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Well-Trained Bodies January 2020- Ring in the New Year with Exercise


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11 hours ago, soror said:

Finally made it back home, too tired to say much, been a VERYYYY long day and I've still got Scouts to go to. I was hoping to get back in the swing tomorrow- that is of course assuming a good night's sleep and a nap in the afternoon, when I woke to go pee last night I couldn't go back to sleep for thinking about dd2's procedure. My throat is hurting this evening too, dh hasn't felt well all weekend we had hoped and assumed it was from stress and sleep dep (he just finished winter semester classes- 1 month- 6 credit hrs and it was rough) really hope it isn't a cold, so we'll see how I feel in the am. Dd2 did really well, no issues, results in a week, here's hoping they find something I don't know what's next.


So glad to hear it went well.  I hope y'all can decompress, get your strength back, and get some rest!

10 hours ago, Ktgrok said:

Made it to the gym!

Walked for 10 minutes briskly to get hear rate up , little incline, then did the leg press machine, and the hip adductor and abductor machines, 3 sets of 10 reps each, then got back on the treadmill for another 15 minutes, then 10 minutes or so in the sauna. Mood is much elevated, feel much better. 

And I got a haircut on the way there 🙂


I'm so happy you got to go!  Exercise def elevates my mood, and a haircut ain't too shabby either!

10 hours ago, DawnM said:

I did the entire 20 min. beginner workout today.  YAY!


That's awesome, way to go!

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Well, both my workouts yesterday ended up being very strenuous and so I've woken up sore as heck.  Hamstrings, lower back, and upper shoulders/neck especially. 

I've adjusted my weekly routine to be a little more well-rounded... lifting 3x/week, CKD drills 2x/week, 1 long run, and 1 rest day (those are my morning workouts.  Afternoon/evening stuff just alternates between CKD class and active recovery stuff like yard work or a lighter run).  That's less lifting than before, but the program is heavier/more intense. 

Anyways, I was able to up my reps on several movements and complete all 3 rounds of the circuit, so that was good.  Then CKD last night--whew!  I think the upcoming test must be a doozy with the way they are prepping us.  We did all hand technique and foot technique for all belt levels, both sides, which took a solid 50 minutes of fast-paced movement.  I worked hard on visualizing an attacker/aiming for the right targets the whole time, so I was using a lot of power even though I was just hitting the air.  I'm going to work hard on recovery until the test--apparently next week will be more of the same except with all patterns and all speeds drills, back to back.  I'll be getting a lot of HIIT in, sounds like!

Today I have my long run scheduled, and that's it since I'm cooking up a big Chinese-food feast for my mom's birthday supper.  I went to bed at a good time last night, but sleep wasn't the best because I am tensely waiting to hear back from my job about my potential raise.  Eeek.

I think I'm going to go heat up my rice bag and sit with it around my neck while I do my computer work this morning!

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Ivy good luck on the job, I hope the new workout schedule gives you some more recovery time and you feel better, let us know how it goes.

Dawn- Great job getting the workout done, how did you like it?

Katy- you work out when it works for you, homeschool around it. 3 months ago I started am workouts after my work schedule changed, it is nice having that time to myself in the morning. The girls may or may not wake up before I'm done, I finish teaching online at 7 have a small snack and break and do am workout around 7:30. I aim for around 30 min or less workout currently. To make things work with kids you have to schedule it and get in the habit but also flexibility- this is plan a- what is plan b or c if that doesn't work. You'll get in the groove.

Sleep much better, woke a bit before 4 which isn't horrible considering the 8:30 bedtime. Still scheduling a nap though, I'm behind.

Aiming for mobility work today, I have a list with a workout plan I downloaded and might do morning meltdown recovery workout.Evening is lifting with short interval work.

Looking so forward to a normal day today. 


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1 hour ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Well, both my workouts yesterday ended up being very strenuous and so I've woken up sore as heck.  Hamstrings, lower back, and upper shoulders/neck especially. 

That's too bad. At least you had a good work-out! Hope you feel better soon! I got a very sore neck, shoulders, nerves pinched, and poor sleep from a massage. I'm sure there is more to it, but I'm holding off on anyone touching me for a few weeks. ☹️

ETA: Hope you get the raise at your job!! What kind of job do you have?

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31 minutes ago, wintermom said:

That's too bad. At least you had a good work-out! Hope you feel better soon! I got a very sore neck, shoulders, nerves pinched, and poor sleep from a massage. I'm sure there is more to it, but I'm holding off on anyone touching me for a few weeks. ☹️

ETA: Hope you get the raise at your job!! What kind of job do you have?


I work from home doing database management for a nurse practitioner / physician assistant recruiting company.  Kind of odd for someone with a bachelor's in music performance and a master's in 18th c British Lit, but it works for me, lol

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13 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:


I work from home doing database management for a nurse practitioner / physician assistant recruiting company.  Kind of odd for someone with a bachelor's in music performance and a master's in 18th c British Lit, but it works for me, lol

That sounds really cool. What type of database? Is it specific to the region? Linked with on-line health information databases?  I'd love to learn more about this.

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2 hours ago, soror said:

Ivy good luck on the job, I hope the new workout schedule gives you some more recovery time and you feel better, let us know how it goes.

Dawn- Great job getting the workout done, how did you like it?

 I think I am going to like it, but man does my bum hurt today.  Not sure what to do.  I have posted on a forum and several said not to get the gel larger seat as it is counter-productive, but I am not sure why, need to research.

I think I will need to do floor exercises today or find some foam and a large rubber band and use that today!

2 hours ago, soror said:

Katy- you work out when it works for you, homeschool around it. 3 months ago I started am workouts after my work schedule changed, it is nice having that time to myself in the morning. The girls may or may not wake up before I'm done, I finish teaching online at 7 have a small snack and break and do am workout around 7:30. I aim for around 30 min or less workout currently. To make things work with kids you have to schedule it and get in the habit but also flexibility- this is plan a- what is plan b or c if that doesn't work. You'll get in the groove.

Sleep much better, woke a bit before 4 which isn't horrible considering the 8:30 bedtime. Still scheduling a nap though, I'm behind.

Aiming for mobility work today, I have a list with a workout plan I downloaded and might do morning meltdown recovery workout.Evening is lifting with short interval work.

Looking so forward to a normal day today. 



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57 minutes ago, DawnM said:

 I think I am going to like it, but man does my bum hurt today.  Not sure what to do.  I have posted on a forum and several said not to get the gel larger seat as it is counter-productive, but I am not sure why, need to research.

I think I will need to do floor exercises today or find some foam and a large rubber band and use that today!


I did several months of spin years ago and it hurt like the devil at first but I did get used to it. Starting slowly and working up is good. I only ever used the regular seat at the gym then. Now, for my at home bike I have a regular size seat but it is a gel seat and it is the most comfortable one I've had.

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I ended up doing a workout with dd3 (7 yr old) this am, I was crusing Beachbody app and she saw a kid's program so we did that. It was a very light interval workout, my HR went up a bit but not enough to count toward active minutes (which is my goal for the recovery work in the am). So, 20 minutes of that and then 10 minutes mobility work.

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3 hours ago, wintermom said:

That sounds really cool. What type of database? Is it specific to the region? Linked with on-line health information databases?  I'd love to learn more about this.


It's a nation-wide database specifically for HR.  We work with all kinds of health facilities, but our niche is linking rural hospitals or clinics for underserved populations with high quality NPs and PAs.  I do all the behind the scenes stuff so the recruiters always have current info on clients and candidates, plus market all the open jobs and route all the responses.  Thanks for being interested!

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I am in a pissy mood. Period started, which is fine, but blech. I feel bloated. I am stressed about stuff (started to list all but don't even feel like it).

Made it to the gym but it was an ordeal. Had a flat tire, kids missed TKD, I went late while dh got a new tire. Workout felt like shit and I left feeling discouraged, let's hope today is better.

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Question for you all, when you hit your maintenance weight, how closely do you monitor your weight after that? I’ve lost 40lbs in the last year and part of that has involved keeping a pretty close eye on the scale. At this point, weight loss has slowed to a crawl (even though I probably have 10 more to lose) and I don’t feel compelled to chase after that last 10. I’m pretty happy with my current weight and I think I would be fine hanging out here. But now the habit of closely watching the scale is pretty engrained and I have no idea if that’s a normal/good thing for people who watch their weight of if it’s an unhealthy thing. 


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57 minutes ago, sassenach said:

Question for you all, when you hit your maintenance weight, how closely do you monitor your weight after that? I’ve lost 40lbs in the last year and part of that has involved keeping a pretty close eye on the scale. At this point, weight loss has slowed to a crawl (even though I probably have 10 more to lose) and I don’t feel compelled to chase after that last 10. I’m pretty happy with my current weight and I think I would be fine hanging out here. But now the habit of closely watching the scale is pretty engrained and I have no idea if that’s a normal/good thing for people who watch their weight of if it’s an unhealthy thing. 



I've lost and kept off almost 40 lbs and I weigh/measure myself a couple times a week unless I'm having PMS or on my period.  I don't think there's anything unhealthy with keeping tabs on your weight at all, as long as it doesn't cause mental or emotional issues.  I think it's a very healthy thing to be aware of whether or not you're doing a good job matching your food intake to your needs.  Especially since our society is set up to encourage overeating and has normalized being overweight.  It's really easy to slowly slip back into old habits.  That's my take on it, anyways.  The scale and the measuring tape are just another tool in the general health toolbox in my opinion, except for those who having issues with eating disorders.

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I went on an epic cross-country ski trek with my ds 13 today. Took about 3 hours to do the skiing/hiking-carrying-skis but we were determined to ski in to a cabin. Success in the end!!  We could not find the actual ski trail and ended up on a snowshoe trail that was supposed to lead to the cabin in 6km. It was crazy hard, with steep, narrow trails to climb and descend. We had to keep taking our skis off and hike. In the end, this trail did some kind of loop NOT to the cabin. We did find a trail eventually, but ds was exhausted and I would have quit if I'd been on my own. 

I was so happy to reach the cabin and was prepared to relax for 30 min at least. After 5 min of inhaling his snack, ds says he's ready to go home. Fortunately it was much faster getting out and back to the car. We ended up at a different parking lot, though, and had to walk along the road for 1 km. No photos were taken. 

The highlight of the trip was finding a grocery store in small-town Quebec and eating crispy chicken, fries and chocolatine (aka chocolate croissant) in the car on the ride home. The hot bath afterwards was awesome, too.  😋  

There was one other highlight during the actual ski - we were in a valley and it was so quiet that we stood there for a few minutes and could hear absolutely nothing. With the snow on the trees and the isolated location, the only sound I could hear was my heart pounding from the last climb. 😅

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13 minutes ago, wintermom said:

I went on an epic cross-country ski trek with my ds 13 today. Took about 3 hours to do the skiing/hiking-carrying-skis but we were determined to ski in to a cabin. Success in the end!!  We could not find the actual ski trail and ended up on a snowshoe trail that was supposed to lead to the cabin in 6km. It was crazy hard, with steep, narrow trails to climb and descend. We had to keep taking our skis off and hike. In the end, this trail did some kind of loop NOT to the cabin. We did find a trail eventually, but ds was exhausted and I would have quit if I'd been on my own. 

I was so happy to reach the cabin and was prepared to relax for 30 min at least. After 5 min of inhaling his snack, ds says he's ready to go home. Fortunately it was much faster getting out and back to the car. We ended up at a different parking lot, though, and had to walk along the road for 1 km. No photos were taken. 

The highlight of the trip was finding a grocery store in small-town Quebec and eating crispy chicken, fries and chocolatine (aka chocolate croissant) in the car on the ride home. The hot bath afterwards was awesome, too.  😋  

There was one other highlight during the actual ski - we were in a valley and it was so quiet that we stood there for a few minutes and could hear absolutely nothing. With the snow on the trees and the isolated location, the only sound I could hear was my heart pounding from the last climb. 😅

 Wow, what an adventure!  How awesome!

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1 hour ago, sassenach said:

Question for you all, when you hit your maintenance weight, how closely do you monitor your weight after that? I’ve lost 40lbs in the last year and part of that has involved keeping a pretty close eye on the scale. At this point, weight loss has slowed to a crawl (even though I probably have 10 more to lose) and I don’t feel compelled to chase after that last 10. I’m pretty happy with my current weight and I think I would be fine hanging out here. But now the habit of closely watching the scale is pretty engrained and I have no idea if that’s a normal/good thing for people who watch their weight of if it’s an unhealthy thing. 


I weigh every day and make sure to stay in maintenance range. I tend to go by my weekly average so as not to get too obsessive.

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Day 3 of the Sore-pocalypse over here.  UGH.  My back and shoulders were improving a little, but another tough CKD class put me back to square one apparently, and my chest and quads have joined the party.  I haven't been sore like this since maybe CKD summer camp back in July.  I have been getting plenty of sleep and calories (it's birthday season in my family right now) so not sure why I'm not recovering well...?  Drills are on the schedule this morning, so I might work on making sure my pattern memorization is up to par so I can go easy.  Then yard work at my parents' this afternoon. 

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Feeling like the cat on the poster, just hanging on.

I had good meals yesterday. Then I ate my feelings in the form of a box of gf cookies and some crackers.

Tonight is lifting, but feeling ill with stress so I'll see how it goes.

Dd3 wants to workout this morning so we'll do a BB workout today (pretty easy)

hope to not eat feelings today

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5 minutes ago, soror said:

Feeling like the cat on the poster, just hanging on.

I had good meals yesterday. Then I ate my feelings in the form of a box of gf cookies and some crackers.

Tonight is lifting, but feeling ill with stress so I'll see how it goes.

Dd3 wants to workout this morning so we'll do a BB workout today (pretty easy)

hope to not eat feelings today


I'm sorry you're so stressed.  It's a tough time.  Big hugs.

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46 minutes ago, soror said:

Feeling like the cat on the poster, just hanging on.

I had good meals yesterday. Then I ate my feelings in the form of a box of gf cookies and some crackers.

Tonight is lifting, but feeling ill with stress so I'll see how it goes.

Dd3 wants to workout this morning so we'll do a BB workout today (pretty easy)

hope to not eat feelings today

Don't beat yourself up about it. Sometimes our bodies seem to need a little "junk." I certainly enjoyed my completely gluten chocolate croissants (I ate 3 in all) and crispy chicken after my exhausting ski trek yesterday. We'll get back on the wagon, or our bodies will let us know. 😉

Remember the numerous times you've "lifted your feelings" away with all your awesome work-outs! 

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Somehow I have no muscle soreness from all the skiing yesterday! I'm thrilled about that. And even better - ds asked to go for another ski trek next Wednesday. I guess he enjoyed our little adventure, event though he thought he was dying at the time. 😂

We've had more fresh snow, so I'll be shovelling today, as well hiking or snowshoeing with my weekly "walk in the wooks while the dc play hockey" moms. 😁

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17 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:


I've lost and kept off almost 40 lbs and I weigh/measure myself a couple times a week unless I'm having PMS or on my period.  I don't think there's anything unhealthy with keeping tabs on your weight at all, as long as it doesn't cause mental or emotional issues.  I think it's a very healthy thing to be aware of whether or not you're doing a good job matching your food intake to your needs.  Especially since our society is set up to encourage overeating and has normalized being overweight.  It's really easy to slowly slip back into old habits.  That's my take on it, anyways.  The scale and the measuring tape are just another tool in the general health toolbox in my opinion, except for those who having issues with eating disorders.


16 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

I weigh every day and make sure to stay in maintenance range. I tend to go by my weekly average so as not to get too obsessive.

Thank you to you both for this feedback. This was my gut but I wanted to check it. 

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44 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Remember when I mentioned being tense over asking for a raise?  Thought you might like to know that I just heard from my boss and I got it!  Happy tears!  I feel like 75% of my stress burden has just been lifted.


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2 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Remember when I mentioned being tense over asking for a raise?  Thought you might like to know that I just heard from my boss and I got it!  Happy tears!  I feel like 75% of my stress burden has just been lifted.

Well done!


I walked for half an hour at lunchtime, then worked a swung shift in order to leave early. Nordic Walked for thirty minutes on the beach in a howling gale with sleet stinging my face. Not too cold, thank goodness, but none too pleasant. I felt very virtuous though, and then came home to do some yoga.  I'm one day behind on my thirty-day yoga because of Pilates last night, but I'll catch up on Saturday.

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@Laura Corin Dang, that's some Nordic Walking dedication to be out in that weather, for sure!


Same ole, same ole here, thankfully soreness is beginning to subside to a more normal level of sore.  Just in time for another round of lifting this morning and CKD tonight!  I'm liking my slightly different schedule.  Having a more well-rounded workout lineup helps keep me looking forward to whatever's on tap for that day.

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14 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Well done!


I walked for half an hour at lunchtime, then worked a swung shift in order to leave early. Nordic Walked for thirty minutes on the beach in a howling gale with sleet stinging my face. Not too cold, thank goodness, but none too pleasant. I felt very virtuous though, and then came home to do some yoga.  I'm one day behind on my thirty-day yoga because of Pilates last night, but I'll catch up on Saturday.

LOL, I planned to walk today but we have a chance of sleep here too and I don't know if I'm feeling as virtuous. We'll see...

Workout went well last night which felt very good after Tuesday.

Last night I did my longer workout, intervals interspersed w/ 10% incline walking 3 miles total (as race is 5 k).

Today as mentioned is supposed to be a walk...

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Ivy- glad you are feeling better today.


Meant to add food was great yesterday, I started off with a nice hearty breakfast and ate yummy good food all day and didn't feel the need to bury my face in junk food. Feeling a little less defeated. Dh was offered a promotion yesterday which was a nice boost for a crappy week.

Planning the same today re: food, front load lots of yummy food. Eating lots and lots of fruits and veggies.


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43 minutes ago, soror said:

Meant to add food was great yesterday, I started off with a nice hearty breakfast and ate yummy good food all day and didn't feel the need to bury my face in junk food. Feeling a little less defeated. Dh was offered a promotion yesterday which was a nice boost for a crappy week.

Planning the same today re: food, front load lots of yummy food. Eating lots and lots of fruits and veggies.


That is wonderful news! The food, the feeling better and the promotion! 

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46 minutes ago, soror said:

Meant to add food was great yesterday, I started off with a nice hearty breakfast and ate yummy good food all day and didn't feel the need to bury my face in junk food. Feeling a little less defeated. Dh was offered a promotion yesterday which was a nice boost for a crappy week.

Planning the same today re: food, front load lots of yummy food. Eating lots and lots of fruits and veggies.

Really glad that things are looking up.  the weather is crisp and bright today.  I'll walk a couple of miles, maybe along the beach, at lunchtime, then do some yoga tonight.  The weekend is looking good: Nordic Walking, probably dog walking, and yoga tomorrow; hiking with husband (and yoga) on Sunday.  Weather is set fair.

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Thank you so much wintermom and laura!!!

Oh, and ladies thought some might be interested one of my fitness and exercise groups have been going on about the 800 gram challenge that I'm giving it a go. It is eating 800 grams of fruit and veggies a day, based on studies that show that those that eat that much tend to be healthier (and we all know fruits and veggies are good for us). As I mentioned, I've been working on keeping my intake up increasing the nutrient density of my diet so this is a way to focus on that. Personally, I'm not measuring, I don't own a scale and don't care to be that precise. 800 grams is approximately 6 cups of non-leafy veggies, 6 cups+ 2 cups of leafy veggies. 



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I had a bit of a crappy day yesterday, but I'm better now. I spoke with the constable in charge of the communication about my ds's case (he was the victim of a physical assault). The entire process of the court case is going to be a PITA, as my dh predicted. Could last up to a year and beyond (and probably see no actual "justice" in the end). Our goal is to simply focus on helping our son recover and get back to a normal life. That's a far better goal for me to focus on than worrying about anything else. 

It's freezing outside today at -20 C and -32 with the windchill. I'm supposed to go for a hike with friends this afternoon and it should be a little warmer by then. I need the "walk and talk" with friends, so I'm willing to brave the deep freeze out there! 😉

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3 minutes ago, soror said:

Thank you so much wintermom!!!

Oh, and ladies thought some might be interested one of my fitness and exercise groups have been going on about the 800 gram challenge that I'm giving it a go. It is eating 800 grams of fruit and veggies a day, based on studies that show that those that eat that much tend to be healthier (and we all know fruits and veggies are good for us). As I mentioned, I've been working on keeping my intake up increasing the nutrient density of my diet so this is a way to focus on that. Personally, I'm not measuring, I don't own a scale and don't care to be that precise. 800 grams is approximately 6 cups of non-leafy veggies, 6 cups+ 2 cups of leafy veggies. 

Um, that sounds like a lot of hard work for the digestive track. Might have to gradually work up to that (at least I would). Not to mention shopping almost daily to replenish the leafy veggies that good bad so quickly.  

I prefer your idea to just do your own thing and not measure. Sounds a lot more realistic and practical. 

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1 minute ago, wintermom said:

I had a bit of a crappy day yesterday, but I'm better now. I spoke with the constable in charge of the communication about my ds's case (he was the victim of a physical assault). The entire process of the court case is going to be a PITA, as my dh predicted. Could last up to a year and beyond (and probably see no actual "justice" in the end). Our goal is to simply focus on helping our son recover and get back to a normal life. That's a far better goal for me to focus on than worrying about anything else. 

It's freezing outside today at -20 C and -32 with the windchill. I'm supposed to go for a hike with friends this afternoon and it should be a little warmer by then. I need the "walk and talk" with friends, so I'm willing to brave the deep freeze out there! 😉

I'm so sorry, for all of it, I can't imagine the pain as a parent and then no justice. As you said helping your son however is the high priority. Fingers crossed for warmer weather for us both. If I could at least see the sun that would help immensely. It is cloudy, foggy, windy and sleety- ick.

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Just now, wintermom said:

Um, that sounds like a lot of hard work for the digestive track. Might have to gradually work up to that (at least I would). Not to mention shopping almost daily to replenish the leafy veggies that good bad so quickly.  

I prefer your idea to just do your own thing and not measure. Sounds a lot more realistic and practical. 

LOL, my digestive track can handle that and feel good when I eat that much, I just slip at times due to time, convenience, etc. I'm not going all precise here, just giving myself focus to help me get back where I want to be irt eating. I was focused on increasing protein and of course when I focused on it got it where I needed/wanted it, sometimes we have to give things a bit more attention to accomplish what we want, otherwise it is easy to think we are doing something but not really doing it.

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1 minute ago, soror said:

LOL, my digestive track can handle that and feel good when I eat that much, I just slip at times due to time, convenience, etc. I'm not going all precise here, just giving myself focus to help me get back where I want to be irt eating. I was focused on increasing protein and of course when I focused on it got it where I needed/wanted it, sometimes we have to give things a bit more attention to accomplish what we want, otherwise it is easy to think we are doing something but not really doing it.

That's good, then. I've got so many fruit and veggie allergies and produce loads of painful gas that I have to be really careful. And some of my proteins are giving me bad gas as well (salmon). It's challenging to find a well varied diet. 

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2 hours ago, wintermom said:

That's good, then. I've got so many fruit and veggie allergies and produce loads of painful gas that I have to be really careful. And some of my proteins are giving me bad gas as well (salmon). It's challenging to find a well varied diet. 

I'm sure it is challenging with food issues, that stinks 😞

I did 20 min movnat flow, sure felt the quads in all those low squat walks and the core in the rotations. I'm terrible at the rolls, find them incredibly nervewracking.

20 min workout w/ dd3- we did this Tues but missed it the last 2 days, she's been getting up late and we've been in the midst of school.

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@wintermom wow that's terrible about your son and I'm sorry you have to deal with the frustrating aftermath! 


Re: veggies.  Y'all know I love 'em!  But I have IBS and I have to be really careful about which ones I eat and in what form.  If I eat raw cruciferous veggies I will really really regret it.  I can only eat cooked cruciferous veggies in tiny amounts.  I end up having an absolutely enormous salad for lunch (base of diff types of lettuces, carrot, cuke, and tom) every day and then like half my supper is roasted veg like sweet potato, hard squash, red onion, parsnips, turnips, rutabagas, etc.  I miss sauteed kale and collards and roasted brussels sprouts!!!  IBS stinks.  I'm having serious issues this week because on Monday I dared to allow a little bit of oats into my GI tract.  Woe.

I think my biggest issue with veggies is plain ole cost.  Like half my shopping cart is veggies and it adds up so much, especially since, if any of it goes in something my husband will be eating, he prefers it to be organic. 

I had a nice lifting session this morning except I ran out of time for a couple things.  Soreness has mostly dissipated.

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7 hours ago, soror said:

Thank you so much wintermom and laura!!!

Oh, and ladies thought some might be interested one of my fitness and exercise groups have been going on about the 800 gram challenge that I'm giving it a go. It is eating 800 grams of fruit and veggies a day, based on studies that show that those that eat that much tend to be healthier (and we all know fruits and veggies are good for us). As I mentioned, I've been working on keeping my intake up increasing the nutrient density of my diet so this is a way to focus on that. Personally, I'm not measuring, I don't own a scale and don't care to be that precise. 800 grams is approximately 6 cups of non-leafy veggies, 6 cups+ 2 cups of leafy veggies. 



Hmmm. Today I ate about 3/4 of a large courgette, half a cup of blueberries, a cup of green peas, a cup of cooked lentils, an apple and a cup of broccoli. Husband was cooking. It would have been closer to your target if I had.

Edited by Laura Corin
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2 hours ago, IvyInFlorida said:

@wintermom wow that's terrible about your son and I'm sorry you have to deal with the frustrating aftermath! 


Re: veggies.  Y'all know I love 'em!  But I have IBS and I have to be really careful about which ones I eat and in what form.  If I eat raw cruciferous veggies I will really really regret it.  I can only eat cooked cruciferous veggies in tiny amounts.  I end up having an absolutely enormous salad for lunch (base of diff types of lettuces, carrot, cuke, and tom) every day and then like half my supper is roasted veg like sweet potato, hard squash, red onion, parsnips, turnips, rutabagas, etc.  I miss sauteed kale and collards and roasted brussels sprouts!!!  IBS stinks.  I'm having serious issues this week because on Monday I dared to allow a little bit of oats into my GI tract.  Woe.

I think my biggest issue with veggies is plain ole cost.  Like half my shopping cart is veggies and it adds up so much, especially since, if any of it goes in something my husband will be eating, he prefers it to be organic. 

I had a nice lifting session this morning except I ran out of time for a couple things.  Soreness has mostly dissipated.

Ugh, sorry for the tummy issues, it really stinks to not be able to eat yummy food b/c your body won't let you. I prefer cooked veggies too, I don't eat raw cruciferous, some say it is a no no w/ thyroid disease, others say NBD but I don't care for the taste of them raw. Cost does add up, I do most of my shopping at Aldi's and that helps but their selection isn't the widest.

2 hours ago, Laura Corin said:

Hmmm. Today I ate about 3/4 of a large courgette, half a cup of blueberries, a cup of green peas, a cup of cooked lentils, an apple and a cup of broccoli. Husband was cooking. It would have been closer to your target if I had.

Yummy food! Still sounds a good food day to me, I hear you though, some days are better than others, which is ok until there are too many bad ones in a row.

So far today:

1 cup bell pepper

2 handfuls of spinach

1/2 c red onion 



cup blueberries

1/2 pinto beans

1 cup or more asstd. veggies in lunch- tomatoes, purple cabbage, onion, cilantro, red pepper

Looks like I've hit my goal before dinner and I feel good about all the yummy food I've ate. I also got in my protein goals too.  No clue what I'm having for dinner, we are going to a catered dinner but it won't be food I can eat so I have to eat before we go which means I need to eat before 5. I often have a snack now but I'm not all that hungry, I focused hard on front loading calories yesterday and today to bypass the snack monster so I'm still fairly full. I guess I'll aim for a small meal and a snack when we get home maybe.

Oh, and I did go out for a walk. I totally overdressed b/c I didn't want to be cold. I did 4 miles on the local trail, it is so grown up, I entirely lost it for a good bit, felt the burn cutting through the hills trying to find it again and all my layers were getting heavy. Pace was 19m19s, not bad for the terrain and being so bundled up.

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I got in my hike in the woods with friends. It was still very cold. My entire body was covered except for my nose and mouth (so I could talk with friends), and that was the only body parts that became numb. This got me thinking that perhaps some of the facial numbness is simply damage from years of being super cold.

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There was a 1-mile benchmark at OT today.  I don't even usually go on Fridays, but this week's schedule has been all topsy-turvy.  Anyway, I ended up running it, just to see if I could.  I did!  I did most of it at 6.2mph, which is apparently a 9:40 pace, but for the last little bit I upped it to around 7mph, so my time was just under that. I was so excited to be done that I turned off the tread without checking the exact time. 🙄  We shall see how my knees do - I've still been mixing walking and running.  Yesterday I walked everything but three 30-sec. all-outs.

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18 hours ago, wintermom said:

I had a bit of a crappy day yesterday, but I'm better now. I spoke with the constable in charge of the communication about my ds's case (he was the victim of a physical assault). The entire process of the court case is going to be a PITA, as my dh predicted. Could last up to a year and beyond (and probably see no actual "justice" in the end). Our goal is to simply focus on helping our son recover and get back to a normal life. That's a far better goal for me to focus on than worrying about anything else. 

It's freezing outside today at -20 C and -32 with the windchill. I'm supposed to go for a hike with friends this afternoon and it should be a little warmer by then. I need the "walk and talk" with friends, so I'm willing to brave the deep freeze out there! 😉

I'm sorry to hear about your son.

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Happy Saturday morning!  I've got a special training class for folks working toward black belt this morning, which promises to be a sweaty, intense hour and a half.  That'll probably be the only time I'll have to put to actual exercise today...must grocery shop and food prep.  I read over the site that hosts the 800g challenge and it has definitely inspired me to up my veggie game a little.  The plates of colorful produce just look so good!  Hope everyone has a relaxing, fun weekend.

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9 minutes ago, IvyInFlorida said:

Happy Saturday morning!  I've got a special training class for folks working toward black belt this morning, which promises to be a sweaty, intense hour and a half.  That'll probably be the only time I'll have to put to actual exercise today...must grocery shop and food prep.  I read over the site that hosts the 800g challenge and it has definitely inspired me to up my veggie game a little.  The plates of colorful produce just look so good!  Hope everyone has a relaxing, fun weekend.

I managed two cups of veg at breakfast, but in weekdays I don't manage that. I like to have oats for breakfast because of the cholesterol effect, but I drink oatmilk, so may not need the oats.... Maybe something like ratatouille plus NF yoghurt.

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9 minutes ago, Laura Corin said:

I managed two cups of veg at breakfast, but in weekdays I don't manage that. I like to have oats for breakfast because of the cholesterol effect, but I drink oatmilk, so may not need the oats.... Maybe something like ratatouille plus NF yoghurt.


Yeah, breakfast is hard for me... I'm the only one awake and I like to keep it that way so I can get work done before 7am, haha.  I was thinking about my snacks though.  I usually have f.f. greek yogurt with 1/2 TB honey for morning snack and a smoothie of protein powder, banana, and almond milk for afternoon snack.  I can swap berries for the honey and add produce into the smoothie.  I already eat a ton of veg at lunch and supper, but I think snacks have room for improvement.

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