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30 Day Self-Reflection Challenge - Day 15


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My five worst habits are...


These don't necessarily need to be negative, right? Can we have a habit that might be viewed as bad that is actually good?

Do we have to look at bad habits and want to change them? What makes a habit bad? Is it hurting anyone else? Is it costing me money? Is it hurting me in any way? If I forego this habit, how will my life change? 


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I am almost never late -- which is a positive and a negative.  Good that I'm not late; bad that I drive everyone a little bit nuts trying to leave on time.

Staying up too late -- like 4 am late.

Not being aware of how much money I spend.

Spending too much time on the computer.  This is probably the hardest one.

Not enjoying my kids enough.

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Ooooo ... these are hard. Not because I don't have enough bad habits but because it's hard to decide which ones to share 😉

Maybe I'm too literal, but I can't wrap my brain around bad habits that might be good? To me a habit is bad if It's something about myself I would very much like to change but have trouble doing so because It's an almost automatic behavior I don't even think about most of the time.

My worst 5 are probably:

Biting/picking at my cuticles

Poor posture

Eating junk food when I'm stressed

Spending too much time on my phone 

Rehashing conversations in my head after the fact wishing I'd said something different and wondering what people thought about what I did say



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10 hours ago, Momto6inIN said:

Ooooo ... these are hard. Not because I don't have enough bad habits but because it's hard to decide which ones to share 😉

Maybe I'm too literal, but I can't wrap my brain around bad habits that might be good? To me a habit is bad if It's something about myself I would very much like to change but have trouble doing so because It's an almost automatic behavior I don't even think about most of the time.


I don't know if you're being too literal. I guess it depends on how we interpret the word 'worst'. Do our worst habits have to be bad?

For example, I have a chai habit (addiction) now extending to other teas. It doesn't harm anyone. I don't spend excessive amounts on tea supplies (yet). No one else is hurt by my drinking tea. But it's a habit. I drink tea first thing in the morning, when I'm stressed, when I'm reading, after a meal. I look at teas and tea accessories online when I have free time. Since I drink caffeinated and non caffeinated chai/tea, it's not strictly a caffeine addiction. 99% of my teas are also sugar free/low glycemic so it's not a sugar addiction. I consider this my worst habit but not a bad habit. 

I also have a habit of leaving my boots by the door. It's not harmful; annoying to my DH but it doesn't negatively affect either one of us and our lives wouldn't change any if I began to put them away. At least this is what I'm telling myself.  : )

Now I also do things like assume the worst of myself, put myself down before others have a chance to, believe I am not worthy of anything good or nice - but this is a mindset not a habit. 

This is why I like these prompts. They can really make a person think.

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I, like Momto6, can’t really compute a worst habit that might be good. I can compute a strongest habit that might be good, like, it’s extremely ingrained and I do it so automatically it’s hard for me to not do it...for me, making the bed in the morning is like this. It is almost as hard for me to leave the house without making my bed as it would be to leave without putting on pants. So that is a very strongly ingrained habit that is almost always either positive or neutral. It is only “bad” when I am running late for something and still feel compelled to make my bed.

One of my bad habits is on display right now: when I think I’ll just check on here before I do my next task. I sometimes have set a timer so I don’t get lost in a time vortex here and on FB, but it’s always shocking how fast fifteen or even thirty (or 60?!) minutes disappears on social media. When I have been most successful at not losing excess time to SM, it has been because I have completely logged out on my phone and iPad OR a couple times when I literally asked my kid to hide my iPad for a couple of days. A milder version of this is that sometimes I’ll leave my iPad in an inconvenient spot, which makes it much less likely that I’ll start mindlessly looking at SM. 

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