorry your sleep is not great. I hate those weird, random pains. Just give me the same, well-known pain, please. 😉  Enjoy your yoga and walk!

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Bodyweight circuit x2 then Yoga for Flexibility.

I have the day off of work today, so I have a Target/Costco run planned--last one until mid-January. My subbing will continue as my workmate's dad is not doing well, so I will enjoy this day off. Except I think I have to put in some time preparing for her teacher-parent conferences for next week.

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I’m taking a few days off while I help my son recover from surgery yesterday. It was an elective surgery and he will be fine, but has some other challenges in life so needs extra care while recovering. But I’ve been on a streak with my rowing lately - almost 94,000 meters so far this month. 

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10 minutes ago, PinkTulip said:

I’m taking a few days off while I help my son recover from surgery yesterday. It was an elective surgery and he will be fine, but has some other challenges in life so needs extra care while recovering. But I’ve been on a streak with my rowing lately - almost 94,000 meters so far this month. 

Best wishes to your son.

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MBF day 8, lower body burn. Also moved some cows today, and took the dogs for a short walk. The snow and ice on the road turned to slush, so I think I spent more time scrubbing off the dogs when we got home than we spent walking.

@Dreamergal, that's warm! Here we were thinking how nice it was today at 37 degrees!

@Monica_in_Switzerland that's impressive! I was slowly increasing my running distance this summer/fall, but now that it's been icy I haven't been running at all :( 

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Tired this am again woken w/ pains at 3am, but much less intense and shorter but I still didn't go back to sleep. Planning a nap today. No walk yesterday, I didn't feel like it between the busyness of 4 different appointments and stomach pains/upset. Did do yoga.

Today's plan: yoga and walking


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Lovely walk on the beach today in glorious sunny weather.  There were twenty surfers out and they were finding some waves.  I had a lesson in the curvature of the earth: from my office on the upper floor of a building at the top of a cliff, I could see a lighthouse that is over ten miles out to sea.  From the beach it was invisible.

I've just finished work, and am going to clean our bedroom (new mattress arrives tomorrow but the new bed won't be here for a few weeks, so we'll be sleeping on the floor for a bit) then try for Cire Ritual Yoga, as Husband is cooking.

Muesli, stewed apple, yoghurt; chicken and mushroom soup with peas; courgette and aubergine with tomato sauce and cheese.

Edited by Laura Corin
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6 hours ago, Soror said:

Tired this am again woken w/ pains at 3am, but much less intense and shorter but I still didn't go back to sleep. Planning a nap today. No walk yesterday, I didn't feel like it between the busyness of 4 different appointments and stomach pains/upset. Did do yoga.

Today's plan: yoga and walking


So sorry that this pain is effecting your sleep. Have you seen a dr yet?

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I looked back and was surprised to see the sad faces on my post.

I didn't mean to come across sad but matter of fact.

I am actually doing much better, ya, happy face 🙂

I did not see a dr, between all of us there are enough appointments that I'm not up to it unless I'm huddled in the fetal position. My stomach didn't bother me at all yesterday except a bit in the am. I can't feel the shoulder much either, I still can't lay on that side long but I have regained the ability to put my hair in a ponytail without pain so that is progress.

I got a flu shot yesterday so now I have that soreness (should have got it in the other arm!). 

Yoga today and a walk.

I can feel myself getting more and more lose as the week goes on. I think I want to focus on yoga for a bit and put strength work secondary. I prefer to have some sort of program to see my progress so I'm looking into different streaming options for yoga. I have BB now but it is light in the way of yoga.


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I'm going for a walk in the woods with friends again this afternoon, and then playing doubles tennis outdoors this evening. Should be fun!

Sleep is still up and down. At least I can function alright throughout the day. The evenings are tough, and my stats class was last night. In the written chat for the Teams presentation, my spelling was so bad! My goodness, I need spell check there. 🤪

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Nice cool walk in the woods at lunchtime with the dog.  I just did a Yoga Wash session.  The fire is lit and I'm snuggling in for the night after I've cooked.  We have our new mattress, so I'm looking forward to that.

Muesli and yoghurt; sauteed mushroom and egg; frozen veg curry with chickpeas, and roast fresh broccoli on the side.

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We had lovely weather yesterday too. Today it is raining so far but not that cool.

More yoga and a walk planned again.

Must start planning food better!!!! Failing here.

b; eggs and homemade gf millet bread or blueberries w/ yogurt and granola(or smaller amounts of both?)

s: apple

l; black bean patties w/ brown rice

s: carrots and peppers

d: red beans and rice


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Happy Weekend, everyone!

The new mattress seems good.

Idyllic swim at the sea tank.  I swam a little further and mostly did backstroke.  This avoided the kink in my back that I get from the weird buoyancy of the wetsuit when I swim on my front.  I did a little breaststroke with my face in the water.  Fairly cold!  Air and water temp are probably both around 9 degrees C.

I plan to do some yoga - Yoga Tone - later, after a dog walk in the last of the sunshine.

Porridge, yoghurt, berries; leftover Kerala-style veggie curry; apple clafoutis and maybe Palak Tofu?

Edited by Laura Corin
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Checking in with another not-terribly-exciting update. Not much has changed here.

I'm continuing to try and rebuild on the exercise front. With the exception of one day when some especially bad vertigo knocked me down, I have maintained my regular routine of short walks outside/30-45 minutes of stationary biking/twice weekly PT/thrice weekly 30+ minutes of video-led cardio.

Also still doing various virtual challenges to try and keep life more interesting. Last weekend, I walked the virtual version of the big annual 5K that usually takes place downtown. They used a phone app that tracks your mileage and pace and provided recordings for take-off and finish and each mile marker. It was really well done and made walking in circles around my neighborhood feel a little more novel. Yesterday, I completed the WTM 20 in 20 challenge. Today, I did my personal make-up version of the Save the Manatees 5K I missed while nursing the broken arm and trying not to fall down. I also signed up to do the virtual Turkey Trot.

I'm tracking miles on the stationary bike towards the Camino de Santiago virtual journey. In keeping with the theme, I've watched a few lectures from a couple of Great Courses series about pilgrimages and churches one would visit along the way. I've also watched a couple of documentaries or video diaries on YouTube. 

In terms of food/eating/weight, well, I'm still not doing as well there as I am with exercise. At one point in the last couple of weeks, my weight crept up to almost 10 pounds over goal weight. I'm only 5'2", so 10 pounds on me is a lot. I'm trying to get more intentional about eating better and keeping an eye on portion size, but I'm really struggling in that area. I have beaten my weight back down by 2 pounds so far, but it feels pretty tenuous.


Edited by Jenny in Florida
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Started my day with Yoga Morning Fresh which was perfect.

Actually I started my day tending to my doggy. She is convalescing from gut issues. We know she ate a whole bone which gives her diarrhea and we know she nibbled on a Siberian iris which is toxic--we're not sure how much her issues are one versus the other. So 2 hours at the vet Thursday afternoon--x-ray showed no obstruction which is what I was worried about but an inflamed bowel. So she got fluids and is on anti nausea and anti diarrhea meds plus a probiotic plus bland canned food we are slowly ramping up on. She's sleeping by me now--getting lots of sofa time--and softly snoring.

So that was part of my stress this week. I work closely with an Algebra 1 teacher, and while I'm technically an Educational Assistant, I'm more like a poorly paid co-teacher (I'm also certified and a former math teacher). I was subbing for her this week because her dad was in the hospital with pneumonia and complications, possibly end-of-life. He tested negative for Covid twice but then tested positive after my co-teacher had been with him for 4 days. And now they're all just in limbo waiting to see what happens, but she thinks she'll return to OR and teach (she has to quarantine but teaching is online) but be ready to go tend to family when things change with either him going home or if he passes. We have a good Alg 1 team with a couple other EA's, and we all feel the stress of her situation as we keep things running smoothly.

Now I have the next week off and I want to get all caught up on home and life stuff to be ready for whatever happens next. We hope to start our Christmas decorating soon but I need to get a deep cleaning done first--that's this weekend's project.

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2 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:

Checking in with another not-terribly-exciting update. Not much has changed here.

I'm continuing to try and rebuild on the exercise front. With the exception of one day when some especially bad vertigo knocked me down, I have maintained my regular routine of short walks outside/30-45 minutes of stationary biking/twice weekly PT/thrice weekly 30+ minutes of video-led cardio.

Also still doing various virtual challenges to try and keep life more interesting. Last weekend, I walked the virtual version of the big annual 5K that usually takes place downtown. They used a phone app that tracks your mileage and pace and provided recordings for take-off and finish and each mile marker. It was really well done and made walking in circles around my neighborhood feel a little more novel. Yesterday, I completed the WTM 20 in 20 challenge. Today, I did my personal make-up version of the Save the Manatees 5K I missed while nursing the broken arm and trying not to fall down. I also signed up to do the virtual Turkey Trot.

I'm tracking miles on the stationary bike towards the Camino de Santiago virtual journey. In keeping with the theme, I've watched a few lectures from a couple of Great Courses series about pilgrimages and churches one would visit along the way. I've also watched a couple of documentaries or video diaries on YouTube. 

In terms of food/eating/weight, well, I'm still not doing as well there as I am with exercise. At one point in the last couple of weeks, my weight crept up to almost 10 pounds over goal weight. I'm only 5'2", so 10 pounds on me is a lot. I'm trying to get more intentional about eating better and keeping an eye on portion size, but I'm really struggling in that area. I have beaten my weight back down by 2 pounds so far, but it feels pretty tenuous.


Are you a high-achiever, by chance? Your list of activities defies the description of 'not-terribly-exciting' in my mind. Maybe I live a boring life in comparison. 😄  Sounds like you are doing amazing! Perhaps be a little more gentle on yourself and don't forget to celebrate the 'small' accomplishments.  You are doing exceptionally well.

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1 hour ago, Ali in OR said:

Started my day with Yoga Morning Fresh which was perfect.

Actually I started my day tending to my doggy. She is convalescing from gut issues. We know she ate a whole bone which gives her diarrhea and we know she nibbled on a Siberian iris which is toxic--we're not sure how much her issues are one versus the other. So 2 hours at the vet Thursday afternoon--x-ray showed no obstruction which is what I was worried about but an inflamed bowel. So she got fluids and is on anti nausea and anti diarrhea meds plus a probiotic plus bland canned food we are slowly ramping up on. She's sleeping by me now--getting lots of sofa time--and softly snoring.

So that was part of my stress this week. I work closely with an Algebra 1 teacher, and while I'm technically an Educational Assistant, I'm more like a poorly paid co-teacher (I'm also certified and a former math teacher). I was subbing for her this week because her dad was in the hospital with pneumonia and complications, possibly end-of-life. He tested negative for Covid twice but then tested positive after my co-teacher had been with him for 4 days. And now they're all just in limbo waiting to see what happens, but she thinks she'll return to OR and teach (she has to quarantine but teaching is online) but be ready to go tend to family when things change with either him going home or if he passes. We have a good Alg 1 team with a couple other EA's, and we all feel the stress of her situation as we keep things running smoothly.

Now I have the next week off and I want to get all caught up on home and life stuff to be ready for whatever happens next. We hope to start our Christmas decorating soon but I need to get a deep cleaning done first--that's this weekend's project.

BTDT with doggy mishaps. Why do dogs do this? 🤪  That is wonderful news about no obstruction. Hope she pulls out of this quickly.

Hope the work stress settles down for you. Enjoy your week off! Great job with the yoga!

Edited by wintermom
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3 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Happy Weekend, everyone!

The new mattress seems good.

Idyllic swim at the sea tank.  I swam a little further and mostly did backstroke.  This avoided the kink in my back that I get form the weird buoyancy of the wetsuit when I swim on my front.  I did a little breaststroke with my face in the water.  Fairly cold!  Air and water temp are probably both around 9 degrees C.

I plan to do some yoga - Yoga Tone - later, after a dog walk in the last of the sunshine.

Porridge, yoghurt, berries; leftover Kerala-style veggie curry; apple clafoutis and maybe Palak Tofu?

Sounds like a really nice swim! I'm so impressed with you for doing this activity. It must feel so amazing and invigorating to get out there and swim in the 'wild' and cold. What a great way to build mental and physical strength! 

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MBF day 11, core circuit.  The sun is shining, so I'm definitely going to squeeze in a long walk with the dogs, even though I have a house to clean and a cherry pie to bake.  Today is our boss/neighbor's birthday, and tomorrow is my daughter's 18th birthday, so we're having a little get together tonight to have desserts and play a boardgame.  I can't believe my little girl is going to be 18!!!

(Before anyone gets upset that we're having a gathering in the time of Covid, we all live on the same ranch and work together all the time, so we're basically one bubble)

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8 hours ago, Dreamergal said:


@wintermom I am also curious what level of tennis made you feel "out of shape".

Played, rowed, Nordic walked. Sun is shining in the early 70s. Same everyday, nothing to see here, but oh boy so glad for boring days.

Off next week, must deep clean 😩 and then decorate. 🎄

I may be a sporadic presence next week. If I do not make an appearance before Thursday, have a blessed Thanksgiving.

One of the reasons I am thankful in this terrible year is this thread and all of you who make me have community and keep me accountable and encouraged. So thank you.

I play tennis with men, and they hit the ball pretty hard. When I was playing 3 - 4 times a week with guys my joints (especially my wrists) didn't hurt. I had the strength to return the hard balls. I haven't played tennis in almost 2 weeks, and that muscle strength goes very quickly. 

Great job with all your activity. What are you 'playing' these days? Still doing tennis and other yard games?

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14 hours ago, Dreamergal said:

@FarmingMomma Happy Birthday to your girl !

@Laura Corin Glad you had a good swim.

@Ali in OR Glad your dog is ok. Sorry about work woes.

@Jenny in Florida Glad to see you plugging on. Steady and non-exciting is better than exciting always especially this year. 

@Soror Planning food better ? Than millet bread ? Now I am curious.

@wintermom I am also curious what level of tennis made you feel "out of shape".

Played, rowed, Nordic walked. Sun is shining in the early 70s. Same everyday, nothing to see here, but oh boy so glad for boring days.

Off next week, must deep clean 😩 and then decorate. 🎄

I may be a sporadic presence next week. If I do not make an appearance before Thursday, have a blessed Thanksgiving.

One of the reasons I am thankful in this terrible year is this thread and all of you who make me have community and keep me accountable and encouraged. So thank you.

Have a wonderful Thansgiving! You are always a shining light here, thank you for joining.

My millet bread is from The American Test Kitchen- gluten free- it isn't great but being gf so long my standards aren't so high. It is a mix of flour blend, millet flour, and millet. It wants to fall apart so I toast it in a pan under the broiler.

14 hours ago, FarmingMomma said:

MBF day 11, core circuit.  The sun is shining, so I'm definitely going to squeeze in a long walk with the dogs, even though I have a house to clean and a cherry pie to bake.  Today is our boss/neighbor's birthday, and tomorrow is my daughter's 18th birthday, so we're having a little get together tonight to have desserts and play a boardgame.  I can't believe my little girl is going to be 18!!!

(Before anyone gets upset that we're having a gathering in the time of Covid, we all live on the same ranch and work together all the time, so we're basically one bubble)

Enjoy the birthday celebration!! 18 is such a big number.

17 hours ago, wintermom said:

Tennis last night was very fun. I'm out of shape for that level of tennis, though, so pretty sore this morning. I'll have to do some restorative yoga today. I'm also going to take the dog for a long walk, and perhaps get out to a forest for a hike.

LOL, out of shape is relative, huh? 

18 hours ago, Ali in OR said:

Started my day with Yoga Morning Fresh which was perfect.

Actually I started my day tending to my doggy. She is convalescing from gut issues. We know she ate a whole bone which gives her diarrhea and we know she nibbled on a Siberian iris which is toxic--we're not sure how much her issues are one versus the other. So 2 hours at the vet Thursday afternoon--x-ray showed no obstruction which is what I was worried about but an inflamed bowel. So she got fluids and is on anti nausea and anti diarrhea meds plus a probiotic plus bland canned food we are slowly ramping up on. She's sleeping by me now--getting lots of sofa time--and softly snoring.

So that was part of my stress this week. I work closely with an Algebra 1 teacher, and while I'm technically an Educational Assistant, I'm more like a poorly paid co-teacher (I'm also certified and a former math teacher). I was subbing for her this week because her dad was in the hospital with pneumonia and complications, possibly end-of-life. He tested negative for Covid twice but then tested positive after my co-teacher had been with him for 4 days. And now they're all just in limbo waiting to see what happens, but she thinks she'll return to OR and teach (she has to quarantine but teaching is online) but be ready to go tend to family when things change with either him going home or if he passes. We have a good Alg 1 team with a couple other EA's, and we all feel the stress of her situation as we keep things running smoothly.

Now I have the next week off and I want to get all caught up on home and life stuff to be ready for whatever happens next. We hope to start our Christmas decorating soon but I need to get a deep cleaning done first--that's this weekend's project.

Ugh, I'm sorry 😞 for the dog and the teaching stress. I hope this coming week helps you get caught up and catch your breath. Are you off all week?

20 hours ago, Jenny in Florida said:

Checking in with another not-terribly-exciting update. Not much has changed here.

I'm continuing to try and rebuild on the exercise front. With the exception of one day when some especially bad vertigo knocked me down, I have maintained my regular routine of short walks outside/30-45 minutes of stationary biking/twice weekly PT/thrice weekly 30+ minutes of video-led cardio.

Also still doing various virtual challenges to try and keep life more interesting. Last weekend, I walked the virtual version of the big annual 5K that usually takes place downtown. They used a phone app that tracks your mileage and pace and provided recordings for take-off and finish and each mile marker. It was really well done and made walking in circles around my neighborhood feel a little more novel. Yesterday, I completed the WTM 20 in 20 challenge. Today, I did my personal make-up version of the Save the Manatees 5K I missed while nursing the broken arm and trying not to fall down. I also signed up to do the virtual Turkey Trot.

I'm tracking miles on the stationary bike towards the Camino de Santiago virtual journey. In keeping with the theme, I've watched a few lectures from a couple of Great Courses series about pilgrimages and churches one would visit along the way. I've also watched a couple of documentaries or video diaries on YouTube. 

In terms of food/eating/weight, well, I'm still not doing as well there as I am with exercise. At one point in the last couple of weeks, my weight crept up to almost 10 pounds over goal weight. I'm only 5'2", so 10 pounds on me is a lot. I'm trying to get more intentional about eating better and keeping an eye on portion size, but I'm really struggling in that area. I have beaten my weight back down by 2 pounds so far, but it feels pretty tenuous.


Congrats on all the accomplishments and working the weight back down. 

20 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Happy Weekend, everyone!

The new mattress seems good.

Idyllic swim at the sea tank.  I swam a little further and mostly did backstroke.  This avoided the kink in my back that I get from the weird buoyancy of the wetsuit when I swim on my front.  I did a little breaststroke with my face in the water.  Fairly cold!  Air and water temp are probably both around 9 degrees C.

I plan to do some yoga - Yoga Tone - later, after a dog walk in the last of the sunshine.

Porridge, yoghurt, berries; leftover Kerala-style veggie curry; apple clafoutis and maybe Palak Tofu?

Mmm, I haven't made clafoutis in forever, sounds yummy. Glad to hear the mattress is working well, it makes a big difference.

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I did not get a walk yesterday but did get my yoga. Got busy the rest of the day.

Today the same is planned walk and yoga.

I think I will continue with daily yoga this week, my body has obviously needed it. Working on a plan going forward. I'm considering doing the last week of "The Work" starting next week and spreading it over 2 weeks, just to say I finished it and not reinjure myself. I have 4 days of lifting, 1 day of yoga and 1 of core left, So, if I just did 2 lifting a week that would be much less volume. I feel nearly normal today and after another easy week should be doing well, I guess we'll see how I feel.

Eating went well yesterday, all whole foods, no dessert or even chocolate!

b: ? maybe an apple clafouti (if I have enough apple)🙂

l: leftover redbeans and rice w/ peppers and onions

s: ?? smoothie 

d: roasted chicken sweet potato and green beans w/ garlic

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3 hours ago, Soror said:

LOL, out of shape is relative, huh? 


I know that it sounds weird, and perhaps a little bit elitist, but I think it's a little different with a precision sport compared to weight training, running or swimming. The specific actions and the timing of the movements are so important to a sport like tennis, especially when the pace is fast. I was playing in the dark with overhead lights and some wind, which always causes a delay in when you can actually see the ball coming over the net, then your footwork and set-up are delayed and then you have to try and adjust with your swing, often using the smaller muscles instead of the larger ones. Then the wrists start hurting, or you hit the ball with the rim of your racquet, or miss it entirely. All that I lumped into "out of shape" because it wasn't just because of the dark and wind that was causing my poor play. It was the two weeks away from play.  😄 

Edited by wintermom
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Ok, this is a weird one for you all to comment on; I've started feeling movement in my lower abdomen, kind of like bubbles or butterflies. My breasts have suddenly become tender and I've got vaginal mucus. All of these symptoms, together with my lack of sleep, could actually be pregnancy, which is ludicrous. I mean, it's just not possible for a 53 yo, right? I think it's intestinal gas and cramping, together with a urinary track infection from the whirlpool at the hotel last week, but dh is off to get a pregnancy test kit just in case. What else do you think it could be? I haven't had breast tenderness in a year, at least. It's funny how all these things are happening at the exact same time.

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2 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Ok, this is a weird one for you all to comment on; I've started feeling movement in my lower abdomen, kind of like bubbles or butterflies. My breasts have suddenly become tender and I've got vaginal mucus. All of these symptoms, together with my lack of sleep, could actually be pregnancy, which is ludicrous. I mean, it's just not possible for a 53 yo, right? I think it's intestinal gas and cramping, together with a urinary track infection from the whirlpool at the hotel last week, but dh is off to get a pregnancy test kit just in case. What else do you think it could be? I haven't had breast tenderness in a year, at least. It's funny how all these things are happening at the exact same time.

You are not menopausal yet though, right? Just peri with erratic cycles? I mean technically it could happen. Seems more like due to hormonal fluctuations with peri. It is not uncommon to get breast tenderness and stomach upset with cycle changes, the cervical mucus indicates ovulation so it could be that shift you are sensing. I can feel the shift when I ovulate.

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22 minutes ago, Soror said:

You are not menopausal yet though, right? Just peri with erratic cycles? I mean technically it could happen. Seems more like due to hormonal fluctuations with peri. It is not uncommon to get breast tenderness and stomach upset with cycle changes, the cervical mucus indicates ovulation so it could be that shift you are sensing. I can feel the shift when I ovulate.

According to the blood test I just had, I am menopausal. However, when I was doing more research into the methods of diagnosing menopause, it doesn't seem to be completely cut and dry. There are different factors involved. 

Re: ovulation, I used to feel pain during ovulation. There is a name for it, which I can't remember. I haven't had a period (that I recognized as such) in two years. I think that is what my dr was considering, as much as the blood test. 

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14 minutes ago, wintermom said:

According to the blood test I just had, I am menopausal. However, when I was doing more research into the methods of diagnosing menopause, it doesn't seem to be completely cut and dry. There are different factors involved. 

Re: ovulation, I used to feel pain during ovulation. There is a name for it, which I can't remember. I haven't had a period (that I recognized as such) in two years. I think that is what my dr was considering, as much as the blood test. 

Ya, the general definition is 1 yr with no period.

It is called Mittelschmerz (had to look up had to spell that) I used to always get that but it has not been as frequent lately. 

I wouldn't except pregnancy or ovulation to be likely considering it has been 2 yrs but who knows. It is probably what you suspect some separate issues that just look like the hormonal stuff.

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26 minutes ago, Soror said:

Ya, the general definition is 1 yr with no period.

It is called Mittelschmerz (had to look up had to spell that) I used to always get that but it has not been as frequent lately. 

I wouldn't except pregnancy or ovulation to be likely considering it has been 2 yrs but who knows. It is probably what you suspect some separate issues that just look like the hormonal stuff.

Oh yes, the old Mittelschmerz. I once thought I has having a miscarriage because it hurt so much.

BTW, pregnancy test was negative. Back to breathing normally. 😉

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