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New Balance shoes gave me ingrown

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Gee, I'm about to buy NB wide tennis shoes. I have wide feet, and I hear these come in different sizes to accommodate most. I had NB shoes before (not wide) that were no problem. I want velcro, though. Tired of tying shoelaces! :thumbdown:

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I would go back to the store - but that seems awful fast for the shoes to be causing it on your toenails already.


I have loved every pair of NB i've owned - and I can only wear the 700 and up series, but a few years ago the lady at the shoe store told me NB changed all their molds/sizes and it was messing people up. She had customers that knew what style & size fit over their braces and such - and they weren't working any longer. :(


I seem to have bad luck letting other people fit me and my kids - it just never works out. So, i have to do all the work myself.


But i'd go back to the store for sure......

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toenails (sorry tmi). The fellow at the store fitted me with a pair of shoes so I thought that they were correct. I have had them since Friday and I am having trouble on both feet. Is there a home remedy for this? I have soaked them in Epsom Salts baths.


scrap the center of your nail with a knife to thin the center of your nail. It causes the outer edges to raise up. It works. I've always used this method. Works like a charm.

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Sauconys were recommended to me by a foot specialist as they have a wider toe box. I was having problems with numb toes and sort of a pre-bunion look to my feet. The Saucony's are great as I have a slimmer heel than forefoot and these are perfect.


I would return the shoes.



Edited by Janet in Toronto
remove rogue apostrophe
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I'm another that can't wear NB. When I bought the new Nikes last month, the sales guy was raving about NB and how I should try them. I had to tell him that I can't wear them. He was very surprised and said I was the only one that he had ever talked to who doesn't like NB. Now I know I'm not alone.


As for the OP's question, http://www.myhomeremedies.com/topic.cgi?topicid=345 these answeres may be helpful.

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Add me to the can't wear NB shoes list. I developed low back problems while wearing my first pair, and thought it was just some age things happening. Later I bought a 2nd pair that were just awful on my feet. My chiropractor finally connected the dots and told me to quite wearing the NB shoes. I returned them for a full refund, altho they were quite surprised!


I only wear Birks now...no running allowed. :D

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You need a bigger shoe. I was surprised after my first (and, please last) in-grown toenail that I was two full sizes too small! Now I am a 9.5 - I WAS a 6.5 before kids - then 8. Now I am 9.5. I got my in-grown nail while wearing my size 8 sneakers. I had to have the surgery - the foot doc. numbed the towe with the world's longest needle and then cut away half the nail down to the quick, etc. But I had (gets nasty now) red, round ball of flesh sticking out around the nail, too.

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