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Thoughtful kids(brag alert)


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My kids are amazingly selfless. I have ALWAYS had a real tree for Christmas. It is something that has always been important to me. When we bought this house earlier this year the previous owners left a beautiful fake tree for us. At the time I figured we'd just sell it closer to Christmas. However, a few weeks ago dh was completely blindsided and put at part-time. So, having the fake tree was a huge blessing because it was one less expense, really we would have likely done without a Christmas  tree this year if we didn't have it.

A few nights ago it dawned on my kids that we weren't going out to get a tree, even though I thought we had already discussed it. I have been upset about the idea but didn't share that with them until the other night. But that night while they sat there disappointed and trying to understand I let them know how sad I was about it too because a real tree has always been important to me. And I ended up crying because we couldn't afford to get them a tree(most of this was pregnancy hormones but also stress because we were scrambling to figure out how to survive while dh looked for more work.) 

Fast forward to today. The three oldest, ages 11, 9 ,and 6 go out somewhere with my dad. When they come home they walk me outside to my early Christmas present, a real tree! They had asked my dad to give them an advance on his gift to them, which is always $40 each, and they went in on buying a tree for dh and me.

We had a wonderful evening lighting it, decorating it, and watching Christmas Vacation. I just wanted to share with others the wonderful thing my children did for me today.

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32 minutes ago, MercyA said:

So sweet! ❤️

Praying that your DH will have full-time work soon. Hugs to you


29 minutes ago, arctic_bunny said:

Aw, how lovely of them and your dad. I hope things turn around for you soon.


Thank you. Dh actually accepted a job offer on Thursday. He starts in January so we are relieved. Still have to keep spending to necessary things only until that first paycheck comes.

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