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how to drive in snow (for the unitiated) . . .


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Being a Floridian, I saw this happen in real life for the first time over the weekend while visiting NH. I had never seen people drive so slowly in my life. I kept thinking to myself what a bunch wimps they must be..... until our car started sliding. After that, I was totally on board with slow and steady. Slower the better. 😂

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Yes, slow down, but I would pick steady and more distance between cars to avoid the need for sudden acceleration or braking.  I don’t see as many people stuck on hills as I used to since the advent of front wheel drive and traction control. Traction control has kept me from getting stuck on the hill at the end of my street many times - glorious use of technology!  My pet peeve is with people who speed by in their 4x4 or all wheel drive thinking that will help them on ice.  They obviously missed the unit on friction in physics class.

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3 hours ago, PinkTulip said:

I totally agree with the advice to slow down in the snow. Except when you’re going up a steep hill, you have to gun it a little or you’re never going to make it to the top. I hate it when people start creeping up a hill and then get stuck half-way up! 

we live in a steep hill, and we have to up to get out.  we park at the top - there is no "flat" area to get any sort of speed.  it's off our private road of three driveways - that is still an upslope - and turn onto the main, steep, hill.

last year, the guys in the rental down hill from us borrowed snow shovels to clear a path on the hill.  I threw down all my deicer where they had shovled to it would hopefully preserve their hard work. (otherwise, it would have just iced up. - which is a real problem here.)

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