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February 2020 Well-Trained Bodies


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Did a 45 min session of running intervals yesterday morning, then worked at my parents doing a variety of handyman and landscaping jobs.  I didn't think any one thing I did was that exhausting, but I was certainly worn out by evening.  Y'all will be proud of me--I learned to fill the boys' 4-wheelers with gas and use the big compressor to put air in the tires.  I am not scared by much with regard to nature or people, but I'm not big on messing around with machines, gas, electricity, etc.  Seriously, I was terrified by the shop vac until I was in middle school, lol.

This morning I am planning on practicing my spinning kicks and probably run through patterns and speed drills.  I have noticed that my CKD classes have taken on a format where there is a specific focus each week (technique, patterns & speed drills, sparring & air shield attacks, mock test) so that can give my home practice some structure if I go over the stuff the instructors aren't focusing on.

Starting today, winter is coming back for a last hurrah, so I'm going to really take advantage of my time in my outdoor home gym this morning...tomorrow morning I will probably wimp out!

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24 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:


Well this is all good stuff, yay!  It's so great when you get to see daily practice pay off.  I'm glad the massage is working too! 

I still have some lack of stability in the foot/ankle that I had plantar fasciitis in last year and am using a unilateral strength training movement called one legged Romanian deadlift to self-rehab it.  Hopefully I will have success as well so I'm not stuck with that forever either.

My ankles tend to weakness, I noticed that yesterday doing some long balance work, I need to do it more.

6 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Did a 45 min session of running intervals yesterday morning, then worked at my parents doing a variety of handyman and landscaping jobs.  I didn't think any one thing I did was that exhausting, but I was certainly worn out by evening.  Y'all will be proud of me--I learned to fill the boys' 4-wheelers with gas and use the big compressor to put air in the tires.  I am not scared by much with regard to nature or people, but I'm not big on messing around with machines, gas, electricity, etc.  Seriously, I was terrified by the shop vac until I was in middle school, lol.

This morning I am planning on practicing my spinning kicks and probably run through patterns and speed drills.  I have noticed that my CKD classes have taken on a format where there is a specific focus each week (technique, patterns & speed drills, sparring & air shield attacks, mock test) so that can give my home practice some structure if I go over the stuff the instructors aren't focusing on.

Starting today, winter is coming back for a last hurrah, so I'm going to really take advantage of my time in my outdoor home gym this morning...tomorrow morning I will probably wimp out!

LOL, that is great, I learn things and forget them promptly! That is a great idea to practice what you are doing in class.

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47 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

Morning all.  I'm really excited by how yoga is going.  Since I started doing it almost every day (from the beginning of January) at home, I'm making a lot of progress and feeling really good after each practice.  I have fewer wobbles in lunges (always my problem in the past - a combination of poor balance and poor technique, I think) and I'm feeling very strong.  It's been so windy here recently that walking has been irritating, so being able to do more serious yoga at home has been good.

I also feel that the sports massage is working for me.  I can now do head-to-knee on both sides, not just on one, and I'm not getting a back/hip tweak when I twist to the right.  I'm seeing the masseur again in a few weeks and I suspect that might be the last time I need to see her.  So glad I found a fix - I was thinking I might be stuck with that glitch forever.


Wow, that is great to see the benefit. I am noticing I have lost some flexibility but am hoping with more regular practice it comes back.

2 hours ago, leahtalbot96 said:

Yes it was expected lady pain. 

What are strong curves? 

Ah ha. Strong Curves is a weight lifting program focused specifically on the lower body.

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Today's plan is dance this am for some cardio, I already have the workout picked out based on the rec's in the Les Mills group and am looking forward to it. They have a dance class called Sh'bam (horrible name) but I tried a sample last week and found it fun and it got my hr up. I also need to walk today. I am behind this week with feeling a bit under the weather.

I slept horribly last night, I think all the naps and extra vit. b coupled with hormones shifting caught up to me. I'm going to try and make it without a nap today and also tonight will be using progesterone.

I had no issue with hunger or weakness at lunch yesterday.

Edited by soror
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2 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Morning all.  I'm really excited by how yoga is going.  Since I started doing it almost every day (from the beginning of January) at home, I'm making a lot of progress and feeling really good after each practice.  I have fewer wobbles in lunges (always my problem in the past - a combination of poor balance and poor technique, I think) and I'm feeling very strong.  It's been so windy here recently that walking has been irritating, so being able to do more serious yoga at home has been good.

I also feel that the sports massage is working for me.  I can now do head-to-knee on both sides, not just on one, and I'm not getting a back/hip tweak when I twist to the right.  I'm seeing the masseur again in a few weeks and I suspect that might be the last time I need to see her.  So glad I found a fix - I was thinking I might be stuck with that glitch forever.


Brava!! Well done putting in that daily work and seeking additional support with massage! Isn't it fabulous that we can still see improvement in physical skills and flexibility as we age?  This goes beyond maintenance and simply holding on to skills we had and watch them slowly fade away.  Super inspiring! Thanks for sharing!

1 hour ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Did a 45 min session of running intervals yesterday morning, then worked at my parents doing a variety of handyman and landscaping jobs.  I didn't think any one thing I did was that exhausting, but I was certainly worn out by evening.  Y'all will be proud of me--I learned to fill the boys' 4-wheelers with gas and use the big compressor to put air in the tires.  I am not scared by much with regard to nature or people, but I'm not big on messing around with machines, gas, electricity, etc.  Seriously, I was terrified by the shop vac until I was in middle school, lol.

This morning I am planning on practicing my spinning kicks and probably run through patterns and speed drills.  I have noticed that my CKD classes have taken on a format where there is a specific focus each week (technique, patterns & speed drills, sparring & air shield attacks, mock test) so that can give my home practice some structure if I go over the stuff the instructors aren't focusing on.

Starting today, winter is coming back for a last hurrah, so I'm going to really take advantage of my time in my outdoor home gym this morning...tomorrow morning I will probably wimp out!

Great job working on your martial arts skills at home! It's not always easy to fit this in, especially when you are already doing the training in class. It's awesome that you are so dedicated and great you are seeing positive results!   That is super you are expanding your skills with machines as well! I've never been a big fan of loud, smelling machine stuff, either. 

59 minutes ago, soror said:

Today's plan is dance this am for some cardio, I already have the workout picked out based on the rec's in the Les Mills group and am looking forward to it. They have a dance class called Sh'bam (horrible name) but I tried a sample last week and found it fun and it got my hr up. I also need to walk today. I am behind this week with feeling a bit under the weather.

I slept horribly last night, I think all the naps and extra vit. b coupled with hormones shifting caught up to me. I'm going to try and make it without a nap today and also tonight will be using progesterone.

I had no issue with hunger or weakness at lunch yesterday.

Sounds like fun! Hope you have a great dance class. Hope your sleep routine sorts itself out soon. 

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I'm hoping to go for a nice long skate ski this morning. I'd like to hit the park with more extensive trails, but I'd love to take one of the dc with me for fun and company. We'll see how that goes!

My eating was a disaster yesterday. I ate far too many pistachios and too much maple sugar. I had a major sweet and salty craving, combined with very little activity. And I went to bed early and slept like a rock for 10+ hours. Maybe it was my body saying it was tired after a really busy week, or maybe I was simply bored.  I have to bounce back, and get on with a good routine.

Edited by wintermom
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2 hours ago, wintermom said:


My eating was a disaster yesterday. I ate far too many pistachios and too much maple sugar. I had a major sweet and salty craving, combined with very little activity. And I went to be early and slept like a rock for 10+ hours. Maybe it was my body saying it was tired after a really busy week, or maybe I was simply bored.  I have to bounce back, and get on with a good routine.

Those days are good sometimes. You are a hunter-gatherer who suddenly found a big hive of honey and a fruitful nut tree, fell asleep in the shade and now can use all that splendid energy.

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So I have a confession-- I went out to exercise, felt the cold wind in my face, and turned around to go right back inside!  UGH.  I could not even.

Another confession... I don't think I can do the 3 meals a day, no snacking thing.  I have been getting so horribly hungry between lunch and supper and somehow I can't tweak my lunch to make it last.  Oh well.  Not sure exactly what direction I need to go in nutrition-wise except that I want to maintain my weight,  keep away hypoglycemia, and have relatively stable energy.  Guess I'll just keep at what I was doing and try to find a happy place.

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2 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

So I have a confession-- I went out to exercise, felt the cold wind in my face, and turned around to go right back inside!  UGH.  I could not even.

Another confession... I don't think I can do the 3 meals a day, no snacking thing.  I have been getting so horribly hungry between lunch and supper and somehow I can't tweak my lunch to make it last.  Oh well.  Not sure exactly what direction I need to go in nutrition-wise except that I want to maintain my weight,  keep away hypoglycemia, and have relatively stable energy.  Guess I'll just keep at what I was doing and try to find a happy place.

I don't blame you, I've been a weenie with the cold. Also, I started out this experiment with an afternoon snack, no regrets and no plans to try and give that one up. I have found I'm fine most days without the am snack.

6 hours ago, wintermom said:

I managed to squeeze in a short, intense skate ski this morning as a pile of errands and driving suddenly popped up. I will try to get in a hike later, as it's warming up nicely and it's sunny!

ITA with Laura's assessment, you obviously needed the lazy day. I seem to need about one a week.

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Just a little check in. I'm working out only a fraction of what I previously did. School has definitely taken over my life. Aiming to make it to the gym 3 days a week. Last week I managed one. I'm doing my best to park far away, take the stairs, and eat well. 

Just wanted to say hi!

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1 minute ago, FarmingMomma said:

I just finished up week 12 of 80 Day Obsession, only 1 week left to go!  I'm feeling really excited about my progress.  The pounds are coming off slowly, but I've lost inches and built a lot of muscle, and I'm back down to the size of jeans I used to wear 5 or so years ago đŸ™‚Â đŸ¥³

Well done!

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@Laura Corin and @FarmingMomma way to go, ladies!  @soror, I hope you enjoyed your gym sesh!

@wintermom I def chose to run instead of lift or drill CKD because I knew it would be the most pleasant option in the cold.  My nose ran so much, though!  I needed a nose diaper.


Very active day for me yesterday, one that would have completely wiped me out a year or so ago!  I did my run, about 45 mins, did housework, then went to my parents' and raked up and hauled away what felt like every oak leaf that has ever fallen on the face of creation.  The leaf pile was about a zillion miles away from the place where I was raking, haha.  Lotsa trips with the wheelbarrow.  My raking muscles are a little sore this morning, but otherwise I'm feeling pretty good.

Today I am planning to lift weights after an early morning grocery delivery to my parents.  I will probably spend a little time washing and prepping veggies for the next few days and doing a some baking (I'm trying to perfect my ciabatta rolls) before my movie date with my husband.  This is my last week of my current weight training cycle, so I need to finalize what I'm doing for my next one. 

Happy Sunday, everybody!



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13 hours ago, FarmingMomma said:

I just finished up week 12 of 80 Day Obsession, only 1 week left to go!  I'm feeling really excited about my progress.  The pounds are coming off slowly, but I've lost inches and built a lot of muscle, and I'm back down to the size of jeans I used to wear 5 or so years ago đŸ™‚Â đŸ¥³

Congratulations! Your hard work is paying off! A bikini too, wow! I've not worn one before kids đŸ™‚ I'm thinking about a highwaisted model this year though đŸ™‚

19 hours ago, sassenach said:

Just a little check in. I'm working out only a fraction of what I previously did. School has definitely taken over my life. Aiming to make it to the gym 3 days a week. Last week I managed one. I'm doing my best to park far away, take the stairs, and eat well. 

Just wanted to say hi!

Sounds like you are doing well, considering. Some seasons are just busier than others, it is great you are trying to get more daily movement and eating well.

11 hours ago, wintermom said:

I went for a hike in the woods with dd. It was sunny and mild. I wish we could have had a lot more time, as it was lovely.Â đŸ˜€

Time is a blessing, how nice to enjoy it with dd.

59 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Very active day for me yesterday, one that would have completely wiped me out a year or so ago!  I did my run, about 45 mins, did housework, then went to my parents' and raked up and hauled away what felt like every oak leaf that has ever fallen on the face of creation.  The leaf pile was about a zillion miles away from the place where I was raking, haha.  Lotsa trips with the wheelbarrow.  My raking muscles are a little sore this morning, but otherwise I'm feeling pretty good.

Today I am planning to lift weights after an early morning grocery delivery to my parents.  I will probably spend a little time washing and prepping veggies for the next few days and doing a some baking (I'm trying to perfect my ciabatta rolls) before my movie date with my husband.  This is my last week of my current weight training cycle, so I need to finalize what I'm doing for my next one. 

Happy Sunday, everybody!

Girl, I did so much raking last week, I still have some tightness from that, although my wonky shoulder is sensitive. It is hard work in a different way. Enjoy your date with dh, what you got planned?


I lifted in the am with my friend. Man, it was hard work. I'm used to heavier weights and fewer reps but on the lower body work this plan it is higher reps, lower weights. And being used to doing higher weights it is a bit of a guessing game as to what weight I can handle. I was able to get it done but put in max effort. I was one of those grunty people a few times. 

I did sets of 4 pull-ups, now they weren't quite as high as I'd like but I did them consecutively. In the program I'm using he doesn't having them do full pull-ups yet but I'm keeping in 2 days of them as it was in my pull-up program, with one day of scap pull-ups.

Oh, and then dh and I did a 6 mile hike. Going up the little hills my lower body was feeling some fatigue but so far this am I just have a bit of soreness, we'll see how that goes.


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Last week of February ladies! I am feeling pretty good about this month, some good days and bad but overall pretty good.

We are taking a break from school this week so I'm hoping to get some early spring cleaning done, the house is driving me nuts. I also hope for some visiting time with my parents, however Wednesday I have to go for Jury Duty, UGH!!!!!

Food plans this week, continue to try to keep to 3 meals and 1 snack but cut down on treats with meals, seems I had more than usual this week. 

Today is ds' Black Belt ceremony (woot! woot!), we're going out to pizza before to celebrate! 

I'll be gone on a camp-out from Fri night until Sun am so I'll have to shift my usual Sat lifting until Sun afternoon and take Saturday as a rest day instead.

Exercise plans:

3+ outside walks sometime in the week- aiming for 10 miles total

Sunday- Rest day- maybe light yoga or foam rolling to help with soreness

Monday- LM Body Combat

Tuesday- LM BodyFlow- Yoga/Tai Chi (flexibility)- Lifting pm (Strong Curves + Pull-Up)

Wednesday-  short Body Flow- I hate to skip stretching work the day after lifting but I will be short on time with jury duty, so we'll see what I have time for

Thursday- Yoga class at Studio (if I don't have Jury Duty- otherwise short yoga at home) - Lifting PM w/ Stairclimber intervals

Friday- LM BodyCombat

Saturday- Rest/Maybe a short easy hike with girls (if weather cooperates)

Sunday- Lifting at home (unless friend is free then we might hit the gym Sun. afternoon}

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2 hours ago, soror said:

I lifted in the am with my friend. Man, it was hard work. I'm used to heavier weights and fewer reps but on the lower body work this plan it is higher reps, lower weights. And being used to doing higher weights it is a bit of a guessing game as to what weight I can handle. I was able to get it done but put in max effort. I was one of those grunty people a few times. 

I did sets of 4 pull-ups, now they weren't quite as high as I'd like but I did them consecutively. In the program I'm using he doesn't having them do full pull-ups yet but I'm keeping in 2 days of them as it was in my pull-up program, with one day of scap pull-ups.

Oh, and then dh and I did a 6 mile hike. Going up the little hills my lower body was feeling some fatigue but so far this am I just have a bit of soreness, we'll see how that goes.


Great job on the work-out with your friend!! It's fun to exercise with a buddy. I always manage to do (or at least try) more. Positive peer pressure can be really effective, as long as I don't push myself too much. Sounds like you found a happy medium.  That is so nice you got in a hike with your dh! 

I was thinking of you the other day. My ds 13 has been doing pull-up challenges with himself over the last year. Just for fun, I tried one myself, to see if any of my skiing and snowshoeing with poles transfers to pull-ups. I totally shocked myself when I was able to slowly and continuously pull myself from hanging to above the bar. I tried one more, and only got half way. it was pretty inspiring! I haven't been able to do a pull-up in decades. I may have to work a little more on this and see if I can build up to more. What program are you using for pull-ups?

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It's looking like mild weather for this last week of Feb. I'll definitely be trying to get in as much skiing, snowshoeing and hiking outside as I can.  I'll have the time and opportunity to do this for the next month, and then the snow will melt.

We've cleared the next big hurdle for our move to Colorado, so things are getting more 'real' and urgent for selling our home. I've been chasing up quotes for flooring, carpeting, and other necessary home renos. I'll also be doing a lot of painting come April. That will keep my muscles working and sore!Â đŸ¤ª

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8 minutes ago, wintermom said:


We've cleared the next big hurdle for our move to Colorado, so things are getting more 'real' and urgent for selling our home. I've been chasing up quotes for flooring, carpeting, and other necessary home renos. I'll also be doing a lot of painting come April. That will keep my muscles working and sore!Â đŸ¤ª

What's the market like for selling where you are? We are hoping for more interest  with improved spring weather.

A great one-hour yoga this morning, followed by two hours of fairly light work in the garden. It's sunny today and the wind has dropped a bit. After coffee we'll walk the dog for a couple of miles, then I might do another hour in the garden.

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1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

What's the market like for selling where you are? We are hoping for more interest  with improved spring weather.

A great one-hour yoga this morning, followed by two hours of fairly light work in the garden. It's sunny today and the wind has dropped a bit. After coffee we'll walk the dog for a couple of miles, then I might do another hour in the garden.

We are really fortunate that our selling market is extremely hot right now. We won't have any problem selling. This is a huge blessing for us. 

I'm jealous about you being able to get out and see your garden. Mine is under 2' of snow. At least I know what to do on snow!Â đŸ˜‚Â  No raking required!!

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4 minutes ago, wintermom said:

We are really fortunate that our selling market is extremely hot right now. We won't have any problem selling. This is a huge blessing for us. 

I'm jealous about you being able to get out and see your garden. Mine is under 2' of snow. At least I know what to do on snow!Â đŸ˜‚Â  No raking required!!

That's good. Brexit has made markets unpredictable here.

I'm mostly tidying up dead stems from last season and cutting back roses, buddleia and such. In March I'll start working hard on hoeing and weeding. Unusually, we are arranging some help with the garden this year, so I don't kill myself keeping three acres viewing-ready. And it looks as if we may have two gardens to keep this summer...

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3 hours ago, wintermom said:

Great job on the work-out with your friend!! It's fun to exercise with a buddy. I always manage to do (or at least try) more. Positive peer pressure can be really effective, as long as I don't push myself too much. Sounds like you found a happy medium.  That is so nice you got in a hike with your dh! 

I was thinking of you the other day. My ds 13 has been doing pull-up challenges with himself over the last year. Just for fun, I tried one myself, to see if any of my skiing and snowshoeing with poles transfers to pull-ups. I totally shocked myself when I was able to slowly and continuously pull myself from hanging to above the bar. I tried one more, and only got half way. it was pretty inspiring! I haven't been able to do a pull-up in decades. I may have to work a little more on this and see if I can build up to more. What program are you using for pull-ups?

Congrats on the pull-ups, that is incredible. I can't even understand how some can get pull-ups without direct work, as it never worked for me and even with direct work it has been a lot of time to get here. I am using the Ultimate Pull-Up program, I don't think you would care for it as it would require time in the gym unless you have some weights and equipment at home. I think it would be overkill for you since you have a natural inclination towards them. It is lifting and bodyweight work, 3x a week. If you just put pull-ups into your rotation regularly I'd bet you'd see all the progress you would want. Some do a little bit every day, grease the groove they call it, my shoulder doesn't tolerate that but yours might.

3 hours ago, wintermom said:

It's looking like mild weather for this last week of Feb. I'll definitely be trying to get in as much skiing, snowshoeing and hiking outside as I can.  I'll have the time and opportunity to do this for the next month, and then the snow will melt.

We've cleared the next big hurdle for our move to Colorado, so things are getting more 'real' and urgent for selling our home. I've been chasing up quotes for flooring, carpeting, and other necessary home renos. I'll also be doing a lot of painting come April. That will keep my muscles working and sore!Â đŸ¤ª

When is the move supposed to happen again?

2 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

What's the market like for selling where you are? We are hoping for more interest  with improved spring weather.

A great one-hour yoga this morning, followed by two hours of fairly light work in the garden. It's sunny today and the wind has dropped a bit. After coffee we'll walk the dog for a couple of miles, then I might do another hour in the garden.


1 hour ago, Laura Corin said:

That's good. Brexit has made markets unpredictable here.

I'm mostly tidying up dead stems from last season and cutting back roses, buddleia and such. In March I'll start working hard on hoeing and weeding. Unusually, we are arranging some help with the garden this year, so I don't kill myself keeping three acres viewing-ready. And it looks as if we may have two gardens to keep this summer...

Did you say how big of a garden this new place has? I know you were looking at downsizing your work here.

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32 minutes ago, soror said:


Did you say how big of a garden this new place has? I know you were looking at downsizing your work here.

It's much smaller. Under a quarter of an acre? Not actually sure. Space for the dog and any future grandchildren.

It's mostly lawn with some old fruit trees and shrubs.  I'm a much more experienced gardener than I was when I took on our current garden, so I know how to make it attractive but low maintenance.

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2 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

That's good. Brexit has made markets unpredictable here.

I'm mostly tidying up dead stems from last season and cutting back roses, buddleia and such. In March I'll start working hard on hoeing and weeding. Unusually, we are arranging some help with the garden this year, so I don't kill myself keeping three acres viewing-ready. And it looks as if we may have two gardens to keep this summer...

Wow! Three acres is a lot to care for. It must look lovely, though.  Sorry the political situation is having a negative impact on your house sales. That must be frustrating.

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1 hour ago, soror said:

Congrats on the pull-ups, that is incredible. I can't even understand how some can get pull-ups without direct work, as it never worked for me and even with direct work it has been a lot of time to get here. I am using the Ultimate Pull-Up program, I don't think you would care for it as it would require time in the gym unless you have some weights and equipment at home. I think it would be overkill for you since you have a natural inclination towards them. It is lifting and bodyweight work, 3x a week. If you just put pull-ups into your rotation regularly I'd bet you'd see all the progress you would want. Some do a little bit every day, grease the groove they call it, my shoulder doesn't tolerate that but yours might.

When is the move supposed to happen again?

I don't know how I was able to do a full pull-up, either. I've never been able to do it before. I will try to keep doing them on an on-going basis just for the fun of it, as long as they don't hurt my shoulders. Mine are a little sensitive as well.

If all the hurdles are cleared, we'll be in Colorado for Aug. 1st. It still feels unreal. We're all pretty excited about it, though.

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2 minutes ago, wintermom said:

Wow! Three acres is a lot to care for. It must look lovely, though.  Sorry the political situation is having a negative impact on your house sales. That must be frustrating.

The three acres include some woods and a nascent orchard, but it all needs some form of management. We bought the house fast after we moved from Asia, and took on more garden than made sense.

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19 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

I'm having a day off today.  The yoga this weekend was quite taxing and my muscles need a rest.  I'll just run some errands on foot at lunchtime, and do a little light stretching-yoga before bed.

Sounds like a rest day is in order, take care.

6 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Lifting wasn't that great yesterday (hello, cycle day 1 blues...) but I enjoyed the rest of my day.  Today I will do some HIIT work (kb swing, jump rope, and punching bag intervals), then CKD tonight.

Boo hiss! Hope today is better.


I'm thinking my new progesterone cream is not working as well, I ran out at the end of last cycle and for stupid reasons didn't get the exact one. My mood has been crap and deep sleep hasn't been good at all.

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21 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

Oh dear.  Hope things improve.

I think I'm going to have to go back to the old progesterone although I hate to throw this away. I thought when I started it at the end of last cycle it wasn't working as well but at the end of the cycle is always worse but this time is def. not as good. No improvement in my mood at all and although I'm sleeping a good amount it is restless and not much deep.

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2 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

I'm having a day off today.  The yoga this weekend was quite taxing and my muscles need a rest.  I'll just run some errands on foot at lunchtime, and do a little light stretching-yoga before bed.

Enjoy your rest day!

2 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Lifting wasn't that great yesterday (hello, cycle day 1 blues...) but I enjoyed the rest of my day.  Today I will do some HIIT work (kb swing, jump rope, and punching bag intervals), then CKD tonight.

Have a great work-out. I just decluttered my martial arts uniform this weekend. I don't know why I was keeping it, as chances are I won't use it again (kept my black belts, though). I do miss those HIIT punching and kicking work-outs, though, so I kept my sparring gear in case I want to do some of that again. In reality, they can be really hard on my body, and I'm not sure I want to put my joints through that kind of stress.  In other words, enjoy yourself while you are young and your body can handle it!! đŸ˜‰

3 hours ago, soror said:

20 min foam rolling yesterday am. Not much else but cleaning. Surprisingly little soreness.

Today Body Combat and cleaning.

Yay for no/little soreness!!


It's sunny and mild outside again, so I'm definitely going to get in a hike or ski. I'm finding that with skate skiing "a little goes a long way." I feel great after 30 - 50 minutes spaced out in alternating days. However, my stretches and light-weight strength exercises need to be done daily.  The reality of getting older!Â Â đŸ˜‚

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Well, I'm over the worst of what I'm pretty sure was bronchitis!  I still have that froggy feeling in the back of my throat, but no longer any tight chest feelings.  I've been for a couple of slow runs in the last few days, which have been fine.  

I'm finally losing weight pretty steadily.  Early time-restricted eating has been the key.  It's nice to finally feel like it's back in my control.  

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15 hours ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:


It took me WAY too long to figure out what lifting an am-woo meant... Â đŸ¤£

LOL đŸ™‚

15 hours ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

Well, I'm over the worst of what I'm pretty sure was bronchitis!  I still have that froggy feeling in the back of my throat, but no longer any tight chest feelings.  I've been for a couple of slow runs in the last few days, which have been fine.  

I'm finally losing weight pretty steadily.  Early time-restricted eating has been the key.  It's nice to finally feel like it's back in my control.  

Ya, for losing weight, feeling better and getting back in the groove with running, WTG!


No walk yesterday, should have but the crap sleep sucked my energy and it was teeth cleanings for us all in the am and Scouts in the pm. I did get the last of my school planning done for the year and last session filed, so I made good use of my tired time.

Today's plans: BodyFlow am (flexibility/mobility): PM Lifting StrongCurves Wk 6+ Ultimate Pull-Up program

My shoulder is finally feeling better from all the raking and I had better sleep last night (took a bit extra melatonin). Might take a nap if I get a chance, feeling a little behind.

Hoping to get some spring cleaning done and maybe a walk. I really want to knock out a chunk of things since I have Jury Duty tomorrow and who knows how long that will last. But I also have some paperwork for Scouts too.

The weather is looking up here, we have some sunny days and warmer temps coming, more rain and clouds but at least not every day.

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@Monica_in_Switzerland Glad you are better!  And yay for steady weight loss!  Good work!

@wintermom Yeah, the attacking and sparring parts of martial arts practice are def the hardest on the body.  I have to space out punching bag or air shield attacks like you do with skate skiing cause a little goes a long way, like you said!  My lower neck/shoulder/upper back get very sore and tense.  One of my goals for CKD is to become more relaxed in general and let the mechanics of the movements generate power rather than trying to hulk through it, plus relaxing mentally during sparring.  I think this will help a lot.

@soror How annoying about your progesterone this month, though I'm glad you got some sleep.  I hope your jury duty is short-lived...I've never ever been called for some reason but I can't imagine the extended sitting and waiting would be very enjoyable.


My HIIT workout was pretty great yesterday.  I did 40 sec on, 20 off, 8 rounds each of jump rope, kettlebell swings, and punching bag.  It's the first time I ever structured a workout like that and I felt like it was effective and interesting.  I had about 10 mins left to play with after so I went for a short run.  The swings were the hardest--I skipped 2 rounds in the middle.  CKD last night was kind of meh in terms of intensity...but since it was because we have several new students, I'm good with it!  CKD is my social outlet and I love it when we get new people.

I'm still pondering over the Lean Habits stuff.  Just because I can't follow the no snacks habit doesn't mean I want to discard the rest.  I would really really like the be able to develop the skill of eating just enough.  Last night, we were having a supper that I particularly like and, despite the fact that I "heard" my body say, ok, you're good now, I cleaned my plate anyways.  Of course I felt like I had rocks in my tummy during class after, ugh.  When I slip up, it is tempting to go back to the security of calorie counting/deficit eating, but I am determined to improve my relationship with food/maintain weight and energy without that. 

I have lifting on the schedule this morning, but it has been raining.  Hopefully my gym area is still dry.  It's supposed to storm all day, so that will probably be my only heavy activity today.  My sons are hoping the power will go out so they can spend the day doing Legos by lantern light, lol.

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I got in a nice little skate ski this morning. It was icy and fast, so lots of double poling and tight leg muscles to stay upright. I will go for a hike in the woods this afternoon. I'm trying to get in lots of outdoor time before tomorrow, when we're supposed to get cold and lots more snow. Just a not-so-gentle reminder that it's still winter in the great white north! đŸ˜‰

I'm so thrilled that my daily stretches and strength work from the physiotherapist has been working wonders with eliminating my upper back and neck pain! I don't think I'll need to go back for any more visits. Woo hoo!!

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4 hours ago, wintermom said:


I'm so thrilled that my daily stretches and strength work from the physiotherapist has been working wonders with eliminating my upper back and neck pain! I don't think I'll need to go back for any more visits. Woo hoo!!

Really good news!

It's sunny and windy here: lovely walk at lunchtime along the beach, while surfers caught baby waves.

I'll try to do a good yoga session this evening; tomorrow evening we will be preparing for another house viewing, so I might not have time for anything very long.  I printed out the materials for my 'power yoga' course for March - I'm quite excited.

Edited by Laura Corin
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20 hours ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

Well, I'm over the worst of what I'm pretty sure was bronchitis!  I still have that froggy feeling in the back of my throat, but no longer any tight chest feelings.  I've been for a couple of slow runs in the last few days, which have been fine.  

I'm finally losing weight pretty steadily.  Early time-restricted eating has been the key.  It's nice to finally feel like it's back in my control.  

Glad you're feeling better! Awesome with the weight loss! It's so nice to feel in control of one's own body. This can be so challenging!

5 hours ago, soror said:

LOL đŸ™‚

Ya, for losing weight, feeling better and getting back in the groove with running, WTG!


No walk yesterday, should have but the crap sleep sucked my energy and it was teeth cleanings for us all in the am and Scouts in the pm. I did get the last of my school planning done for the year and last session filed, so I made good use of my tired time.

Today's plans: BodyFlow am (flexibility/mobility): PM Lifting StrongCurves Wk 6+ Ultimate Pull-Up program

My shoulder is finally feeling better from all the raking and I had better sleep last night (took a bit extra melatonin). Might take a nap if I get a chance, feeling a little behind.

Hoping to get some spring cleaning done and maybe a walk. I really want to knock out a chunk of things since I have Jury Duty tomorrow and who knows how long that will last. But I also have some paperwork for Scouts too.

The weather is looking up here, we have some sunny days and warmer temps coming, more rain and clouds but at least not every day.

Sorry about the poor sleep. Hope you can make up some sleep tonight.  Great news about your shoulder feeling better! Such a tricky joint for pain. Was this part of your difficulty sleeping? I often have trouble sleeping if my shoulder hurts.

4 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

@Monica_in_Switzerland Glad you are better!  And yay for steady weight loss!  Good work!

@wintermom Yeah, the attacking and sparring parts of martial arts practice are def the hardest on the body.  I have to space out punching bag or air shield attacks like you do with skate skiing cause a little goes a long way, like you said!  My lower neck/shoulder/upper back get very sore and tense.  One of my goals for CKD is to become more relaxed in general and let the mechanics of the movements generate power rather than trying to hulk through it, plus relaxing mentally during sparring.  I think this will help a lot.

@soror How annoying about your progesterone this month, though I'm glad you got some sleep.  I hope your jury duty is short-lived...I've never ever been called for some reason but I can't imagine the extended sitting and waiting would be very enjoyable.


My HIIT workout was pretty great yesterday.  I did 40 sec on, 20 off, 8 rounds each of jump rope, kettlebell swings, and punching bag.  It's the first time I ever structured a workout like that and I felt like it was effective and interesting.  I had about 10 mins left to play with after so I went for a short run.  The swings were the hardest--I skipped 2 rounds in the middle.  CKD last night was kind of meh in terms of intensity...but since it was because we have several new students, I'm good with it!  CKD is my social outlet and I love it when we get new people.

I'm still pondering over the Lean Habits stuff.  Just because I can't follow the no snacks habit doesn't mean I want to discard the rest.  I would really really like the be able to develop the skill of eating just enough.  Last night, we were having a supper that I particularly like and, despite the fact that I "heard" my body say, ok, you're good now, I cleaned my plate anyways.  Of course I felt like I had rocks in my tummy during class after, ugh.  When I slip up, it is tempting to go back to the security of calorie counting/deficit eating, but I am determined to improve my relationship with food/maintain weight and energy without that. 

I have lifting on the schedule this morning, but it has been raining.  Hopefully my gym area is still dry.  It's supposed to storm all day, so that will probably be my only heavy activity today.  My sons are hoping the power will go out so they can spend the day doing Legos by lantern light, lol.

Great goal with relaxing muscles while sparring! It's actually good to try and do with all physical activities, though it certainly isn't easy. Great reminder! I can do this quite well with running, but have big problems while playing tennis by staying too tense. 

Eating can feel like such a struggle, as we try to 'dominate' our body. I've been trying really hard to remember to find pleasure in eating. Enjoy the tastes and textures, the opportunity to relax and talk with others, and listen to my body. When I re-watch episodes of the futuristic TV series "Firefly," and see them eating blocks of dark coloured food stuffs, it's a good reminder that there is a lot more joy to be had with eating than simply consuming calories. 

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13 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

Really good news!

It's sunny and windy here: lovely walk at lunchtime along the beach, while surfers caught baby waves.

I'll try to do a good yoga session this evening; tomorrow evening we will be preparing for another house viewing, so I might time for anything very long.  I printed out the materials for my 'power yoga' course for March - I'm quite excited.

All the best with the house viewing!! Those can be so stressful. I always found that the more I cleaned, the more messy areas were revealed. It becomes a never-ending job! đŸ˜‰

Edited by wintermom
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5 minutes ago, wintermom said:

All the best with the house viewing!! Those can be so stressful. I always found that the more I cleaned, the more messy areas were revealed. It becomes a never-ending job! đŸ˜‰

Thanks.  Yes.  I'm a pretty.... relaxed house cleaner.  So I'll be thinking everything looks fine, then suddenly spot something horrendous.  Last time it was very obvious greasy brown drips on the inside of the white doors of the top kitchen cupboards.  That time we just had to hope the viewers wouldn't open any cupboards....

Husband has been doing all the viewings, so he's been bearing a lot of the stress.  I'll bring the dog to work, to get her away: these potential purchasers are not keen on dogs.

Edited by Laura Corin
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