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Well-Trained Bodies January 2020- Ring in the New Year with Exercise


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22 minutes ago, soror said:

LOL, I know it is sure cold here this week. I'd prefer an am walk but not happening.

I'm not sure I understand the question. I think I'd say it depends on the app how much of a deficit are they giving, going back to a previous deficit might not be where you need to be because that depends on a lot of factors and none are going to be 100% accurate, besides the fact that you have continued to add activity (NEAT and exercise) so that in itself is going to increase your needs, not to mention your increased muscle mass. 


Like a hypothetical person who is losing weight through diet alone.  The calories they can eat to maintain a deficit decrease as they get smaller.  When they get to their goal weight, they increase calories to maintenance level.  Science-wise, why isn't the maintenance amount the last deficit amount?  Hopefully that makes better sense, lol!

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15 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:


Like a hypothetical person who is losing weight through diet alone.  The calories they can eat to maintain a deficit decrease as they get smaller.  When they get to their goal weight, they increase calories to maintenance level.  Science-wise, why isn't the maintenance amount the last deficit amount?  Hopefully that makes better sense, lol!

I'd say it would depend on how much of a deficit they were keeping, generally the deficit for losing would be greater than the amount your metabolism is going to decrease by getting smaller.

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Didn't get a ski in yesterday, but did snowshoe with poles a little. Today ds and I will go for a skate ski. I will try to walk a little as well if I can fit it into the schedule.

Diet and weight: Maintaining things pretty steady right now. Learning to identify foods that trigger pain and gas, and reduce these to a manageable level. Yay!

Sleep is going really well since I've rigged up a soft pad for myself on the mattress and a pillow to facilitate side sleeping without causing hands to go numb. It's wonderful!

ETA: Ds and I just completed a skate ski. It was really fun!

Edited by wintermom
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@IvyInFlorida I hope your ankle doesn't slow you down too much. @wintermom I'd have a hard time coping with Canadian winters, but it sounds as if you have a lot of fun too.

The dog was with me in the car at work today, because Husband was showing the house. It was a rare warm but sunny winter day. Dog and I went for two glorious walks, the second one deliberately at a relaxed pace. This evening I will do my yoga practice then read by the fire.

Food: veggie pottage and non fat yoghurt for breakfast; lots of raw veg, an apple, some pistachios and a little protein cheese for snacks; mushrooms with smoked tofu, and lentil sprouts for lunch. Husband is making roast celeriac with smoked mackerel for supper. Enough veg today, I think.

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7 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

@IvyInFlorida I hope your ankle doesn't slow you down too much. @wintermom I'd have a hard time coping with Canadian winters, but it sounds as if you have a lot of fun too.

The dog was with me in the car at work today, because Husband was showing the house. It was a rare warm but sunny winter day. Dog and I went for two glorious walks, the second one deliberately at a relaxed pace. This evening I will do my yoga practice then read by the fire.

Food: veggie pottage and non fat yoghurt for breakfast; lots of raw veg, an apple, some pistachios and a little protein cheese for snacks; mushrooms with smoked tofu, and lentil sprouts for lunch. Husband is making roast celeriac with smoked mackerel for supper. Enough veg today, I think.

As always sounds like a lovely day, I'd love to see the sun here.

8 hours ago, wintermom said:

Didn't get a ski in yesterday, but did snowshoe with poles a little. Today ds and I will go for a skate ski. I will try to walk a little as well if I can fit it into the schedule.

Diet and weight: Maintaining things pretty steady right now. Learning to identify foods that trigger pain and gas, and reduce these to a manageable level. Yay!

Sleep is going really well since I've rigged up a soft pad for myself on the mattress and a pillow to facilitate side sleeping without causing hands to go numb. It's wonderful!

ETA: Ds and I just completed a skate ski. It was really fun!

Ya for finding out the trigger foods, sleep, and exercise--Wonderful!

11 hours ago, sassenach said:

Quick check in-

I managed to get 5 days of exercise in last week, probably for the last time until May. School starts Monday! Looking at my calendar, I can manage 3 trips to the Y this week. 

I still have 2 weeks of W30 left. Feeling great!


Good job!

1 hour ago, IvyInFlorida said:

So I made this for supper and it was wonderful (Pinch of Yum's Coconut Curry Salmon).  Highly recommend!

Sounds delicious, thanks for the rec. 


Yoga with Adrienne this am--23 min; 10 min Doubletime stretch w/ dd3

65 min. @ the gym. Lifting w/ stair stepper intervals. Added in extra grip and carry practice. I've been practicing hanging with grip changes, close, narrow, neutral back and forth. The one tower at the gym has these hanging d rings that swing, I've not had the guts to try them yet but managed to hang on them tonight and swing some and did some 1 armed swinging on the wide grips. 

And I did my pull-up test and I got my chin to the bar from a dead hang, it was a bit ugly and not very smooth but that is the highest I've pulled from the deadhang, very happy with that. And of course it is on the week I didn't have someone video me. I was surprised as I am feeling a bit of soreness from the ass-kicking bucket carries yesterday. Must keep on, keeping on. Work it hard, recovery work, rest days, and protein. 

Some random guy at the gym called me 'Muscle Lady' or something like that. LOL. I'm not really jacked but I'm always lugging some weights around the free weight area and there are usually very few chicks over there. And they are all staring with my hanging grip changes.

So, I was feeling kind of blah when I got to the gym but it ended up being a decent workout after all, you just never know. You just keep showing up and doing what you can, some days you kill it, some days suck, consistency is what matters.

Hit my 6 cups of fruits & veggies today + 2 cups of leafy greens

I've been snacky though which is annoying.

Edited by soror
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@soror Muscle lady, that's awesome, ha!  Good for you for rocking your workout even though you felt blah initially.  It feels so good to overcome that and accomplish something.  And congrats on getting your chin to the bar!!!!


Had an uplifting surprise this morning when I saw that I was down to 137.  When I looked over my log, I realized that I have basically lost a 1/2 lb a week since Thanksgiving.  I'm really happy with that!  My mom usually takes me clothes shopping for my birthday, so it'll be fun to do so at my lowest adult weight ever, at 40 years old.

Ankle is only a little swollen and definitely less tender, so I think cutting out exercise except for CKD classes this week was the right call.  Should be decent for Saturday's test.  I've been going through the drills mentally though, since memorization will be a big factor in this one.

16 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

The dog was with me in the car at work today, because Husband was showing the house. It was a rare warm but sunny winter day. Dog and I went for two glorious walks, the second one deliberately at a relaxed pace. This evening I will do my yoga practice then read by the fire.

Husband is making roast celeriac with smoked mackerel for supper.


I swear, you have the best life, Laura! 

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@IvyInFlorida I am amazingly lucky.  However, yesterday was a deliberate attempt to calm down after I tried to get too much done on Monday, left myself no time to just read a book for twenty minutes, and got very ratty. 

@soror Go Muscle Lady!


Today I'll just do my brisk lunchtime walk - the lovely weather is continuing.  The sea is flat calm - there are canoeists out paddling gently by.  Then I'll be working late before heading to Pilates at the small studio that I'm now using.

My gym has published the new timetable, which has helped me to decide to quit.  Yet again, the schedule is set up so that when students are not here, the only yoga or Pilates class I can attend is at 7.30pm; not practical as I live out of town.  Very irritating, as this is a perk of employment, but actually they don't care about the employees or the community members, only the students.  Oh well.  Yoga at home plus expensive Pilates once a week will be fine.

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2 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

@soror Muscle lady, that's awesome, ha!  Good for you for rocking your workout even though you felt blah initially.  It feels so good to overcome that and accomplish something.  And congrats on getting your chin to the bar!!!!


Had an uplifting surprise this morning when I saw that I was down to 137.  When I looked over my log, I realized that I have basically lost a 1/2 lb a week since Thanksgiving.  I'm really happy with that!  My mom usually takes me clothes shopping for my birthday, so it'll be fun to do so at my lowest adult weight ever, at 40 years old.

Ankle is only a little swollen and definitely less tender, so I think cutting out exercise except for CKD classes this week was the right call.  Should be decent for Saturday's test.  I've been going through the drills mentally though, since memorization will be a big factor in this one.


I swear, you have the best life, Laura! 

I'm so crossing fingers for your ankle, as you said a good chance to work on memory too and an unplanned recovery week isn't a bad thing. Also, congrats on reaching the new low, I'm sure you feel very proud and excited for shopping!

11 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

@IvyInFlorida I am amazingly lucky.  However, yesterday was a deliberate attempt to calm down after I tried to get too much done on Monday, left myself no time to just read a book for twenty minutes, and got very ratty. 

@soror Go Muscle Lady!


Today I'll just do my brisk lunchtime walk - the lovely weather is continuing.  The sea is flat calm - there are canoeists out paddling gently by.  Then I'll be working late before heading to Pilates at the small studio that I'm now using.

My gym has published the new timetable, which has helped me to decide to quit.  Yet again, the schedule is set up so that when students are not here, the only yoga or Pilates class I can attend is at 7.30pm; not practical as I live out of town.  Very irritating, as this is a perk of employment, but actually they don't care about the employees or the community members, only the students.  Oh well.  Yoga at home plus expensive Pilates once a week will be fine.

I'm so annoyed for you about the gym, as you said that is confirmation. Good for you for taking some time to slow down, it seems we have to be deliberate or that doesn't happen.

I did not get my walk yesterday as I had to take ds in for a check-up (unexpectedly when I called for a med refill they said he needed to come in) so I only had time for a nap or a walk and I chose a nap.

I want to get that walk today w/ yoga in the am and some foam rolling.

We are expecting bad weather here, some huge winter storm is supposed to be coming so I'm trying to figure out what to do about my planned hike Friday, I need to look at the calendar and the forecast and figure it out.

Hoping for a better food day, on the plus I hit protein and fruit/veggie goals but ate more snacks and not the best choices either, hmph. 

Also, I've been slacking on the hourly movement, accidentally turned off my reminders so I want to get that back up and step count over 10k, didn't hit it yesterday without the walk and hourly reminders.

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On 1/20/2020 at 9:00 PM, IvyInFlorida said:

I am sort of infamous for accidentally eating bugs while running, haha.  Then I get the added exertion of trying not to gag while I run...

No lifting for me this morning.  The ankle I twisted during CKD Saturday has been very swollen and I decided to rest it.  Hopefully I can go to class tonight.  I think I will and just aim for taking it easy.  I wish I wasn't injured...I'm kind of stressed and could really use a good sweaty workout.  But, as long as it is well by the test Saturday, I'll be happy. 

Food has been good though.  Veggie-wise I've had a bell pepper, 1/4 onion, a huge pile of salad (HUUUUUGE), a few strawberries, and a banana.  I'll have some green beans with supper.


Oh, does that count?  In that case, my summer diet is about 5% gnat protein.  



Ugh, sorry to say my exercise is slacking this week, after such a great week last week.  Planning on a run tonight, though no matter what time DH gets home.  That's what head lamps are for.  Diet is good, and according to my weight tracker app, which takes averages and swings into account, I am down about 2lbs since Jan 1st.  So I'm happy with that!  

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@soror  Congratulations on the pull-up! "Muscle lady" is a pretty good name. There could definitely be worse! 😂  Hope your storm isn't too bad.

@Laura Corin  Sorry about your gym facility clawing back on convenient classes. You have a great personal plan, though! 

@IvyInFlorida  How is your ankle feeling? Hope it holds up well for your big test this weekend!

@Monica_in_Switzerland  Great job on the weight loss! I love my headlamp! I use it mostly for skiing and cycling, but it's great for walking and running, too. Hope you can squeeze in a few more runs.


I'll be skiing on better trails with ds today. It's a longer drive, but it will be worth it.

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2 hours ago, wintermom said:


I'll be skiing on better trails with ds today. It's a longer drive, but it will be worth it.

Have fun skiing today!

2 hours ago, Monica_in_Switzerland said:

Ugh, sorry to say my exercise is slacking this week, after such a great week last week.  Planning on a run tonight, though no matter what time DH gets home.  That's what head lamps are for.  Diet is good, and according to my weight tracker app, which takes averages and swings into account, I am down about 2lbs since Jan 1st.  So I'm happy with that!  

Ya for the loss, and report back on the run.


Did some MovNat mobility work this am (from YouTube)- 20 min and 15 min foam rolling skipping the shoulders and upper back.

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1 hour ago, soror said:

Have fun skiing today!


Did some MovNat mobility work this am (from YouTube)- 20 min and 15 min foam rolling skipping the shoulders and upper back.

The skiing was amazing! Perfect weather and conditions. Some lovely chocolate croissants for "afters" as well. My fitness is improving in practical ways, as I can keep an acceptable pace up the hills without my heart exploding. 😁

Was does MovNat stand for? I can guess the "Mov" part, and I have some creative ideas about the "Nat" part. Great job doing it, whatever it is! 

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Today is the third consecutive day that I did my complete "yoga etc." routine and practiced my TKD form and walked a bit.  Also my 2nd day of eating mostly fruit and nuts until dinner.

In my younger years, that alone would have brought me down to my ideal weight, LOL.  As it is, I just barely feel a slight difference in muscle tone.  😛  Here's to taking the long view ....  [And I don't weigh myself really ... I have done it like twice in 10 years.  When I am confident that it won't depress me, I may start again.  :P]

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I did some snowshoeing this afternoon. I can really feel my leg and arm muscles start of bulk up with all this winter activity. It also occurred to me that I haven't been on skates yet this winter. Have to remedy that soon. 

I just restocked my veggie stash. Portobello mushrooms, Chinese eggplant, avocado, and sweet peppers. Yummy!

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19 hours ago, wintermom said:

The skiing was amazing! Perfect weather and conditions. Some lovely chocolate croissants for "afters" as well. My fitness is improving in practical ways, as I can keep an acceptable pace up the hills without my heart exploding. 😁

Was does MovNat stand for? I can guess the "Mov" part, and I have some creative ideas about the "Nat" part. Great job doing it, whatever it is! 

LOl, move natural, name is gimmicky and the founder a bit of a jerk face but the moves are good.

18 hours ago, SKL said:

Today is the third consecutive day that I did my complete "yoga etc." routine and practiced my TKD form and walked a bit.  Also my 2nd day of eating mostly fruit and nuts until dinner.

In my younger years, that alone would have brought me down to my ideal weight, LOL.  As it is, I just barely feel a slight difference in muscle tone.  😛  Here's to taking the long view ....  [And I don't weigh myself really ... I have done it like twice in 10 years.  When I am confident that it won't depress me, I may start again.  :P]

Ya, good job, 3 days in a row is wonderful.

11 hours ago, wintermom said:

I did some snowshoeing this afternoon. I can really feel my leg and arm muscles start of bulk up with all this winter activity. It also occurred to me that I haven't been on skates yet this winter. Have to remedy that soon. 

I just restocked my veggie stash. Portobello mushrooms, Chinese eggplant, avocado, and sweet peppers. Yummy!

So, wonderful you have all these wonderful activities to enjoy, makes the winter a little less horrible.

I ate a bit fewer snacks yesterday but still had more than I'd like, more habit than hunger, that is certainly not intuitive eating. 

Planning meals today--

bfast- toast w/ almond butter and banana+ plain steel cut oats- pb, 1T pb- sausage

am snack-2 clementines + other half chia pudding

lunch- gf chicken wrap with homemade tz, side salad +homemade gf blueberry muffin(sugar cut 2/3rds and butter 1/3rd)

pre-workout 1/2 bagel w/ cheese

after workout- protein shake w/ plain nonfat greek yogurt, plain almond milk, whey isolate, and strawberries

dinner- gf pizza

Tonight is a longer night- lifting w/ 3 miles @ 10% incline on treadmill broken into intervals

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21 minutes ago, soror said:

LOl, move natural, name is gimmicky and the founder a bit of a jerk face but the moves are good.

Ya, good job, 3 days in a row is wonderful.

So, wonderful you have all these wonderful activities to enjoy, makes the winter a little less horrible.

I ate a bit fewer snacks yesterday but still had more than I'd like, more habit than hunger, that is certainly not intuitive eating. 


Yes, "move natural" is about as cheesy as it gets. 😂 The moves are good and "natural," eh? Fancy that! I hate all those unnatural moves other try to push. 😉

Finding some kind of fun winter activity is the easiest way to survive the harsh winters. You can't beat them, so you have to figure out how to join in and have some fun. 

Snacking is my MO. My dentist tells me it's not great for my teeth, but my tummy has more power over my behaviour. 😁

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Trying not to stuff all the cake in my face - there's cake at work and Husband and I are going to see a house that looks really good that we might want to buy.  It is, of course, too big, too expensive and on the market at the wrong time (we had planned to wait until we sold to buy).  It's mid-19thC with a stunning modern extension to take in the light and the view.

Weather still lovely.  Gentle walk at lunchtime, no NW this evening (house viewing in daylight instead); will try for two yoga sessions to settle my brain.


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3 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Trying not to stuff all the cake in my face - there's cake at work and Husband and I are going to see a house that looks really good that we might want to buy.  It is, of course, too big, too expensive and on the market at the wrong time (we had planned to wait until we sold to buy).  It's mid-19thC with a stunning modern extension to take in the light and the view.

Weather still lovely.  Gentle walk at lunchtime, no NW this evening (house viewing in daylight instead); will try for two yoga sessions to settle my brain.



Holy cow what an amazing house.

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5 minutes ago, wintermom said:

@Laura Corin  The house and landscape look amazing! Is it near the sea? I know you and your dog both love walking by the water. 😉

Fingers crossed. The whole of the county is surrounded on three sides by water. This village is inland, but only twenty minutes to the North Sea, and thirty minutes to the estuaries to the north and south.

Edited by Laura Corin
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Well, y'all, I'm going stir crazy over here with all this lack of exercise this week!  In order to rest my ankle, all I've done is my CKD classes, and it's driving me bonkers.  I reckon if it had to happen, this was a good week...it's been really cold, I have PMS, and I'm really busy with out-of-town folks visiting, but UGH.  I miss the activity.  If all goes well with my ankle during the test, I'm back on the routine next week.  Yay!

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12 hours ago, SKL said:

My horrible child pulled out the ice cream cake for her after-school snack.  So of course I had to eat some.

But it was the only sweet I ate today, so hopefully not too bad ....


16 hours ago, SKL said:

4th day of doing my "yoga etc.," TKD form practice, a little walking, and today even a little jogging.  Also a lot of stairs today.

Eating mostly fruit and nuts so far, but craving something ... not sure what.

Good job, 4 days in a row is a good string. Maybe you were craving icecream cake 🙂

19 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Trying not to stuff all the cake in my face - there's cake at work and Husband and I are going to see a house that looks really good that we might want to buy.  It is, of course, too big, too expensive and on the market at the wrong time (we had planned to wait until we sold to buy).  It's mid-19thC with a stunning modern extension to take in the light and the view.

Weather still lovely.  Gentle walk at lunchtime, no NW this evening (house viewing in daylight instead); will try for two yoga sessions to settle my brain.


How exciting and nervewracking, it is beautiful.

21 hours ago, wintermom said:

Yes, "move natural" is about as cheesy as it gets. 😂 The moves are good and "natural," eh? Fancy that! I hate all those unnatural moves other try to push. 😉

Finding some kind of fun winter activity is the easiest way to survive the harsh winters. You can't beat them, so you have to figure out how to join in and have some fun. 

Snacking is my MO. My dentist tells me it's not great for my teeth, but my tummy has more power over my behaviour. 😁

Where we live it is not all that cold for too long, people don't really have winter indoor activity, most people ride it out inside. Sports here this time of year are inside(all things I hate though like basketball-ugh). 

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2 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Well, y'all, I'm going stir crazy over here with all this lack of exercise this week!  In order to rest my ankle, all I've done is my CKD classes, and it's driving me bonkers.  I reckon if it had to happen, this was a good week...it's been really cold, I have PMS, and I'm really busy with out-of-town folks visiting, but UGH.  I miss the activity.  If all goes well with my ankle during the test, I'm back on the routine next week.  Yay!

Yes, it is a good week to be off, and I hope you go into that testing refreshed and kicking (ha) butt. For future reference there is a lot of yoga/stretching you could do that would not bother the ankle, much could be down on the ground so it would help with recovery without bothering the ankle.

I did 20 min stretching- Morning Meltdown Revibe yesterday am-

PM was lifting with intervals, I felt really good, strong, good endurance. I did 3 miles total @ 10% incline-  45 minutes total (that was broken up between sets-all walking- which is a good clip at that incline) I shaved 17 minutes off of my workout time- 1h22- vs 1hr 35, avg HR only 1BPM more- 142 vs 141. I only a minute break at one point and 30 seconds at another, I was hustling. The treadmill resets after 4 minutes so I have to hurry to get in sets. Although, some moments I feel like I have so far to go I can feel my progress in certain movements especially. Last night I added more reps to my banded pull-ups, the little band I couldn't do at first. I was able to move more horizontal on my feet elevated TRX inverted row. I need to up weights on renegade rows again, it was still too easy. However, I was at a good weight for my split squats, they were hard last night as were goblet squats.

Food went mostly as planned except mid morning snack and lunch, I ended up running errands and then realized my planned lunch wasn't enough veggies. I had a mini protein bar and oranges for a snack. Big stir fry for lunch. And I added in 4 small gf cookies, which honestly still better than the last few days overall.


I have no classes today (Chinese New Year), ya!!! I'll be doing some type of recovery work this am, we'll see what strikes me.

I planned to hike but the weather is icky so I'm moving that to this weekend some time. If I catch a spell that is not nasty I'll try for a short walk.

I got to bed nice and early last night but I did not sleep well at all. My stomach is off, not sure if it is something I ate or a bug. I had the hardest time going to sleep, was restless and woke up with it still hurting. Hopefully, it passes quickly, we'll see how food goes today. I plan the rest of the stir fry for lunch (I made a big batch of soup for lunches but messed up the seasoning it doesn't taste very good 😞 ). Eggs or oatmeal for breakfast. No clue for dinner as we have an overnight scout thing and the food they planned I can't eat. 

Edited by soror
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41 minutes ago, soror said:

PM was lifting with intervals, I felt really good, strong, good endurance. I did 3 miles total @ 10% incline-  45 minutes total (that was broken up between sets-all walking- which is a good clip at that incline) I shaved 17 minutes off of my workout time- 1h22- vs 1hr 35, avg HR only 1BPM more- 142 vs 141. I only a minute break at one point and 30 seconds at another, I was hustling. The treadmill resets after 4 minutes so I have to hurry to get in sets. Although, some moments I feel like I have so far to go I can feel my progress in certain movements especially. Last night I added more reps to my banded pull-ups, the little band I couldn't do at first. I was able to move more vertical on my feet elevated TRX inverted row. I need to up weights on renegade rows again, it was still too easy. However, I was at a good weight for my split squats, they were hard last night as were goblet squats.



Sounds like you had a great workout and you're def making progress!  I hope your stomach feels better, that's the worst.

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@IvyInFlorida  All the best at your testing today! Hope the ankle doesn't cause you too much pain.

@soror  Hope your stomach settles down really soon. 

@Laura Corin  I have the exact same feelings about sport massage - lots of pain with the hope I will eventually feel better. Hope yours works really well for you!


I'll be going for my weekly walk today, I hope, as well as playing my indoor competitive tennis this evening. My sleep has been excellent lately. My eating is alright, but I'm not as enthusiastic about things. Could just be a winter slump. It's far too easy to sit and eat all evening in the winter. 😉

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1 hour ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Aw, thanks guys!  Testing was quite grueling, but rewarding when my son and I both earned perfect speed drill awards!  They are rarely given out and I'm the only adult to have ever gotten one in the 14 year history of the dojang.  Pretty exciting!  Feels great to be a brown belt!


We'll done to you both!


Walked the dog first thing, then viewed the possible new house again before heading to Edinburgh by train. One exhibition visited, an hour looking at furniture and some wandering around to find supper, before heading back to the station. I'm sitting at 22,000 steps. It's too late for yoga, so tomorrow will be: two yoga sessions plus Nordic Walking.

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Congrats to Ivy in Florida!  Great photo!

So I think this is my 6th day in a row of doing my "yoga etc." and TKD forms (I went to TKD class).

My kids baked cookies today.  What can I do but eat some ....  But I was good about resisting a lot of temptation while grocery shopping 17 hours after my last meal.

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5 hours ago, wintermom said:

@IvyInFlorida  Congratulations! That's a wonderful photo, too. Big plus with the extra award. What does a perfect speed drill award entail? Was it speed, correct moves, a combination of these and more? I like the lightning bolts. Do you get to put them on your uniforms?  I gather the ankle did not slow you down at all. 😀


A speed drill is an offensive movement.  You lunge forward, do a specific combo of kicks and punches, and repeat.  You're supposed to go fast enough to do 8 repeats in 30 seconds and we're graded on accuracy of our technique while trying to go fast.  I like speed drills.  Yep, they're to iron on the dobok lapel.  My ankle was fine during the test, but I've been on my feet all afternoon making supper for out of town family and now it's very puffy and sore again, blah.  I'm so glad the test is over--it had been sort of looming over my head all month, lol!

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12 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:


A speed drill is an offensive movement.  You lunge forward, do a specific combo of kicks and punches, and repeat.  You're supposed to go fast enough to do 8 repeats in 30 seconds and we're graded on accuracy of our technique while trying to go fast.  I like speed drills.  Yep, they're to iron on the dobok lapel.  My ankle was fine during the test, but I've been on my feet all afternoon making supper for out of town family and now it's very puffy and sore again, blah.  I'm so glad the test is over--it had been sort of looming over my head all month, lol!

That's pretty great that both you and your son received these awards. You must be working really hard on your skills! Great dedication!

How are you feeling today?  This morning my lower back is pretty wrecked after tennis last night. Rest of the body seems ok. 

I'm going snowshoeing with some ladies from my tennis club this morning. There is a lot of fresh, wet snow, so it will be a hard work-out. 

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@IvyInFlorida Fantastic job.  Glad your ankle held up through the test!  



Good eating week, and got in two runs, only 5k each.  But both were with DS, which was nice.  

Next week:  More runs!  And without over-committing at this point, restart form practice for Turkish Get Ups with my kettlebell.  

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Ivy---Congratulations!!!!!! I knew you would kick ass!


Finally today my belly is nearly back to normal and I am feeling much better. I had hardly any energy yesterday, between this little bug and going to bed a bit late I didn't do much of anything except watch movies laying on the couch. It was really disappointing since yesterday's weather was the best of the week but it was out of my control. 

I'm cleaning up around the house today and hoping for a good week to finish out the month--

exercise plans:

3 days of lifting; tues w/ short stair climber intervals; thurs longer intervals at incline- 3mi total; sat- lifting- no intervals- 

mon-friday am- recovery/mobility work

Monday- heavy bucket carry- shortening length and upping weight (to more closely match the course)

3mi+ hike whenever I have time and energy

food plans:

6 cups veggies/fruits + 2 cups leafy greens-

(I hit this every day but Saturday)

keep on working on sleep- last week's sleep score avg increased to 73 from the very sorry 69 the week before(very stressful week). Avg. sleep was 7 hr 1 min, I'd like that closer to 7hr 30 but that is better than it has been. Last week I got to sleep in a few days since I had a lighter week due to the holiday so it will be more of a challenge this week, I'll do my best. I'm adding back in progesterone as it is the 2nd half of my cycle, which should help.

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Plans for the week: two yoga classes to get full use out of the last few weeks of my membership; one Pilates class; possibly NW first thing on Thursday, as the tide is too high in the evening;  brisk walk each lunchtime; more NW next weekend; yoga with Adriene any day that nothing else is happening. Remembering not to stress about finishing the January sessions a few days late.

Food: mushroom steel cut oats with miso plus soy yoghurt for breakfasts; lots of ratatouille and left over roast chicken for lunches; cut up raw veg and various nuts, or veg/berry smoothies for snacks.

Lots of handwashing, as the fifty Chinese students whose studies I administer return to their classes.

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I went snowshoeing with a group of 5 ladies from tennis, and it was especially tough this morning. I broke trail for most of the 1.5 hr hike. I also had to use my poles a lot to knock the snow off the low-lying branches so our group could duck under them. The snow was very heavy and wet, but it was simply gorgeous and lots of fun.  I had a really stiff back for the entire hike and brunch afterwards. I'm finally feeling loose and pain-free a few hours later. 

The plan for this coming week is to take advantage of the snow and do more snowshoeing and skiing when possible. 

Food: Eat up the veggies I bought before they go bad. 

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13 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Just popping on to say that I found out we were exposed to flu A this weekend...y'all pray we don't get sick!!!!  UGH.

GAH!!!! I sure hope you don't get sick 😞 We had the flu this year, no fun at all!!!

Hoping for a good day, finished teaching and now for a snack and some stretching/yoga.

and my belly is still not 100% but I am improving.

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